
SunCon Unaffected By Manpower Despite High Job Portfolio

SunCon Unaffected By Manpower Despite High Job Portfolio

Business Today ·  08/26 00:16

Sunway Construction's positive outlook remains intact with the company's robust performance underpinned by a substantial increase in its tender book, now at RM13.7 billion, up from RM9.4 billion in the previous quarter. This growth is driven primarily by data centre (DC) projects, which are expected to significantly boost the company's earnings.

Sunway Construction的乐观前景保持不变,该公司的强劲表现得益于其招标书的大幅增加,目前为137令吉,高于上一季度的94令吉。这种增长主要是由数据中心(DC)项目推动的,预计这些项目将显著提高公司的收益。

Analysts have kept their BUY recommendation and target price of RM5.50, anticipating a strong performance in FY25. This optimism is based on the projected 53% growth in earnings, driven by substantial data centre contracts. The Malaysian data centre market is expected to see around 766.9 MW of IT supply, with an estimated construction value of RM29-34 billion. Sunway Construction is well-positioned to capitalise on this with its expanding tender book, which includes opportunities in the semiconductor sector as well.

分析师将买入建议和目标价维持在5.50令吉,预计25财年将表现强劲。这种乐观情绪建立在大量数据中心合同的推动下,预计收益将增长53%。马来西亚数据中心市场的供应量预计约为766.9兆瓦,估计建成价值为290-340令吉。Sunway Construction完全有能力通过不断扩大的招标书来利用这一机会,其中包括半导体行业的机会。

The company's strategic focus remains on high-margin data centre and semiconductor projects, rather than warehousing facilities. These projects offer better margins compared to the company's historical average profit before tax (PBT) margin of 5-8%. The firm aims to enhance its reputation with major multinational clients, particularly in the technology sector, to secure further contracts for data centre expansions.


Despite a significant increase in its job portfolio, the construction company does not foresee labour supply issues. The company expects to utilise manpower from upcoming project completions, such as Sunway Belfield and Sunway Medical Centre Ipoh, for new data centre contracts. This strategic approach provides Sunway Construction with the capacity to take on approximately RM1.2 billion in new contracts.


No adjustments have been made to the earnings estimates, but there are potential upside risks, especially if billings progress faster than anticipated. The JHB1X0 data centre project in Sedenak Tech Park, valued at RM3.2 billion and scheduled for completion by 1Q26, is a significant contributor to this outlook. The target price of RM5.50 reflects the company's strong positioning in industrial sectors and includes a 6% ESG premium.

尚未对收益预期进行任何调整,但存在潜在的上行风险,尤其是在账单进展速度快于预期的情况下。位于塞德纳克科技园的 JHB1X0 数据中心项目价值32令吉,计划于26年第一季度完工,是这一前景的重要贡献者。5.50令吉的目标价格反映了该公司在工业领域的强劲地位,其中包括6%的ESG溢价。

Trading at a 21.7x FY25F P/E ratio, Sunway Construction is currently valued higher than the Bursa Malaysia Construction Index's 10-year average of 13x P/E. This premium is justified by the company's superior return on equity (ROE) and the potential for securing further high-value contracts in both the semiconductor and infrastructure sectors, including the Penang Light Rail Transit project.

Sunway Construction目前的市盈率为21.7倍 FY25F 市盈率,高于马来西亚证券交易所建筑指数的10年平均市盈率13倍。该公司的超高股本回报率(ROE)以及有可能在包括槟城轻轨交通项目在内的半导体和基础设施领域获得更多高价值合约是合理的。

Source: RHB
Title: No Slowdown In Scouting For DC Jobs; Stay BUY


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