
SFL – Second Quarter 2024 Results

SFL – Second Quarter 2024 Results

SFL – 2024年第二季度业绩报告
SFL Corp ·  08/14 00:00

Preliminary Q2 2024 results and quarterly cash dividend to $0.27 per share

2024 年第二季度初步业绩和季度现金分红至每股 0.27 美元

Hamilton, Bermuda, August 14, 2024, SFL Corporation Ltd. ("SFL" or the "Company") today announced its preliminary financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.

百慕大汉密尔顿,2024年8月14日,SFL有限公司(“SFL” 或 “公司”)今天公布了截至2024年6月30日的季度初步财务业绩。



  • 82nd consecutive quarterly dividend declared, $0.27 per share
  • Net profit of $20.6 million, or $0.16 per share in the second quarter
  • Received charter hire1 of $198.8 million in the quarter, including $4.4 million of profit share
  • Adjusted EBITDA2 of $123.3 million from consolidated subsidiaries, plus $7.8 million adjusted EBITDA2 from associated companies
  • New five year time charters for three 10,600 teu and four 8,700 teu vessels to Maersk adding approximately $485 million of backlog
  • Delivery of the newbuild LR2 product tanker SFL Tucana in June with two additional vessels due for delivery in Q3 and Q4
  • Delivery of the LNG dual-fuel 33,000 dwt chemical tanker SFL Aruba in August, with another vessel to be delivered later in Q3
  • Newbuild order for five LNG dual-fuel 16,800 teu container vessels with scheduled delivery in 2028, in combination with ten year time charters to a leading liner company
  • Issuance of 8 million common shares in a U.S. public offering subsequent to quarter end, raising $100 million gross proceeds
  • 连续第 82 个季度宣布分红,每股 0.27 美元
  • 第二季度净利润为2,060万美元,合每股盈利0.16美元
  • 本季度获得1.98亿美元的包机租金1,其中包括440万美元的利润分成
  • 调整后 EBITDA2 为1.233亿美元,来自合并子公司,加上来自关联公司的780万美元调整后的 EBITDA2
  • 向马士基提供三艘10,600标准箱和四艘8,700标准箱船的新五年定期租约,增加了约4.85亿美元的积压货物
  • 新建的LR2产品油轮SFL Tucana于6月交付,另外两艘船将于第三季度和第四季度交付
  • 液化天然气双燃料33,000载重吨化学品船SFL Aruba于8月交付,另一艘船将于第三季度晚些时候交付
  • Newbuild订购了五艘液化天然气双燃料16,800标准箱集装箱船,计划于2028年交付,同时向一家领先的班轮公司签订了为期十年的包租合约
  • 季度末后在美国公开发行中发行800万股普通股,筹集总收益1亿美元

Ole B. Hjertaker, CEO of SFL Management AS, said in a comment:

SFL Management AS首席执行官Ole B. Hjertaker在评论中说:

«We are pleased to execute on our growth strategy, and have added more than $2 billion to our charter backlog this year. This is a combination of vessel acquisitions and charter extensions on existing vessels, and the charter backlog now stands at nearly $5 billion.


Over the last decade, we have built up a high quality operational platform, which has enabled us to secure repeat transactions with our key customers. At the same time, we have continued to diversify our asset mix and expanding our customer base. This has enabled us to refine our business model from being a financing provider to facilitate maritime infrastructure for logistics companies.


The recently announced newbuild deal for five large container vessels marks another milestone investment for SFL. With these vessels delivered, we will have 11 LNG dual-fuel vessels, which demonstrates our commitment to continue expanding our investment focus to assets with a lower carbon footprint whilst ensuring significant visibility through ten year firm charters.»


Quarterly Dividend


The Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.27 per share. The dividend will be paid on or around September 27. The record date and ex-dividend date on the New York Stock Exchange will be September 11, 2024.


The full report can be found in the link below and at the Company's website


Webcast and Presentation


In connection with the earnings release, a webcast will be held today at 10:00 AM (EST) / 4:00 PM (CET)

与财报发布相关的网络直播将于今天上午 10:00(美国东部标准时间)/下午 4:00(欧洲中部时间)举行

In order to listen to the webcast and see the presentation, you may do one of the following:


A: Join Webcast in Listen Only Mode:
Visit the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at and click on the link to webcasts, or access directly via the webcast link below. The webcast with slideshow will be played from this platform:

答:在 “仅收听” 模式下加入网络直播:
访问公司网站的 “投资者关系” 部分,点击网络直播链接,或通过下面的网络直播链接直接访问。带有幻灯片的网络直播将在此平台上播放:

SFL Corporation Ltd. Q2 2024 Webcast

B: Join Conference Call to Participate in Live Q&A through Zoom:
Join through the Zoom link below to ask a question:
SFL Q2 2024 Q&A

SFL 有限公司 2024 年第二季度网络直播

B:加入电话会议,通过 Zoom 参与实时问答:
通过下方的 Zoom 链接加入提问:
SFL 2024 年第二季度问答

Meeting ID: 932 3249 7638
Passcode: 718030

会议 ID:932 3249 7638

In conjunction with the quarterly results, we have published a short video in which Ole Hjertaker, CEO of SFL, discusses the highlights of the second quarter. The video can be accessed through SFL Corporation Ltd.'s linkedin profile.

结合季度业绩,我们还发布了一段简短的视频,其中SFL首席执行官Ole Hjertaker讨论了第二季度的亮点。该视频可通过 SFL Corporation Ltd. 观看。”的领英个人资料。

The presentation material used in the webcast may be downloaded at and replay details are also available at this Company website.


Questions may be directed to SFL Management AS:

问题可以直接向 SFL 管理层提问 AS:

Investor and Analyst Contact


Aksel C. Olesen, Chief Financial Officer: +47 23114036
André Reppen, Chief Treasurer & Senior Vice President: +47 23114055
Sander Borgli, Vice President – IR: +47 23114073

Aksel C. Olesen,首席财务官:+47 23114036
首席财务主管兼高级副总裁安德烈·雷彭:+47 23114055
Sander Borgli,投资者关系副总裁:+47 23114073

Media Contact


Ole B. Hjertaker, Chief Executive Officer: +47 23114011

Ole B. Hjertaker,首席执行官:+47 23114011

About SFL
SFL has a unique track record in the maritime industry and has paid dividends every quarter since its initial listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2004. The Company's fleet of vessels is comprised of tanker vessels, bulkers, container vessels, car carriers and offshore drilling rigs. SFL's long term distribution capacity is supported by a portfolio of long term charters and significant growth in the asset base over time. More information can be found on the Company's website:

关于 SFL

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward looking statements. These statements are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including SFL management's examination of historical operating trends, data contained in the Company's records and other data available from third parties. Although SFL believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control, SFL cannot give assurance that it will achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or intentions.


Important factors that, in the Company's view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward looking statements include the strength of world economies, fluctuations in currencies and interest rates, general market conditions in the seaborne transportation industry, which is cyclical and volatile, including fluctuations in charter hire rates and vessel values, changes in demand in the markets in which the Company operates, including shifts in consumer demand from oil towards other energy sources or changes to trade patterns for refined oil products, changes in market demand in countries which import commodities and finished goods and changes in the amount and location of the production of those commodities and finished goods, technological innovation in the sectors in which we operate and quality and efficiency requirements from customers, increased inspection procedures and more restrictive import and export controls, changes in the Company's operating expenses, including bunker prices, dry docking and insurance costs, performance of the Company's charterers and other counterparties with whom the Company deals, the impact of any restructuring of the counterparties with whom the Company deals, and timely delivery of vessels under construction within the contracted price, governmental laws and regulations, including environmental regulations, that add to our costs or the costs of our customers, potential liability from pending or future litigation, potential disruption of shipping routes due to accidents, political instability, terrorist attacks, piracy or international hostilities, the length and severity of the coronavirus outbreak and governmental responses thereto and the impact on the demand for commercial seaborne transportation and the condition of the financial markets, and other important factors described from time to time in the reports filed by the Company with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. SFL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


1 Charter hire represents the amounts billable in the period by the Company and its associates for chartering out vessels and rigs. This is mainly the contracted daily rate multiplied by the number of chargeable days plus any additional billable income, including profit share. Long term charter hire relates to contracts undertaken for a period greater than one year. Short term charter hire relates to contracts undertaken for a period less than one year, including voyage charters.
2 'Adjusted EBITDA' is a non-U.S. GAAP measure. It represents cash receipts from operating activities before net interest and capital payments.

1 包机租金是指公司及其关联公司在此期间因租用船只和钻机而应计的账单金额。这主要是合同规定的每日费率乘以计费天数加上任何额外的应计费收入,包括利润分成。长期包机租赁涉及期限超过一年的合同。短期包机租赁涉及期限不到一年的合同,包括航行租赁。
2 “调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润” 是非美国的GAAP 衡量标准。它代表在净利息和资本支付之前来自经营活动的现金收入。



  • SFL – Second Quarter 2024 Results
  • SFL — 2024 年第二季度业绩
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