
SinglePoint Inc. Subsidiary BPA Solutions Partners With SSD Alarm to Install 163 AI Enabled CCTV Cameras on California Private School Campus

SinglePoint Inc. Subsidiary BPA Solutions Partners With SSD Alarm to Install 163 AI Enabled CCTV Cameras on California Private School Campus

SinglePoint Inc. 子公司 BPA Solutions 与 SSD Alarm合作,在加利福尼亚私立学校校园安装了163个AI智能摄像头
newsfile ·  09/09 09:25

Los Angeles, California--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - SinglePoint Inc. (CBOE: SING) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, BPA Solutions, has entered into a strategic partnership with SSD Alarm to install state-of-the-art CCTV cameras throughout a California based private school campus. The extensive install includes 163 IP Network camera installation for security measures. The technology has integrated AI capabilities for internal tracking and awareness. All products are NDAA Compliant. This comprehensive installation, taking place over the next few months, marks a significant advancement in the school's security infrastructure, reinforcing the safety and security of students, teachers, staff, and parents.

加利福尼亚州洛杉矶--(新闻文件公司,2024年9月9日)——SinglePoint Inc.(芝加哥期权交易所股票代码:SING)欣然宣布,其子公司BPA Solutions已与SSD Alarm建立战略合作伙伴关系,在加利福尼亚的私立学校校园中安装最先进的闭路电视摄像机。大量安装包括 163 个 IP 网络摄像机的安装,以采取安全措施。该技术集成了用于内部跟踪和感知的人工智能功能。所有产品均符合 NDAA 标准。这项全面的安装将在接下来的几个月中进行,标志着学校安全基础设施的重大进步,加强了学生、教师、教职员工和家长的安全和保障。

"Working to implement a comprehensive safety solution including indoor air quality and security represents the great job our team at BPA Solutions has done in finalizing this project. As we continue to build our solutions base, we see a bright future for schools implementing our solar and energy storage solutions which also play a major role in safety and security at school," added Wil Ralston CEO SinglePoint Inc.

“努力实施包括室内空气质量和安全在内的全面安全解决方案是我们在BPA Solutions的团队在完成该项目方面所做的出色工作。随着我们继续建立解决方案基础,我们看到了实施太阳能和储能解决方案的学校的光明前景,这些解决方案在学校的安全保障中也起着重要作用。” SinglePoint Inc.首席执行官威尔·拉尔斯顿补充说。

The new CCTV system will not only enhance the overall campus security by providing 24/7 video surveillance but will also support the school's efforts in modern contact tracing and digital security enhancements. In today's rapidly changing environment, ensuring a safe learning space is paramount, and this cutting-edge system will deliver real-time video and tracking data, increasing the school's ability to respond quickly to potential threats and incidents.


Utilizing Federally Available EANS Funding

利用联邦政府可用的 EANS 资金

The private school's ability to finance this critical security upgrade was made possible through the federal funding available under the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) program, administered by the California Department of Education. This program provides financial support to non-public schools to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and to implement necessary safety measures, including enhanced security systems.

加州教育部管理的非公立学校紧急援助(EANS)计划下提供的联邦拨款,使私立学校能够为这次重要的安全升级提供资金。该计划为非公立学校提供财政支持,以减轻 COVID-19 的影响,并实施必要的安全措施,包括加强安全系统。

The EANS program has allowed the school to allocate resources toward strengthening its infrastructure in ways that directly support the safety and well-being of students and staff. By utilizing these funds, the school can ensure that its campus is equipped with advanced security technology without placing additional financial strain on the school's budget.


Enhancing School Security


The CCTV cameras will monitor key areas of the campus, including entry and exit points, hallways, and common spaces, providing comprehensive coverage that will deter unauthorized access and help school officials respond proactively to any potential security concerns. The system's integration of digital security features will also assist in contact tracing efforts, adding an additional layer of protection in safeguarding the health and safety of the school community.


"School security is not just about preventing external threats-it's about creating a safe environment where students can focus on learning and growth have confidence they are in a secure safe place", said Wil Ralston CEO SinglePoint Inc. "Our partnership with SSD Alarm ensures that this school will have the most reliable, advanced tools to maintain that security."

威尔·拉尔斯顿首席执行官SinglePoint Inc.说:“学校安全不仅仅是防止外部威胁,还要创造一个安全的环境,让学生能够专注于学习,成长充满信心。” 威尔·拉尔斯顿首席执行官SinglePoint Inc说,“我们与SSD Alarm的合作确保了这所学校将拥有最可靠、最先进的工具来维护这种安全。”

The installation of this project will be rolled out in phases, with completion expected within the next few months. BPA Solutions and SSD Alarm are working closely with school administration to minimize disruption during the installation while ensuring the highest standards of operational excellence.

该项目的安装将分阶段推出,预计在未来几个月内完成。BPA Solutions和SSD Alarm正在与学校管理部门密切合作,以最大限度地减少安装过程中的干扰,同时确保最高的卓越运营标准。

With a commitment to innovation and safety, this partnership between BPA Solutions and SSD Alarm is poised to set a new standard for school security.

BPA Solutions和SSD Alarm之间的这种合作伙伴关系致力于创新和安全,有望为学校安全树立新的标准。

To learn more and find out how your school can utilize EANS to secure your campus call or email, 818-620-2566.


About SSD Alarm
Our mission is to build long-term client relationships. We start by developing custom designed solutions based on the needs of our clients. We use industry leading security and life-safety products and back them up with 24/7 monitoring and local service. In addition, we offer interactive services and push notifications that can enhance the value of every monitored system. From design and implementation, through training and around the clock monitoring, SSD Alarm is with you every step of the way. ()

关于 SSD 警报
我们的使命是建立长期的客户关系。我们首先根据客户的需求开发定制设计的解决方案。我们使用行业领先的安全和生命安全产品,并通过全天候监控和本地服务为其提供支持。此外,我们还提供交互式服务和推送通知,可以提高每个受监控系统的价值。从设计和实施,到培训和全天候监控,SSD Alarm 始终伴您左右。()

About SinglePoint Inc.
SinglePoint Inc. is a renewable energy and sustainable lifestyle company focused on providing environmentally friendly energy efficiencies and healthy living solutions. SinglePoint is initially focused on building the largest network of renewable energy solutions and modernizing the traditional solar and energy storage model. The Company is also actively exploring future growth opportunities in air purification, electric vehicle charging, solar as a subscription service, and additional energy efficiencies that enhance sustainability and a healthier life. For more information, visit the Company's website ().

关于 SinglePoint Inc.
SinglePoint Inc. 是一家可再生能源和可持续生活方式公司,专注于提供环保能源效率和健康生活解决方案。SinglePoint最初专注于建立最大的可再生能源解决方案网络,并对传统的太阳能和储能模式进行现代化改造。该公司还积极探索空气净化、电动汽车充电、太阳能订阅服务以及提高可持续性和更健康生活的额外能源效率方面的未来增长机会。欲了解更多信息,请访问该公司的网站 ()。

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SinglePoint Inc

SinglePoint Inc

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release includes "forward-looking statements". These statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of SinglePoint's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿包括 “前瞻性陈述”。这些陈述基于SinglePoint管理层当前的信念和期望,存在重大风险和不确定性。如果事实证明基本假设不准确或风险或不确定性成为现实,则实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中列出的结果存在重大差异。

Certain statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Rule 175 under the Securities Act of 1933 and Rule 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by those rules. All statements, other than statements of fact, included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential plans and objectives of the Company, the use of proceeds, anticipated growth and future expansion, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.


There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Technical complications, which may arise, could prevent the prompt implementation of any strategically significant plan(s) outlined above. The Company undertakes no duty to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.


声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息