
Vaxart Announces Publication in Vaccines of Preclinical Data Supporting the Potential of Its Mucosal Vaccine Technology Platform in Enabling Therapeutic Vaccination for HPV-Related Cervical Dysplasia

Vaxart Announces Publication in Vaccines of Preclinical Data Supporting the Potential of Its Mucosal Vaccine Technology Platform in Enabling Therapeutic Vaccination for HPV-Related Cervical Dysplasia

Vaxart ·  08/28 00:00

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- Data show that Vaxart's HPV vaccine constructs stimulate specific T cell immune responses, reduce tumor size, and increase survival in an animal model of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related tumorigenesis -


- Results suggest that Vaxart's mucosal vaccine platform holds promise in enabling a novel, non-invasive treatment for HPV-related cervical dysplasia -


SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug.  28, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxart, Inc. (Nasdaq: VXRT) today announced the publication of preclinical data demonstrating the potential of its mucosal vaccine technology platform in enabling therapeutic vaccination against HPV-related cervical dysplasia. The data show that Vaxart's HPV vaccine constructs can stimulate a potent immune response against the HPV16 proteins E6 and E7 that are known to transform healthy cells into malignant cells. The data, reported in the current issue of Vaccines, also shows that administration of a mucosal vaccine against these proteins in mice with HPV-expressing tumors led to reductions in tumor size and increased survival.

加利福尼亚州南旧金山,2024年8月28日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Vaxart, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:VXRT)今天宣布发布临床前数据,表明其粘膜疫苗技术平台在实现针对人乳头瘤病毒相关宫颈发育不良的治疗性疫苗接种方面的潜力。数据显示,Vaxart的HPV疫苗结构可以刺激对已知可将健康细胞转化为恶性细胞的 HPV16 蛋白 E6 和 E7 的强效免疫反应。本期《疫苗》中报道的数据还显示,在患有表达 HPV 的肿瘤的小鼠身上接种针对这些蛋白质的粘膜疫苗可减小肿瘤大小并提高存活率。

Persistent HPV infection plays a causative role in most cases of cervical dysplasia, which leads to cervical cancers if left untreated. While prophylactic HPV vaccines are highly effective if administered prior to infection; they have not demonstrated a therapeutic effect on established infections.


"The preclinical data published in Vaccines demonstrate that our mucosal vaccines stimulate T cells to destroy HPV-expressing cells, reducing the size of HPV-derived tumors and increasing the survival of mice bearing these tumors," said Dr. Sean Tucker, Vaxart's Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. "While additional studies are needed to further characterize the immune stimulating and anti-tumor activity of our HPV-vaccine, these initial findings suggest that our mucosal vaccine platform could open the door to a non-invasive approach designed to prevent the progression to cervical cancer. As our mucosal vaccine candidates can be administered easily and are stable at room temperature, they also have potential to address global inequities associated with the treatment of HPV-related cancers."


In this study published in Vaccines, the therapeutic potential of this platform was assessed in mice bearing HPV-expressing tumors. Animals were treated with vaccine candidates expressing wildtype E6 and E7 antigens from HPV16, engineered E6 and E7 that disrupt their malignant transformation potential, and fragments of E6 and E7 predicted to stimulate an immune response. Key findings from the study include:

在发表在《疫苗》上的这项研究中,评估了该平台在携带HPV表达肿瘤的小鼠中的治疗潜力。动物接受了表达 HPV16 野生型 E6 和 E7 抗原的候选疫苗、破坏其恶性转化潜力的精心设计的 E6 和 E7 片段以及预计会刺激免疫反应的 E6 和 E7 片段进行治疗。该研究的主要发现包括:

  • All vaccines generated a specific T cell response to HPV16 E6 and E7 in mice.

  • All vaccines caused significant reductions in tumor volume and increased survival compared to control groups.

  • Concurrent administration of anti-PD-1 with vaccination further increased animal survival in small and large tumor models compared to vaccination alone.

  • Vaccination led to significant increases in intra-tumoral T cells, including T cells that create a cytotoxic tumor environment, compared with an empty control vaccine.

  • Vaccination led to the generation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells.

  • 所有疫苗都会在小鼠体内产生对 HPV16 E6 和 E7 的特异性 t 细胞反应。

  • 与对照组相比,所有疫苗均导致肿瘤体积显著减少并提高存活率。

  • 与单独接种疫苗相比,同时注射抗PD-1和疫苗接种可进一步提高动物在小型和大型肿瘤模型中的存活率。

  • 与空对照疫苗相比,疫苗接种导致肿瘤内T细胞显著增加,包括产生细胞毒性肿瘤环境的T细胞。

  • 疫苗接种导致抗原特异性细胞毒性 T 细胞的产生。

These results suggest that rAd5 vaccines delivered to a mucosal surface may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of HPV-derived cervical dysplasia and might be used to stimulate immune responses against other cancer-related proteins. Vaxart is continuing to evaluate its HPV vaccine candidates.


About Vaxart
Vaxart is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing a range of oral recombinant vaccines based on its proprietary delivery platform. Vaxart vaccines are designed to be administered using pills that can be stored and shipped without refrigeration and eliminate the risk of needle-stick injury. Vaxart believes that its proprietary pill vaccine delivery platform is suitable to deliver recombinant vaccines, positioning the company to develop oral versions of currently marketed vaccines and to design recombinant vaccines for new indications. Vaxart's development programs currently include pill vaccines designed to protect against coronavirus, norovirus and influenza, as well as a therapeutic vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), Vaxart's first immune-oncology indication. Vaxart has filed broad domestic and international patent applications covering its proprietary technology and creations for oral vaccination using adenovirus and dsRNA agonists.

关于 Vaxart

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This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release regarding Vaxart's strategy, prospects, plans and objectives, results from preclinical and clinical trials and the timing of such results, vaccine efficacy and safety, commercialization agreements and licenses, and beliefs and expectations of management are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements may be accompanied by such words as "should," "believe," "could," "potential," "will," "expected," "anticipate," "plan," and other words and terms of similar meaning. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to Vaxart's ability to develop and commercialize its product candidates, including its vaccine booster products; Vaxart's expectations regarding clinical results and trial data, and the timing of receiving and reporting such clinical results and trial data; and Vaxart's expectations with respect to the effectiveness of its product candidates. Vaxart may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions, or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions, expectations, and projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements. Various important factors could cause actual results or events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements that Vaxart makes, including uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement, and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates, and/or launch dates, as well as the possibility of unfavorable new clinical data and further analyses of existing clinical data; the risk that clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments by regulatory authorities; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from the clinical studies; decisions by regulatory authorities impacting labeling, manufacturing processes, and safety that could affect the availability or commercial potential of any product candidate, including the possibility that Vaxart's product candidates may not be approved by the FDA or non-U.S. regulatory authorities; that, even if approved by the FDA or non-U.S. regulatory authorities, Vaxart's product candidates may not achieve broad market acceptance; that a Vaxart collaborator may not attain development and commercial milestones; that Vaxart or its partners may experience manufacturing issues and delays due to events within, or outside of, Vaxart's or its partners' control; difficulties in production, particularly in scaling up initial production, including difficulties with production costs and yields, quality control, including stability of the product candidate and quality assurance testing, shortages of qualified personnel or key raw materials, and compliance with strictly enforced federal, state, and foreign regulations; that Vaxart may not be able to obtain, maintain, and enforce necessary patent and other intellectual property protection; that Vaxart's capital resources may be inadequate; Vaxart's ability to resolve pending legal matters; Vaxart's ability to obtain sufficient capital to fund its operations on terms acceptable to Vaxart, if at all; the impact of government healthcare proposals and policies; competitive factors; and other risks described in the "Risk Factors" sections of Vaxart's Quarterly and Annual Reports filed with the SEC. Vaxart does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

本新闻稿包含涉及重大风险和不确定性的前瞻性陈述。除历史事实陈述外,本新闻稿中有关Vaxart的战略、前景、计划和目标、临床前和临床试验结果以及这些结果的发布时间、疫苗疗效和安全性、商业化协议和许可证,以及管理层的信念和期望的所有陈述,均为前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述可能伴有 “应该”、“相信”、“可能”、“潜在”、“将”、“预期”、“预期”、“计划” 等词语以及其他具有类似含义的词语和术语。此类声明的示例包括但不限于与Vaxart开发和商业化其候选产品(包括疫苗增强产品)的能力有关的声明;Vaxart对临床结果和试验数据的期望,以及接收和报告此类临床结果和试验数据的时机;以及Vaxart对其候选产品有效性的期望。Vaxart可能无法实际实现计划、执行意图或满足前瞻性陈述中披露的预期或预测,您不应过分依赖这些前瞻性陈述。实际结果或事件可能与前瞻性陈述中披露的计划、意图、预期和预测存在重大差异。各种重要因素可能导致实际结果或事件与Vaxart的前瞻性陈述存在重大差异,包括研发中固有的不确定性,包括满足预期临床终点的能力、临床试验的开始和/或完成日期、监管机构提交日期、监管批准日期和/或启动日期,以及可能出现不利的新临床数据和对现有临床数据的进一步分析;临床试验数据受到不同影响的风险监管机构的解释和评估;监管机构是否会对临床研究的设计和结果感到满意;可能影响任何候选产品的可用性或商业潜力的监管机构做出的决定,包括Vaxart的候选产品可能未获得FDA或非美国监管机构批准的可能性;即使获得FDA或非美国监管机构的批准,Vaxart的候选产品也可能未获得广泛的市场接受;Vaxart合作者可能无法实现开发和商业里程碑;由于Vaxart或其合作伙伴控制范围内或之外的事件,Vaxart或其合作伙伴可能会遇到制造问题和延误;生产困难,特别是扩大初始生产方面的困难,包括生产成本和产量方面的困难,质量控制,包括候选产品的稳定性和质量保证测试,合格人员或关键原材料短缺,以及遵守情况严格执行联邦、州和外国法规;Vaxart可能无法获得、维持和执行必要的专利和其他知识产权保护;Vaxart的资本资源可能不足;Vaxart解决未决法律问题的能力;Vaxart获得足够资本以Vaxart可以接受的条件为其运营提供资金的能力;政府医疗保健提案和政策的影响;竞争因素;以及其他风险在 Vaxart 季度和年度的 “风险因素” 部分中进行了描述向美国证券交易委员会提交的报告。除非法律要求,否则Vaxart不承担任何更新任何前瞻性陈述的义务。

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Mark Herr
Vaxart, Inc
(203) 517-8957

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Vaxart, Inc
(203) 517-8957

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Matt Steinberg
FINN Partners
(646) 871-8481

FINN 合作伙伴
(646) 871-8481

Source: Vaxart, Inc.

来源:Vaxart, Inc.

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