
Vaxcyte Reports Positive Topline Data From Phase 1/2 Study of VAX-31, Its 31-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Candidate, in Adults Aged 50 and Older

Vaxcyte Reports Positive Topline Data From Phase 1/2 Study of VAX-31, Its 31-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Candidate, in Adults Aged 50 and Older

Vaxcyte报告了其VAX-31 31价肺炎球菌结合疫苗候选品在50岁及以上成年人中进行的第1/2期研究的阳性头等数据。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/03 07:07

-- At All Doses Studied, VAX-31 Demonstrated Robust Opsonophagocytic Activity Immune Responses for All 31 Serotypes --

-- 在研究的所有剂量中,VAX-31对所有31种血清型均表现出强大的胞噬作用免疫应答 --

-- At Middle and High Doses, VAX-31 Met or Exceeded Regulatory Immunogenicity Criteria for All 31 Serotypes --

-- 在中高剂量情况下,VAX-31对所有31种血清型满足或超过了监管免疫原性标准 --

-- At All Doses Studied, VAX-31 Was Observed to be Well Tolerated and Demonstrated a Safety Profile Similar to Prevnar 20 --

-- 在研究的所有剂量中,VAX-31被观察为耐受良好,并展现出与Prevnar 20类似的安全性特征 --

-- Topline Results Further Validate Potential of Vaxcyte's Carrier-Sparing Platform to Deliver Broadest-Spectrum Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Candidates that Provide Protection Against Both Currently Circulating and Historically Prevalent Serotypes --

-- 首要结果进一步验证了vaxcyte的载体节省平台的潜力,能提供对目前循环和历史上盛行的血清型都提供保护的最广谱的肺炎球菌结合疫苗候选者 --

-- For Adult Indication, VAX-31 Selected to Advance to Phase 3 Program; Vaxcyte Plans to Initiate Phase 3 Pivotal, Non-Inferiority Study by Mid-2025 and Announce Topline Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity Data in 2026 --

-- 对于成人适应症,vaxcyte已选择将VAX-31推进到第3期计划;vaxcyte计划于2025年年中启动第3期关键,非劣效性研究,并于2026年公布顶线安全性、耐受性和免疫原性数据 --

-- For Pediatric Indication, in Parallel with Ongoing VAX-24 Study, Company Plans to Initiate VAX-31 Infant Phase 2 Study in First Quarter of 2025 Following IND Application Submission and Clearance --

-- 对于儿童适应症,在进行中的VAX-24研究的同时,公司计划在2025年第一季度提交IND申请并获得批准后,启动VAX-31婴儿第2期研究 --

-- Company to Host Webcast/Conference Call Today at 8:00 a.m. ET / 5:00 a.m. PT --

-- 公司将于今天上午8:00(东部时间)/ 下午5:00(太平洋时间)举行网络研讨会/电话会议 --

SAN CARLOS, Calif., Sept.  03, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxcyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: PCVX), a clinical-stage vaccine innovation company engineering high-fidelity vaccines to protect humankind from the consequences of bacterial diseases, today announced positive topline results from the Phase 1/2 study evaluating the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of VAX-31, the Company's 31-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) candidate designed to prevent invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), in 1,015 healthy adults aged 50 and older. Based on the strength of the results from this study, the Company has selected VAX-31 to advance to an adult Phase 3 program.

2024年9月3日,加利福尼亚圣卡洛斯(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— 生物制品公司瓦克斯塞特公司(纳斯达克:PCVX)是一家临床阶段的疫苗创新公司,致力于设计高保真疫苗,以保护人类免受细菌疾病的后果。该公司今天宣布了一项第1/2期研究的积极头条结果,评估了VAX-31,该公司的31价肺炎球菌结合疫苗(PCV)候选疫苗的安全性、耐受性和免疫原性,旨在预防侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病(IPD),该项研究涉及1015名年龄在50岁及以上的健康成年人。基于该研究结果的强劲表现,公司已选择VAX-31将进入到一个成人第3期项目。

In this Phase 1/2 study, VAX-31 was observed to be well tolerated and demonstrated a safety profile at all doses studied through the full six-month evaluation period similar to Prevnar 20 (PCV20). VAX-31 showed robust opsonophagocytic activity (OPA) immune responses for all 31 serotypes at all doses studied. At the middle and high doses, VAX-31 met or exceeded the OPA response non-inferiority criteria(1) for all 20 serotypes common with PCV20. At the VAX-31 high dose, average OPA immune responses were greater for 18 of 20 serotypes compared to PCV20 (geometric mean ratio (GMR) greater than 1.0), with seven of these serotypes achieving statistically higher immune responses(2) compared to PCV20. At the middle dose, 13 of 20 serotypes had a GMR greater than 1.0 and five serotypes achieved statistically higher immune responses compared to PCV20. For all 11 incremental serotypes unique to VAX-31, and not in PCV20, all three doses met the superiority criteria(3). The Company plans to select the VAX-31 dose prior to the initiation of the adult Phase 3 program.

在这个1/2期研究中,VAX-31在所有研究剂量下均被观察到耐受性良好,并在为期六个月的完整评估期间表现出与Prevnar 20(PCV20)相似的安全性。VAX-31在所研究的所有31个血清型中显示出强大的巨噬细胞吞噬活性(OPA)免疫反应。在中剂和高剂下,VAX-31在所有与PCV20相同的20个血清型中满足或超过OPA反应非劣效标准(1)。在VAX-31的高剂下,平均OPA免疫反应比PCV20更高的18个血清型(几何平均比(GMR)大于1.0),其中有7个血清型的免疫反应与PCV20相比显著更高(2)。在中剂下,有13个血清型的GMR大于1.0,并有5个血清型的免疫反应与PCV20相比显著更高。对于VAX-31独有的11个增量血清型,而不在PCV20中的,所有三种剂量均满足优越性标准(3)。公司计划在成人3期项目开始前选择VAX-31的剂量。

"We believe the positive safety, tolerability and immunogenicity results from the VAX-31 Phase 1/2 study affirm the potential of our site-specific, carrier-sparing platform to deliver the broadest-spectrum PCVs that provide protection against both currently circulating and historically prevalent strains," said Grant Pickering, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Vaxcyte. "Based on the strength and clarity of these data, we have selected VAX-31 for the adult indication and plan to initiate the pivotal, non-inferiority Phase 3 study by mid-2025 and announce topline data in 2026. We intend to initiate the remaining VAX-31 Phase 3 studies in 2025 and 2026 and submit a Biologics License Application subject to the results of these studies."

“我们相信来自VAX-31 1/2期研究的积极安全性、耐受性和免疫原性结果验证了我们的定点特异性、节约载体平台,能交付提供对当前循环和历史上流行株系的全面保护的最广谱的肺炎球菌疫苗,”Vaxcyte的首席执行官兼联合创始人Grant Pickering说。“根据这些数据的强度和清晰度,我们已选择了VAX-31用于成人适应症,并计划在2025年中期启动关键性的非劣效3期研究,并在2026年公布上线数据。我们打算在2025年和2026年启动其余的VAX-31 3期研究,并根据这些研究的结果提交生物制品许可申请。”

"We are exceptionally proud to share these results, which we believe validate VAX-31's potential as a best-in-class pneumococcal vaccine capable of raising the bar for immunogenicity standards," said Jim Wassil, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Vaxcyte. "The public health community continues to highlight the need for broader-protection vaccines to prevent IPD, which is associated with high case-fatality rates, antibiotic resistance and meningitis. To address this need, VAX-31 was designed to increase coverage to more than 95% of IPD circulating in adults 50 and older in the United States, with the potential to provide significantly greater coverage relative to today's standard-of-care adult PCVs. We want to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in this program, especially the study participants, trial investigators and sites, and the entire Vaxcyte team."

“我们非常自豪地分享这些结果,我们相信这些结果验证了VAX-31作为最佳肺炎球菌疫苗的潜力,能提高免疫原性标准的能力。”疫苗公司的执行副总裁兼首席运营官Jim Wassil说。“公共卫生界继续强调预防侵袭性肺炎的需要,与高病死率、抗生素耐药性和脑膜炎相关。为了满足这一需求,VAX-31被设计用于对美国50岁及以上成年人中正在循环的IPD提供超过95%的覆盖率,并且相对于目前的标准成人肺炎球菌疫苗,VAX-31有可能提供更高的覆盖率。我们要向参与该项目的所有人,特别是研究参与者、试验研究员及机构以及整个疫苗公司团队都表示衷心的感谢。”

Key Topline Study Results


Safety and Tolerability Findings:


  • Based on the full six-month safety data, VAX-31 was observed to be well tolerated and demonstrated a safety profile similar to PCV20 at all doses studied.

  • Frequently reported local and systemic reactions were generally mild-to-moderate, resolving within several days of vaccination, with no meaningful differences observed across the cohorts. No serious adverse events were considered to be related to study vaccines.

  • 根据完整的六个月安全数据,VAX-31在所有研究剂量中被观察到耐受良好,并且显示出与PCV20相似的安全性。

  • 常见的局部和全身反应一般为轻度至中度,接种后数天内消失,各组之间未观察到有意义的差异。未发现与研究疫苗相关的严重不良事件。

Immunogenicity Findings:
VAX-31 showed robust OPA immune responses for all 31 serotypes at all doses studied, and all three doses would be advanceable to Phase 3.


  • At the high and middle doses, VAX-31 met or exceeded the regulatory immunogenicity criteria for all 31 serotypes and, at the low dose, for 29 of 31 serotypes.

  • For the 20 serotypes common with PCV20 (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 8, 9V, 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 18C, 19A, 19F, 22F, 23F, 33F):

    • At the high dose, all 20 serotypes met the OPA response non-inferiority criteria, 18 of 20 serotypes had a GMR greater than 1.0 and seven serotypes achieved statistically higher immune responses.

    • At the middle dose, all 20 serotypes met the OPA response non-inferiority criteria, 13 of 20 serotypes had a GMR greater than 1.0 and five serotypes achieved statistically higher immune responses.

    • At the low dose, 18 of 20 serotypes met the OPA response non-inferiority criteria, 8 of 20 serotypes had a GMR greater than 1.0 and three serotypes achieved statistically higher immune responses.

  • For all 11 additional serotypes unique to VAX-31 (2, 7C, 9N, 15A, 16F, 17F, 20B, 23A, 23B, 31, 35B), and not in PCV20, all three doses met the superiority criteria.

  • 在高剂量和中剂量下,VAX-31在所有31种血清型中满足或超过了规定的免疫原性标准,在低剂量下为29种血清型。

  • 对于与PCV20相同的20种血清型(1、3、4、5、6A、B、7F、8、9V、10A、11A、12F、14、A、18C、19A、19F、22F、23F、33F):

    • 在高剂量下,所有20种血清型满足OPA应答非劣性标准,20种血清型中有18种GMR大于1.0,7种血清型的免疫应答显著更高。

    • 在中剂量下,所有20种血清型满足OPA应答非劣性标准,20种血清型中有13种GMR大于1.0,5种血清型的免疫应答显著更高。

    • 在低剂量下,18种血清型满足OPA应答非劣性标准,8种血清型的GMR大于1.0,3种血清型的免疫应答显著更高。

  • 对于VAX-31独有的11种附加血清型(2、7C、9N、15A、16F、17F、200亿、23A、230亿、31、35B),与PCV20相比,所有三剂次都满足优越性标准。

About the VAX-31 Phase 1/2 Clinical Study
The VAX-31 Phase 1/2 clinical study was a randomized, observer-blind, active-controlled, dose-finding clinical study designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a single injection of VAX-31 at three dose levels (low, middle and high) and compared to PCV20 in 1,015 healthy adults aged 50 and older. In the low, middle and high doses, all serotypes were dosed at 1.1mcg, 2.2mcg and 3.3mcg, respectively, except serotypes 1, 5 and 22F, which were dosed at 1.65mcg, 3.3mcg, and 4.4mcg, respectively. The Phase 1 portion of the study included 64 healthy adults 50 to 64 years of age and the Phase 2 portion included 951 healthy adults 50 years of age and older. The immunogenicity objectives of the study included an assessment of the induction of antibody responses at Month 1, based on OPA and immunoglobulin G (IgG), at each of the three VAX-31 doses and compared to PCV20 for the 20 serotypes in common, as well as for the additional 11 serotypes contained in VAX-31, but not in PCV20. The study enrolled subjects from 25 sites in the United States. Additional information about the study can be found at  under the identifier NCT06151288.


Key Anticipated PCV Franchise Milestones
Vaxcyte is advancing the clinical development of its PCV programs with several anticipated key milestones, including:




  • Following an FDA End-of-Phase 2 meeting, initiate Phase 3 pivotal, non-inferiority study by mid-2025 and announce topline safety, tolerability and immunogenicity data in 2026.

  • Initiate remaining Phase 3 studies in 2025 and 2026.

  • 在FDA第二阶段结束会议后,于2025年中期开始第三阶段的关键性、非劣效性研究,并在2026年公布上市安全性、耐受性和免疫原性数据。

  • 在2025年和2026年开始其余的第三阶段研究。



  • Announce topline safety, tolerability and immunogenicity data from primary three-dose immunization series of the Phase 2 study, which is fully enrolled with 802 healthy infants, by the end of the first quarter of 2025, followed by topline data from the booster dose by the end of 2025.

  • 宣布2025年第一季度结束时,已经完全招募了802名健康婴儿,第2阶段研究主要三针免疫接种系列的头号安全性、耐受性和免疫原性数据,随后在2025年底之前发布加强剂数据。



  • Initiate Phase 2 study in the first quarter of 2025 following IND submission and clearance.

  • Announce topline safety, tolerability and immunogenicity data from the VAX-31 infant Phase 2 study primary three-dose immunization series in mid-2026, followed by topline data from the booster dose approximately nine months later.

  • 在2025年第一季度提交和获批的IND后,启动第2阶段研究。

  • 在2026年年中公布vaxcyte-31婴儿第2阶段研究主要三针免疫接种系列的头号安全性、耐受性和免疫原性数据,随后约九个月后发布加强剂数据。

Conference Call and Webcast
Vaxcyte will hold a webcast and conference call today, September 3 at 8:00 a.m. ET to discuss the results from the VAX-31 Phase 1/2 study. To participate in the conference call, please dial 800-225-9448 (domestic) or 203-518-9708 (international) and refer to conference ID PCVX0903. A live webcast of the conference call will also be available on the investor relations page of the Vaxcyte corporate website at . After the live webcast, the event will remain archived on the Vaxcyte website for 30 days.

Vaxcyte将于今天9月3日上午8:00举行网络直播和电话会议,讨论VAX-31一/二期研究结果。要参加电话会议,请拨打800-225-9448(国内)或203-518-9708(国际),并提供会议ID PCVX0903。Vaxcyte公司投资者关系网页上也将提供电话会议的现场网络直播。直播后,该活动将在Vaxcyte网站上归档保存30天。

About Pneumococcal Disease
Pneumococcal disease (PD) is an infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) bacteria. It can result in invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), including meningitis and bacteremia, and non-invasive PD, including pneumonia, otitis media and sinusitis. In the United States, pneumococcal pneumonia is estimated to result in approximately 150,000 hospitalizations each year. Streptococcus pneumoniae is among the World Health Organization's top antibiotic-resistant pathogens to be urgently addressed, and the U.S. CDC lists drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae as a "serious threat." Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of vaccine-preventable deaths in children under five globally. Pneumococci also cause over 50% of all cases of bacterial meningitis in the United States. Antibiotics are used to treat PD, but some strains of the bacteria have developed resistance to treatments. The morbidity and mortality due to PD are significant, particularly for young children and older adults, underscoring the need for a broader-spectrum vaccine.


About VAX-31
VAX-31, a 31-valent PCV candidate advancing to a Phase 3 adult clinical program, is designed to prevent IPD, which is especially serious in infants, young children, older adults and those with immune deficiencies or certain chronic health conditions. IPD is associated with high case-fatality rates, antibiotic resistance and meningitis. VAX-31 is the broadest-spectrum PCV in the clinic and has the potential to provide protection against both currently circulating and historically prevalent serotypes. VAX-31 was designed to increase coverage to more than 95% of IPD circulating in adults in the United States aged 50 and older, with the potential to provide an incremental 12-40% of coverage over current standard-of-care adult PCVs.

VAX-31是一种31价PCV候选疫苗,正在进入第三期成人临床试验计划,旨在预防IPD,这在婴儿、幼儿、老年人以及免疫缺陷或某些慢性健康状况下尤为严重。IPD与高病死率、抗生素耐药性和脑膜炎相关。VAX-31是临床中谱系最广泛的PCV,有潜力提供对目前循环和历时优势谱系的保护。VAX-31旨在提高对美国50岁及以上成年人中循环的 IPD 的覆盖范围,潜在提供比目前标准治疗成人PCV更多的 12-40% 覆盖。

About Vaxcyte
Vaxcyte is a vaccine innovation company engineering high-fidelity vaccines to protect humankind from the consequences of bacterial diseases. The Company is developing broad-spectrum conjugate and novel protein vaccines to prevent or treat bacterial infectious diseases. VAX-31 is a Phase 3-ready 31-valent, carrier-sparing PCV being developed for the prevention of IPD in adults and infants and is the broadest-spectrum PCV candidate in the clinic today. VAX-24, the Company's 24-valent PCV candidate, is designed to cover more serotypes than any infant PCV on-market and is currently being evaluated in a Phase 2 infant study. Both VAX-31 and VAX-24 are designed to improve upon the standard-of-care PCVs by covering the serotypes in circulation that are responsible for a significant portion of IPD and are associated with high case-fatality rates, antibiotic resistance and meningitis, while maintaining coverage of previously circulating strains that are currently contained through continued vaccination practice.

Vaxcyte是一家疫苗创新公司,致力于研发高保真度疫苗,以保护人类免受细菌疾病的后果。该公司正在开发广谱共轭和新颖蛋白疫苗,用于预防或治疗细菌感染性疾病。VAX-31是一种已准备就绪进入第三期的31价、节约载体的PCV,正在开发用于预防成人和婴儿 IPD 的疫苗,并是当今临床中谱系最广泛的PCV候选疫苗。该公司的24价PCV候选疫苗VAX-24旨在覆盖市场上任何婴儿PCV更多的谱系,目前正在进行第二期婴儿研究评估。VAX-31和VAX-24均旨在改进现行标准的PCV,通过覆盖正在循环的谱系,这些谱系占IPD很大比例,与高病死率、抗生素耐药性和脑膜炎相关,同时保持多年来循环的编疫株的覆盖,这些编疫株目前通过持续疫苗接种实践得以控制。

Vaxcyte is re-engineering the way highly complex vaccines are made through modern synthetic techniques, including advanced chemistry and the XpressCF cell-free protein synthesis platform, exclusively licensed from Sutro Biopharma, Inc. Unlike conventional cell-based approaches, the Company's system for producing difficult-to-make proteins and antigens is intended to accelerate its ability to efficiently create and deliver high-fidelity vaccines with enhanced immunological benefits. Vaxcyte's pipeline also includes VAX-A1, a prophylactic vaccine candidate designed to prevent Group A Strep infections; VAX-PG, a therapeutic vaccine candidate designed to slow or stop the progression of periodontal disease; and VAX-GI, a vaccine candidate designed to prevent Shigella. Vaxcyte is driven to eradicate or treat invasive bacterial infections, which have serious and costly health consequences when left unchecked. For more information, visit .


(1) Lower bound of the 2-sided 95% confidence interval of the OPA geometric mean ratio is greater than 0.5.
(2) Lower bound of the 2-sided 95% confidence interval of the OPA geometric mean ratio is greater than 1.0.
(3) Lower bound of the 2-sided 95% confidence interval of the difference in the proportions of participants with a ≥4-fold increase from Day 1 to Month 1 is greater than 10%, and lower bound of the 2-sided 95% confidence interval of the OPA geometric mean ratio is greater than 2.0.


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