
Rocket Mortgage's "Welcome Home RateBreak" Unlocks the Door to Lower Mortgage Payments and Thousands in Savings for Homebuyers

Rocket Mortgage's "Welcome Home RateBreak" Unlocks the Door to Lower Mortgage Payments and Thousands in Savings for Homebuyers

Rocket Mortgage的“欢迎回家利率优惠”为购房者提供了更低的抵押贷款支付和数千美元的节省
Rocket ·  08/26 00:00

New temporary buydown option eases the transition into homeownership with Rocket Mortgage covering the cost of a lower interest rate for two years

新的临时减息选择使购房更轻松,Rocket Mortgage在前两年覆盖较低利率的成本

DETROIT, August 26, 2024 – Rocket Mortgage, the nation's largest mortgage lender and a part of Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT), today introduced "Welcome Home RateBreak," a lender-paid 2-1 temporary buydown program. Buyers can enjoy significant savings with a mortgage rate reduced by two percentage points in the first year, then one percentage point in the second year before returning to the note rate in the third year and until the mortgage is paid off.

底特律2024年8月26日——Rocket Mortgage,全国最大的抵押贷款借款人,属于Rocket Companies(纽交所:RKT)的一部分,今天推出了“Welcome Home RateBreak”计划,这是一项由贷款人支付的临时购买减息计划。购房者可以在头两年中享受抵押贷款利率降2个百分点,然后在第三年回到原利率,直到贷款还清。

"Welcome Home RateBreak" is available to homebuyers who apply directly to Rocket Mortgage, or buyers working with a mortgage broker who is partnered with Rocket Pro TPO. Homebuyers are eligible if they are purchasing a single-family home and have income equal to or less than 80% of their area median income (AMI). Rocket Mortgage estimates that more than 90 million people can benefit from this program.

“Welcome Home RateBreak”适用于直接向Rocket Mortgage申请的购房者,或与Rocket Pro TPO合作的抵押经纪合作的购房者。如果购房者购买单户住宅并且收入等于或少于其所在区域的80%中位数收入(AMI),则符合资格。Rocket Mortgage预计超过9000万人可以从该计划中受益。

"Rocket is committed to creating and delivering unique programs that address the challenges homebuyers face today," said Bill Banfield, Chief Business Officer and Economist. "Many buyers fear being stretched too thin during the early years of homeownership, especially as they consider the cost of new furnishings and special touches to make the new home their own. By lowering the interest rate for the first two years, "Welcome Home RateBreak" provides financial breathing room, giving consumers the confidence to enter the market and make their homeownership dreams a reality."

“Rocket致力于创建和推出应对当今购房者所面临挑战的独特计划和服务,”首席业务官兼经济学家比尔·班菲尔德表示。“许多购房者担心在置业的早期年份过于紧张,特别是当他们考虑新家具和特别装饰的成本时。通过在前两年降低利率,“Welcome Home RateBreak”提供了财务空间,让消费者有信心进入市场,实现他们的置业梦想。”

This offering is particularly beneficial for first-time homebuyers, who made up a mere 29% of home sales in June – down from 50% in 2010, according the National Association of Realtors. This pullback demonstrates the urgent need for programming and support to help get new buyers off the sidelines.


As an example, a homebuyer with a $250,000 loan at a 6.99% rate (APR 7.399%) would typically pay $1,661 per month. With "Welcome Home RateBreak," their first-year rate would be 4.99%, reducing the payment to $1,340. In the second year, the rate would be 5.99%, with payments of $1,497. After that, the payments return to the 6.99% rate for the remainder of the loan. This results in over $5,800 in savings during the first two years.

举例来说,一位贷款金额为25万美元,利率为6.99%(年百分比率7.399%)的购房者,通常每月需要支付1661美元。使用“Welcome Home RateBreak”,他们的第一年利率将为4.99%,支付额减少至1340美元。第二年利率为5.99%,支付额为1497美元。之后,剩余贷款期间的支付额将恢复到6.99%的利率。这意味着在前两年可以节省超过5800美元。

The lower rate is accomplished through a special escrow account established and fully funded by Rocket Mortgage. During the first 24 months of the loan, the homeowner will make the reduced monthly mortgage payment and Rocket Mortgage will cover the difference automatically. The homebuyer would be responsible for taxes and insurance premiums.

较低的利率是通过Rocket Mortgage设立并完全资助的特殊托管账户实现的。在贷款的前24个月里,房主将支付较低的月度按揭款项,而Rocket Mortgage将自动承担差额。购房者需要自行负责税款和保险费。

This latest initiative from Rocket Mortgage is part of a broader effort to enhance affordability and provide a simpler path to homeownership. Other programs include ONE+ which focuses on reducing upfront costs by allowing clients to make a down payment of just 1% of the purchase price, with Rocket Mortgage covering the remaining 2% needed to meet the conventional loan threshold.

Rocket Mortgage最新的倡议是为了提高可负担性并提供更简单的购房途径。其他项目包括ONE+,该项目旨在减少前期费用,允许客户只支付购房价格的1%作为首付款,Rocket Mortgage将支付剩余2%的金额以满足常规贷款门槛。

Visit to learn more about "Welcome Home RateBreak" and to apply for a home loan. Mortgage brokers can speak to an account executive to learn about the program.

访问RocketMortgage.com了解更多有关"Welcome Home RateBreak"的信息并申请住房贷款。抵押经纪人可以与一位账户经理交谈,了解该计划的详情。

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关于Rocket Mortgage

Detroit-based Rocket Mortgage is the largest mortgage lender and is a part of Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT).

总部位于底特律的Rocket Mortgage是最大的抵押贷款放款人,属于Rocket Companies(纽交所:RKT)的一部分。

The lender enables the American Dream of homeownership and financial freedom through its obsession with an industry-leading, digital-driven client experience. In late 2015, it introduced the first fully digital, completely online mortgage experience. Since its founding in 1985, Rocket Mortgage has closed more than $1.8 trillion of mortgage volume across all 50 states.

该贷款提供商通过对行业领先的数字化客户体验的追求,实现了购房梦想和财务自由。2015年底,Rocket Mortgage推出了全面数字化、完全在线的首个抵押贷款体验。自1985年成立以来,Rocket Mortgage在50个州的抵押贷款总额已超过1.8万亿美元。

J.D. Power has ranked Rocket Mortgage #1 in client satisfaction for both primary mortgage origination and servicing 22 times – the most of any mortgage lender. Rocket Companies, Rocket Mortgage's parent company, has placed in the top third of Fortune's list of the "100 Best Companies to Work For" the list for 21 consecutive years.

J.D. Power评选Rocket Mortgage为客户满意度第一的抵押贷款机构,无论是在主要抵押贷款起源还是服务方面,已经22次,超过了任何其他抵押贷款提供商。Rocket Mortgage的母公司Rocket Companies连续21年进入财富杂志的"100个最佳雇主"名单的前三分之一。

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