
Charity Navigator Announces Its 2024 Community Choice Awards Winners

Charity Navigator Announces Its 2024 Community Choice Awards Winners

Charity Navigator宣布2024年社区选择奖获胜者
PR Newswire ·  08/17 08:35

Honoring community favorite top-rated charities across four size categories


NEW YORK, Aug. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To celebrate National Nonprofit Day, Charity Navigator is proud to announce the winners of its second annual Community Choice Awards, which recognize and celebrate the exceptional work of top-rated charities. Each of the winning organizations has earned Charity Navigator's highly valued four-star rating across all four beacons: Leadership & Adaptability, Accountability & Finance, Culture & Community, and Impact & Measurement. The winners were determined by the total number of votes received by supporters within each revenue size-based category.

2024年8月17日,纽约,/PRNewswire/--为了庆祝全国非营利组织日, 慈善评估网 自豪地宣布其第二届 社区选择奖,以表彰并庆祝评分最高慈善机构的卓越工作。每个获奖组织在领导力和适应能力、问责和财务、文化和社区以及影响和测量四个指标中都获得了慈善评估网非常重视的四星级评分。获胜者是根据每个收入规模类别的支持者获得的总票数而确定的。 有超过74,000张选票,以下组织获胜:优秀领导和适应性、责任与财务、文化和社区、影响和评估。获胜者是由各个基于营业收入规模的类别内的支持者所获得的总票数决定的。

With over 74,000 votes cast, the following organizations won:


Small-Sized Category: Rainbow Place Shelter – A winter emergency overnight shelter for homeless women in Montgomery County, MD, Rainbow Place focuses on keeping women safe during the harsh winter months and helps them transition out of homelessness.

小型类别: Rainbow Place Shelter——位于马里兰州蒙哥马利县的冬季紧急避难所,专注于在严寒的冬季保护妇女的安全并帮助她们脱离无家可归的境地。

Medium-Sized Category: Fellow Mortals - Provides professional medical and support services for 2,000 wild animals annually from 120 communities in Wisconsin and Illinois; wildlife education and assistance provided 365 days a year; online educational and instructional tools to assist the public in preventing unnecessary injury and orphaning of wildlife.

中型类别: Fellow Mortals——每年为来自威斯康星州和伊利诺伊州120个社区的2,000只野生动物提供专业的医疗和支持服务;全年提供野生动物教育和援助;提供在线教育和指导工具以帮助公众预防野生动物不必要的伤害和孤立的情况。

Large-Sized Category: Center for Biological Diversity – Works to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction, through science, law, and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters, and climate that species need to survive.

大型类别: Center for Biological Diversity——致力于通过科学、法律和创意媒体为濒临灭绝的各种物种,无论大小都保障未来,在保护物种生存所需的土地、水域和气候方面发挥作用。

Super-Sized Category: PAN Foundation - Helps underinsured people with life-threatening, chronic, and rare diseases get the medications and treatments they need by assisting with their out-of-pocket costs and advocating for improved access and affordability.

特大型类别: PAN Foundation 通过协助支付患者的个人费用并推动改善医药品的准入和价格,帮助存在生命威胁、慢性和罕见病的未充分保险人群获得所需的药物和治疗。

"The Community Choice Awards shine a light on outstanding charities making a difference in their communities. Congratulations to the winners and all the nominees for this year's awards," says Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator. "A huge thank you to all who voted and participated, and please remember that your action drives change."

“社区选择奖”为那些在所在社区做出巨大贡献的优秀慈善机构点赞。Charity Navigator总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·撒切尔(Michael Thatcher)表示:“向获奖者和今年所有提名者表示祝贺。感谢所有投票和参与的人,大家的行动推动着变革。”

Winning organizations will be prominently featured on Charity Navigator's Popular Charities section for one year with enhanced visibility on all platforms. This includes an email to Charity Navigator's extensive list of donors, top placement on the website, social media highlights, and potential for media visibility. To learn more, visit

获胜机构将在一个月的时间里受到突出的关注。此外,在所有平台上都有更好的展现机会。这包括一封电子邮件通知Charity Navigator广大捐赠者、网站重点标注、社交媒体重要信息,并有媒体关注的潜力。要了解更多信息,请登录。 Charity Navigator的热门慈善机构栏目 网站的热门慈善机构栏目

About Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator is a 501(c)(3) organization that guides intelligent giving with the nation's largest, most comprehensive charity evaluation tool. The organization helps donors easily identify U.S.-registered charities making a difference on the issues they care about most while helping charities better understand their donors, deliver on impact, increase awareness and build trust. Learn more at

关于Charity Navigator
Charity Navigator是一个501(c)(3)的公益机构,通过美国最大、最全面的慈善机构评估工具,帮助捐助者轻松地识别在最关心问题上有所作为的美国注册慈善机构,同时帮助慈善机构更好地了解他们的捐赠者,发挥影响力,在提高知名度和建立信任方面加强重要性。了解更多请登录。

SOURCE Charity Navigator

资料来源:Charity Navigator

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