
Finalists Named for the AFP 2024 Pinnacle Awards: ASML, Clarion Partners, IBM Corporation

Finalists Named for the AFP 2024 Pinnacle Awards: ASML, Clarion Partners, IBM Corporation

AFP 2024峰会奖的入围者名单出炉:ASML、Clarion Partners、IBM公司
PR Newswire ·  09/09 10:15

The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) annually recognizes the leading treasury and finance groups for innovation, collaboration and results.


ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ASML, Clarion Partners and IBM Corporation are finalists for the AFP 2024 Pinnacle Awards, sponsored by Truist. Established in 1997, the AFP Pinnacle Awards recognize excellence in treasury and finance.

马里兰州罗克维尔,2024年9月9日 /PRNewswire/ — ASML、Clarion Partners和IBM公司入围了由Truist赞助的2024年AFP Pinnacle Awards的决赛入围者。AFP Pinnacle Awards 成立于 1997 年,旨在表彰财资和金融领域的卓越表现。

Finalists were selected by a jury of treasury and finance professionals. Decisions were based on forward-looking solutions that progress the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization's treasury and financial operations.


Voting is currently open to select the Grand Prize winner, which will be announced during AFP 2024. Truist will make a $10,000 donation to a charity of the winner's choice.


"The finalists of the 2024 Pinnacle Awards represent some of the leading innovators in treasury and finance," said Jim Kaitz, President and CEO of AFP. "At AFP, we are proud to recognize ASML, Clarion Partners and IBM Corporation for their unique solutions which have advanced their organizations and the treasury and finance profession at large."

法新社总裁兼首席执行官吉姆·凯兹说:“2024年Pinnacle Awards的决赛入围者代表了财政和金融领域的一些领先创新者。”“在法新社,我们很自豪地认可ASML、Clarion Partners和IBM公司的独特解决方案,这些解决方案推动了他们的组织以及整个财政和金融行业的发展。”

"As a champion of innovation in treasury and finance, Truist is honored to sponsor the AFP Pinnacle Awards, recognizing progress that will help shape the future of the industry," said Chris Ward, Head of Enterprise Payments at Truist. "The 2024 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey, which we sponsored, underscored the need for forward-thinking solutions in an ever-evolving payments landscape. We remain committed to supporting the AFP and its members in their pursuit of excellence, and helping our clients navigate the complexities of payments with simplicity, speed and safety."

Truist企业支付主管克里斯·沃德表示:“作为财资和金融创新的拥护者,Truist很荣幸能够赞助法新社平博大奖,以表彰有助于塑造该行业未来的进展。”“我们赞助的 2024 年 AFP 支付欺诈与控制调查强调了在不断变化的支付格局中需要前瞻性解决方案的必要性。我们仍然致力于支持澳大利亚联邦警察局及其成员追求卓越,并帮助我们的客户简单、快速和安全地应对支付的复杂性。”

AFP 2024, the annual conference for treasury and finance professionals organized by AFP, offers more than 130 educational sessions across six tracks. Participants can register for AFP 2024 by Sept. 13 to save $300 on their registration fee. Please direct all press inquiries to Melissa Rawak, Managing Director, at [email protected].

AFP 2024是法新社为财政和金融专业人士举办的年度会议,提供六个领域的130多场教育课程。参与者可以在9月13日之前注册AFP 2024,从而节省300美元的注册费。请将所有媒体询问发送给董事总经理梅利莎·拉瓦克,地址为 [email protected]。

About the submissions:


ASML's entry focused on the improvement of its FX exposure forecasting by implementing an AI-powered model that significantly increased forecast accuracy from 70% to 96% and reduced USD exposures by $25-50 million monthly. Developed through collaboration between ASML's Treasury and Data Science teams, the solution automates the forecasting process by recognizing patterns in historical data and continuously improving over time. The enhanced accuracy has made ASML's hedging program more effective, freeing up resources for higher-value activities. The AI model, based on a free, open-source Python algorithm, demonstrates the scalability and accessibility of AI solutions.

ASML的参赛重点是通过实施人工智能驱动的模型来改善其外汇敞口预测,该模型将预测准确性从70%显著提高到96%,并将美元风险敞口每月减少2500-5000万美元。该解决方案是通过ASML的财政和数据科学团队合作开发的,它通过识别历史数据中的模式并随着时间的推移不断改进来实现预测过程的自动化。准确性的提高使ASML的对冲计划更加有效,为更高价值的活动腾出了资源。基于免费开源 Python 算法的 AI 模型展示了 AI 解决方案的可扩展性和可访问性。

Clarion Partners' entry focused on the complexities of managing over 1,300 bank accounts across several banking relationships. In a joint effort with IT, they developed a customized in-house system, BARS (Bank Account Request System), that streamlines account opening, tracks account information and centralizes documentation. Secure, scalable and paperless, this solution has transformed their treasury operations, reduced risks and improved efficiency.

Clarion Partners的加入侧重于在多个银行关系中管理1300多个银行账户的复杂性。他们与It共同开发了定制的内部系统BARS(银行账户申请系统),该系统简化了开户,跟踪账户信息并集中管理文档。该解决方案安全、可扩展且无纸化,改变了他们的财务运营,降低了风险并提高了效率。

IBM Corporation's entry focused on linking its treasury cash management efforts into its overall enterprise performance management framework and investor reporting goals for free cash flow (FCF). In a collaborative effort, the team took a manual, complex and fractured process and standardized it into the Treasury Technology Platform. This solution provides real-time visibility, actionable insights and increased speed to action. IBM achieved over 90% error-free data, decommissioned 8+ tools, freed up thousands of personnel hours and contributed to a $1 billion increase in FCF, with ongoing enhancements expected to drive further growth.

IBM Corporation的加入重点是将其国库现金管理工作与其整体企业绩效管理框架和自由现金流(FCF)的投资者报告目标联系起来。在共同努力中,该团队采用了手动、复杂和分散的流程,并将其标准化为财政部技术平台。该解决方案提供了实时可见性、切实可行的见解并提高了行动速度。IBM 实现了超过 90% 的无错误数据,停用了 8 个以上的工具,腾出了数千个工时,并促成了 FCF 增长 10 亿美元,持续的增强预计将推动进一步增长。

About AFP
Headquartered outside of Washington, D.C., and located regionally in Singapore, the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) is the professional society committed to advancing the success of treasury and finance members and their organizations. Established and administered by AFP, the Certified Treasury Professional and Certified Corporate FP&A Professional credentials set standards of excellence in treasury and finance. Each year, AFP hosts the largest networking conference worldwide for about 6,000 corporate financial professionals.


SOURCE Association for Financial Professionals


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