
Eureka Conducts Portfolio-Wide Sampling Program and Identifies Large, Outcropping Pegmatites at New Leaf Project, Nunavik, Quebec

Eureka Conducts Portfolio-Wide Sampling Program and Identifies Large, Outcropping Pegmatites at New Leaf Project, Nunavik, Quebec

newsfile ·  09/04 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 4, 2024) - Eureka Lithium Corp. (CSE: ERKA) (OTCQB: UREKF) (FSE: S580) ("Eureka Lithium" or "Eureka" or the "Company), owner of the largest lithium-focused land package in the top third of Quebec, is actively underway in its 2024 exploration program targeting lithium-bearing pegmatite deposits in the mineral-rich region of Nunavik.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年9月4日)——魁北克前三分之一最大的锂聚焦土地一揽子的所有者尤里卡锂业公司(CSE:ERKA)(OTCQB:UREKF)(FSE:S580)(“尤里卡锂业” 或 “尤里卡” 或 “公司”)正在积极开展其2024年的勘探计划,目标是加拿大含锂伟晶岩矿床努纳维克富含矿物的地区。

Eureka Lithium is pleased to announce the completion of an aggressive field exploration program at the New Leaf project. This program set out to perform follow-up prospecting, till and lake sediment sampling within areas previously prospected during the Company's 2023 field work. Additionally, reconnaissance prospecting was completed within the newly acquired add-on ground at the Leaf River West and SR Leaf River West properties.

尤里卡锂业很高兴地宣布,New Leaf项目的积极野外勘探计划已经完成。该计划旨在在公司2023年实地考察期间先前勘探的区域内进行后续勘探,直升机和湖泊沉积物采样。此外,在Leaf River West和SR Leaf River West物业新收购的附加地块内完成了侦察勘探。

Preliminary Results from New Leaf

New Leaf 的初步结果

The GroundTruth team successfully completed 576 samples in the till program, 404 rock samples, and 153 lake sediment samples.

GroundTruth 团队成功完成了耕作计划中的 576 个样本、404 个岩石样本和 153 个湖泊沉积物样本。

The new Leaf River West and SR Leaf River West properties contain the largest and most interesting pegmatites observed to date by the field crew. A particularly large, zoned pegmatitic outcrop in the Leaf River West block contains some regions bearing garnet, tourmaline and minor muscovite. This pegmatite is hosted within a metasedimentary package and is hypothesised to be within a fault zone. Pegmatites observed in the SR Leaf River West property contained an abundance of 1-10 cm scale muscovite, tourmaline and garnet. The pegmatites across all Eureka claims are trending NW/SE and are hypothesised to be part of a regional pegmatite swarm. Extensive samples have been collected in both these zones of pegmatites and are pending assay results.

Leaf River West 和 SR Leaf River West 的新地产包含实地工作人员迄今观测到的最大、最有趣的伟晶岩。Leaf River West 区块中一个特别大的分区伟晶岩露头包含一些含有石榴石万亿.urmaline 和小白云母的区域。这种伟晶岩位于超沉积层包中,据推测位于断层带内。在 SR Leaf River West 地产中观察到的伟晶岩含有丰富 1-10 厘米的白云母、碧玺和石榴石。尤里卡所有索赔中的伟晶岩都呈西北/东南趋势,据推测是区域伟晶岩群的一部分。已经在这两个伟晶岩区域采集了大量样本,正在等待化验结果。

The samples collected during this program are being initially scanned and sorted in the field using a handheld XRF analyzer and all samples will be sent to the laboratories for analysis. A field quality assurance program has been developed which includes retaining traverse trackfiles, inserting QAQC samples for assays, and retaining digital data files of all geological data collected.


DJ Bowen, Eureka interim-CEO commented: "The New Leaf area has shown great prospective geology and we are looking forward to receiving the final results of this 2024 program."

尤里卡临时首席执行官DJ Bowen评论说:“新叶地区显示出良好的前景地质前景,我们期待收到2024年项目的最终结果。”

Figure 1: Highlighted pegmatite number 1. (A) close up image of weathered surface. (B) map of claim area, star indicates pegmatite one and diamonds indicate other mapped pegmatites. (C) image depicting extent of visible outcrop. (D) close up of fresh surface with tourmaline.

图 1:突出显示的编号为 1 的伟晶岩。(A)风化表面的特写图像。(B) 索赔区域地图,星形表示伟晶岩一层,钻石表示其他绘制的伟晶岩。(C) 描绘可见露出范围的图像。(D) 用电气石近距离观察新鲜表面。

Figure 2: Highlighted pegmatite number 2 and 3. (A) Outcrop extent of pegmatite number 3. (B) close-up of a nearby occurrence of equal composition to pegmatite 2 and 3. Muscovite, garnet and tourmaline observed. (C) close up of pegmatite 2 showing several cm scale tourmaline. (D) map of claim location of pegmatite 2 and 3 (stars) and other mapped pegmatites (diamonds)

图 2:突出显示的编号为 2 和 3 的伟晶岩。(A) 3 号伟晶岩的露出范围。(B) 附近一处成分与伟晶岩 2 和 3 相等的矿点的特写镜头。观测到白云母、石榴石和碧玺。(C) 伟晶岩 2 的特写镜头,显示几厘米比例的碧玺。(D) 伟晶岩 2 和 3(星星)及其他绘制的伟晶岩(钻石)的权利要求位置地图

Figure 3: Map of New Leaf properties with highlighted pegmatites (star) and other mapped pegmatites (diamonds)

图 3:带有突出显示的伟晶岩(星形)和其他映射的伟晶岩(钻石)的 New Leaf 特性地图

Remaining Nunavik Programs for 2024

2024 年剩余的努纳维克项目

With completion of the New Leaf program, the GroundTruth Exploration field crew will move north to conduct similar fieldwork at the Raglan West and Raglan South projects. Crews will begin at the Raglan West property, working from the town of Salluit. This program will build on the follow-up work from fall 2023 with extensive till sampling, lake sediment sampling, and infill prospecting.

随着New Leaf计划的完成,GroundTruth Exploration的现场工作人员将向北移动,在拉格兰西部和拉格兰南部项目进行类似的实地考察。工作人员将从拉格兰西部的房产开始,在萨卢伊特镇工作。该计划将在2023年秋季的后续工作基础上再接再厉,包括广泛的岩土采样、湖泊沉积物采样和填充物勘探。

The GroundTruth team will then mobilize for the final program at Raglan South, consisting of till sampling, lake sediment sampling, and detailed follow-up prospecting based on 2023 results. These programs will employ the same rigorous QAQC program and pre-laboratory XRF analysis.

然后,GroundTruth 团队将动员起来参加拉格兰南部的最后一个项目,包括矿山采样、湖泊沉积物采样以及基于2023年结果的详细后续勘探。这些项目将采用同样严格的质量控制计划和实验室前XRF分析。

Importance of Inuit Consultation


The New Leaf program was planned with the help of discussions with local Inuit communities. Erin Bros (géo), Senior Geologist & Indigenous Relations Advisor with GroundTruth consulted on behalf of Eureka with local Inuit landholding corporations (LHC) of Nayumivik and Arkivik during fall 2023, as well as spring 2024 to help determine best timing for the New Leaf field program. Mitigation measures were put in place at the request of Arkivik LHC from the community of Tasiujaq. Both Eureka and GroundTruth believe that proper respect to Inuit communities is necessary for a successful field program and longevity of exploration in Nunavik. After completion of all field programs this season, GroundTruth will proceed with a Nunavik community tour on behalf of Eureka to present and discuss the 2024 field programs with local Inuit communities across all Nunavik programs.

New Leaf计划是在与当地因纽特人社区的讨论的帮助下计划的。GroundTruth的高级地质学家兼土著关系顾问艾琳·布罗斯(ge'o)在2023年秋季以及2024年春季代表尤里卡向纳尤米维克和阿奇维克的当地因纽特人土地所有权公司(LHC)进行了咨询,以帮助确定新叶实地项目的最佳时机。缓解措施是应塔休贾克社区的阿奇维克大型强子对撞机的要求制定的。尤里卡和GroundTruth都认为,要想在努纳维克成功进行实地考察和延长勘探时间,必须对因纽特人社区给予应有的尊重。在本赛季完成所有实地项目后,GroundTruth 将代表尤里卡继续进行努纳维克社区之旅,介绍并与当地因纽特人社区讨论所有努纳维克项目的2024年实地项目。

Corporate Video


To view a new Eureka Lithium corporate video, visit () or the following URL:

要观看新的 Eureka Lithium 公司视频,请访问 () 或以下 URL:

Corporate Presentation


Visit the Eureka Lithium homepage or click on the following URL to view the Company's Corporate Presentation:

访问 Eureka Lithium 主页或点击以下 URL 查看公司的公司简报:

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Afzaal Pirzada, P. Geo., who is a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新闻稿的科学和技术内容已经过Afzaal Pirzada, P. Geo. 的审查和批准,根据国家仪器43-101——矿产项目披露标准,他是 “合格人士”。

About Eureka Lithium Corp.


Eureka Lithium is the largest lithium-focused landowner in the northern third of Quebec, known as the Nunavik region, with 100-per-cent ownership of three projects comprising 1,408 square km in the emerging Raglan West, Raglan South and New Leaf lithium camps. These claims were acquired from legendary prospector Shawn Ryan and are located in a region that hosts two operating nickel mines with deep-sea port access. The recent acquisition of the La Motte lithium project near Val D'Or, Quebec broadens Eureka Lithium's holdings into the heart of Canada's major lithium production district.

Eureka Lithium是魁北克北部三分之一的努纳维克地区最大的以锂为重点的土地所有者,拥有三个项目的100%所有权,这些项目占地1,408平方千米,分别位于新兴的拉格兰西部、拉格兰南部和纽利夫锂矿营地。这些索赔是从传奇探矿者肖恩·瑞安那里获得的,位于一个拥有两个可通往深海港口的运营镍矿的地区。最近收购了魁北克省瓦尔多尔附近的拉莫特锂项目,将尤里卡锂业的持股范围扩大到加拿大主要锂生产区的中心地带。

For more information please contact:


DJ Bowen
Interim Chief Executive Officer

DJ Bowen

Cautionary Statement


Certain statements contained in this news release, including statements which may contain words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "estimates", or similar expressions, and statements related to matters which are not historical facts, such as statements regarding the contemplated completion of the Acquisition and the Concurrent Financing, are forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's expectations and are based on certain factors and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the Company's forward-looking statements. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct, nor that the Acquisition will be completed as contemplated, or at all, or that the Concurrent Financing will be completed as contemplated, or at all. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly any future revisions to forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as expressly required by law.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述,包括可能包含 “期望”、“预期”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“估计” 或类似表述等词语的陈述,以及与非历史事实有关的事项的陈述,例如有关预期完成收购和并行融资的陈述,是适用证券法所指的前瞻性信息。此类前瞻性陈述反映了管理层的预期,基于某些因素和假设,涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,可能导致实际业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。应仔细考虑这些因素,读者不应过分依赖公司的前瞻性陈述。公司认为,本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述中反映的预期是合理的,但无法保证这些预期会被证明是正确的,也无法保证收购将按预期完成或根本完成,也无法保证并行融资将按预期完成或根本无法保证。除非法律明确要求,否则公司没有义务公开发布未来对前瞻性陈述的任何修订,以反映本新闻发布之日之后的事件或情况或反映意外事件的发生。

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