
Market Climbs Monday After Pullback Week

Market Climbs Monday After Pullback Week

moomoo资讯 ·  13:30

The market advanced on Monday, following a tough start to September, the last month of Q3.


Just past 1:28 pm ET the     $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ traded up 1.33% the        $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ climbed 1.47%, and the     $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ climbed 1.32%.

刚过下午1:28證券交易所 $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ 交易攀升 1.33% $道琼斯指数 (.DJI.US)$ 上升了 1.47%,而 $纳斯达克综合指数 (.IXIC.US)$上涨1.32%。

This week in macro, investors are waiting for slimmer pickings during the blackout period for Fed press commentary. FOMC members are barred from making public statements during the one-week leadups to FOMC meetings. OPEC+ will release a monthly report on Tuesday; CORE CPI will drop on Wednesday for August. PPI and initial jobless claims will fall on Thursday.

宏观经济白纸黑字:本周投资者正期待联邦储备委员会(FOMC)会议前的监管期间有限的新闻发言。在FOMC会议之前的一周,禁止FOMC成员发表公开声明。周二,欧佩克(OPEC+)将发布月度报告;周三,8月份核心消费者物价指数(CORE CPI)将公布;周四,生产者价格指数(PPI)和初次申请失业救济人数将公布。

Last week, just before the blackout began in the lead-up to the FOMC September 17-18th rate decision meeting, investors also got word from New York Fed President John Williams Friday that it is time to cut rates.

上周,就在FOMC 9月17-18日利率决策会议前的禁止发言时期开始之前,纽约联邦储备银行(Bank)行长约翰·威廉姆斯(Fed President John Williams)周五表示,现在是时候降息了。

Speaking toward the Council on Foreign Relations, Williams said the economy is balanced, and inflation is tracking lower, and "it is now appropriate to dial down the degree of restrictiveness in the stance of policy by reducing the target range for the federal funds rate."

威廉姆斯在对外关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)演讲中表示,经济处于平衡状态,通胀正在下降,"现在适当降低联邦基金利率目标范围以减少政策的严厉程度"。

Last Friday, the economy added 142k nonfarm payrolls last week, and the Unemployment rate landed at 4.2% in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Payrolls were below expected by 20k, but fit the narrative of softening labor in the U.S. that investors have come to expect.

根据劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据显示,上周,经济非农就业人数增加了14.2万,8月份失业率为4.2%,非农就业人数低于预期2万,但符合投资者对美国劳动力市场趋软的预期。

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Last week, users said all the news this year has stunk, and one user said rate cuts will not affect stocks directly, so good luck if you are a bag holder.


Traders, what do you think, is the market in 2024 about following the herd? What you watching on the stock market today? What is the herd following? Let me know in the comments below!


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