
2 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly

2 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly

The Motley Fool ·  08/24 09:45

Investing your hard-earned money into stocks that can provide you with attractive passive income is one of the best ways to grow your savings toward your goal of retirement or financial freedom.

将辛苦赚来的钱投资于可以为您提供有吸引力的 pass统过收入的股票,这是实现退休或实现财务自由目标的最佳方式之一。

Furthermore, when you buy stocks that pay you monthly rather than quarterly, you can put that money back to work much quicker, taking advantage of the incredible power of compound interest.


The key for investors, though, when buying dividend stocks is to ensure you're finding affordable stocks to buy but also reliable ones.


You certainly don't want to overpay for your investments, but you also don't want to find super-cheap, low-quality stocks offering sky-high yields, which could be at risk of being cut their dividends in the near term.


So, if you're looking to add high-quality stocks that generate significant passive income to your portfolio, here are two of the best today, each trading at attractive valuations.


One of the best Canadian stocks that passive-income seekers can buy today


There's no question that one of the best passive-income-generating stocks on the TSX today is Freehold Royalties (TSX:FRU).

毫无疑问,今天在 TSX 上表现最佳的一个能够产生被动收入的股票是自由留用权 (TSX:FRU)。

Freehold is an energy stock that consistently acquires land in energy-rich areas that other energy companies can use to produce oil and gas in exchange for a royalty.


It's a lower-risk business in the energy sector that doesn't require Freehold to spend essentially any capital expenditures at all, unlike its producer peers, allowing it to constantly generate millions in cash flow, the majority of which it pays back to investors through a dividend.


This business model allows Freehold to pay a significant dividend—currently yielding 7.95%—while still retaining cash it can use to expand its future operations, such as acquiring more land.


Freehold aims to keep its payout ratio at roughly 60% of its free cash flow, ensuring that the dividend is sustainable and allowing Freehold to build a significant cash position for those future acquisitions it has its sights on.


Plus, because the passive-income stock owns land in Canada and the U.S., its diversification helps mitigate risk and expose Freehold to more potential growth.


For example, in the second quarter, the amount of oil produced on its land in Canada was flat quarter over quarter. However, in the U.S., the amount of oil produced on Freehold's land increased by 9% quarter over quarter.


Therefore, given its lower-risk business model, diversification, sustainable dividend, and the fact that Freehold trades toward the bottom of its 52-week range, it's certainly one of the best stocks that passive-income investors can buy now.


A reliable dividend stock offering a yield of 7.2%


In addition to Freehold, another high-quality royalty stock that's ideal for passive-income seekers and returns cash monthly is Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA).

除了Freehold之外,另一个适合被动收入投资者的高质量版税股票,并每月返回现金的是Pizza Pizza Royalty(TSX:PZA)。

Pizza Pizza is a high-quality dividend stock to buy now due to its significant yield and the fact that its revenue and net income hardly fluctuate year over year.

Pizza Pizza是一只高质量的分红股票,目前值得买入,因为其股息丰厚且营业收入和净利润年年保持相对稳定。

Since the stock earns a royalty on all the sales made at Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 locations across the country, it's mainly focused on growing or at least maintaining the aggregate sales made across the country.

由于该股票在全国各地的Pizza Pizza和Pizza 73门店的所有销售额中都能获得版税,因此主要关注的是全国范围内的销售额的增长或至少保持稳定。

Therefore, Pizza Pizza's revenue is typically stable quarter over quarter and year over year, making it an excellent stock for passive-income investors to buy and hold for the long haul.

因此,Pizza Pizza的营业收入通常在季度之间和年度之间保持稳定,这使其成为被 passv的股票投资者长期持有的优质股票。

Another benefit of Pizza Pizza, especially in this economic environment, is its status as a well-known, convenient, and low-cost option.

尤其在当前经济环境下,Pizza Pizza的另一个优势是其作为一个众所周知、方便且低成本的选择。

While many discretionary stocks are at increased risk during economic uncertainty, Pizza Pizza's operations are far more resistant due to its wide variety of menu options and prices that are typically in line with or cheaper than those of other restaurant businesses.

在经济不确定的情况下,许多自由支配型股票面临着增加的风险,而Pizza Pizza的经营业务由于其多样化的菜单选择和价格通常与其他餐厅业务相比更合理,因此对经济的影响更为抵抗。

Therefore, while analysts do expect a minor pullback in sales this year due to the economic climate, the current estimate is for sales to decline by just 0.4% this year before rebounding next year and growing more than 3.5%. It's also worth noting that its normalized earnings per share are expected to fall by less than 1% as well, which shouldn't have any impact on the dividend.


Therefore, if you're a passive-income seeker looking to add high-quality dividend stocks to your portfolio today, Pizza Pizza and its attractive monthly dividend is undoubtedly one of the top TSX stocks to consider.

因此,如果你是寻求被动收入,想在今天将高质量的股息股票加入你的投资组合,那么Pizza Pizza和其有吸引力的月度股息无疑是考虑的顶级tsx股票之一。

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