
Plug Power Appoints Colin Angle, Former CEO of IRobot, to Board of Directors

Plug Power Appoints Colin Angle, Former CEO of IRobot, to Board of Directors

普拉格能源任命爱罗伯特former CEO Colin Angle加入董事会
普拉格能源 ·  08/22 00:00

SLINGERLANDS, N.Y., Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG), a global leader in comprehensive hydrogen solutions for the green hydrogen economy, today announced the appointment of Colin Angle, former CEO of iRobot, to its Board of Directors. Mr. Angle brings decades of extensive experience in technology innovation, robotics, and strategic leadership to Plug Power's Board.

纽约州斯林格兰的普拉格能源公司(纳斯达克股票代码:PLUG),作为全球领先的综合氢能源解决方案供应商,在绿色氢能源领域宣布,科林·安格尔(Colin Angle)已被任命为董事会成员。安格尔先生在技术创新、机器人技术和战略领导方面拥有数十年的丰富经验,为普拉格能源的董事会带来了重要的贡献。

Mr. Angle is widely recognized for his pioneering work at iRobot, where he co-founded the company and led the development and commercialization of the Roomba robot vacuum, which revolutionized the home robotics market. Under his leadership, iRobot grew from a small MIT startup to a global publicly traded leader in consumer robotics, with millions of units sold worldwide.

安格尔先生以在irobot的开创性工作而广受认可,他是该公司的联合创始人,领导了Roomba机器人吸尘器的研发和市场推广,彻底改变了家用机器人市场。在他的领导下,irobot 从一家小型麻省理工学院的初创公司发展成为全球领先的消费类机器人公司,在全球范围内销售了数百万台产品。

"We are thrilled to welcome Colin Angle to our Board of Directors," said Andy Marsh, CEO of Plug Power. "His visionary leadership and deep understanding of technology and innovation will be invaluable as we continue to advance our mission of building the hydrogen economy and expanding our global footprint. Colin's insights and experience will help guide Plug Power as we scale our operations and deliver on our commitment to sustainability, revenue growth, and profitability."

普拉格能源公司的首席执行官安迪·马什(Andy Marsh)表示:“我们非常高兴地欢迎科林·安格尔加入我们的董事会。他的远见卓识和对技术和创新的深刻理解将在我们继续推动建设氢能源经济、扩大全球版图的过程中发挥不可估量的作用。科林的洞察力和经验将有助于引领普拉格能源公司在扩展业务、实现可持续发展、营收增长和盈利能力承诺方面。

George McNamee, Chairman of Plug Power, added, "Colin's track record of transforming cutting-edge technology into successful global products aligns perfectly with Plug Power's goals. His experience will provide essential guidance as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the clean energy sector. We're excited to have him on board as we work towards achieving our strategic objectives, focusing on sustainability, revenue growth, and profitability."

普拉格能源公司董事会主席乔治·麦克内姆(George McNamee)补充道:“科林在将前沿科技转化为成功的全球产品方面的履历与普拉格能源的目标完美契合。他的经验将为我们提供必要的指导,帮助我们继续突破清洁能源行业的可能性边界。我们很高兴拥有他的加入,他将与我们一起努力实现战略目标,专注于可持续发展、营收增长和盈利能力。

Mr. Angle said, "I am excited to join Plug Power's Board at such a pivotal time for the company and the broader hydrogen industry. I have long admired Plug Power's commitment to innovation and its leadership in the clean energy space. I look forward to contributing to the company's growth and helping to shape the future of energy."

安格尔先生表示:“我很高兴能在Plug Power董事会任职,这是公司和更广泛的氢能源行业关键时期。我长期以来一直钦佩Plug Power在创新方面的承诺以及在清洁能源领域的领导地位。我期待为公司的增长做出贡献,并帮助塑造能源的未来。”

With the addition of Mr. Angle, Plug Power has further strengthened its Board of Directors, each bringing a wealth of experience and enhancing collective expertise in areas critical to the company's success. Mr. Angle's appointment reflects Plug Power's ongoing commitment to strengthening its leadership team as it continues to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions worldwide.

随着安格尔先生的加入,Plug Power进一步加强了其董事会,每位成员都带来丰富的经验,并在对公司成功至关重要的领域增强了集体专业知识。安格尔先生的任命体现了Plug Power不断加强领导团队的承诺,同时继续加速全球氢燃料电池解决方案的推广。

About Plug


Plug is building an end-to-end green hydrogen ecosystem, from production, storage, and delivery to energy generation, to help its customers meet their business goals and decarbonize the economy. In creating the first commercially viable market for hydrogen fuel cell technology, the company has deployed more than 69,000 fuel cell systems and over 250 fueling stations, more than anyone else in the world, and is the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen.


With plans to operate a green hydrogen highway across North America and Europe, Plug built a state-of-the-art Gigafactory to produce electrolyzers and fuel cells and is developing multiple green hydrogen production plants for commercial operation. Plug delivers its green hydrogen solutions directly to its customers and through joint venture partners into multiple environments, including material handling, e-mobility, power generation, and industrial applications.


For more information, visit .




Fatimah Nouilati

Fatimah Nouilati


Source: Plug Power, Inc.
来源:Plug Power,Inc。
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