
AIDA Cruises Tests Further Biofuels

AIDA Cruises Tests Further Biofuels

嘉年华邮轮 ·  09/09 00:00

AIDA Cruises tests further biofuels
AIDA Cruises进一步测试生物燃料

AIDAprima is refueled with blended advanced biofuels for the first time

AidaPrima 首次使用混合先进生物燃料加油

ROSTOCK, Germany, September 9, 2024 – In the port of Rotterdam on September 5, 2024 AIDA Cruises refueled its AIDAprima cruise ship for the first time using 100% renewable Bio Marine Fuel as part of a pilot project to evaluate the fuel performance in regular ship operations for potential for future use. The blended biofuel is produced entirely from advanced feedstocks organic waste or residue. The Bio Marine Fuel (BMF100) sustainable biofuel supplied by VARO Energy is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions minimum of 85% compared to conventional fossil fuels.

德国罗斯托克,2024年9月9日——2024年9月5日,AIDA Cruises在鹿特丹港首次使用100%可再生生物船用燃料为其AidaPrima游轮加油,这是评估常规船舶运营燃料性能以备将来使用的试点项目的一部分。混合生物燃料完全由先进原料、有机废物或残留物制成。与传统化石燃料相比,VARO Energy提供的生物船用燃料(BMF100)可持续生物燃料预计将减少至少85%的温室气体排放。

"We are focused on identifying advanced fuels and technologies we can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In our search for the fuel mix of the future, we have been gathering valuable experience through trials using various biofuels since 2022, and we continue to closely cooperate with experts from industry and science to develop new approaches to continuously reduce emissions," explains AIDA Cruises President Felix Eichhorn. "In order to achieve a sustainable future, we need a growing supply of biofuels and other low-carbon alternative fuels – available globally at scale and at marketable prices," Eichhorn continues.

“我们专注于确定可用于减少温室气体排放的先进燃料和技术。在我们寻找未来的燃料组合的过程中,自2022年以来,我们通过使用各种生物燃料的试验,一直在积累宝贵的经验,我们将继续与工业和科学专家密切合作,开发持续减少排放的新方法,” AIDA Cruises总裁费利克斯·艾希霍恩解释说。艾希霍恩继续说:“为了实现可持续的未来,我们需要增加生物燃料和其他低碳替代燃料的供应,这些燃料和低碳替代燃料可在全球范围内以适销的价格提供。”

After refueling in Rotterdam, AIDAprima will test the new biofuel during regular ship operations on upcoming voyages from Hamburg through the fjords of Norway. The fuel performance will help determine its potential for future use across the AIDA fleet.


"Since 2019 VARO has successfully developed, blended, and supplied a diverse range of biofuels for marine bunkering. Our products include B30/B100, HVO (up to 100 percent) and various low FAME biofuel blends. We are excited to supply AIDAprima, working with AIDA and Carnival Corporation & plc, the world's largest cruise company. This operation, taking place near our Rotterdam office, reflects our ongoing efforts to support marine customers in their decarbonization journey as the industry adapts to new regulations. We look forward to continuing our work with AIDA and expanding our biofuel offerings in the ARA region and beyond," commented Sacha Konan, Country President / VP Commercial Benelux & France at VARO Energy.

“自2019年以来,VARO已成功开发、混合和提供各种用于海上燃料的生物燃料。我们的产品包括 B30/B100、HVO(高达 100%)和各种低 FAME 的生物燃料混合物。我们很高兴能与AIDA和全球最大的邮轮公司嘉年华公司及plc合作,提供AidaPrima。该业务在我们鹿特丹办事处附近进行,反映了随着行业适应新法规,我们一直在努力支持船舶客户的脱碳之旅。我们期待继续与AIDA合作,扩大我们在ARA地区及其他地区的生物燃料产品供应。” VARO Energy国家总裁兼比荷卢经济联盟和法国商业副总裁萨莎·科南评论道。

AIDA Cruises Investing in Alternative Fuels & Technologies
It is important to AIDA Cruises that second-generation biofuels are used on board, as they are produced exclusively from organic waste and residual materials. Also, when compared to other technological innovations, using biofuels in regular ship operations is uncomplicated because they can be used without major modifications to the engines and tank infrastructure of existing ships. In general, and depending on the specific biofuel used, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced minimum by 85% compared to fossil fuels.

AIDA Cruises投资替代燃料和技术
对于AIDA Cruises来说,船上使用第二代生物燃料很重要,因为它们完全由有机废物和残留材料制成。此外,与其他技术创新相比,在常规船舶运营中使用生物燃料并不复杂,因为无需对现有船舶的发动机和油箱基础设施进行重大改造即可使用生物燃料。总的来说,根据所使用的特定生物燃料,与化石燃料相比,温室气体排放量至少可以减少85%。

AIDA Cruises has been investing toward a sustainable future for cruising for many years as part of its decarbonization strategy. In addition to trailing biofuels, AIDA Cruises is using liquefied natural gas (LNG) to deliver immediate greenhouse gas emission reductions in the absence of market-ready zero-emission maritime fuels. AIDA Cruises also is expanding its use of alternative energy sources such as shore power to operate ships in port, as well as onboard batteries to store extra energy for use during peak engine operation to reduce fuel use. Together with various partners, the cruise company is working intensively on further solutions for using renewable and synthetic fuels.

作为其脱碳战略的一部分,AIDA Cruises多年来一直在投资邮轮的可持续未来。除了落后的生物燃料外,AIDA Cruises还使用液化天然气(LNG)在没有现成市场的零排放船用燃料的情况下立即减少温室气体排放。AIDA Cruises还扩大了对替代能源的使用,例如在港口运营船舶的岸电,以及船载电池以储存额外能量,以在发动机高峰运行期间使用,以减少燃料消耗。该邮轮公司正在与各种合作伙伴一起加紧研究使用可再生和合成燃料的更多解决方案。

AIDA Cruises was one of the first in Carnival Corporation & plc's family of cruise lines to test biofuels and was among the first to conduct live biofuel tests on working cruise ships globally. The cruise line's biofuel tests support the overall Carnival Corporation sustainability mission, including its aspiration to achieve net-zero emissions from ship operation by 2050.

AIDA Cruises是嘉年华公司及plc旗下最早测试生物燃料的邮轮公司之一,也是最早对全球正在运行的游轮进行活体生物燃料测试的公司之一。该邮轮公司的生物燃料测试支持了嘉年华公司的整体可持续发展使命,包括其到2050年实现船舶运营净零排放的愿望。

VARO Energy supplies biofuels
AIDA Cruises is working with VARO Energy for the first time on this fuel test. As one of the leaders in the introduction of low-carbon fuels for marine the Swiss based company has taken an innovative blending approach which results in a high-quality marine biofuel that can be used as a drop-in alternative to mineral-based marine fuels without compromising on engine performance. The blend is entirely based on waste and residue streams not suitable for food or animal feed application.

VARO Energy 供应生物燃料
AIDA Cruises首次与VARO Energy合作进行这项燃料测试。作为引入低碳船用燃料的领导者之一,这家总部位于瑞士的公司采用了创新的混合方法,从而产生了高质量的船用生物燃料,可以在不影响发动机性能的情况下用作矿物基船用燃料的直接替代品。该混合物完全基于不适合食品或动物饲料应用的废弃物和残留物流。

Rostock, September 9, 2024

罗斯托克,2024 年 9 月 9 日

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