
G2 Enters Exploration Alliance on 30,000 Acre District Land Package

G2 Enters Exploration Alliance on 30,000 Acre District Land Package

GlobeNewswire ·  09/10 07:00

TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- G2 Goldfields Inc. ("G2" or the "Company") (TSX: GTWO; OTCQX: GUYGF) is pleased to announce it has entered into agreements with a prominent Guyanese mining family to acquire exploration rights to a 30,000-acre package of highly prospective exploration properties in the Aremu-Oko district, Guyana. The Oko gold district has emerged as one of the most significant in Guyana and currently hosts combined resources of 7.8 million ounces of gold. [Technical reports can be found on SEDAR+, namely, NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Oko Gold Property in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, South America dated June 20, 2024, with an effective date of March 27, 2024, and Reunion Gold's NI 43-101 Technical Report, Oko West Gold Project, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Mining Districts, Guyana dated April 11, 2024, with an effective date of February 26, 2024].

多伦多,2024年9月10日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——G2 Goldfields Inc.(“G2” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所:GTWO;OTCQX:GUYGF)欣然宣布,它已与圭亚那一个著名的矿业家族签订协议,收购圭亚那阿雷穆-奥科区占地3万英亩的一揽子极具前景的勘探权。奥科黄金区已成为圭亚那最重要的黄金区之一,目前拥有780万盎司的黄金总资源。[技术报告可在SEDAR+上找到,即2024年6月20日南美圭亚那合作共和国奥科黄金地产的NI 43-101技术报告和矿产资源估算,生效日期为2024年3月27日;留尼旺黄金于2024年4月11日发布的圭亚那库尤尼-马扎鲁尼矿区奥科西部黄金项目的NI 43-101技术报告,生效日期为2月26日,2024]。

The current estimated gold resource for G2's OKO-AREMU project is 922,000 ounces of gold (indicated) and 1,099,000 ounces of gold (inferred). G2 currently has five drills operating within the district. This alliance further consolidates the Company's dominant land position, with G2 holding exploration rights to an area totalling 60,000 acres in this district. G2 intends to file an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for OKO-AREMU deposits in Q1 2025.


The new properties are comprised of three sets of contiguous permits which host multiple historical gold occurrences along a prominent 34 km long mineralized contact between the Aremu granite and the volcano-sedimentary package, which hosts the majority of the gold deposits in the district. The property package encompasses the first hard rock gold mine in Guyana, Wariri, initially discovered in the 1870s, alongside kilometres of artisanal workings. The lands have never been drilled nor subjected to modern exploration methods. G2 is currently preparing an independent NI 43-101 technical report on the properties which it expects to file on SEDAR+ in the coming weeks.

新地产由三套连续的许可证组成,这些许可证在阿雷姆花岗岩和火山沉积层组之间长达34千米的显著矿化接触点上有多个历史金矿点,火山沉积层是该地区大部分金矿床的所在地。该地产一揽子计划包括圭亚那第一个硬岩金矿瓦里里(Wariri),该金矿最初发现于 19 世纪 70 年代,还有数千米的手工开采。这些土地从未进行过钻探,也从未采用过现代勘探方法。G2目前正在准备一份关于这些物业的独立NI 43-101技术报告,预计将在未来几周内在SEDAR+上提交该报告。

Patrick Sheridan, Executive Chairman, stated, "We are very excited about this partnership, the culmination of many months of negotiations. Since its inception, G2 has worked with local partners in exploring and developing this exciting gold district. This most recent alliance further consolidates G2 as the major player in the district. I am confident G2 will be able to fast track drilling on several target areas. The Company is currently mobilising significant resources to the areas and will be executing a full sequence exploration program building upon prior exploration success in the district."

执行主席帕特里克·谢里丹表示:“我们对这种伙伴关系感到非常兴奋,这是数月谈判的高潮。自成立以来,G2一直与当地合作伙伴合作,探索和开发这个令人兴奋的黄金区。最近的联盟进一步巩固了G2作为该地区主要参与者的地位。我相信 G2 将能够在多个目标区域快速钻探。该公司目前正在为这些地区调动大量资源,并将在该地区先前勘探成功的基础上执行一项全序勘探计划。”

Corporate Reorganization


Further to the Company's press release dated October 24, 2023, G2 intends to distribute its "non-core" assets to shareholders, by way of a plan of arrangement, in late 2024. The new company, "G3", will own assets in both the Puruni and OKO-AREMU districts including three (3) historical past producers and exploration rights to an area extending over 60,000 acres. G2 intends to add additional assets to the G3 portfolio and, subject to shareholder and regulatory approval, distribute the G3 shares to G2 shareholders on a ratio of one share of G3 for each two shares of G2 held. Further details of the transaction will be provided in the coming weeks.

继公司于2023年10月24日发布新闻稿之后,G2打算通过安排计划在2024年底向股东分配其 “非核心” 资产。新公司 “G3” 将在普鲁尼和奥科-阿雷穆地区拥有资产,包括三(3)个历史生产商和占地超过60,000英亩的区域的勘探权。G2打算在G3投资组合中增加额外资产,并在获得股东和监管部门批准的前提下,将G3股份分配给G2股东,比例为G2每持有两股G3股份。该交易的更多细节将在未来几周内提供。

About G2 Goldfields Inc.

关于 G2 Goldfields Inc.

The G2 Goldfields team is comprised of professionals who have been directly responsible for the discovery of millions of ounces of gold in Guyana as well as the financing and development of the Aurora Gold Mine, Guyana's largest gold mine [RPA, 43-101, Technical Report on the Aurora Gold Mine, March 31, 2020].

G2 Goldfields团队由专业人员组成,他们直接负责在圭亚那发现数百万盎司黄金,以及圭亚那最大的金矿奥罗拉金矿的融资和开发 [RPA,43-101,奥罗拉金矿技术报告,2020年3月31日]。

In April 2024, G2 announced an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Oko property in Guyana [see press release dated April 03, 2024]. Highlights of the Updated MRE include:

2024年4月,G2公布了圭亚那Oko房产的最新矿产资源估算(“MRE”)[见2024年4月3日的新闻稿]。更新后的 MRE 的亮点包括:

Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Oko Main Zone (OMZ):

Oko 主区 (OMZ) 的露天矿和地下综合资源总量:

  • 495,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 2,413,000 tonnes @ 6.38 g/t Au
  • 686,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 2,368,000 tonnes @ 9.03 g/t Au
  • 495,000 盎司金 — 推断金含量在 2,413,000 吨以内 @ 6.38 克/吨
  • 686,000 盎司金 — 表示金含量在 2,368,000 吨以内 @ 9.03 g/t Au

Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Ghanie Zone:


  • 604,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 12,216,000 tonnes @ 1.54 g/t Au
  • 236,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 3,344,000 tonnes @ 2.20 g/t Au
  • 604,000 盎司金 — 推断金含量在 12,216,000 吨以内 @ 1.54 g/t Au
  • 236,000 盎司金 — 表示金含量在 3,344,000 吨以内 @ 2.20 g/t Au

The MRE was prepared by Micon International Limited with an effective date of March 27, 2024. Significantly, the updated mineral resources lie within 500 meters of surface. The Oko district has been a prolific alluvial goldfield since its initial discovery in the 1870s, and modern exploration techniques continue to reveal the considerable potential of the district.

MRE 由美康国际有限公司编写,生效日期为 2024 年 3 月 27 日。值得注意的是,更新后的矿产资源位于地表500米以内。自19世纪70年代首次发现冲积金矿以来,奥科地区一直是多产的冲积金矿,现代勘探技术继续揭示该地区的巨大潜力。

Anglo Gold Ashanti (NYSE:AU) currently holds 35,723,965 shares representing 14.96% of the issued and outstanding shares of G2. G2 currently has cash holdings exceeding (Cad) $50 million and is well financed to execute on this regional exploration program.


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dan Noone (CEO of G2 Goldfields Inc.), a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Noone (B.Sc. Geology, MBA) is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

本新闻稿中的所有科学和技术信息均经过丹·努恩(G2 Goldfields Inc.首席执行官)的审查和批准,他是国家仪器43-101所指的 “合格人士”。努恩先生(理学士)地质学,工商管理硕士)是澳大利亚地球科学研究所的会员。

Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR+ () and the Company's website ().

有关公司的更多信息,请访问SEDAR+ () 和公司的网站 ()。

For further information, please contact:
Dan Noone CEO
+1 416.628.5904

+1 416.628.5904

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking information and statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "expect", "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "may", "might", "will", "project", "should", "believe", "plans", "intends" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information and/or statements. Forward-looking statements and/or information are based on a number of material factors, expectations and/or assumptions of G2 Goldfields which have been used to develop such statements and/or information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although G2 Goldfields believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements as G2 Goldfields can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified herein assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: results from planned exploration and drilling activities; future plans for operational expenditures; the accuracy of the interpretations of exploration and drilling activity results; availability of financing to fund current and future plans and expenditures; the impact of increasing competition; the general stability of the economic and political environment in which G2 Goldfields has property interests; the general continuance of current industry conditions; the timely receipt of any required regulatory approvals; the ability of G2 Goldfields to obtain qualified staff, equipment and/or services in a timely and cost efficient manner; the ability of the operator of each project in which G2 Goldfields has property interests to operate in a safe, efficient and/or effective manner and to fulfil its respective obligations and current plans; future commodity prices; currency, exchange and/or interest rates; and the regulatory framework regarding royalties, taxes and/or environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which G2 Goldfields has property interests. The forward-looking information and statements included in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and should not be unduly relied upon. Such information and/or statements, including the assumptions made in respect thereof, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results and/or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward- looking information and/or statements including, without limitation: risks associated with the uncertainty of exploration results and estimates, currency fluctuations, the uncertainty of conducting operations under a foreign regime, exploration risk, the uncertainty of obtaining all applicable regulatory approvals, the availability of labour and/or equipment, the fluctuating prices of commodities, the availability of financing and dependence on the management personnel of the Corporation, other participants in the property areas and/or certain other risks detailed from time-to-time in G2 Goldfields public disclosure documents (including, without limitation, those risks identified in this news release and G2 Goldfields current management's discussion and analysis). Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and the Corporation does not undertake any obligations to publicly update and/or revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of additional information, future events and/or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指的某些前瞻性信息和陈述。使用 “期望”、“预期”、“继续”、“估计”、“可能”、“可能”、“将”、“项目”、“应该”、“相信”、“计划”、“打算” 和类似表述中的任何词语均旨在识别前瞻性信息和/或陈述。前瞻性陈述和/或信息基于G2 Goldfields的许多重要因素、预期和/或假设,这些因素曾被用来制定此类陈述和/或信息,但可能被证明是不正确的。尽管G2 Goldfields认为此类前瞻性陈述和/或信息中反映的预期是合理的,但不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述,因为G2 Goldfields无法保证此类预期会被证明是正确的。除了本文可能确定的其他因素和假设外,还对以下方面做出了假设:计划勘探和钻探活动的结果;未来的业务支出计划;对勘探和钻探活动结果解释的准确性;为当前和未来计划和支出提供资金的资金的可得性;竞争加剧的影响;G2 Goldfieldes拥有财产权的经济和政治环境的总体稳定;当前的行业状况;及时收到任何必要的监管批准;G2 Goldfields及时和具有成本效益的方式获得合格员工、设备和/或服务的能力;G2 Goldfields拥有财产权益的每个项目的运营商以安全、高效和/或有效的方式运营并履行其各自义务和当前计划的能力;未来大宗商品价格;货币、汇率和/或利率;以及有关特许权使用费、税收和/或税收的监管框架中的环境问题G2 Goldfields 拥有财产权益的司法管辖区。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息和陈述不能保证未来的表现,不应过度依赖。此类信息和/或陈述,包括就此作出的假设,涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,可能导致实际结果和/或事件与此类前瞻性信息和/或陈述中的预期存在重大差异,包括但不限于:与勘探结果和估计的不确定性相关的风险、货币波动、在外国制度下开展业务的不确定性、勘探风险、获得所有适用监管的不确定性G2 Goldfields公开披露文件(包括但不限于本新闻稿和G2 Goldfields现任管理层的讨论和分析)中不时详述的批准、劳动力和/或设备的可用性、大宗商品价格的波动、融资的可得性以及对房地产领域其他参与者的依赖和/或某些其他风险。此外,本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述是截至本新闻稿发布之日作出的,除非适用的证券法另有要求,否则公司不承担任何义务公开更新和/或修改所包含的任何前瞻性陈述,无论这些陈述是由于其他信息、未来事件和/或其他原因造成的。

Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy and / or accuracy of this release.


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