
Telesat Selects Calian to Develop and Deploy Element Management System for Telesat Lightspeed Network

Telesat Selects Calian to Develop and Deploy Element Management System for Telesat Lightspeed Network

Telesat选择Calian为Telesat Lightspeed网络开发和部署元素管理系统。
GlobeNewswire ·  09/09 07:00

Agreement with Canadian technology provider includes EMS software lifecycle maintenance and support


OTTAWA, Ontario, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Telesat (NASDAQ and TSX: TSAT), one of the world's largest and most innovative satellite operators, today announced that it has selected Calian Group Ltd. (TSX:CGY), an Ottawa-based company with deep experience in delivering advanced technology solutions for the space, defence, and terrestrial sectors, to design, develop, deliver and deploy the Element Management System (EMS) within the Telesat Lightspeed Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network as well as to provide lifecycle maintenance and support for the system.

安大略省渥太华,2024年9月9日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——全球最大和最具创新性的卫星运营商之一Telesat(纳斯达克和多伦多证券交易所股票代码:TSAT)今天宣布,它已选择总部位于渥太华的Calian Group Ltd.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CGY)来设计、开发、交付和部署元素管理系统,这是一家总部位于渥太华的公司,在为太空、国防和地面领域提供先进技术解决方案方面拥有丰富经验 (EMS) 在 Telesat Lightspeed 低地球轨道 (LEO) 卫星网络内,并为其提供生命周期维护和支持系统。

The EMS will be instrumental in connecting and maintaining operations for various components within the Telesat Lightspeed network, identifying and addressing issues to ensure optimal performance. With the EMS, Telesat will be able to manage the configuration and capabilities of Telesat Lightspeed Landing Stations, User Terminals, and the satellite onboard processors as needed. In addition, Telesat will leverage the EMS to collect and share Telesat Lightspeed system data with the company's Operations Support Systems and Network Operations Centers to gain full visibility into the state of the entire constellation.

EMS将在连接和维护Telesat Lightspeed网络中各个组件的运行方面发挥重要作用,识别和解决问题以确保最佳性能。借助EMS,Telesat将能够根据需要管理Telesat光速着陆站、用户终端和卫星机载处理器的配置和功能。此外,Telesat将利用EMS收集Telesat Lightspeed系统数据并与该公司的运营支持系统和网络运营中心共享,以全面了解整个星座的状态。

"We are excited to support the Telesat Lightspeed LEO network with essential software and services for this cutting-edge satellite constellation," said Valérie Travain-Milone, President, Advanced Technologies, Calian. "By enabling high-speed connectivity in remote and underserved areas, Telesat Lightspeed will empower industries and communities across Canada and beyond. We're proud to contribute to this transformative project, ensuring reliable, affordable internet access on land, at sea and in the air."

加里安先进技术总裁瓦莱里·特拉万-米隆表示:“我们很高兴能够为Telesat Lightspeed LEO网络提供为这个尖端卫星星座提供必要的软件和服务。”“通过在偏远和服务不足的地区实现高速连接,Telesat Lightspeed将为加拿大及其他地区的行业和社区提供支持。我们很自豪能够为这个变革性项目做出贡献,确保在陆地、海上和空中提供可靠、经济实惠的互联网接入。”

The Telesat Lightspeed constellation is a network of advanced LEO satellites and integrated terrestrial infrastructure that will offer high-speed, low-latency broadband connectivity to remote locations across Canada and worldwide. The Telesat Lightspeed network will support multi-Gbps data rates for government, aeronautical, maritime and enterprise customers, including industries such as oil and gas that operate in locations without access to fibre. Telesat Lightspeed will also help to bridge the digital divide, by expanding the reach of telecom networks in unserved and underserved areas.

Telesat Lightspeed星座是一个由先进的低地轨道卫星和综合地面基础设施组成的网络,将为加拿大和世界各地的偏远地区提供高速、低延迟的宽带连接。Telesat Lightspeed网络将为政府、航空、海事和企业客户提供多 Gbps 的数据速率支持,包括在无法接入光纤的地区运营的石油和天然气等行业。Telesat Lightspeed还将通过在没有服务和服务不足的地区扩大电信网络的覆盖范围,帮助弥合数字鸿沟。

"The EMS is a critical component of the orchestration of system segments in this advanced, enterprise-class network," said Aneesh Dalvi, Vice President for Telesat Lightspeed Systems Development. "We conducted a thorough search to find an innovative partner that could meet our requirements and Calian demonstrated the technological knowledge and expertise to deliver this capability; selecting them is a significant milestone as we push toward the launch of the Telesat Lightspeed network."

Telesat Lightspeed系统开发副总裁Aneesh Dalvi表示:“在这个先进的企业级网络中,EMS是系统细分协调的关键组成部分。“我们进行了全面搜寻,寻找可以满足我们要求的创新合作伙伴,Calian展示了提供这种能力的技术知识和专业知识;选择他们是我们推动Telesat Lightspeed网络启动的重要里程碑。”

Calian's EMS technology will play a crucial role in the network operations for Telesat Lightspeed, the largest space program in Canada's history. In addition to helping to bridge the digital divide, the Telesat Lightspeed network is creating and sustaining thousands of high-quality Canadian jobs and puts Canada at the forefront of the burgeoning New Space Economy.

Calian的EMS技术将在加拿大历史上最大的太空计划Telesat Lightspeed的网络运营中发挥至关重要的作用。除了帮助弥合数字鸿沟外,Telesat Lightspeed网络还为加拿大创造和维持了数千个高质量的就业机会,使加拿大处于蓬勃发展的新太空经济的最前沿。

About Telesat

关于 Telesat

Backed by a legacy of engineering excellence, reliability and industry-leading customer service, Telesat (NASDAQ and TSX: TSAT) is one of the largest and most innovative global satellite operators. Telesat works collaboratively with its customers to deliver critical connectivity solutions that tackle the world's most complex communications challenges, providing powerful advantages that improve their operations and drive profitable growth.


Continuously innovating to meet the connectivity demands of the future, Telesat Lightspeed, the company's state-of-the-art Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network, has been optimized to meet the rigorous requirements of telecom, government, maritime and aeronautical customers. Telesat Lightspeed will redefine global satellite connectivity with ubiquitous, affordable, high-capacity links with fibre-like speeds. For updates on Telesat, follow us on X, LinkedIn, or visit .

Telesat Lightspeed不断创新以满足未来的连接需求,该公司最先进的低地球轨道(LEO)卫星网络已经过优化,以满足电信、政府、海事和航空客户的严格要求。Telesat Lightspeed将通过无处不在、价格合理、高容量且速度类似光纤的链路重新定义全球卫星连接。要了解Telesat的最新动态,请在 X、LinkedIn 上关注我们,或访问。

About Calian
We keep the world moving forward. Calian helps people communicate, innovate, learn and lead safe and healthy lives. Every day, our employees live our values of customer commitment, integrity, innovation, respect and teamwork to engineer reliable solutions that solve complex challenges. That's Confidence. Engineered. A stable and growing 40-year company, we are headquartered in Ottawa with offices and projects spanning North American, European and international markets. Visit to learn about innovative healthcare, communications, learning and cybersecurity solutions.

我们推动世界向前发展。Calian 帮助人们沟通、创新、学习和过上安全健康的生活。每天,我们的员工都秉承客户承诺、诚信、创新、尊重和团队合作的价值观,设计出解决复杂挑战的可靠解决方案。那是信心。精心设计。我们是一家拥有40年稳定增长的公司,总部位于渥太华,办事处和项目横跨北美、欧洲和国际市场。访问,了解创新的医疗保健、通信、学习和网络安全解决方案。

Product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


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613-599-8600 x2298

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Forward-Looking Statements Safe Harbor


This news release contains statements that are not based on historical fact and are "forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. When used herein, statements which are not historical in nature, or which contain the words "will," "ensures" or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements as a result of known and unknown risks and uncertainties. All statements made in this press release are made only as of the date set forth at the beginning of this release. Telesat Corporation undertakes no obligation to update the information made in this release in the event facts or circumstances subsequently change after the date of this press release.

本新闻稿包含的陈述并非基于历史事实,属于1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》和加拿大证券法所指的 “前瞻性陈述”。此处使用非历史性陈述或包含 “将”、“确保” 或类似表述的陈述均为前瞻性陈述。由于已知和未知的风险和不确定性,实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中表达或暗示的预期存在重大差异。本新闻稿中的所有声明仅在本新闻稿开头规定的日期作出。如果在本新闻稿发布之日之后事实或情况发生变化,Telesat Corporation没有义务更新本新闻稿中提供的信息。

These forward-looking statements are based on Telesat Corporation's current expectations and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond Telesat Corporation's control, are difficult to predict, and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in the forward-looking statements. There are numerous risks and uncertainties associated with Telesat's business and the Telesat Lightspeed constellation. Known risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to: inflation and rising interest rates; Telesat's ability to enter into definitive funding agreements with the company's Canadian federal and provincial government partners, and to meet the funding conditions of those agreements and of its vendor financing; technological hurdles, including our and our contractors' development and deployment of the new technologies required to complete the constellation in time to meet our schedule, or at all; the availability of services and components from our and our contractors' supply chains; competition; risks associated with domestic and foreign government regulation, including access to sufficient orbital spectrum to be able to deliver services effectively and access to sufficient geographic markets in which to sell those services; Telesat's ability to develop significant commercial and operational capabilities; risks associated with operating satellites and providing satellite services, including satellite construction or launch delays, launch failures, in-orbit failures or impaired satellite performance; and volatility in exchange rates. The foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Investors should review the other risk factors discussed in Telesat Corporation's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, that was filed on March 28, 2024, with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the Canadian securities regulatory authorities at the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval ("SEDAR"), and may be accessed on the SEC's website at and SEDAR's website at as well as our subsequent reports on Form 6-K filed with the SEC and also available on SEDAR.

这些前瞻性陈述基于Telesat Corporation当前的预期,并受许多风险、不确定性和假设的影响。这些陈述不能保证未来的业绩,并受风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,其中一些因素是Telesat Corporation无法控制的,难以预测,并可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中表达或预测的结果存在重大差异。Telesat的业务和Telesat Lightspeed星座存在许多风险和不确定性。已知的风险和不确定性包括但不限于:通货膨胀和利率上升;Telesat与公司的加拿大联邦和省政府合作伙伴签订最终融资协议以及满足这些协议及其供应商融资条件的能力;技术障碍,包括我们和我们的承包商开发和部署为及时完成星座以满足我们的计划或根本完成计划所需的新技术;服务的可用性和来自我们和我们的组件承包商的供应链;竞争;与国内外政府监管相关的风险,包括获得足够的轨道频谱以便能够有效提供服务,以及进入足够的地理市场来销售这些服务;Telesat发展显著商业和运营能力的能力;与运营卫星和提供卫星服务相关的风险,包括卫星建造或发射延迟、发射故障、在轨故障或卫星性能受损;以及波动性以汇率计算。上述重要因素清单并不详尽。投资者应查看Telesat Corporation于2024年3月28日向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)和加拿大证券监管机构提交的截至2023年12月31日止年度的20-F表年度报告中讨论的其他风险因素,可以在美国证券交易委员会的网站 和SEDAR的网站以及我们随后的报告中查阅在向美国证券交易委员会提交的6-k表格上,也可以在SEDAR上查阅。

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