
PlayStation Leak Confirms PS5 Pro Design: Could A Release Be Near?

PlayStation Leak Confirms PS5 Pro Design: Could A Release Be Near?

PlayStation泄漏确认PS5 Pro的设计:是否即将发布?
Benzinga ·  09/06 15:19

PlayStation may have unintentionally confirmed the design of its upcoming PS5 Pro.

PlayStation可能无意中确认了即将推出的PS5 Pro的设计。

A recent graphic in a 30th-anniversary blog post from Sony Group Corp. (NYSE:SONY) showcased a lineup of PlayStation console silhouettes, with one console in the center that fans quickly noticed was unfamiliar.


This design closely resembles a recent leak shared by insider Billbil-kun on Dealabs, depicting a PS5 Slim-like console with three distinctive stripes across the middle.

这个设计与最近在Dealabs上由内部人士Billbil-kun分享的泄露信息密切相关,描绘了一个类似PS5 Slim的主机,中间有三条独特的条纹。

Thanks to those who bumped me,
So yes, we can say that Sony itself is confirming my design draft of the PS5 Pro

— billbil-kun (@billbil_kun) September 5, 2024

所以,是的,我们可以说索尼本人正在确认我对PS5 Pro的设计草案。

— billbil-kun (@billbil_kun) 2024年9月5号

This alignment between the leaked design and Sony's blog post has fueled speculation that the PS5 Pro's launch could be imminent. With rumors swirling about a September unveiling, gamers may soon get their hands on this next-gen console.

泄露的设计与索尼的博客帖子之间的一致性加剧了人们对PS5 Pro即将推出的猜测。有传言称将于9月揭幕,玩家们可能很快就能拿到这款次世代游戏主机。

PS5 Pro Release Date Closer Than Expected?

PS5 Pro发售日期比预期更近?

Though Sony has yet to officially announce the PS5 Pro, leaks suggest it could arrive as early as November 2024. According to a report from Insider Gaming, first-party developers have already been working with the console's development kits and third-party studios are expected to follow soon.

尽管索尼尚未正式宣布PS5 Pro,但泄露信息表明它可能最早会在2024年11月推出。根据《Insider Gaming》的报道,一方面的开发人员已经开始使用该游戏机的开发套件,而第三方工作室预计很快也会加入。

Some developers have been instructed to make their upcoming games compatible with the PS5 Pro hardware by mid-September, further adding to the belief that a reveal is just around the corner.

一些开发人员已被指示在9月中旬之前让他们即将推出的游戏与PS5 Pro硬件兼容,进一步增加了人们认为揭晓即将到来的信念。

How Much Will The PS5 Pro Cost?

PS5 Pro将会售价多少?

With the PS5 Slim currently priced at $499, analysts expect the PS5 Pro to come in higher, likely around $600, according to The Independent. This speculation is based on the console's rumored hardware upgrades, including a 45% faster GPU, improved ray tracing capabilities, and enhanced frame rates.

考虑到PS5 Slim目前售价为499美元,分析师预计PS5 Pro的售价会更高,可能在600美元左右,据《独立报》报道。这一猜测基于传言中的硬件升级,包括45%更快的gpu芯片-云计算、提升的光线追踪功能和增强的帧率。

What Are The Upgrades For The PS5 Pro?

PS5 Pro的升级都有哪些?

Leaked specs suggest the PS5 Pro will be significantly more powerful than its predecessor, with rumors pointing to a new AMD chip and improved cooling technology. The console is said to target smooth 60fps gameplay with ray tracing enabled, bringing a leap in graphical performance.

泄露的规格表明PS5 Pro将比其前身更强大,传言指向一款新的AMD芯片和改进的冷却技术。据说该游戏机旨在实现启用光线追踪的流畅60fps游戏,带来图形性能的飞跃。

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