
Intterra Launches New Mission Readiness Assessment Tool

Intterra Launches New Mission Readiness Assessment Tool

PR Newswire ·  08/16 11:00

Intterra, the national leader in common operating platform software for first responders releases a new tool to assess the situational awareness technology stacks of fire and emergency management agencies.


CASTLE ROCK, Colo., Aug. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Since its inception, Intterra has strived to serve and improve the lives of first responders. This commitment has led them to building the world's first technology assessment tool specifically built for fire agencies & emergency responders, and give access to it completely free.

2024年8月16日-科罗拉多州罗克城 / PRNewswire /。自成立以来,Intterra一直致力于为消防员提供服务和改善生活。这一承诺引领他们建造了世界上第一个专门为消防机构和应急响应人员构建的技术评估工具,并完全免费提供此工具的使用权。

To our knowledge this information has never been gathered in a single place before.


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This assessment provides completely unique results based on the users' selection and provides scores based on their mission readiness. Intterra's team scoured the industry to help organize each available resource into an easily digestible format so that first responders and command can understand who their best partner might be. "No single piece of tech can solve every problem, it takes a full network of people, resources and coordination. This can cause complex systems and create isolated environments that first responders are required to navigate through during times when seconds matter," said Adam Gotlieb, Chief Product Officer at Intterra.

这种评估提供基于用户选择的完全独特的结果,并根据其任务准备情况得出分数。 Intterra的团队梳理了整个行业,以帮助将每个可用资源组织成易于消化的格式,以便消防人员和指挥人员可以了解他们可能的最佳合作伙伴。 Intterra的首席产品官Adam Gotlieb说:“没有一种单一的技术可以解决所有问题,需要一个由人、资源和协调组成的完整网络。这可能会导致复杂的系统并创建孤立环境,消防员在需要在秒数内进行导航时必须穿越这些环境。” “由于有这么多不可思议的组织和技术可用于我们正在努力实现的目标,我们想要消除障碍,帮助客户朝着实现其独特和具体目标的方向前进。我们的评估工具将从开始。。。到结束。。。到恢复正常状态,所有关于实现社区恢复的方面都已纳入其中。通过我们的评估工具,客户能够选择其机构的独特关注领域,了解他们当前为情境感知技术与谁合作,并确定其覆盖范围中存在的潜在差距。据我们所知,此信息以前从未汇总在同一地方。” Intterra的品牌和社区负责人Max Storm说。

"With so many incredible organizations and technologies available to the goals we are all trying to accomplish, we want to clear the smoke, we want to help customers navigate toward accomplishing their unique and specific goals. Every aspect of attaining community resilience has been built into our tool to accomplish this, from the beginning... to the end... to the return to normal. Through our assessment tool, customers are able to select their agency's unique focus areas, who they currently partner with for situational awareness technology and identify potential gaps in their coverage. To our knowledge this information has never been gathered in a single place before," said Max Storm, Head of Brand & Community at Intterra.


Through years of customer-centric work and service, Intterra has been able to build a comprehensive tool that ultimately ties back to what they have always strived to achieve, improving the lives of first responders. Today, they are proud to launch this ground-breaking and completely free tool to the fire service and emergency response community.


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关于Intterra:Intterra是一家值得信赖的跨机构常规操作平台,为消防员、应急响应人员和私营部门提供实时情境感知软件。Intterra的软件使社区可以共享情境信息,并随着其实时发展来响应风险和事件。Intterra已经获得一些最繁忙的消防机构的信任,为部门和机构提供见解和分析,使用户可以在一个集中的视觉界面中访问所有部门相关数据。自2010年以来,Intterra一直致力于为消防机构提供大数据解决方案,以确保他们将更好地受到信息,更加灵活,更加安全,并最终为他们的社区带来更大的价值。 &

About Intterra:


Intterra is a trusted interagency common operational platform providing real-time situational awareness software for firefighters, first responders, and the private sector. Intterra's software allows communities to share situational information and respond to risks and events as they develop in real-time. Trusted by some of the busiest firefighting agencies in the US, Intterra empowers departments and agencies with insights and analytics, allowing users to access all of a department's relevant data in one centralized visual interface. Since 2010, Intterra has been on a mission to arm fire agencies with big-data solutions to ensure they'll be better informed, more flexible, safer, and ultimately more valuable to their communities.


Media Contact:
Max Storm
[email protected]

Max Storm
[email protected]

SOURCE Intterra


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