
EQT to Acquire GeBBS Healthcare Solutions, a Leading Healthcare Technology Solutions Provider

EQT to Acquire GeBBS Healthcare Solutions, a Leading Healthcare Technology Solutions Provider

EQt将收购GeBBS Healthcare Solutions,一家领先的健康科技解决方案提供商
PR Newswire ·  01:49
  • GeBBS Healthcare Solutions ("GeBBS" or the "Company") specializes in revenue cycle management, health information management (HIM), and medical billing services
  • It offers a range of services designed to help US-based healthcare providers, including hospitals, health systems, and physician practices, improve their financial performance by optimizing revenue cycle processes and ensuring accurate coding and billing practices
  • Drawing on its extensive experience of supporting global healthcare technology providers and proven value creation playbook in Tech Services, EQT will support GeBBS' management team in the next phase of their growth strategy, including through expansion into new customer segments, strengthening in-house technology capabilities, and driving further M&A
  • GebBS Healthcare Solutions(“GeBBS” 或 “公司”)专门从事收入周期管理、健康信息管理(HIM)和医疗账单服务
  • 它提供了一系列服务,旨在通过优化收入周期流程和确保准确的编码和计费做法,帮助美国的医疗保健提供商(包括医院、卫生系统和医生诊所)改善其财务业绩
  • 凭借其在支持全球医疗保健技术提供商方面的丰富经验以及技术服务领域久经考验的价值创造手册,EqT将在下一阶段的增长战略中为Gebbs的管理团队提供支持,包括向新客户群扩张、加强内部技术能力和推动进一步的并购

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- EQT is pleased to announce that the BPEA Private Equity Fund VIII ("EQT Private Capital Asia") has agreed to acquire a controlling beneficial interest in GeBBS, a global provider of healthcare outsourcing solutions, from ChrysCapital.

斯德哥尔摩,2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/ — 殷拓欣然宣布,BPEA私募股权基金VIII(“殷拓亚洲私人资本”)已同意从ChrysCapital手中收购全球医疗外包解决方案提供商Gebbs的控股权益。

GeBBS offers a range of services which help US-based healthcare providers improve their financial performance by optimizing revenue cycle management (RCM) processes and ensuring accurate coding and billing practices. The fragmented global RCM services market continues to witness double-digit growth, driven by long-term trends such as growing patient volumes, increasing complexity within US healthcare operations, and limited availability of skilled resources for critical functions. GeBBS is well-positioned to capitalize on these tailwinds on the back of its strong solutions suite, which spans the front, middle and back-end of the RCM value chain. The Company – which was founded in 2005 and has established a global footprint of 13,000 employees spread across the US, India, Dominican Republic and Philippines – benefits from strong relationships with a diverse range of customers across US-based hospitals, physician groups, and other healthcare firms.


EQT Private Capital Asia will support the Company's next phase of accelerated growth and innovation, drawing on EQT's deep experience in the healthcare technology segment, global network of industry experts and dedicated digital value-creation team.

EqT Private Capital Asia将借助殷拓在医疗保健技术领域的深厚经验、全球行业专家网络和专门的数字价值创造团队,支持公司下一阶段的加速增长和创新。

Hari Gopalakrishnan, Partner in the EQT Private Capital Asia advisory team and Head of EQT Private Capital India, said: "Healthcare technology is a key investment theme for EQT. GeBBS has developed a robust business with a clear focus on supporting healthcare providers through industry leading solutions. We see strong alignment between GeBBS' growth ambitions and EQT's experience in creating long-term value. We look forward to supporting the team through EQT's proven value creation playbook to further accelerate GeBBS' growth momentum."

殷拓亚洲私人资本咨询团队合伙人兼印度殷拓私人资本负责人哈里·戈帕拉克里希南表示:“医疗保健技术是殷拓的关键投资主题。GeBBS发展了强劲的业务,其明确重点是通过行业领先的解决方案为医疗保健提供商提供支持。我们认为,GEBBS的增长目标与殷拓在创造长期价值方面的经验非常吻合。我们期待通过殷拓久经考验的价值创造手册为团队提供支持,以进一步加速 GEBBS 的增长势头。”

"We are excited to welcome an investor of EQT's stature, whose profound expertise in healthcare and technology services promises to be a game-changer as we embark on the next thrilling chapter of GeBBS", said Dr. Milind Godbole, CEO and Managing Director of GeBBS. "EQT has an impressive track record of building and scaling technology and business services platforms successfully. With a strong foundation built under ChrysCapital's ownership, we believe we are well positioned to take GeBBS to the next level under EQT's ownership using its well proven value creation playbook."

GEBBs首席执行官兼董事总经理米林德·戈德博尔博士表示:“我们很高兴欢迎像殷拓这样地位的投资者,他在医疗和技术服务方面的深厚专业知识有望改变游戏规则,因为我们踏上GEBBS的下一个激动人心的篇章。”“EqT 在成功构建和扩展技术和商业服务平台方面有着令人印象深刻的记录。在ChrysCapital的所有权下建立了坚实的基础,我们相信我们完全有能力利用其久经考验的价值创造手册将GEBBS提升到一个新的水平。”

Akshat Babbar, Managing Director, ChrysCapital Advisors, said,"We are extremely glad to have partnered with GeBBS Healthcare. The Company's deep capabilities and technological prowess make it the partner of choice for large health systems in the US. Since our investment, the Company has delivered industry-leading organic growth and, through four key acquisitions, added new competencies and expanded its global footprint. We wish EQT all the best as they continue the journey and take GeBBS to new heights."

ChrysCapital Advisors董事总经理阿克沙特·巴巴尔表示:“我们非常高兴与Gebbs Healthcare合作。该公司的深厚能力和技术实力使其成为美国大型卫生系统的首选合作伙伴。自我们投资以来,公司实现了行业领先的有机增长,并通过四次关键收购增加了新的能力并扩大了其全球足迹。我们祝愿 EqT 在继续旅程并将Gebbs推向新高度时一切顺利。”

EQT Private Capital Asia was advised by Ropes & Gray, JSA Law, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, and PricewaterhouseCooper. The selling shareholders were advised by Jefferies and Avendus.

EqT Private Capital Asia由Ropes & Gray、JSA Law、德勤华永道有限公司和普华永道提供咨询。杰富瑞和Avendus向出售股东提供了建议。

With this transaction, BPEA Private Equity Fund VIII is expected to be 70-75 percent invested (including closed and/or signed investments, announced public offers, if applicable, and less any expected syndication). The transaction is expected to close in Q4 2024.


EQT Press Office, [email protected]

殷拓新闻办公室,[email protected]

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