
Westhaven Provides an Exploration Update at Its Shovelnose Gold Property

Westhaven Provides an Exploration Update at Its Shovelnose Gold Property

GlobeNewswire ·  08/26 09:23

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westhaven Gold Corp. (TSX-V:WHN) is pleased to provide an exploration update at its 41,623-hectare Shovelnose gold property, situated within the prospective Spences Bridge Gold Belt (SBGB), 30 kilometres south of Merritt, British Columbia.

温哥华,英属哥伦比亚,2024年8月26日(环球新闻社)- Westhaven黄金公司(TSX-V:WHN)很高兴在其位于潜在的斯潘斯桥黄金带(SBGB)内的41,623公顷Shovelnose黄金物业提供勘探更新,该物业位于英属哥伦比亚省Merritt南30公里处。

The summer/fall phase of the 2024 drill campaign has now commenced and is focused on seven new, high-priority features. 4,000 metres of diamond drilling will test targets at Line 6 North, Line 6-MIK, CSAMT-3, Romeo and three different sites at Certes (each ~1km apart).

2024年夏季/秋季钻探活动阶段现已开始,重点是七个新的高优先级目标。 4,000米的金刚石钻探将测试Line 6 North,Line 6-MIk,CSAMt-3,Romeo以及Certes的三个不同位置的目标(每个位置相距约1公里)。

Gareth Thomas, President & CEO, states, "Our "boots on ground" exploration approach this summer has identified what we feel could be the southeastern extent of Vein Zone One some 6 kilometres away from the South Zone. The discovery of banded mercury-bearing high level epithermal quartz makes us believe we are at the top of a completely preserved epithermal system at Certes. We look forward to drilling Certes and other high-priority targets in the coming weeks."


Prospecting, mapping and sampling programs conducted in 2023 and 2024, in combination with an ongoing review of geological, geochemical and geophysical data, have highlighted additional exciting prospective targets across the Shovelnose property. The majority of these targets are situated within the 'Shovelnose Corridor', a prominent trend of multielement pathfinder anomalies that extends for over 11km across the property and trends into the newly acquired claims to the southeast (see press release dated August 22nd, 2024). High-level quartz veins and anomalous antimony-mercury values suggest that less erosion has occurred in the southeast extent of the corridor, meaning that more of the epithermal system would be preserved, raising the potential for additional discoveries.

2023年和2024年进行的勘探、绘图和取样计划,结合正在进行的地质、地球化学和地球物理数据审查,突出了Shovelnose物业各个令人兴奋的潜在目标。 这些目标中大多数位于‘Shovelnose走廊’内,这是一条突出的多元素探矿异常趋势,横跨该物业超过11公里,趋势进入东南的新收购索赔(请参见2024年8月22日的新闻稿)。 高水平的石英脉和异常的锑-汞数值表明,在走廊的东南端发生了较少的侵蚀,这意味着更多的低温矿床系统会被保留,提高了额外发现的潜力。

Drill Targets


  • Line 6 North – testing contacts of a potential rhyolite dome and related structural elements that may be the source for broad lower grade gold mineralization intercepted in past drilling (e.g. SN20-76 – 20.8m of 0.51 g/t Au).
  • Line 6/Mik – testing a linear 500m long gold in soil anomaly coincident with geophysically inferred structures parallel to, and ~600m southwest of, those hosting Franz-FMN-South Zone mineralization.
  • CSAMT3 – follow-up to hole SN24-412 (results reported herein) that intersected molybdenum rich silica healed breccias (149.7-155.32m and 194.68-196.92m), a zone of massive to weakly banded quartz+/- calcite veinlets (203-258m) and a second deeper zone of trace quartz+/- calcite veinlets (302.1-311.1m). The molybdenum bearing breccias suggest a late stage magmatic contribution that, in other low sulphidation epithermal systems, commonly implies proximity to high grade gold-silver mineralization.
  • Romeo – testing a pathfinder element halo identified from geochemical sampling of exposed bedrock within an extensive mapped zone of hydrothermal brecciation supported by intersecting structures evident in the detailed geophysical coverage.
  • Certes Trend –Certes is a 3km long concentration of strongly anomalous pathfinder elements in rock and soil samples situated some 8km east-southeast of the Franz-FMN-South Zone along the same geophysical/geochemical corridor. Extent of the Certes Trend is limited by the previous property boundary. Westhaven has acquired additional claims to the east (see press release dated August 22nd, 2024) and will be conducting prospecting and sampling work on that new ground this season. Banded and laminated mercury-bearing chalcedony cobbles and boulders found at surface amongst andesite subcrop at the northwestern end of the current Certes Trend are indicative of near surface low sulphidation epithermal deposits, suggesting preservation of an entire system in the Certes area beneath an andesite cap. Drilling to identify and evaluate potential controlling structures will test three areas along the Certes Trend, each spaced about 1km apart.
    • Certes 1 - testing the northwestern end near the most extensive banded quartz occurrences, where bedrock pathfinder geochemical anomalies are dominated by a mercury signature and a detailed ground magnetic survey was recently completed
    • Certes 2 – testing the central part of the Certes Trend where antimony becomes the dominant pathfinder, and prominent cross structures interrupt the aeromagnetic data
    • Certes 3 – testing the southeastern part of the currently recognized known trend where both mercury and antimony anomalies are supported by other pathfinder elements and favourable surface geology
  • 北部6线-检验过去钻探中截获宽低品位黄金矿化的所在瑞安火山岩穹顶和相关构造元素(例如SN20-76 - 2080万的0.51g/t Au)的接触情况。
  • 6/Mik线-检验一条线性5亿长的土壤中金异常,与地球物理推测的与Franz-FMN-South Zone矿化有关的平行结构相吻合,位于其西南约6亿的位置。
  • CSAMT3-跟进SN24-412孔(在此报告中报告结果)的钼质硅化愈合碎屑岩(14970-15532万和194.68-196.92m)的情况,一个区域由块状至弱脉状石英+/-方解石脉(203-258m)和一个次深区由微量石英+/-方解石脉(302.1-311.1m)组成。富钼碎屑岩表明晚期岩浆参与,通常意味着与高品位金银矿化靠近。
  • 罗密欧-检测通过详细地质物探覆盖显示的交叉结构支持的热液角黏性地堆作用区大范围天然发育的探路物质元素光晕。
  • Certes趋势-Certes是一个长3km、破碎岩石和土壤样品中强烈异常路径元素浓度的集中区,位于Franz-FMN-South Zone以东南约8km的地球物理/地球化学走廊上。Certes趋势的范围受以前的产权边界限制。Westhaven已经获得了东部的额外权益(请参见2024年8月22日的新闻稿),并将在本季度对那块新区进行勘探和采样工作。在当前Certes趋势的西北端,安德塞岩露头中发现的带状和层状含水银玛瑙鹅卵石和巨砾,表明Certes地区在安德塞岩顶盖下具有近表层低硫化逆冲热液矿床的特征,暗示整个体系在Certes地区得到了保护。钻探将在Certes趋势的三个区域进行,每个区域间距约1km,以确定和评估潜在控制构造。
    • Certes 1 - 测试最广泛的层状石英出现的西北端,岩石基元路径探测器地球化学异常以汞特征为主导,并且最近完成了详细的地面磁力勘测。
    • Certes 2 - 测试Certes趋势的中部,在这里锑成为主要的路径探测器,并且突出的交叉构造中断了磁航测数据。
    • Certes 3 - 测试目前被认可的趋势的东南部,汞和锑异常都得到了其他路径探测元素的支持,并且表面地质条件有利。

Westhaven is reporting assays for 10 holes as part of the ongoing, multi-phase drill campaign at the Shovelnose gold property. The spring phase of the drill program was announced in late March and completed in late June. Utilizing the information generated from this drilling, in conjunction with the ongoing exploration work, the summer/fall phase of the 2024 drilling campaign has commenced. Given the property location and access, Westhaven can drill year-round at the Shovelnose.

Westhaven正在就铁锹鼻金矿地产进行一项持续的分阶段钻探活动公报了10口井的化验结果。钻探计划的春季阶段于3月下旬宣布,6月下旬完成。利用这次钻探所产生的信息,结合 ongoing exploration work,2024年的夏季/秋季钻探活动已经开始。鉴于该地产的位置和便捷性,Westhaven可以全年在铁锹鼻进行钻探。

For a table of 2024 drill results please click here:


On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Gareth Thomas"
Gareth Thomas, President, CEO & Director


Qualified Person Statement


Peter Fischl, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person within the context of National Instrument 43-101 has read and takes responsibility for this release.

Peter Fischl,P.Geo.,国家43-101号法规框架下的合格人员已阅读并对此新闻发布负责。



Core samples were prepared using the PREP-31 package in ALS's Kamloops facility. Each core sample is crushed to better than 70 % passing a 2 mm (Tyler 9 mesh, US Std. No.10) screen. A split of 250 g is taken and pulverized to better than 85 % passing a 75-micron (Tyler 200 mesh, US Std. No. 200) screen. 0.75g of this pulverized split is digested by Four Acid and analyzed via ICP-MS (method code ME-MS61m (+Hg)), which reports a 49-element suite of elements. All samples are analyzed by Fire Assay with an AES finish, method code Au-ICP21 (30g sample size). Additional Au screening is performed using ALS's Au-SCR24 method, select samples are dry screened to 100 microns. A duplicate 50g fire assay is conducted on the undersized fraction as well as an assay on the entire oversize fraction. Total Au content, individual assays and weight fractions are reported. All analytical and assay procedures are conducted in ALS's North Vancouver facility. A QA/QC program included laboratory and field standards inserted every 25 samples. At least one field blank is inserted in every batch of 25 samples, with additional blanks inserted following samples with visible gold. Westhaven's ongoing Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs include auditing of all exploration data. Any significant changes will be reported when available.

岩心样品在ALS坎卢普斯设施中使用PREP-31包装处理。每个岩心样品压碎至70%以上通过2毫米的筛网(泰勒9号网,美国标准No.10)。取一份250克的分样,将其粉碎至85%以上通过75微米的筛网(泰勒200网,美国标准No. 200)。此粉状分样的0.75g通过四酸消化并经ICP-MS(方法代码ME-MS61m(+Hg))分析,报告49种元素。所有样品均使用火试金法进行分析,并使用AES法完成,方法代码Au-ICP21(样品大小30g)。使用ALS的Au-SCR24方法进行其他黄金筛分,选择样品干筛至100微米。对未分配的部分进行重复的50g火试金法分析,以及对整个过剩部分进行分析。报告总黄金含量、单个化验和重量分数。所有分析和化验程序均在ALS北温哥华设施中进行。QA/QC程序每25个样品插入一次实验室和野外标准。每个25个样品的批次中都插入至少一个现场空白样品,在可见金矿石的样品后插入其他空白样品。Westhaven的持续的质量保证和质量控制程序包括对所有勘探数据的审核。任何重大变化将在可用时报告。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定义的那样)对此发布的充分性或准确性不承担任何责任。

About Westhaven Gold Corp.

关于Westhaven Gold Corp.

Westhaven is a gold-focused exploration company advancing the high-grade discovery on the Shovelnose project in Canada's newest gold district, the Spences Bridge Gold Belt. Westhaven controls 60,950 hectares (609.5 square kilometres) with four gold properties spread along this underexplored belt. The Shovelnose property is situated off a major highway, near power, rail, large producing mines, and within commuting distance from the city of Merritt, which translates into low-cost exploration. Westhaven trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol WHN. For further information, please call 604-681-5558 or visit Westhaven's website at

Plan Map of Recent Drilling

Certes Magnetics and Geochemistry

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:


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