
Consumer AI Pioneer WOMBO Secures $9M to Scale AI-Powered Entertainment Globally From Round13, NVIDIA, and CoreWeave

Consumer AI Pioneer WOMBO Secures $9M to Scale AI-Powered Entertainment Globally From Round13, NVIDIA, and CoreWeave

PR Newswire ·  13:44

TORONTO, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WOMBO, a global leader and pioneer in consumer AI applications, today announced it has secured $9 million in its latest funding round. The investment was led by Round13 Digital Asset Fund, with participation from NVIDIA, CoreWeave, SBI,, and others.

2024年9月5日,多伦多/PRNewswire/ - WOMBO,作为全球消费者应用人工智能领域的领导者和先驱,今天宣布已在最新一轮融资中获得了900万美元的投资。该投资由Round13 Digital Asset Fund领投,英伟达、CoreWeave、SBI、Web3.com等机构参与。

WOMBO has established itself as a powerhouse in the consumer AI space, boasting over 200 million downloads across its suite of applications. The company's creative approach to AI in entertainment has resulted in two apps hitting #1 in over 100 countries, with WOMBO and WOMBO Dream both achieving tremendous viral success. In 2022, Google celebrated WOMBO's achievement by naming Dream the app of the year.

WOMBO已经在消费者人工智能领域确立了自己的地位,在其应用套件中拥有超过2亿次下载。该公司在娱乐人工智能方面的创造性方法已经使两款应用在100多个国家成为畅销榜第一,WOMBO和WOMBO Dream都取得了巨大的传播成功。2022年,谷歌以Dream应用成为年度应用来庆祝WOMBO的成就。

Ben-Zion Benkhin, CEO of WOMBO, emerged from his computer screen to say: "This investment is a testament to WOMBO's vision of making AI-powered creativity accessible to everyone. With the support of industry leaders like CoreWeave and NVIDIA, we're well-positioned to scale our technology globally and continue delivering chart-topping hits that reimagine how people interact with AI in their daily lives."


WOMBO's ambitious outlook on the future of generative AI in entertainment has caught the attention of industry leaders. The company's approach to AI applications has fostered collaborations with key technology providers, including NVIDIA. Cutting-edge solutions like NVIDIA Picasso align with WOMBO's need for reliable and efficient AI at scale.

WOMBO对娱乐中生成式人工智能的未来充满雄心壮志,引起了行业领袖的关注。该公司在人工智能应用方面的方法促进了与英伟达等关键技术提供商的合作。像英伟达的 Picasso 这样的尖端解决方案与WOMBO对可靠和高效的大规模人工智能的需求是一致的。

"WOMBO's track record of creating viral, AI-powered apps is unparalleled in the consumer space," said Khaled Verjee, Managing Partner at Round13 Digital Asset Fund. "Their vision for democratizing AI creativity, particularly with, aligns perfectly with the future we see for consumer technology. We're thrilled to support WOMBO in this ambitious next phase of growth."

Round13 Digital Asset Fund的管理合伙人Khaled Verjee表示:“WOMBO在消费者领域创造病毒式人工智能应用的记录是无与伦比的。他们对实现人工智能创造力普惠化的愿景,特别是通过,与我们对消费者科技未来的愿景完全一致。我们很高兴支持WOMBO在这一雄心勃勃的成长的下一个阶段。”

"Generative AI is changing the way entertainment is delivered," said Phil Eisler, Vice President of GPU Delivery Network at NVIDIA. "WOMBO is helping shape and scale cutting-edge experiences to its millions of users worldwide."

英伟达GPU交付网络副总裁Phil Eisler表示:“生成式人工智能正在改变娱乐传递的方式。WOMBO正在帮助塑造并扩展尖端体验,面向全球数以百万计的用户。”

The new funding will enable WOMBO to expand its team, accelerate product development, and explore new frontiers in AI-powered content creation.


The company also plans to use the funding to assist in the R&D and creation of, an ambitious project that aims to create the world's largest AI supercomputer. is poised to transform idle devices like MacBooks, smartphones, or PlayStation devices into AI workers, allowing users to contribute computing power and earn rewards.

该公司还计划利用这笔资金来支持研发和创建,这是一个雄心勃勃的项目,旨在打造全球最大的人工智能超级计算机。w.ai将把闲置的设备(如MacBooks、智能手机或PlayStation设备)转变为AI工作者,使用户能够贡献计算能力并获得奖励。 is partnering with WOMBO to leverage their unique insights into cloud usage and tap into their extensive user base to democratize access to AI computing resources. Through this collaboration, WOMBO users will have the opportunity to participate in the platform, contributing to and benefiting from a new era of decentralized AI computing.


WOMBO is ready to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible, what's probable, and what's quirky in the world of AI.


Stay tuned and keep your phones charged. The future of entertainment is about to get interesting.




WOMBO is what happens when you give a bunch of AI enthusiasts and meme lords too many stimulants and access to the app stores. With over 200 million downloads, multiple chart-topping apps, and a Google "App of the Year" award, they're the leading cause of "What the heck did you do to that photo?" conversations worldwide.



信息来源:WOMBO Studios

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