
73% of Insured Drivers Prefer to Pay Out-Of-Pocket Rather Than Filing Insurance Claim

73% of Insured Drivers Prefer to Pay Out-Of-Pocket Rather Than Filing Insurance Claim

PR Newswire ·  08/20 11:15

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- While auto insurance is meant to be a financial safeguard for drivers, many are opting not to use it. In its latest analysis, LendingTree, one of the nation's leading online marketplaces for loans, credit cards and insurance, found that 39% of insured drivers who've been in an auto accident or incident have bypassed their insurance for repairs. Additionally, 24% have filed a claim and later regretted doing so.

尽管汽车保险旨在为驾驶员提供财务保障,但许多人选择不使用它。在该最新分析中,美国领先的贷款、信用卡和保险在线市场之一的LendingTree发现,39%的被保险驾驶员在发生汽车事故或事故后选择不使用保险来修复车辆。此外,24%的人已经报了索赔,但后悔这样做了。 LendingTree对2000名18至78岁的美国消费者进行了在线调查,以清晰地了解驾驶员处理事故和保险的情况。许多人更喜欢自掏腰包修车,而不是使用汽车保险。在遇到事故或意外的被保险驾驶员中,39%的人选择不使用汽车保险修车。被问及原因时,59%的人表示损坏很小,44%的人表示他们的免赔额比费用高,42%的人不想增加保费。

LendingTree conducted an online survey of 2,000 U.S. consumers ages 18 to 78 to get a clear picture of how drivers handle accidents and insurance.


Key Findings


  • Many prefer to pay out of pocket for auto damage. Among insured drivers in an accident or incident, 39% have bypassed their auto insurance for repairs. When asked why, 59% said the damage was minimal, 44% said their deductible was higher than the cost and 42% didn't want their insurance to increase.
  • Some keep these incidents to themselves. 57% of those who've paid out of pocket didn't disclose the incident to their insurer. A high deductible doesn't appear to be a barrier for many drivers since 76% had a deductible of less than $1,000 when they paid out of pocket, and 65% spent less than $1,000 on repairs.
  • Filing claims has led to regret for some drivers. Almost a quarter (24%) of insured drivers in an accident or incident have filed a claim and later regretted doing so. The top reasons for post-claim regret are significantly higher insurance rates (59%), a decreased vehicle value (36%) and an expensive deductible (33%). Among drivers who've filed a claim in the past five years, 26% said their annual insurance rate increased by at least 25%.
  • Overall, most drivers want to avoid insurance. Almost three-quarters (73%) of insured drivers in an incident would generally prefer to pay out of pocket for a small issue rather than go through insurance, and 49% have paid for repairs their insurance would have covered.
  • 一些人往往不会向保险公司披露此类事故。在自掏腰包修车的人中,57%的人没有向保险公司披露此类事故。高免赔额对许多驾驶员似乎并不构成障碍,因为76%的人的免赔额低于1000美元,65%的人的修理费用低于1000美元。
  • 提出保险赔付申请让一些驾驶员后悔了。在汽车事故或事故中受保险保护的驾驶员中,将近四分之一(24%)的人在提出索赔后后悔了。后悔索赔的主要原因包括大幅提高的保险费率(59%)、车辆价值降低(36%)和高额的免赔额(33%)。在过去五年中提出赔付申请的驾驶员中,有26%表示他们的年度保险费率增长了至少25%。
  • 总体而言,大多数驾驶员想尽可能避免使用保险。在受事故影响的保险人中,将近三分之四(73%)通常会选择自掏腰包支付小问题的费用,而不是通过保险公司支付。在为车辆维修支付保费时,49%的人支付了保险公司本应支付的修理费用。
  • 了解完整报告,请访问:

To review the full report, visit:




LendingTree commissioned QuestionPro to conduct an online survey of 2,000 U.S. consumers ages 18 to 78 from June 13 to 14, 2024. The survey was administered using a nonprobability-based sample, and quotas were used to ensure the sample base represented the overall population. Researchers reviewed all responses for quality control.


We defined generations as the following ages in 2024:


  • Generation Z: 18 to 27
  • Millennial: 28 to 43
  • Generation X: 44 to 59
  • Baby boomer: 60 to 78
  • Z世代:18至27岁
  • 千禧一代:28岁至43岁
  • X世代:44岁至59岁
  • 婴儿潮一代:60岁至78岁

About LendingTree


LendingTree is one of the nation's largest, most experienced online financial platforms, created to give consumers the power to win financially. LendingTree provides customers with access to the best offers on loans, credit cards, insurance and more through its network of approximately 400 financial partners. Since its founding, LendingTree has helped millions of customers obtain financing, save money, and improve their financial and credit health in their personal journeys. With a portfolio of innovative products and tools and personalized financial recommendations, LendingTree helps customers achieve everyday financial wins. LendingTree, Inc. is headquartered in Charlotte, NC. For more information, please visit .


Jericka Lambourne
[email protected]

Jericka Lambourne
[email protected]

SOURCE LendingTree, LLC


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