
Kolibri Global Energy Inc. (KGEI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Kolibri Global Energy Inc. (KGEI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

moomoo AI ·  08/14 15:04  · 电话会议

The following is a summary of the Kolibri Global Energy Inc. (KGEI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Q2 2024 saw significant increases in production, revenue, and adjusted EBITDA.

  • Average production in Q2 rose 30% year-over-year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA increased 31% year-over-year to $10 million.

  • Net revenue for Q2 2024 increased 38% to $13.9 million.

  • Net income was $4.1 million in Q2 2024, down slightly from the prior year due to increased operating costs and deferred income tax expense.

  • Q2 2024年生产、营业收入和调整后EBITDA均有显著增长。

  • Q2的平均产量同比增长30%。

  • 调整后的EBITDA同比增长31%,达到1000万美元。

  • 2024年第二季度净收入为1390万美元,同比增长38%。

  • 由于运营成本和递延所得税支出增加,2024年第二季度的净收入为410万美元,略有下降。

Business Progress:


  • Kolibri's line of credit was increased to $50 million, enhancing financial flexibility.

  • Three new longer lateral wells began drilling, extending the Alicia Renee well series with aims to increase production efficiency and reserve additions.

  • Continuous efforts in drilling and completion improvements, and operational excellence in the field evidenced by increased production efficiency.

  • Strategic increase in reserves and company value via planned stock marketing.

  • Kolibri的信用额度提高到5000万美元,提升了财务灵活性。

  • 新的三个长水平井开始钻探,扩大Alicia Renee油井系列,旨在提高产量效率和储量增加。

  • 持续努力进行钻井和完井方面的改进,以及现场运营方面的卓越表现,体现在增加产量的效率上。

  • 通过计划的股票营销策略,战略性增加储备和公司价值。



  • Expansion into longer lateral drilling which is expected to improve per-foot productivity and potentially boost overall production economics.

  • Increased flexibility in financial operations with enhanced line of credit.

  • 扩展到更长的横向钻井,预计将提高每英尺的生产力,并有可能提高整体生产经济效益。

  • 增强信用额度,提高财务运营的灵活性。



  • The increase in operational costs, particularly G&A and water hauling costs, which offset the benefits of higher production and prices.

  • 运营成本增加,特别是一般和行政费用以及运水成本的增加,抵消了更高的产量和价格带来的好处。

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