
QIMC Announces Landmark Discovery of Hydrogen Soil Samples Over 1000ppm on Recently Completed 9.7km North-South Line, Outlining Highly Charged 70km2 Hydrogen Area

QIMC Announces Landmark Discovery of Hydrogen Soil Samples Over 1000ppm on Recently Completed 9.7km North-South Line, Outlining Highly Charged 70km2 Hydrogen Area

newsfile ·  09/04 08:14

Quebec City, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - September 4, 2024) - Quebec Innovative Materials Corp. (CSE: QIMC) (FSE: 7FJ) ("QI Materials", "QIMC" or the "Company"), is proud to announce a landmark discovery made in collaboration with our Quebec partner, the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS). The findings from the recently completed 9.7km north-south line 7 have uncovered hydrogen soil samples with concentrations exceeding 1000 parts per million (ppm). Significantly, we observed 8 readings exceeding 600 ppm, with 2 of those surpassing 1000 ppm. Additionally, the average measured 531.9 ppm over a 450 ms interval between the readings above 1000 ppm (Fig. 1). Professor Marc Richer-Laflèche, Scientific Head of Applied Geoscience Laboratory comments, "These highly anomalous values can be considered first-class given the absolute values that, locally, exceed the instrumental detection limit of 1000 ppm. The results from Line 7 validate the geological hydrogen model interpretations we outlined in previous announcements."

魁北克市,魁北克-(Newsfile corp,2024年9月4日)-魁北克创新材料公司(CSE: QIMC)(FSE: 7FJ)(“QI材料”,“QIMC”或“公司”)很自豪地宣布,与我们的魁北克合作伙伴魁北克国家研究科学研究所(INRS)合作取得了一个具有里程碑意义的发现。最近完成的南北向9.7公里第7线发现了氢土壤样本,浓度超过每百万1000部分(ppm)。显著的是,我们观察到8个读数超过了600 ppm,其中有2个超过了1000 ppm。此外,测得的平均值为531.9 ppm,在1000 ppm以上的读数之间的450毫秒间隔内(图1)。 应用地球科学实验室的科学负责人Marc Richer-Laflèche教授评论说:“鉴于这些异常高的数值可以被视为一流,因为在局部地区超过了每百万1000 ppm的仪器检测限度。第7线的结果证实了我们在之前公告中概述的地质氢模型解读。”

The data distribution is illustrated in Figure 2, which maps the anomalies against a backdrop of satellite imagery.


Figure 1. Section showing the variability of H2 concentrations measured in the soils of line 7 at St-Bruno-de-Guigues. Data are given as a function of distance in meters

图1. 显示圣布鲁诺德吉格斯第7线土壤中H2浓度的变异性部分。 数据按米的距离函数给出

Figure 2: Map of the distribution of hydrogen anomalies in the soils of the St-Bruno-de-Guigues area. Data projected onto satellite image background.

图2:圣布鲁诺德吉格斯地区土壤中氢异常分布地图。 数据投影到卫星图像背景上。

Exceptional natural hydrogen levels


"We are thrilled to announce this transformative discovery outlining a highly charged 70km2 hydrogen area within our 250km2 Ville Marie property," said John Karagiannidis, CEO of QIMC. "The hydrogen concentrations identified by INRS mark a significant advancement in our pursuit of clean, renewable energy solutions. This breakthrough highlights our leadership in the hydrogen sector and strengthens our commitment to advancing sustainable technologies that support Quebec's clean emission goals. We eagerly anticipate the next steps in developing and commercializing this remarkable hydrogen resource."

“我们很高兴地宣布,我们在250km2 Ville Marie地区内发现了一个高浓度的70km2氢区域,” QIMC的首席执行官John Karagiannidis说。“INRS确定的氢浓度标志着我们在追求清洁可再生能源解决方案方面取得的重大进展。这一突破突显了我们在氢能源领域的领导地位,并加强了我们致力于发展可支持魁北克清洁排放目标的可持续技术。我们急切期待着发展和商业化这一显著的氢源的下一步。”

Strategic Impact


To delineate the area of high hydrogen values observed along line 1 of the July 2024 soil gas survey, the INRS field crew extended line 1 westward during the first week of August 2024. This extension begins at the boundary between forest and agricultural land and ends near the chemin des secondes et troisième rangs of St-Bruno-de-Guigues (line 7). "As initially predicted in our hydrogen model, the intensity of the soil hydrogen anomalies gradually decreased towards the west (Figure 3)", notes Professor Marc Richer-Lafleche. "This decrease in concentration emphasizes a westward closure of the hydrogen anomaly domain. This spatial variability may reflect, among other things, the presence of contrasting geological units (arkosic sandstones, Cobalt Group conglomerates, Ordovician dolomitic limestones) and also the probable presence of the Rivière-Blanche fault, which may be present in the St-Bruno-de-Guigues area beneath the thick glacial-lacustrine sediments", states Professor Marc Richer-Lafleche.

为了划定在2024年7月土壤气调查的第一条线路上观察到的高氢值区域,INRS野外工作队在2024年8月的第一周向西延伸了第一条线路。 这个延伸从森林和农业土地的边界开始,结束在圣布鲁诺德吉格的第二和第三排的路附近(第7条线)。 “正如我们关于氢模型最初的预测,土壤氢异常的强度逐渐朝西方减弱(图3)”,马克里谢-拉弗列什教授指出。“这种浓度的降低强调了氢异常领域向西方的封闭。这种空间变异性可能反映了诸多因素,包括对比地质单元(长石砂岩,钴矿团集,奥陶纪白云岩)的存在,还可能有River-Blanche断层的存在,这可能存在于圣布鲁诺德吉克区域,在厚厚的冰碛湖相沉积物下方”,马克里谢-拉弗列什教授说。

Fig. 3: Location map of the soil gas survey for Line 7 (North-South) and East-West Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


"We believe that this fault is partly responsible for the emplacement of hydrogen in the St-Bruno-de-Guigues area," said John Karagiannidis, CEO of QIMC. The location of this fault is a priority for QIMC and INRS and will be the subject of a high spatial resolution audiomagnetotelluric survey to be carried out in the fall of 2024.

“我们相信这个断层在一定程度上对圣布鲁诺德吉克地区的氢储存负有责任,” QIMC首席执行官John Karagiannidis说。 这个断层的位置是QIMC和INRS的优先事项,将是2024年秋季进行的高空间分辨率声电磁测深勘测的主题。

"In the area of the sampling stations containing the hydrogen anomalies, there is no evidence in the field (or in the MRNF databases) of the presence of wells (former mining or oil wells), which could explain, among other things, the presence of H2 anomalies from anthropogenic sources. What's more, unlike the false H2 anomalies regularly reported in the scientific literature, the H2 anomalous zones at St-Bruno-de-Guigues extend for more than one kilometer (along north-south or east-west axes), which cannot be explained by anthropogenic sources.

“在含有氢异常的采样站区域,现场(或MRNF数据库)没有关于井的存在的证据(旧矿井或油井),这可以解释在圣布鲁诺德吉格存在H2异常的存在。 此外,与科学文献中定期报告的假H2异常不同,圣布鲁诺德吉克的H2异常区域延伸超过一公里(沿着南北或东西轴),这不能由人为来源解释。”

It is also unlikely that the gas anomalies are the result of subsurface biogenic processes, as the glaciolacustrine sediments hosting the H2 anomalies and also the H2-depleted zones (background) are very similar from one sampling site to another. These Quaternary sediments are essentially dominated by a mineral matrix with little potential to generate significant amounts of hydrogen through fermentation reactions with organic matter. In contrast to the study by Etiope et al. (2024), which was carried out on soils from the Pusteria Valley region (northern Italy), the H2 concentrations observed in soils from the Lake Témiscamingue graben are not associated with very high CH4 and CO2 concentrations. Therefore, it is likely that the source of hydrogen in St-Bruno-de-Guigues soils is geological rather than biogenic," details Professor Marc Richer-Lafleche.

而且,从一个采样点到另一个采样点,寄生湖沉积物中的H2异常和H2耗尽区(背景)非常相似,这表明气体异常应该不是地下生物发酵过程的结果。这些第四纪沉积物主要由矿物质基质主导,几乎没有通过与有机物的发酵反应产生大量氢气的潜力。与Etiope等人(2024年)在意大利北部Pusteria山谷地区的土壤研究相反,St-Bruno-de-Guigues土壤中观察到的H2浓度与非常高的CH4和CO2浓度无关。因此,可以推断St-Bruno-de-Guigues土壤中的氢源是地质性的,而不是生物性的。详细情况请参阅Marc Richer-Lafleche教授的说明。

Next Steps:


Soil sampling is scheduled in the fall of 2024 to further analyze the granulometric and elemental characteristics of glaciolacustrine sediments in the St-Bruno-de-Guigues area.


Gravimetry and audiomagnetotellurism (AMT) geophysics are also planned for the fall of 2024 to assess variations in the thickness of local sedimentary rock deposits (gravity troughs) over the Archean basement. These data will allow us to locate the areas most likely to contain reservoir rocks. AMT data will allow us to locate graben-related faults in the St-Bruno-de-Guigue area that are covered by Quaternary sediments.

计划在2024年秋季通过重力测量和声磁电 tellurism(AMT)地球物理学评估太古时代基座岩石下的局部沉积岩层厚度的变化(重力槽)。这些数据将使我们能够确定最有可能含有储层岩石的区域。AMT数据将使我们能够确定St-Bruno-de-Guigue地区的寄生湖断层,这些断层被第四纪沉积物覆盖。

"The high levels of hydrogen discovered by INRS underscore our commitment to leading the transition to sustainable, clean energy solutions," said John Karagiannidis. "We are excited about the upcoming phases of commercial development and the opportunity to advance our renewable energy initiatives."

“INRS发现的高水平氢气凸显了我们领先可持续、清洁能源解决方案的承诺,”John Karagiannidis说。“我们对商业发展的下一阶段和推进可再生能源计划的机会感到兴奋。”

REF: Etiope, G., Ciotoli, G., , Bena, E., Mazzoli, C., Rockmann, T., Sivan, M., Squartini, A., Laemmel, A., Szidat, S., Haghipour, N. and Sassi, R., 2024. Surprising concentrations of hydrogen and non-geological methane and carbon dioxide in the soil . Science of the Total Environment, 948.


About the INRS and Pr. Marc Richer-LaFlèche, P.Geo.

关于INRS和Marc Richer-LaFlèche教授,地质专业工程师

The Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique ("INRS") is a high-level research and training institute. Pr. Richer-LaFlèche's team has exceptional geological, geochemical and geophysical experience specifically in the regions of QIMC's newly acquired claims. They have carried out over six years of geophysical and geochemical work and collected thousands of C1-C4 Soil-Gas analyses.

国家科学研究所(“INRS”)是一家高水平的研究和培训机构。Pr. Richer-LaFlèche团队在QIMC新收购的权利范围内,具有特殊的地质、地球化学和地球物理经验。他们进行了超过6年的地球物理和地球化学工作并收集了数千个C1-C4土壤气体分析。

M. Richer-LaFlèche also holds an FRQNT grant, in partnership with Quebec MRN and the mining industry, to develop and optimize a Soil-Gas method for the direct detection of mineralized bodies and faults under Quaternary cover. In addition to sulphide gases, hydrogen was systematically analyzed in the numerous surveys carried out in 2023 in Abitibi, Témiscamingue and also in the Quebec Appachian. M. Richer-LaFlèche is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical information contained in this news release and has read the information contained herein.


In addition, the INRS team has several portable gas spectrometers and the sampling equipment and logistics necessary for taking gas samples and geophysical measurements on the ground or in the aquatic environment. He is a professional geologist registered with the Ordre des géologues du Québec and is the Qualified Person responsible for the technical information contained in this news release and has read the information contained herein and approves the press release.


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About Québec Innovative Materials Corp.


Québec Innovative Materials Corp. is a mineral exploration, and development company dedicated to exploring and harnessing the potential of Canada's abundant resources. With properties in Ontario and Québec, QIMC is focused on specializing in the exploration of white (natural) hydrogen and high-grade silica deposits, QIMC is committed to sustainable practices and innovation. With a focus on environmental stewardship and cutting-edge extraction technology, we aim to unlock the full potential of these materials to drive forward clean energy solutions to power the AI and carbon-neutral economy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

魁北克创新材料公司是一家矿业勘探和开发公司,致力于探索和利用加拿大丰富的资源潜力。 QIMC在魁北克和安大略拥有物业,专注于白色(天然)氢和高品位硅石矿床的勘探,致力于可持续发展和创新。我们专注于环境管理和尖端提取工艺,旨在释放这些材料的全部潜力,以推动AI和碳中和经济的清洁能源解决方案,并为更可持续的未来做出贡献。

John Karagiannidis
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 438-401-8271

电话:+1 438-401-8271。

For further information, please contact:


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Although Québec Innovative Materials believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by their nature, forward-looking statements involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; the Company's ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada and generally; the ability of Québec Innovative Materials Corp. to implement its business strategies; competition; and other assumptions, risks and uncertainties.

此类假设、风险和不确定性的例子包括但不限于与一般经济条件有关的假设、风险和不确定性;不利的行业事件;采矿业未来的立法和监管发展;魁北克创新材料公司从内部和外部来源获得足够资金的能力和 / 或无法以有利的条件获得足够的资金的能力;加拿大和整个加拿大的采矿业和市场;魁北克创新材料公司实施其业务策略的能力;竞争;以及其他假设、风险和不确定性。

The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the Company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


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