
Rising Food Costs and Supply Chain Strains: How Agritech Companies Are Responding

Rising Food Costs and Supply Chain Strains: How Agritech Companies Are Responding

PR Newswire ·  08/19 09:45

USA News Group Commentary
Issued on behalf of Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc.

代表Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc.发布

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- USA News Group – A new commentary from the University of Guelph is sounding the alarm about our fragile food supply chain, that the authors claim was "built for a world that no longer exists". According to the UN World Food Program USA, hunger, famine, and rising food costs are happening around the world. Helping to meet today's food needs around the world, the World Economic Forum is applauding advancements in a vast and complex supply chain, pointing towards a global food market expected to be worth $9.12 trillion, growing at a CAGR of 6.7%. Among the groups working to better secure the global food supply chain from crop to plater are innovative companies that include Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. (CSE: BEE) (OTCQB: BEVVF), Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALM), Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ: CVGW), Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR), and FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC).

加拿大BC省温哥华市,2024年8月19日/PRNewswire/ -- 美国新闻集团——来自Guelph大学的一篇新评论提醒人们,我们脆弱的食品供应链正面临警报,作者称它是“建立在一个不复存在的世界上”。根据联合国世界粮食计划USA,全球饥饿、饥荒和食品成本上涨的现象在发生。为了满足全球当下的食品需求,世界经济论坛赞扬了庞大而复杂的供应链取得的进步,指向了一个预计将达到9.12万亿美元、以6.7%的复合年增长率增长的全球食品市场。致力于保障从种植到餐桌的全球食品供应链的机构之一是一些创新公司,其中包括Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. (CSE: BEE) (OTCQB: BEVVF), 美国达尔令国际 (NASDAQ: CALM), 卡拉沃养殖 (NASDAQ: CVGW), Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR)和FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC)。

One notable innovator that's developing potential game-changing solutions is Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. (BVT) (CSE: BEE) (OTCQB: BEVVF), which employs commercially-reared bees to deliver biological pesticide alternatives directly to crops. This innovative approach is making strides in the $250 billion crop protection and fertilizer industry.

一家值得注意的创新者是Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. (BVT) (CSE: BEE) (OTCQB: BEVVF),它利用商业养殖的蜜蜂直接向作物传送生物农药替代品。这种创新方法正在向价值2500亿美元的作物保护和肥料行业迈进。

BVT is concentrating on the development of biological agricultural products ("biologicals") designed to replace traditional chemical pesticides and fertilizers. The biologicals sector is witnessing remarkable growth, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.3%. This market is expected to reach a valuation of US$45.3 billion by 2032, according to research from DataHorizzon.


Most recently, BVT received official approval in Mexico from the country's health authority responsible for registration of plant protection products, COFEPRIS. As per the announcement, BVT's proprietary Vectorite with Clonostachys Rosea CR-7 (CR-7) was approved for use as a fungicide on commercial crops.

最近,BVT在墨西哥获得了该国负责植物保护产品注册的卫生管理局COFEPRIS的官方批准。根据公告,BVT的Vectorite with Clonostachys Rosea CR-7 (CR-7) 获得了在商业作物上用作杀真菌剂的批准。

"The success of BVT receiving regulatory approval for its product in Mexico is consistent with our strategy to focus on increasing the Company's addressable market through geographic market expansion," said Ashish Malik, CEO of BVT. "With US EPA approval in 2019, and now by adding Mexico COFEPRIS approval allowing BVT's CR-7 to be sold in Mexico for the first time, we have significantly increased the market opportunity for commercial sales of the Company's proprietary biological fungicide."

“BVT的产品在墨西哥获得法规批准的成功符合了我们将重点放在通过地理市场扩张增加公司可寻址市场的策略,” BVT首席执行官Ashish Malik说。 “在2019年获得美国环保署的批准,现在再加上墨西哥COFEPRIS的批准允许BVT的CR-7首次在墨西哥销售,这极大地增加了公司专有生物杀真菌剂的商业销售市场机会。”

The approval covers delivery of CR-7 using both bumble bees and honeybees on various high value crops, including the berry group of crops and indoor vegetables. Mexico's agricultural sector presents a significant market opportunity for BVT's natural precision agriculture system.

该批准涵盖了使用熊蜂和蜜蜂在各种高价值作物上传送 CR-7,包括浆果作物和室内蔬菜。墨西哥的农业部门为BVT的自然精准农业系统提供了巨大的市场机会。

In 2019, the country's production included 41,600 acres of strawberries, 12,100 acres of blueberries, and over 377,000 acres of tomatoes and peppers. That same year, the U.S. imported fresh and processed fruits and vegetables from Mexico valued at US$15.6 billion. While Mexico currently spends US$1.3 billion annually on pesticides, a growing number of growers are shifting toward biological alternatives that enhance quality, improve food safety, and reduce reliance on chemicals.


"Having already completed demos with some berry growers in Mexico, and with the registration now in hand, BVT is in a great place to secure a commercial arrangement with a partner to bring our system to market in Mexico," added Malik. "Mexico is a strategic market for BVT – being an export-oriented country where the growers are keen to adopt low- or no-chemical solutions to fight diseases and increase crop yields, BVT's all-natural solution together with the classification of CR-7 being exempt from residue tolerance in the US, will provide them with a competitive advantage."

“在墨西哥已经与一些浆果种植者完成演示后,现在获得注册,BVT将是与合作伙伴达成商业协议,将我们的系统推向墨西哥市场的有利地位,” Malik补充说。“墨西哥是BVT的战略市场——它是一个以出口为导向的国家,种植者渴望采用低或无化学品的解决方案来抵御疾病并提高作物产量,BVT的全天然解决方案与CR-7在美国排除残留宽容度的分类一起,将为他们提供竞争优势。”

In the past year, BVT has also reached important milestones, including starting trials in Spain with Agrobío, and partnering with MBFi in South Africa. Additionally, BVT achieved its first sale of CR-7 to BioSafe Systems. Motivated by the successful results from the Michigan State University trial, BVT plans to replicate these trials in the coming years to further confirm the effectiveness of CR-7.

在过去的一年中,BVT还实现了重要的里程碑,包括在西班牙与Agrobío开始试验,并与南非的MBFi合作。此外,BVT实现了CR-7首次销售给BioSafe Systems。受到密歇根州立大学试验成功的结果的激励,BVT计划在未来几年内复制这些试验,以进一步确认CR-7的有效性。

Prior to releasing its Q4 2024 and FY 2024 financial results, Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALM) further strengthened its title of the largest producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs in the USA by acquiring the egg production assets of ISE America.

在发布Q4 2024和2024财年财务业绩之前,Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALM)通过收购ISE America的蛋制品资产进一步巩固了在美国鲜贝蛋生产和分销业的最大生产商和经销商的头衔。

The acquired ISE assets encompass commercial shell egg production and processing facilities with a current capacity of approximately 4.7 million laying hens, including 1.0 million cage-free hens and 1.2 million pullets. The acquisition also includes feed mills, around 4,000 acres of land, inventories, and an egg products breaking facility. Additionally, the assets feature an extensive customer distribution network across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, with production operations located in Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and South Carolina.


"We are excited about the opportunity to significantly enhance our market reach in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states with the acquisition of these assets from ISE," said Sherman Miller, President and CEO of Cal-Maine Foods. "The added production and distribution capabilities will allow us to serve new customers and expand capacity, particularly in the Northeast, which is largely a new territory for Cal-Maine Foods."

Cal-Maine Foods总裁兼首席执行官Sherman Miller表示:“收购ISE的资产使我们非常兴奋,这将使我们在东北和中大西洋州显著增强市场覆盖。增加的产能和分销能力将使我们能够为新客户服务并扩大产能,特别是在Cal-Maine Foods基本上是未开发的东北地区。”

Coming off of the sale of its Fresh Cut business for $83 million, Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ: CVGW) is now even more focused on its flagship avocado operations, along with its other quality produce that includes tomatoes and papayas. Prior to the sale, Calavo reported its Q2 2024 financial results, which included a 16.5% increase in total net sales from the prior year quart to $184.4 million, and an 18.9% increase in its grown segment sales.

在将其新鲜切割业务出售8300万美元后,Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ: CVGW)现在将更加专注于其旗舰鳄梨业务,以及其其他质量产品,包括番茄和木瓜。在出售之前,Calavo报告了2024财年第二季度的财务业绩,总净销售额从去年同期的1.6亿美元增长了16.5%,种植部门销售额增长了18.9%。

"We are pleased to announce that the sale of our Fresh Cut business has been finalized, which will allow us to focus on our core avocado and guacamole businesses," said Lee Cole, President and CEO of Calavo Growers. "We would like to thank the team members of the Fresh Cut business for their hard work and years of service to Calavo."

Calavo Growers总裁兼首席执行官Lee Cole表示:“我们很高兴地宣布,我们的新鲜切割业务的销售已经完成,这将使我们能够专注于我们的核心鳄梨和鳄梨酱业务。我们要感谢Fresh Cut业务的团队成员为Calavo服务的多年辛勤工作。”

Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR) is an innovative company that takes material from the animal agriculture and food industries, and transforms them into valuable ingredients that nourish people, feed animals and crops, and fuel the world with renewable energy. Recently Darling announced a target to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions 42% by 2030, which aligns with its commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR)是一家创新公司,从动物农业和食品行业中提取材料,并将它们转化为有价值的成分,用于滋养人类、喂养动物和作物,并用可再生能源为世界提供动力。最近,达能宣布了一个目标,到2030年减少范围1和2的排放量42%,这与其对科学基础目标倡议(SBTi)的承诺相一致。

"Darling Ingredients plays an important role in circularity. We help entire industries be less wasteful and more sustainable by providing valuable ingredients that help lower our customers' carbon footprint," said Randall C. Stuewe, Chairman and CEO of Darling Ingredients. "2023 was a year of setting up for continued success, and I'm excited for the future as we look to further strengthen our business in a sustainable way."

Darling Ingredients董事长兼首席执行官Randall C. Stuewe表示:“Darling Ingredients在循环利用中发挥着重要的作用。我们通过提供有助于降低客户碳足迹的有价值成分,帮助整个行业减少浪费和更可持续。2023年是一个为持续发展奠定基础的一年,我对未来感到兴奋,我们正在努力在可持续的方式下进一步加强我们的业务。”

Back in April, Darling announced it had identified collagen peptide profiles for targeted health benefits. During scientific trials, these active collagen peptide profiles demonstrated that collagen can be beneficial for a variety of common health and wellness concerns, such as reducing post-meal blood sugar spike, in a natural way, in healthy individuals.


Leading global agricultural sciences company FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC) recently released its Q2 2024 earnings report, which showcased the company at the higher end of its guidance range, and led to an update on its full-year outlook. Within the report, FMC reported revenue of $1.04 billion, up 2% from Q2 2023, and an adjusted EBITDA of $202 million, up 8% over the same period.


"Demand improved during the second quarter, resulting in a pronounced increase in our sales volumes, most notably within the United States and Brazil, despite customers continuing to actively manage inventory," said Pierre Brondeau, Chairman and CEO of FMC. "Higher sales, as well as cost benefits from our ongoing restructuring, led to adjusted EBITDA toward the high end of our guidance range."

“第二季度需求有所改善,尽管客户继续积极管理库存,但我们的销售量显著提高,尤其是在美国和巴西市场。” FMC董事长兼首席执行官Pierre Brondeau表示,“更高的销售额以及我们不断重组带来的成本效益,导致我们的调整后EBITDA在我们的指导范围的高端。”

Prior to the report, FMC signed a definitive agreement to sell its Global Specialty Solutions (GSS) business to Envu for $350 million. And prior to that, FMC obtained registration in Brazil for two herbicides powered by Isoflex active, the company's brand name for a novel herbicide used in cereals. The two new formulations will provide growers with new tools to effectively manage herbicide resistance across a wide range of agronomic practices.


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