
Vir Biotechnology Announces Closing of Exclusive Worldwide License Agreement With Sanofi for Multiple Potential Best-in-Class Clinical-Stage T-Cell Engagers

Vir Biotechnology Announces Closing of Exclusive Worldwide License Agreement With Sanofi for Multiple Potential Best-in-Class Clinical-Stage T-Cell Engagers

vir biotechnology宣布与赛诺菲安万特达成独家全球许可协议,涉及多个潜在的一流临床阶段t-电芯抗体
Vir Biotechnology ·  09/09 00:00

– License of proprietary masking platform further strengthens Vir's drug discovery capabilities in oncology and infectious disease –

— 专有掩蔽平台的许可进一步增强了Vir在肿瘤学和传染病领域的药物发现能力—

– Strategic agreement expands Vir portfolio with three clinical stage assets in areas of high unmet need –

— 战略协议扩大了Vir的投资组合,在未满足的高需求领域增加了三项临床阶段资产—

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: VIR) today announced that the exclusive worldwide license agreement with Sanofi announced on August 1, 2024, has closed following expiration of the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. The agreement provides Vir with an exclusive worldwide license to three clinical-stage masked T-cell engagers (TCEs) with potential applications in a range of cancers and exclusive use of the proprietary PRO-XTENTM  masking platform for oncology and infectious disease. Key employees from Sanofi with extensive scientific and development expertise in TCEs, and in-depth experience using the PRO-XTEN platform, will join Vir. Further information about the TCEs and their respective development plans will be provided at Vir's upcoming R&D Day in November.                                    

旧金山--(美国商业资讯)--Vir Biotechnology, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:VIR)今天宣布,在1976年《哈特-斯科特-罗迪诺反垄断改进法》规定的等待期到期后,于2024年8月1日宣布的与赛诺菲签订的全球独家许可协议已经结束。该协议为Vir提供了三种临床阶段的掩膜T细胞接合器(TCE)的全球独家许可,这些受体可能应用于一系列癌症,并独家使用专有的Pro-XtentTM掩蔽平台用于肿瘤学和传染病。赛诺菲在TCE方面拥有丰富科学和开发专业知识以及使用PRO-XTEN平台的丰富经验的关键员工将加入Vir。有关TCE及其各自发展计划的更多信息,将在Vir即将于11月举行的研发日上提供。

"The closing of this strategic agreement with Sanofi is a pivotal moment for Vir and a significant opportunity to help address patient unmet needs. We are excited to further advance the masked T-cell engagers in clinical development, bolstering our clinical pipeline and adding near-term value creation opportunities," said Marianne De Backer, M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA, Vir's Chief Executive Officer. "Our proven expertise in antibody engineering and clinical development combined with the innovative PRO-XTEN masking platform offers a unique opportunity to discover and develop therapies in oncology and infectious disease."

“与赛诺菲达成这项战略协议对Vir来说是一个关键时刻,也是帮助解决患者未得到满足的需求的重要机会。Vir首席执行官Marianne De Backerwan.Sc. 博士、工商管理硕士、工商管理硕士说,我们很高兴能够进一步推动蒙面T细胞参与临床开发,加强我们的临床产品线,增加短期价值创造机会。“我们在抗体工程和临床开发方面久经考验的专业知识与创新的PRO-XTEN掩蔽平台相结合,为发现和开发肿瘤学和传染病疗法提供了难得的机会。”

The clinical-stage assets Vir is licensing under the agreement are:


  • SAR446309                                            is a dual-masked HER2-targeted TCE in phase 1 clinical study including participants with metastatic treatment resistant HER2+ tumors such as breast and colorectal cancers.                                        

  • SAR446329                                            is a dual-masked PSMA-targeted TCE in phase 1 clinical study including participants with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.                                        

  • SAR446368                                            is a dual-masked EGFR targeted TCE with an active IND. A phase 1 clinical study, which is expected to begin enrollment in the first quarter of 2025, will include participants with EGFR-expressing tumors of various types.                                        

  • SAR446309 是一项处于 1 期临床研究的双面具 HER2 靶向 TCE,包括乳腺癌和结直肠癌等具有转移性治疗耐药性 HER2+ 肿瘤的参与者。

  • SAR446329 是一项处于 1 期临床研究的双面具 PSMA 靶向 TCE,包括转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌的参与者。

  • SAR446368 是一种具有活性 IND 的双掩膜表皮生长因子靶向 TCE。1期临床研究预计将于2025年第一季度开始入组,该研究将包括患有各种表皮生长因子表达肿瘤的参与者。

                                           About the PRO-XTEN                                            TM                                             Masking Platform                                        

关于 PRO-XTEN Tm 屏蔽平台

The PRO-XTEN proprietary masking platform can be applied to TCEs, cytokines, and other molecules potentially broadening the therapeutic index (TI) for patients. This technology exploits the high protease activity of the tumor microenvironment (TME) to specifically activate (unmask) drug candidates in tumor tissues. The selective cleavage results in the active molecule being released preferentially in the TME, potentially increasing the TI by minimizing off-target activity and toxicity associated with the systemic immune activation seen with traditional TCEs. Vir has exclusively licensed the PRO-XTEN proprietary masking platform from Sanofi in the fields of oncology and infectious diseases.

PRO-XTEN 专有的屏蔽平台可以应用于 TCE、细胞因子和其他有可能扩大患者治疗指数 (TI) 的分子。该技术利用肿瘤微环境(TME)的高蛋白酶活性来特异性激活(揭开)肿瘤组织中的候选药物。选择性裂解导致活性分子优先在TME中释放,通过最大限度地减少与传统三氯乙烷的全身免疫激活相关的脱靶活性和毒性,有可能增加TI。Vir已在肿瘤学和传染病领域独家许可了赛诺菲的PRO-XTEN专有掩蔽平台。

About Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

关于 Vir 生物技术有限公司

Vir Biotechnology, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on powering the immune system to transform lives by discovering and developing medicines for serious infectious diseases and cancer. Vir's clinical-stage portfolio includes infectious disease programs for chronic hepatitis delta and chronic hepatitis B infections, in addition to multiple oncology programs. Vir also has a preclinical portfolio of programs across a range of other infectious diseases and oncologic malignancies. Vir routinely posts information that may be important to investors on its website.

Vir Biotechnology, Inc. 是一家处于临床阶段的生物制药公司,致力于通过发现和开发治疗严重传染病和癌症的药物来推动免疫系统改变生活。Vir的临床阶段产品组合包括针对慢性三角型肝炎和慢性乙型肝炎感染的传染病项目,以及多个肿瘤学项目。Vir还拥有一系列针对其他传染病和肿瘤恶性肿瘤的临床前项目。Vir定期在其网站上发布可能对投资者很重要的信息。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "should," "could," "may," "might," "will," "plan," "potential," "aim," "expect," "anticipate," "promising" and similar expressions (as well as other words or expressions referencing future events, conditions or circumstances) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Vir's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Vir's strategy and plans; Vir's ability to realize the anticipated benefits from the exclusive worldwide license agreement with Sanofi; difficulties or unanticipated expenses in connection with the agreement, and the potential effects on Vir's earnings; the risk that Vir's investment in connection with the agreement will lose value for any number of reasons; the ability of the parties to initiate, progress or complete clinical studies within currently anticipated timelines or at all, and the possibility of unfavorable results from studies, including those involving SAR446309, SAR446329 and SAR446368, and any additional programs that may become subject to the agreement; the potential clinical effects, potential benefits, safety and efficacy of the investigational products that are the subject of these programs; data from ongoing studies evaluating such investigational products and programs; Vir's ability to file applications for regulatory approval or receive regulatory approvals in a timely manner or at all for such investigational products and programs, and the risk that any such approvals may be subject to significant limitations on use; the possibility that the agreement may be terminated for any number of reasons, or that development of the investigational products and programs subject to the agreement may be discontinued, and therefore may never be successfully commercialized; Vir's ability to successfully commercialize any approved drug products resulting from the agreement; and any assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. Many factors may cause differences between current expectations and actual results, including unexpected safety or efficacy data or results observed during clinical studies or in data readouts; the occurrence of adverse safety events; risks of unexpected costs, delays or other unexpected hurdles; difficulties in collaborating with other companies; successful development and/or commercialization of alternative product candidates by Vir's competitors; changes in expected or existing competition; delays in or disruptions to Vir's business or clinical studies due to geopolitical changes or other external factors; failure to achieve any necessary regulatory approvals; and unexpected litigation or other disputes. Drug development and commercialization involve a high degree of risk, and only a small number of research and development programs result in commercialization of a product. Results in early-stage clinical studies may not be indicative of full results or results from later stage or larger scale clinical studies and do not ensure regulatory approval. You should not place undue reliance on these statements, or the scientific data presented. Other factors that may cause actual results to differ from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements in this press release are discussed in Vir's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the section titled "Risk Factors" contained therein. Except as required by law, Vir assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in expectations, even as new information becomes available.

本新闻稿包含1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》所指的前瞻性陈述。诸如 “应该”、“可以”、“可能”、“可能”、“将”、“计划”、“潜在”、“目标”、“期望”、“预期”、“希望” 等词语和类似表达(以及其他提及未来事件、条件或情况的词语或表达)旨在识别前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述基于Vir截至本新闻稿发布之日的预期和假设。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述包括但不限于有关Vir战略和计划的陈述;Vir从与赛诺菲签订的全球独家许可协议中实现预期收益的能力;与该协议相关的困难或意外开支以及对Vir收益的潜在影响;Vir与协议相关的投资因多种原因而损失价值的风险;各方启动、推进或完成临床研究的能力目前之内预期的时间表或完全如此,以及研究(包括涉及 SAR446309、SAR446329 和 SAR446368 的研究)以及可能受协议约束的任何其他计划得出不利结果的可能性;作为这些计划对象的研究产品的潜在临床效果、潜在益处、安全性和有效性;评估此类研究产品和计划的正在进行的研究的数据;Vir 及时或根本没有提交监管部门批准申请或获得监管部门批准的能力对于此类研究产品和计划,以及任何此类批准在使用上可能受到重大限制的风险;协议可能因多种原因终止,或受协议约束的研究产品和计划的开发可能中止,因此可能永远无法成功商业化;Vir成功将协议产生的任何经批准的药物产品商业化的能力;以及任何前述假设的依据。许多因素可能导致当前预期与实际结果之间的差异,包括意想不到的安全性或有效性数据或在临床研究或数据读取中观察到的结果;不良安全事件的发生;意外成本、延误或其他意外障碍的风险;与其他公司合作的困难;Vir的竞争对手成功开发和/或商业化替代产品;预期或现有竞争的变化;Vir的业务或临床研究因而延迟或中断地缘政治变化或其他外部因素;未能获得任何必要的监管批准;以及意外诉讼或其他争议。药物开发和商业化涉及高风险,只有少数研发计划能实现产品的商业化。早期临床研究的结果可能并不表示全部结果或后期或更大规模临床研究的结果,也不能确保监管部门的批准。你不应过分依赖这些陈述或提供的科学数据。维尔向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中讨论了可能导致实际业绩与本新闻稿中前瞻性陈述中表达或暗示的结果不同的其他因素,包括其中包含的标题为 “风险因素” 的部分。除非法律要求,否则即使有新的信息,Vir也没有义务更新此处包含的任何前瞻性陈述以反映预期的任何变化。

Arran Attridge                                        
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications                               


Richard Lepke                                        
Senior Director, Investor Relations                               


Source: Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

资料来源:Vir 生物技术有限公司

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