share_log and Kantar Provide New Insight Into Impact of Individuals With Learning and Thinking Differences and Kantar Provide New Insight Into Impact of Individuals With Learning and Thinking Differences

PR Newswire ·  08/15 09:02

This joint initiative creates a guide for brands and businesses to enhance inclusivity by integrating the unique experience of these populations, particularly those with compounded marginalized identities, into research.


NEW YORK and LONDON, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today,, the leading nonprofit dedicated to supporting the 70 million people in the United States with learning and thinking differences, like ADHD and dyslexia, announced its partnership with Kantar, the world's leading marketing data and analytics business and indispensable brand partner to 96 of the world's 100 biggest advertisers. According to's Neurodiversity and Social Media Study, nearly 60% of Americans say they don't have a clear understanding of what learning and thinking differences are. The partnership will generate insights for people, brands and businesses on how to create more inclusive, impactful experiences, campaigns and policies for people with learning and thinking differences, through research that focuses on and incorporates the historically underserved demographic of people with learning and thinking differences. Reports include Kantar GLOBAL MONITOR, US MONITOR, and the Global Brand Inclusion Index.

2024年8月15日,纽约和伦敦 / PRNewswire - 今天, Understood.org是一个专注于塑造不同差异世界的非营利组织。我们提高人们对学习和思考不同的人们所面临的挑战、技能和优势的认识。我们的资源帮助人们应对挑战,增强自信,寻找支持和社区,以便他们能够茁壮成长。我们一起可以建立一个让每个人都能充分发挥潜力的世界。Understood.org是总部位于纽约的501(c)(3)组织。欲了解更多信息、捐赠或与我们合作,请访问,并关注我们的官方账号@UnderstoodOrg。美国有7000万人患有学习和思考障碍,如 ADHD和页面。诵读困难症宣布与 Kantar作为全球最大的96家广告商的必不可少的品牌合作伙伴和数据分析业务的全球领先者。根据 Understood.org的神经多样性和社交媒体研究,近60%的美国人表示他们不清楚学习和思考差异的概念。该合作伙伴将为人们、品牌和企业产生洞察力,探讨如何通过研究来为有学习和思考差异的人群创造更包容、更有影响力的体验、活动和政策,研究将聚焦并融合历史上被忽视的有学习和思考差异的人口统计学数据。报告包括Kantar GLOBAL MONITOR,US MONITOR和全球品牌包容指数。

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For purposes of this report, partnered with the Kantar MONITOR team and worked together to craft new questions, which were added to three of Kantar's existing surveys – Global MONITOR, U.S. MONITOR, and Global Brand Inclusion
为了本报告的目的,Understood.org与 Kantar MONITOR团队合作,共同制定了新问题,这些问题被添加到Kantar现有的三个调查中 - 全球MONITOR,美国MONITOR和全球品牌包容

This work comes at a critical point in time, where the number of people with learning and thinking differences is growing, yet businesses have little to no insight into their lived experiences. Kantar finds that globally, 11% of the population reports having a thinking or learning difference that might impact reading, writing, focus, math, or communicating with other people (Kantar Global MONITOR June 2024). When looking at the experiences of this group, Kantar's U.S. Brand Inclusion Index 2024 finds that the vast majority – 82% -- have experienced discrimination in the last year; the reasons vary from their age to their gender to their mental or physical abilities. This is twice the total population's incidence and the highest of any other group with a sample big enough to report. Further outlining the risk to brands, Kantar finds 58% of discrimination experiences took place at a commercial location, such as while shopping, at a restaurant, hotel, or other hospitality place, or other business environments in 2024.

这项工作正值人口学习和思考差异的人数增长关键时期,然而企业对他们的生活体验几乎一无所知。Kantar发现,在全球范围内,11%的人口报告存在可能影响阅读、写作、注意力、数学或与他人沟通的思维或学习差异(Kantar Global MONITOR 2024年6月)。当看到这一群体的经历时,Kantar的美国品牌包容指数2024发现,绝大多数 - 82% - 在过去一年中经历了歧视;原因包括年龄、性别、心理或身体能力等因素。这是总体人口的两倍以上,是任何其他有足够样本报告的群体中最高的。此外,Kantar发现,58%的歧视经历发生在商业地点,如购物、餐厅、酒店或其他商业环境中(2024年)。

"Clearly, we all could be doing more to create fair and positive experiences for all people, in particular individuals with learning and thinking differences and various accessibility needs," said Valeria Piaggio, Global Head of DEI, Kantar, "This demographic is often forgotten, but that's not only wrong from a human standpoint, it's wrong from a business perspective. We know this community is growing, and it's influential with $1.9 trillion in annual disposable income globally."

“显然,我们都可以为所有人创造公平和积极的体验,特别是那些具有学习和思考差异以及各种辅助需要的人群,” Kantar的多样性、包容和平等全球负责人Valeria Piaggio说道,“这个群体经常被遗忘,但这不仅是从人类角度来看是错误的,从商业角度来看也是错误的。我们知道,该群体正在增长,并且有着每年1.9万亿美元的全球可配备收入。”

"That's why I couldn't be more excited about our partnership with, which will help brands better understand how to reduce stigma, drive advocacy, and create safe and welcoming experiences for this powerful consumer audience."


The partnership's main goal is to evolve the way in which research is conducted about people's identity, identifying respondents with thinking and learning differences, and providing accessibility accommodations in the studies. The organizations' work together has already resulted in the inclusion of new custom questions in upcoming Kantar studies, including the Brand Inclusion Index and MONITOR reports.


Over the next few months, Kantar and will also be releasing:


  • Global MONITOR findings regarding the consumer experience of the global community of people with disabilities, including recommendations for how brands and organizations can better support them and the demographic's prevalence by market and the potentially unique experiences and desires of those with learning and thinking differences across categories & services (Fall 2024).
  • In-depth data on the intersectional identities of those with learning and thinking differences in the US, made possible by robust sample sizes of 11,000+ in Kantar's US MONITOR data. This report will showcase the intersectional identities of people with learning and thinking differences across gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other cross-demographics, and outline how brand considerations across innovation, marketing and hiring efforts (Fall 2024).
  • An additional chapter in Kantar's Global Brand Inclusion Index, featuring insights on how people with learning and thinking differences rate brands for inclusivity and identify and celebrate the brands who are leading the charge.
  • 全球MONITOR发现有关全球残疾人群体的消费者体验,包括品牌和组织如何更好地支持他们,以及该人群在市场上的普及程度以及具有学习和思考差异的人群在各类别和服务中的可能独特经历和需求的建议(2024年秋季)。
  • Understood.org与Kantar的US MONITOR数据的样本数量基础上,对具有学习和思考差异人群的交叉身份进行更深入的数据研究。该报告将展示具有学习和思考差异的人群在性别、种族、族裔、性取向和其他跨群体方面的交叉身份,并概述品牌在创新、市场和招聘工作中的考虑(2024年秋季)。
  • Kantar全球品牌包容指数的另一个章节,将提供有关如何评价具有学习和思考差异的人员对品牌包容性的见解,并识别和庆祝引领潮流的品牌。

"Gaining insights into the lived experiences of people who learn and think differently is crucial, as they represent a large market segment that is overlooked and underestimated," said Nathan Friedman,'s co-president and chief marketing officer. "This partnership will infuse accessibility into research, spurring brands to engage this significant consumer segment to foster revenue growth and brand loyalty while raising global awareness for neurodiverse people"

“深入了解不同学习和思考方式的人们的生活体验至关重要,因为他们代表着一个被忽视和低估的大市场,”Understood.org的联合主席兼首席营销官Nathan Friedman说道,“这种合作将在研究中注入无障碍设施,促使品牌吸引这一重要消费者群体以增加收入和品牌忠诚度,并提高神经多样性人群的全球意识。”

For more information on this research and to learn about the accessible opportunities for your brand, contact Kantar here:



关于 is a nonprofit focused on shaping the world for difference. We raise awareness of the challenges, skills, and strengths of people who learn and think differently. Our resources help people navigate challenges, gain confidence, and find support and community so they can thrive. Together, we can build a world where everyone can reach their full potential. is a 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in New York. For more information, to donate, or to partner with us, visit and follow us @UnderstoodOrg.

Understood.org是一个专注于塑造不同差异世界的非营利组织。我们提高人们对学习和思考不同的人们所面临的挑战、技能和优势的认识。我们的资源帮助人们应对挑战,增强自信,寻找支持和社区,以便他们能够茁壮成长。我们一起可以建立一个让每个人都能充分发挥潜力的世界。Understood.org是总部位于纽约的501(c)(3)组织。欲了解更多信息、捐赠或与我们合作,请访问,并关注我们的官方账号@UnderstoodOrg。 Understood.org是一个专注于塑造不同差异世界的非营利组织。我们提高人们对学习和思考不同的人们所面临的挑战、技能和优势的认识。我们的资源帮助人们应对挑战,增强自信,寻找支持和社区,以便他们能够茁壮成长。我们一起可以建立一个让每个人都能充分发挥潜力的世界。Understood.org是总部位于纽约的501(c)(3)组织。欲了解更多信息、捐赠或与我们合作,请访问,并关注我们的官方账号@UnderstoodOrg。 并关注我们的官方账号@UnderstoodOrg。

About Kantar


Kantar is the world's leading marketing data and analytics business and an indispensable brand partner to the world's top companies, including 96 of the world's 100 biggest advertisers.


We have a complete, unique and rounded understanding of people around the world: how they think, feel and act, globally and locally in over 90 markets.


We don't just help clients understand what's happened, we tell them why and how they can shape the future.


SOURCE Understood


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