
Grand Theft Auto 6 Licensing Dispute: Martyn Ware Slams Rockstar's 'Extremely Low' $7,500 Offer

Grand Theft Auto 6 Licensing Dispute: Martyn Ware Slams Rockstar's 'Extremely Low' $7,500 Offer

Benzinga ·  09/09 13:54

Martyn Ware, co-founder of the synth-pop band Heaven 17, has publicly rejected an offer from Take-Two Interactive Software Inc's (NASDAQ:TTWO) Rockstar Games to license the group's hit song "Temptation" in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6).

合成流行乐队Heaven 17的联合创始人马丁·韦尔公开拒绝了Take-Two Interactive Software Inc(纳斯达克股票代码:TTWO)的Rockstar Games提出的在即将上映的侠盗猎车手6(GTA 6)中许可该乐队的热门歌曲 “诱惑” 的提议。

Ware voiced his frustrations on social media, describing the fee offered as "extremely low" and accusing Rockstar of undervaluing the contribution that the track could make to the game's much-anticipated soundtrack.

韦尔在社交媒体上表达了他的挫败感,称所提供的费用 “极低”,并指责Rockstar低估了该曲目可能为该游戏备受期待的配乐做出的贡献。

The Offer And Ware's Response


Rockstar's offer of $7,500 for the use of "Temptation" was not only a one-time buyout, but it also came with no future royalties, according to Ware.

根据Ware的说法,Rockstar提出的7,500美元使用 “诱惑” 的报价不仅是一次性的收购,而且没有未来的特许权使用费。

"I was recently contacted by my publishers on behalf of Rockstar Games re the possibility of using Temptation on the new Grand Theft Auto 6," Ware tweeted. "Naturally excited about the immense wealth that was about to head my way, I scrolled to the bottom of the email re the offer..."

韦尔在推特上说:“最近,我的发行商代表Rockstar Games联系了我,询问在新款侠盗猎车手6上使用诱惑的可能性。”“我自然对即将到来的巨额财富感到兴奋,于是我滚动到了关于这个提议的电子邮件底部...”

He continued: "IT WAS $7500 – for a buyout of any future royalties from the game – forever... To put this in context, Grand Theft Auto 6 grossed, wait for it... $8.6 BILLION. Ah, but think of the exposure... Go f*** yourself."

他继续说:“永远是7500美元,用于收购游戏未来的任何特许权使用费...从上下文来看,侠盗猎车手6的票房收入,等等... 86亿美元。啊,但想想曝光度...你自己去搞砸吧。”

The Impact Of Music In Grand Theft Auto


Rockstar is known for its expansive and carefully curated soundtracks, which have become a defining feature of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

Rockstar 以其丰富且精心策划的配乐而闻名,这些配乐已成为《侠盗猎车手》系列的决定性特征。

With its in-game radio stations playing a wide variety of licensed tracks, the music in GTA games has often been celebrated for adding depth to the overall gameplay experience.

GTA 游戏中的音乐因其游戏内广播电台播放各种各样的授权曲目而广受赞誉,因为它增加了整体游戏体验的深度。

Although Ware referenced a figure of $8.6 billion in potential revenue for GTA 6, this figure is speculative as the game has not yet been released. However, it's clear that expectations are high for the next installment in the franchise.

尽管Ware提到了GTA 6的潜在收入为86亿美元,但这个数字是推测性的,因为该游戏尚未发布。但是,很明显,人们对该系列下一期的期望很高。

GTA 5 has sold over 200 million copies and generated billions in revenue, making it one of the best-selling games of all time.

GTA 5已售出超过20000万份副本,创造了数十亿美元的收入,使其成为有史以来最畅销的游戏之一。

  • Another Rapper Confirms Appearance In GTA 6: 'Ima Be On There, Don't Even Trip'
  • 另一位说唱歌手确认出现在 GTA 6 中:“我去那里,甚至不要旅行”

Image credits: Shutterstock.


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