
Klondike Gold 2024 Exploration Program Update Including Significant Mapping Results

Klondike Gold 2024 Exploration Program Update Including Significant Mapping Results

Accesswire ·  08/20 08:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 20, 2024 / Klondike Gold Corp. (TSXV:KG)(FRA:LBDP)(OTCQB:KDKGF) ("Klondike Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to provide updates on 2024 exploration work including significant results from mapping plus prospecting and diamond drilling progress on the Company's 100% owned Klondike District Property (the "Property") in the Dawson mining district, Yukon, Canada. (see Figure 1).

Klondike Gold公司(TSXV:KG)非常高兴地宣布,将2024年的勘探工作结果进行更新,包括对于其在达森矿区于育空省的100%拥有的Klondike District Property(该物业)进行的映射和勘探钻探进展等重大结果。 (请参见图1)。



  • The newly defined "Eldorado Fault" has been mapped in outcrop over a 12km length as a fundamental structural corridor controlling high-grade gold emplacement within the Property. This corridor includes the Stander Zone mineral resource area 1 and Gay Gulch Zone gold prospect.

  • New outcropping visible gold discoveries have been made at the Archy Showing, Archy Wasp Showing, and DJ Showing over a 5 km distance along the 'Eldorado Fault' with assays pending.

  • 36 diamond drill holes have been completed as part of 2 major phases of 2024 operations. This work yielded 5,828 meters diamond drill core at the Stander and Gay Gulch Zones with assays pending.

  • 新定义的“Eldorado Fault”已被映射出并长达12公里,作为物业内高品位金矿的基本结构性走廊。该走廊包括 Stander Zone矿产资源区 1和Gay Gulch Zone金展望区。

  • 沿着“Eldorado Fault”发现了新的露天可见金矿,包括Archy Showing、 Archy Wasp Showing和DJ Showing,沿着5公里的距离,等待化验结果。

  • 2024年的2个主要阶段已完成了36个钻探孔。在Stander和Gay Gulch Zones进行了5,828米的钻孔,等待化验结果。

Peter Tallman, Klondike Gold's President & CEO states "Our 2024 field season so far has been visually rewarding and assay results are coming soon. Using the new Eldorado Fault structural corridor as an 'aiming' tool has led to three new outcropping discoveries of significant visual gold mineralization along Eldorado Creek. In addition, diamond drilling at the Stander Zone testing for higher grades and extensions to mineralization adjacent the current mineral resource now awaits assays that will guide future drilling."

Klondike Gold的总裁兼首席执行官Peter Tallman表示:“我们2024年的野外季节到目前为止已经有了可视化回报,化验结果即将到来。利用新的Eldorado Fault结构走廊作为“瞄准”工具,沿着Eldorado Creek找到了三个新的露天可见金成矿点。此外,对Stander Zone进行的钻孔测试更高品位和矿化的延伸,相邻的当前矿产资源等待了化验结果,这将指导未来的钻探工作。”

Prospecting and mapping work in 2024 resulted in discovery of three significant 'new' gold showings along the Eldorado Fault:

2024年的勘探和映射工作,发现了沿着Eldorado Fault的三个重要的“新”金矿露头:

  • The Archy Showing is located 300 meters from the Eldorado Fault. Originally prospected in 2017, three rock grab samples of quartz veining then assayed 5 to 33 g/t Au from surface rubble. Re-examination and trenching in 2024 led to discovery of zones of massive pyrite seams with gold as well as quartz veining with >5 flecks visible gold per hand size piece within an iron carbonate alteration zone from intermittent exposures along 100 meters strike length. Fourteen rock prospecting samples from 2024 have assays pending.

  • The Archy Wasp Showing is located 1.3 km east-southeasterly along strike from the Archy Zone along the Eldorado Fault. Visible gold is observed and is hosted by quartz veining in outcrop and local float over a 60m by 20m area associated with abundant coarse pyrite and strong iron carbonate alteration. Thirteen rock prospecting samples from 2024 have assays pending. Further work in the area continues.

  • The DJ showing was originally uncovered by placer miner Dave Johnson in the 1980's while mining along Eldorado Creek near Gay Gulch, and independently 'rediscovered' by prospecting in 2024. The showing is comprised of a 5 to 10 meter wide quartz vein zone comprised of multiple individual quartz veins located 100 meters from the Eldorado Fault. Eight samples of cross-cutting quartz veining from outcrop have been sent for assay. A 2024 drill hole at Gay Gulch also targeted the DJ showing quartz vein zone approximately 300 meters along strike. All assays of rocks and core are pending.

  • Archy Showing距离Eldorado Fault 300米。最初在2017年进行了勘查,现在化验显示从表层岩屑中的石英脉中勘查出3个5到33 g/tAu的岩石样品。在2024年的重新检查和掘井中,发现了一些金的大型黄铜矿夹层区域和石英脉,每个手掌大小的块状矿物化石中可见超过5个金斑点,长度为100米。14个2024年的石头勘探的样品正在等待化验结果。

  • Archy Wasp Showing距离 Archy Zone沿着Eldorado Fault向东南1.3公里。在面露中观察到金子,由石英脉宿主在露头和当地漂浮物上,与大量的粗粒黄铜和强铁碳酸盐化Alteration相关联,形成了在线性6000万乘2000万的区域。13个2024年的石头勘探样品正在等待化验结果。该地区的进一步工作仍在继续。

  • DJ 显示区最初是由淘金矿工 Dave Johnson 在上世纪80年代沿欧多罗多溪(Eldorado Creek)开采时发现的,而在 2024 年的勘探中是重新被发现的。该矿体由5至10米宽的石英脉组成,包括多个石英脉,距离 Eldorado Fault 线路100米。已发送出露头的 8 个横向切割的石英脉样品和岩心,正在等待化验结果。Gay Gulch 的2024年钻孔也针对DJ显示石英脉带进行了测试,距离靶点的距离约为300米。所有岩石和核心的化验都未得出结果。

The newly defined "Eldorado Fault" is considered a major primary structural corridor running subparallel to Eldorado Creek (famous as the richest placer creek from the 1896 Klondike Gold Rush). The Eldorado Fault is a deep southwest dipping crustal thrust marked by graphite schist or fault gouge associated with adjacent quartz veining, ankerite/carbonate alteration, and locally with massive pyrite seams. Historically this graphite has been considered as part of the Klondike Schist unit and not recognized as structure.

新定义的Eldorado Fault被视为沿着Eldorado Creek的主要结构走廊(以 1896 年 Klondike Gold Rush 最富有盛名的沃玛克河为著名沿途河流)。Eldorado Fault是一个深色的地壳推覆构造,标志着石墨页岩或断层岩屑与相邻的石英脉、菫青石/碳酸盐交代,以及局部大粒状黄铜矿夹层相关联。历史上,此石墨被认为是 Klondike Schist 组成部分,而非结构的一部分。

The Eldorado Fault now links many gold showings/zones including the Company's Stander Zone mineral resource area, the Gay Gulch showing area, and newly discovered Archy, Archy Wasp, and DJ Showings among others.

Eldorado Fault现在连接许多金矿露头/矿区,其中包括公司的Stander Zone矿产资源区、Gay Gulch暴露区以及新发现的Archy、Archy Wasp和DJ Showings,以及其他地方。

The Company is working to extend the Eldorado Fault along strike to the southwest to the very similar 'Sulphur Fault' which if correlated would have a 45 km length through the entirety of the Property.

公司正在努力将Eldorado Fault沿着向西南延伸到非常类似的“Sulphur Fault”,如果相关,则会在整个物业范围内拥有45公里的长度。

Defining and mapping the Eldorado Fault and its association as locus of gold mineralization is a product of several years of Company sponsored academic research including PhD and MSc theses (Roman, Copeland, Grimshaw), and contracted expert research and directed advice (Rich Goldfarb and Ben Frieman, CASERM research consortium from Colorado School of Mines). Placer miners (Dave Johnson, Jim Archibald, Bernie and Ron Johnson among others) on Eldorado Creek have provided important observations and exposed key outcrops and have long suggested the source of placer gold is locally derived.

定义和映射Eldorado Fault及其作为金矿化地区的位置,是公司赞助的学术研究的几年成果,包括博士和硕士论文的Roman、Copeland、Grimshaw等和 Rich Goldfarb 和 Ben Frieman 等从科罗拉多矿业学院CASERm研究联盟承包的专家研究和指导建议。 伊尔多拉多河(Eldorado Creek)的淘金矿工(Dave Johnson、Jim Archibald、Bernie和Ron Johnson等)提供了重要的观察和关键露头,并长期建议黄金的源头来自当地。

The general objectives of 2024 Klondike District Property fieldwork include:

2024年Klondike District Property的总体目标包括:

  • Targeted prospecting and sampling of specific outcropping gold-bearing areas in the center and northwest parts of the Property;

  • Diamond drilling to follow up high grade (>1 opt Au) gold drill intersections from late 2023; drilling to test for expansion of the Stander Zone mineral resource area;

  • Diamond drilling to expand Gay Gulch Showing mineralization;

  • Prospecting and drill testing for repeated stacked gold-bearing quartz vein zones predicted by orogenic gold deposit models.

  • 中心和北西部的特定露天金矿区的有目标勘探和采样;

  • 钻探跟进了2023年晚期高品位(> 1 毫克Au)金钻探交叉点;钻探测试扩展 Stander Zone 现有矿产资源区;

  • 钻探扩大 Gay Gulch Showing 矿化;

  • 预测山脉型金矿沉积模型中重复堆砌的富含金石英脉带的勘探和钻探测试。

Figure 1: Klondike District property with 2024 exploration targets.
图1:2024年Klondike District物业勘探目标。

The technical and scientific information contained within this news release has been reviewed and approved by Peter Tallman, P.Geo., President and CEO of Klondike Gold and Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 policy. Detailed technical information, specifications, analytical information and procedures can be found on the Company's website.

本新闻发布中包含的技术和科学信息已经由Klondike Gold的总裁兼首席执行官Peter Tallman,P.Geo.,审核并批准,其为Klondike Gold的独立合格人员并符合NI 43-101政策的定义。详细的技术信息,规格,分析信息和程序可以在公司的网站上找到。

Klondike Gold is a Vancouver based gold exploration company advancing its 100%-owned Klondike District Gold Project located at Dawson City, Yukon, one of the top mining jurisdictions in the world. The Klondike District Gold Project targets gold associated with district scale orogenic faults along the 55-kilometer length of the famous Klondike Goldfields placer district. Multi-kilometer gold mineralization has been identified at both the Lone Star Zone and Stander Zone, among other targets. The Company has identified a Mineral Resource Estimate of 469,000 Indicated and 112,000 Inferred gold ounces [1], a milestone first for the Klondike District. The Company is focused on exploration and development of its 727 square kilometer property accessible by scheduled airline and government-maintained roads located on the outskirts of Dawson City, Yukon, within the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation traditional territory.




"Peter Tallman"


Peter Tallman,
President and CEO


Telephone: (604) 609-6138


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本新闻稿中的某些声明构成“前瞻性声明”。在本文件中使用的“预计”、“期望”、“估计”、“预测”、“计划”和类似的表述,旨在识别前瞻性声明或信息。这些声明基于管理层当前的期望,但它们受制于已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致实际结果与本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明实质性不符。读者被警告不要过度依赖这些声明。 Klondike Gold没有任何义务根据新信息、未来事件或其他方面在此之后修订或更新任何前瞻性声明,除非受证券法规定。

Forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, market volatility; the state of the financial markets for the Company's securities; fluctuations in commodity prices and changes in the Company's business plans. In making the forward looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions that the Company believes are reasonable, including without limitation, that the Company will continue with its stated business objectives and its ability to raise additional capital to proceed. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. The Company seeks safe harbor.


For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's continuous disclosure filings that are available at .


[1] The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Klondike District Property was prepared by Marc Jutras, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., Principal, Ginto Consulting Inc., an independent Qualified Person in accordance with the requirements of NI 43-101. The technical report supporting the Mineral Resource Estimate entitled "NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Klondike District Gold Project, Yukon Territory, Canada" has been filed on SEDAR at effective November 10, 2022. Refer to news release of December 16, 2022.

[1] Klondike区物业的矿产资源估计由独立资格人士Marc Jutras, P.Eng.万.A.Sc.,为Ginto Consulting Inc.的负责人,则按照NI 43-101的要求编制。支持矿产资源估计的技术报告名为“育空地区肯德基区金矿项目,加拿大育空地区的NI 43-101技术报告”,已于2022年11月10日在SEDAR上提交。请参见2022年12月16日的新闻发布。

SOURCE: Klondike Gold Corp.

消息来源:Klondike Gold Corp。

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