
Tencent In Talks With Apple Over App Store Commission on Mini Game

Tencent In Talks With Apple Over App Store Commission on Mini Game

钛媒体 ·  08/16 22:43

TMTPost -- Tencent Holdings Ltd., the world's largest video game vendor, confirmed a recent report about Apple Inc.'s friction on App Store commission on in-app purchases from game developers in China.





There are tensions between the game industry or the digital content industry and app stores, Tencent Chief Strategy Officer James Mitchell admitted at an earnings conference earlier this week. Mitchell told analysts the root cause of such tensions is that the game industry feels the app store charge. For the game industry, a 30% app store fee on games and other forms of digital content is a very onerous burden, while the app stores would argue they provide beneficial ecosystem that is supportive of this digital can change, Mitchell said.

腾讯首席策略官James Mitchell在本周早些时候的业绩会上承认游戏界或数字内容行业与应用商店之间存在紧张关系。米切尔告诉分析师,这种紧张关系的根源在于游戏业界对应用商店的收费感到不满。为游戏企业而言,应用商店收取30%的游戏和其他形式的数字内容费用是非常繁琐的负担,而应用商店则会认为它们提供的生态系统对数字变革非常支持。米切尔表示,这是由于外界对当前情况的性质存在一些误解,因为腾讯并未通过应用内交易来获取iOS上的许多游戏的利润,它正在与苹果商讨解决方案,该方案将符合两家公司、游戏开发商和用户的利益。

As to some of the press commentary around the mini-game on iOS devices, Mitchell said there are some misunderstandings on the nature of the current sitution since Tencent doesn't monetize many games on iOS through in-app transactions and is discussing with Apple to seek a solution that will be in interests of both companies, the game developers and the users.


"We want to make it available on terms that we think are economically sustainable, that are also fair. And so that's a discussion that's underway, and we hope that the discussion leads to a positive outcome," Mitchell said. "But in the event that discussion doesn't progress, then the current status quo continues. In the event that the discussion does progress, then that's incremental revenue for us, incremental revenue for game developers, potentially incremental revenue for Apple and certainly a better experience for Apple users."


Earlier this month, Bloomberg cited sources that Apple has asked Tecent and ByteDance these months to close payment loopholes that allow users of WeChat and Douyin to enjoy external services like playing games, ride-hailing through links in mini-apps, which effectively circumuvents Apple App Store's standard 30% commission.

多位行业内部人士星期一向中国数字新闻媒体The Paper证实,Bloomberg发表的有关苹果寻求关闭应用内佣金漏洞的报道是确实的。其中一位知情人士告诉媒体,苹果向腾讯和字节跳动施加压力主要针对蓬勃发展的迷你游戏市场。对于抖音而言,苹果的做法不仅针对迷你游戏,而且针对近年来非常受欢迎的短剧业务。这个行业也是逃避所谓的“苹果税”(即苹果应用商店和应用内支付系统收取的佣金费用)的最受打击的领域。


Apple was reported to warned Tencent in May that it may reject essential WeChat updates unless the developer eradicates links that mini-game developers use to accept payment off Apple's platform. Months later, Apple reportedly demanded Tencent to disable a key in-game messaging feature that also diverted users. Tencent hasn't compromised due to concern that Apple's proposed change would have negative impact on user experience. The Shenzhen-based company did agree to close a loophole that enables proliferation of web links that developers were circulating with a WeChat update in early July.


The Bloomberg report about Apple's seeking to close in-app commission loophole is true, multiple industry insiders confirmed to Chinese digital news media outlet The Paper Monday. One of the insiders told the media that Apple's pressure on Tencent and ByteDance largely targets the booming mini-game market. For Douyin, Apple's move does not only hit mini-games, but also the short drama business that has been very popular in recent years. The business was also the hardest hit area for evading the so-called "Apple tax", which meas the commission fee Apple charges for the use of its App Store and in-app payment system.

多名行业内部人士向中国数字新闻媒体The Paper证实,彭博社关于苹果寻求关闭应用内佣金漏洞的报道是真实的。其中一名知情人士告诉媒体,苹果对腾讯和字节跳动的压力主要针对蓬勃发展的迷你游戏市场。对于抖音而言,苹果的做法不仅针对迷你游戏,而且针对近年来非常受欢迎的短剧业务。这个行业也是逃避所谓的“苹果税”(即苹果应用商店和应用内支付系统收取的佣金费用)的最受打击的领域。

Apple, WeChat and Douyin have not reached an agreement yet, The Paper learned. "Apple's forced pressure mainly aims to ease its own pressure on revenue," said Zhang Jun, the operator of the popular mini-game "Sheep and Sheep" and former CEO of a Chinese game developer Baozou Games. "Apple's revenue in China has declined, while the mini-game market is growing rapidly, so (Apple), the distributor hopes to get a piece of the pie."

The Paper得知,苹果、微信和抖音尚未达成一致。“苹果的压力主要是为了减轻其自身的收入压力,”流行迷你游戏《问答群英会》的开发者张军说,“苹果在中国的收入已经下降,而迷你游戏市场却在快速增长,所以(苹果)这个分销商希望能分一杯羹。”

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