
September Starts with Market Pull Back on Hungover Tuesday Session

September Starts with Market Pull Back on Hungover Tuesday Session

moomoo资讯 ·  09/03 10:34

Good morning, traders. Happy Tuesday. The market is pulling back after a holiday weekend, after the month of August ended Friday with all indexes in the positive. From near all time highs Semiconductor stocks are leading stocks lower.


Just past 10:26 am ET the    $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ traded -1.17%, the       $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ fell 1.04%, and the    $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ fell 1.54%.

美国东部时间上午 10:26 刚过$标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ 交易量为-1.17%, $道琼斯指数 (.DJI.US)$ 下跌了1.04%,$纳斯达克综合指数 (.IXIC.US)$ 下跌了1.54%。

In macroeconomics this week, investors are awaiting initial and continuing jobless claims figures from the Department of Labor Statistics Thursday, and the Unemployment rate and nonfarm payrolls from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday. The market is watching for signs of labor softness that could hurt stock prices, but help the chances of an FOMC rate cut during the committee's upcoming September 17-18 meeting.


Tuesday, both the S&P PMI and ISM PMI index numbers came out lower than estimated, with ISM at 47.2 vs 47.5 and S&P at 47.9 vs 48, compared to last months 46.8 and 49.6 respectively.


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对期权感兴趣?要在期权页面上查看这些股票以及更多股票,请单击 这里。想了解有关选项的更多信息,请通过此链接查看moomoo教育。点击 在这里加入我们的独家选项聊天室 我们的常驻专家 Invest with Sarge 会亲自来访。

Yesterday, users were screaming and yelling about the election: things are heating up. When not arguing about which candidate is worse, users watched Oil demand and tech companies like fan favorite $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$.

昨天,用户对选举大喊大叫:事情正在升温。在不争论哪位候选人更差时,用户关注的是石油需求,而科技公司则是粉丝的最爱 $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$

Traders, what do you think, is the market in 2024 about following the herd? What you watching on the stock market today? What is the herd following? Let me know in the comments below!


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