
Grow Your Passive Income: 3 Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

Grow Your Passive Income: 3 Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

增加 passiive 收入:现在买入 3 支股票
The Motley Fool ·  08/27 16:40

Investing in dividend stocks is a great way to generate consistent passive income. However, to ensure that your income grows over time, it's crucial to invest in companies with solid fundamentals and expanding earnings base to support future dividend increases.

投资分红股是一种产生持续 passsive 收入的好方法。然而,为了确保您的收入随着时间的推移增长,投资那些基本面稳健、收益基础不断扩大的公司至关重要,以支持未来的分红增长。

With this background, here are three Canadian stocks with the potential to steadily grow their dividends regardless of market conditions. These stocks can help create a reliable and growing passive-income stream.

在此背景下,以下是三只加拿大股票,无论市场条件如何,都有潜力稳定增长其分红。这些股票可以帮助创造可靠而稳定的 passsive 收入流。



With a stellar dividend payment history, visibility over future earnings, and distributable cash flow (DCF) growth rate, Enbridge (TSX:ENB) can be a reliable stock to start a growing passive income. Enbridge is an energy infrastructure company that transports and exports oil and gas. The company's pipeline network connects major supply and demand regions in North America, leading to higher utilization of its assets and generating steady cash flows.

恩桥(tsx: ENB)拥有出色的分红支付历史、对未来收入的可见性以及可分配现金流(DCF)的增长率,可以成为一个可靠的股票,用于开始增加 passive 收入。恩桥是一家能源基础设施公司,负责输送和出口石油和天然气。公司的管道网络连接北美主要供应和需求地区,提高了资产的利用率并产生稳定的现金流。

Further, its diversified revenue stream, long-term contracts, and power-purchase agreements add stability to its earnings and cash flows, supporting higher dividend payments.


Enbridge has raised its dividend for 29 consecutive years. Moreover, given its growing earnings base, its dividend could continue to increase. The company expects its earnings and DCF per share to increase at a mid-single-digit rate in the long term. High utilization of its assets, contractual arrangements, multi-billion-dollar capital projects, and acquisitions will likely drive its earnings and future distributions.


Thanks to its growing earnings base, Enbridge will likely reward its shareholders with higher dividend payments. Besides growing passive income, Enbridge stock currently offers a compelling yield of 6.8%.

由于其不断扩大的盈利基础,恩桥可能会向股东提供更高的分红支付。除了增加的 passive 收入外,恩桥股票目前提供令人信服的6.8% 的收益率。

TC Energy

tc energy

TC Energy (TSX:TRP) is another reliable company for investors to start a growing passive-income stream. Much like Enbridge, TC Energy has a solid history of increasing dividends for over two decades with visibility over future payouts.

对于投资者来说,TC Energy (tsx:trp) 是另一家可靠的公司,可以开始打造一个不断增长的 passiv​e-income 流。和恩桥一样,TC Energy 在过去的二十多年里有着稳定增长的分红历史,并且未来的支出也表现出很好的可见性。

For example, TC Energy's dividend has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% in the past 24 consecutive years. Further, the steady growth in its earnings and cash flows will likely drive its future distributions. Notably, TC Energy generates most of its earnings from rate-regulated assets and long-term contracts, which adds stability to its earnings and dividend payments.

举例来说,TC Energy 的股息在过去 24 年的连续复合年增长率 (CAGR) 达到了7%。此外,收益和现金流的稳定增长很可能推动未来的分红派息。值得注意的是,TC Energy 的大部分收益来自于受监管的资产和长期合同,这为其收益和分红派息提供了稳定性。

TC Energy plans to grow its dividend by 3-5% annually. This growth will be supported by its regulated and contracted assets, which witness a high utilization rate. Additionally, the company's $31 billion capital program will likely bolster its future earnings, supporting higher dividend payments. Also, its focus on strengthening its balance sheet and planned divestitures will likely support its growth. Along with dependable dividends, TC Energy stock offers an attractive yield of 6.3%.

TC Energy 计划每年将股息增长 3-5%。这种增长将得到其受监管和合同资产的支持,这些资产的利用率很高。此外,该公司的310亿加元的资本计划很可能增强其未来收益,支持更高的分红派息。此外,该公司致力于加强资产负债表和计划出售资产,这也将支持其增长。除了可靠的分红派息外,TC Energy 股票还提供有吸引力的6.3%的股息收益率。

Canadian Utilities


Canadian Utilities (TSX:CU), with its stellar record of dividend growth, is a must-have stock for income investors. The utility company benefits from a relatively resilient business model and regulated and contracted cash flows.

对于收入投资者来说,加拿大公用事业 (tsx:cu) 是一只必备的股票,其分红增长记录表现出色。该公用事业公司受益于相对弹性的业务模式和受监管和合同的现金流。

Thanks to its high-quality earnings base, Canadian Utilities has uninterruptedly increased its dividends for 52 years. This dividend-growth history shows the strength of Canadian Utilities's business model and its ability to grow its earnings in all market conditions.


The company continues to invest in regulated utility assets, which will expand its earnings base and support future dividend payments. Moreover, Canadian Utilities is optimizing its energy infrastructure capital projects to bolster its earnings and support higher payouts. Overall, its defensive business model, growing cash flows, and solid track record of dividend growth make Canadian Utilities a dependable stock for growing your passive income. The utility company also offers a high yield of 5.4%.


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