
Cardiol Therapeutics Announces Completion of the MAvERIC Phase II Study in Recurrent Pericarditis With Results to Be Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024

Cardiol Therapeutics Announces Completion of the MAvERIC Phase II Study in Recurrent Pericarditis With Results to Be Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024

Cardiol Therapeutics宣布完成MAvERIC第二期研究,针对复发性心包炎,并将于2024年美国心脏协会科学会议上发布结果。
newsfile ·  09/10 07:27

Full clinical data will be reported in an oral presentation at the premier global event for advancements in cardiovascular science and medicine on November 18, 2024


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 10, 2024) - Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) (TSX: CRDL) ("Cardiol" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage life sciences company focused on the research and clinical development of anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease, today announced the data from its Phase II open-label MAvERIC-Pilot study investigating the impact of CardiolRx administered to patients with symptomatic recurrent pericarditis will be reported in an oral presentation as part of the Laennec Clinician-Educator Award & Lecture that runs from 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Central Time, on Monday, November 18th, 2024, at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024. Dr. S. Allen Luis, Co-Director, Pericardial Diseases Clinic and Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, will present on behalf of the MAvERIC-Pilot investigators.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年9月10日)——专注于治疗心脏病的抗炎和抗纤维化疗法研究和临床开发的临床阶段生命科学公司Cardiol Therapeutics Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CRDL)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CRDL)(“Cardiol” 或 “公司”)今天公布了其第二期开放标签Maveric-Pilot研究的数据,该研究旨在调查心脏病的影响作为Laennec临床医生的一部分,将以口头形式报告对有症状的复发性心包炎患者服用的CardiolRX-教育工作者奖和讲座将于中部时间2024年11月18日星期一上午9点45分至上午11点在美国心脏协会2024年科学会议上举行。梅奥诊所心包疾病诊所联合主任兼心血管医学系医学副教授S. Allen Luis博士将代表Maveric-Pilot研究人员发言。

"Having recently reported the positive primary endpoint data from the MAvERIC-Pilot study demonstrating that oral administration of our small molecule CardiolRx led to marked reductions in pericarditis pain and inflammation at 8 weeks, we are delighted that the data has been accepted for oral presentation in such a prestigious session of the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024, the premier global event for advancements in cardiovascular science and medicine," said David Elsley, Cardiol Therapeutics' President and Chief Executive Officer. "We extend our thanks and gratitude to the patients and our clinical research collaborators whose participation in this important study have served to support our objective of developing a more accessible and non-immunosuppressive therapeutic option for thousands of patients suffering from this chronic inflammatory heart disease."

Cardiol Therapeutics总裁戴维·埃尔斯利说:“我们最近报告了来自Maveric-Pilot研究的积极主要终点数据,表明口服我们的小分子CardioLRX可以显著减轻8周的心包炎疼痛和炎症,我们很高兴这些数据被接受在如此负盛名的2024年美国心脏协会科学会议上进行口头陈述,该会议是心血管科学和医学进步的首要全球盛会。” 兼首席执行官。“我们向患者和我们的临床研究合作者表示感谢和感谢,他们参与这项重要研究支持了我们的目标,即为成千上万患有这种慢性炎性心脏病的患者开发一种更容易获得和非免疫抑制性的治疗选择。”

"The MAvERIC-Pilot study was designed to investigate the impact of our novel therapy CardiolRx in patients with the debilitating symptoms of recurrent pericarditis," said Andrew Hamer, Cardiol Therapeutics' Chief Medical Officer and Head of Research & Development. "Having reached the important milestone of concluding the study, we now look forward to reporting the full clinical results from MAvERIC-Pilot that will include additional endpoints including freedom from pericarditis recurrence during the 18-week Extension Period, 26-week pericarditis pain score and inflammatory marker levels, and safety and tolerability outcomes. We anticipate the totality of the results will support and further inform our plans to advance to a Phase III trial of CardiolRx in this inflammatory heart disease that is associated with symptoms that adversely affect quality of life, mental health, and physical activity."

Cardiol Therapeutics首席医学官兼研发主管安德鲁·哈默说:“这项Maveric-Pilot研究旨在调查我们的新疗法CardioLRX对复发性心包炎使人衰弱症状的患者的影响。”“在完成这项研究的重要里程碑之后,我们现在期待着报告Maveric-Pilot的完整临床结果,其中包括其他终点,包括18周延长期内无心包炎复发、26周心包炎疼痛评分和炎症标志物水平以及安全性和耐受性结果。我们预计,总体结果将支持并进一步为我们推进针对这种炎性心脏病的CardioLRX的III期试验的计划提供进一步信息,这种炎症性心脏病与对生活质量、心理健康和体育活动产生不利影响的症状有关。”

MAvERIC-Pilot Study Design

Maveric-Pilot 研究设计

The MAvERIC-Pilot study evaluated CardiolRx in 27 adult participants (≥18 years) with symptomatic recurrent pericarditis (≥2 recurrences), with or without a raised level of C-reactive protein ("CRP"), at eight clinical sites across the United States. The study Chairman is Allan L. Klein, MD, Director of the Center of Pericardial Diseases and Professor of Medicine, Heart and Vascular Institute, at the Cleveland Clinic. The study design consisted of an 8-week treatment period ("TP") followed by an 18-week extension period ("EP"). Patients with pericarditis chest pain with a numerical rating scale ("NRS") pain score ≥4 together with either an elevated level of CRP (≥1mg/dL) or evidence of pericardial inflammation assessed by cardiac imaging were enrolled. CardiolRx was added to stable doses of baseline therapy for recurrent pericarditis (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine, and/or corticosteroids, in any combination). In the first 10 days of the TP, CardiolRx was up-titrated to 10 mg/kg twice daily, or the maximum tolerated dose. Throughout the TP, patients continued receiving baseline therapy for recurrent pericarditis but were weaned off this during the EP to assess pericarditis recurrence. The primary efficacy endpoint is the change, from baseline to 8 weeks, in patient-reported pericarditis pain using the NRS. Secondary endpoints include NRS pain score at 26 weeks, and freedom from pericarditis recurrence during the EP. Secondary CRP endpoints of interest include change from baseline to 26 weeks, and for patients with CRP ≥1 mg/dL at baseline, the time to CRP normalization, as well as the percentage of patients with normalized CRP at both 8 and 26 weeks.

这项Maveric-Pilot研究评估了在美国八个临床地点的27名有症状的复发性心包炎(≥2次复发)、C反应蛋白(“CRP”)水平升高或没有升高C反应蛋白(“CRP”)的成年参与者(≥18岁)的CardiolRX。研究主席是克利夫兰诊所心包疾病中心主任、心血管研究所医学教授艾伦·克莱因医学博士。该研究设计包括8周的治疗期(“TP”),然后是18周的延长期(“EP”)。入组了心包炎胸痛患者,其疼痛评分为数字评分量表(“NRS”)疼痛评分≥4,并且 CRP 水平升高(≥1mg/dL)或心包炎证据,经心脏影像学评估后有心包炎症证据。将CardiolRx添加到复发性心包炎的稳定剂量的基线疗法(非甾体抗炎药、秋水仙碱和/或皮质类固醇,任意组合)中。在TP的前10天中,将CardioLRx的滴定值提高至10 mg/kg,每日两次,或最大耐受剂量。在整个TP期间,患者继续接受复发性心包炎的基线治疗,但在EP期间断奶以评估心包炎的复发情况。主要疗效终点是使用NRS将患者报告的心包炎疼痛从基线改为8周。次要终点包括26周的NRS疼痛评分以及EP期间没有心包炎复发。关注的次要CRP终点包括从基线到26周的变化,对于基线时CRP≥1 mg/dL的患者,CRP正常化的时间以及8周和26周CRP均正常化的患者的百分比。

Recurrent Pericarditis


Recurrent pericarditis refers to inflammation of the pericardium (the membrane or sac that surrounds the heart) that follows an initial episode (frequently resulting from a viral infection). Patients may have multiple recurrences. Symptoms include debilitating chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, resulting in physical limitations, reduced quality of life, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Significant accumulation of pericardial fluid and scarring can progress to life-threatening constriction of the heart. The only FDA-approved therapy for recurrent pericarditis, launched in 2021, is costly and is primarily used as a third-line intervention. On an annual basis, the number of patients in the United States having experienced at least one recurrence is estimated at 38,000. Approximately 60% of patients with multiple recurrences (>1) still suffer for longer than two years, and one third are still impacted at five years. Hospitalization due to recurrent pericarditis is often associated with a 6-8-day length of stay and cost per stay is estimated to range between $20,000 and $30,000 in the United States.


About Cardiol Therapeutics

关于 Cardiol Therap

Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) (TSX: CRDL) is a clinical-stage life sciences company focused on the research and clinical development of anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease. The Company's lead small molecule drug candidate, CardiolRx (cannabidiol) oral solution, is pharmaceutically manufactured and in clinical development for use in the treatment of heart disease. It is recognized that cannabidiol inhibits activation of the inflammasome pathway, an intracellular process known to play an important role in the development and progression of inflammation and fibrosis associated with myocarditis, pericarditis, and heart failure.

Cardiol Therapeutics Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CRDL)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CRDL)是一家临床阶段的生命科学公司,专注于治疗心脏病的抗炎和抗纤维化疗法的研究和临床开发。该公司的主要小分子候选药物CardiolRX(大麻二酚)口服溶液是药物制造的,正在临床开发中,用于治疗心脏病。众所周知,大麻二酚会抑制炎症小体通路的激活,炎症小体通路是一种细胞内过程,已知在与心肌炎、心包炎和心力衰竭相关的炎症和纤维化的发展和进展中起着重要作用。

Cardiol has received Investigational New Drug Application authorization from the United States Food and Drug Administration ("US FDA") to conduct clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CardiolRx in two diseases affecting the heart: (i) a Phase II multi-center open-label pilot study in recurrent pericarditis (the MAvERIC-Pilot study; NCT05494788), an inflammatory disease of the pericardium which is associated with symptoms including debilitating chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, and results in physical limitations, reduced quality of life, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations; and (ii) a Phase II multi-national, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (the ARCHER trial; NCT05180240) in acute myocarditis, an important cause of acute and fulminant heart failure in young adults and a leading cause of sudden cardiac death in people less than 35 years of age. The US FDA has granted Orphan Drug Designation to CardiolRx for the treatment of pericarditis, which includes recurrent pericarditis.


Cardiol is also developing CRD-38, a novel subcutaneously administered drug formulation intended for use in heart failure - a leading cause of death and hospitalization in the developed world, with associated healthcare costs in the United States exceeding $30 billion annually.

Cardiol还在开发 CRD-38,这是一种用于心力衰竭的新型皮下给药药物配方。心力衰竭是发达国家的主要死亡和住院原因,美国每年的相关医疗费用超过300亿美元。

For more information about Cardiol Therapeutics, please visit

有关 Cardiol Therapeutics 的更多信息,请访问。

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking information:


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events, or developments that Cardiol believes, expects, or anticipates will, may, could, or might occur in the future are "forward-looking information". Forward looking information contained herein may include, but is not limited to, statements relating to the Company's focus on developing anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease, the molecular targets and mechanism of action of the Company's product candidates, the Company's intended clinical studies and trial activities and timelines associated with such activities, including for primary efficacy endpoint and secondary endpoints, the Company's plans to report in an oral presentation the impact of CardiolRx administered to patients with symptomatic recurrent pericarditis at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024, the Company's intention to report the full clinical results from the MAvERIC-Pilot study, the Company's anticipation that the totality of the results of the MAvERIC-Pilot study will support and further inform its plans to advance to the Phase III trial of CardiolRx, and the Company's plan to advance the development of CRD-38, a novel subcutaneous formulation of cannabidiol intended for use in heart failure. Forward-looking information contained herein reflects the current expectations or beliefs of Cardiol based on information currently available to it and is based on certain assumptions and is also subject to a variety of known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual events or results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, and are not (and should not be considered to be) guarantees of future performance. These risks and uncertainties and other factors include the risks and uncertainties referred to in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian securities regulators on April 1, 2024, as well as the risks and uncertainties associated with product commercialization and clinical studies. These assumptions, risks, uncertainties, and other factors should be considered carefully, and investors should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking information, and such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, Cardiol disclaims any intent or obligation to update or revise such forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or results, or otherwise.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。除历史事实陈述外,所有涉及Cardiol认为、预期或预期将来、可能发生、可能或可能发生的活动、事件或发展的陈述均为 “前瞻性信息”。此处包含的前瞻性信息可能包括但不限于与公司专注于开发治疗心脏病的抗炎和抗纤维化疗法有关的声明、公司候选产品的分子靶标和作用机制、公司的预期临床研究和试验活动以及与此类活动相关的时间表,包括主要疗效终点和次要终点、公司计划以口头陈述方式报告CardiolRX的影响管理给在2024年美国心脏协会科学会议上,有症状的复发性心包炎患者,该公司打算报告Maveric-Pilot研究的全部临床结果,该公司预计Maveric-Pilot研究的全部结果将支持并进一步为其推进CardioLRX三期试验的计划提供信息,以及该公司推进新型大麻皮下制剂 CRD-38 开发的计划用于心力衰竭的二酚。此处包含的前瞻性信息反映了Cardiol当前的预期或信念,基于其现有信息,基于某些假设,还受各种已知和未知的风险和不确定性以及其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异,不是(也不应被视为)未来业绩的保证。这些风险和不确定性以及其他因素包括公司于2024年4月1日向美国证券交易委员会和加拿大证券监管机构提交的20-F表年度报告中提及的风险和不确定性,以及与产品商业化和临床研究相关的风险和不确定性。应仔细考虑这些假设、风险、不确定性和其他因素,投资者不应过分依赖前瞻性信息,此类信息可能不适用于其他目的。任何前瞻性信息仅代表截至本新闻稿发布之日,除非适用的证券法另有要求,否则,Cardiol不承担任何更新或修改此类前瞻性信息的意图或义务,无论是由于新信息、未来事件或业绩还是其他原因。

For further information, please contact:
Trevor Burns, Investor Relations +1-289-910-0855

Trevor Burns,《投资者关系》+1-289-910-0855

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