
Here's Why We Think Cardinal Health (NYSE:CAH) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

Here's Why We Think Cardinal Health (NYSE:CAH) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

Simply Wall St ·  09/10 15:41

Investors are often guided by the idea of discovering 'the next big thing', even if that means buying 'story stocks' without any revenue, let alone profit. Sometimes these stories can cloud the minds of investors, leading them to invest with their emotions rather than on the merit of good company fundamentals. While a well funded company may sustain losses for years, it will need to generate a profit eventually, or else investors will move on and the company will wither away.

投资者通常以发现 “下一件大事” 的想法为指导,即使这意味着在没有任何收入的情况下购买 “故事股票”,更不用说获利了。有时,这些故事可能会给投资者的思想蒙上阴影,导致他们用自己的情感进行投资,而不是根据良好的公司基本面的优点进行投资。虽然资金充足的公司可能会遭受多年的损失,但它最终需要创造利润,否则投资者将继续前进,公司将萎缩。

In contrast to all that, many investors prefer to focus on companies like Cardinal Health (NYSE:CAH), which has not only revenues, but also profits. Even if this company is fairly valued by the market, investors would agree that generating consistent profits will continue to provide Cardinal Health with the means to add long-term value to shareholders.

与此形成鲜明对比的是,许多投资者更愿意关注像Cardinal Health(纽约证券交易所代码:CAH)这样的公司,该公司不仅有收入,还有利润。即使市场对这家公司进行了合理的估值,投资者也会同意,创造持续的利润将继续为Cardinal Health提供为股东增加长期价值的手段。

How Quickly Is Cardinal Health Increasing Earnings Per Share?

Cardinal Health 增加每股收益的速度有多快?

If you believe that markets are even vaguely efficient, then over the long term you'd expect a company's share price to follow its earnings per share (EPS) outcomes. So it makes sense that experienced investors pay close attention to company EPS when undertaking investment research. It certainly is nice to see that Cardinal Health has managed to grow EPS by 19% per year over three years. If growth like this continues on into the future, then shareholders will have plenty to smile about.

如果你认为市场的效率甚至含糊不清,那么从长远来看,你预计公司的股价将遵循其每股收益(EPS)的结果。因此,经验丰富的投资者在进行投资研究时密切关注公司的每股收益是有道理的。很高兴看到Cardinal Health在三年内设法将每股收益增长19%。如果这样的增长持续到未来,那么股东们将有很多值得微笑的地方。

Top-line growth is a great indicator that growth is sustainable, and combined with a high earnings before interest and taxation (EBIT) margin, it's a great way for a company to maintain a competitive advantage in the market. EBIT margins for Cardinal Health remained fairly unchanged over the last year, however the company should be pleased to report its revenue growth for the period of 11% to US$227b. That's progress.

收入增长是可持续增长的重要指标,再加上较高的息税前收益(EBIT)利润率,这是公司保持市场竞争优势的好方法。去年,Cardinal Health的息税前利润率基本保持不变,但该公司应该很高兴地报告其收入增长了11%,达到2270亿美元。这就是进步。

You can take a look at the company's revenue and earnings growth trend, in the chart below. For finer detail, click on the image.


NYSE:CAH Earnings and Revenue History September 10th 2024
纽约证券交易所:CAH 收益和收入历史记录 2024 年 9 月 10 日

In investing, as in life, the future matters more than the past. So why not check out this free interactive visualization of Cardinal Health's forecast profits?

在投资中,就像在生活中一样,未来比过去更重要。那么,为什么不看看这个关于Cardinal Health预测利润的免费交互式可视化呢?

Are Cardinal Health Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Cardinal Health Insiders是否与所有股东一致?

Owing to the size of Cardinal Health, we wouldn't expect insiders to hold a significant proportion of the company. But we are reassured by the fact they have invested in the company. We note that their impressive stake in the company is worth US$114m. We note that this amounts to 0.4% of the company, which may be small owing to the sheer size of Cardinal Health but it's still worth mentioning. This still shows shareholders there is a degree of alignment between management and themselves.

由于Cardinal Health的规模,我们预计内部人士不会持有该公司的很大一部分股份。但是他们投资了该公司,这让我们感到放心。我们注意到,他们在该公司的可观股份价值1.14亿美元。我们注意到,这占该公司的0.4%,由于Cardinal Health的庞大规模,这可能很小,但仍然值得一提。这仍然表明股东管理层与他们自己之间存在一定程度的一致性。

Does Cardinal Health Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Cardinal Health 值得在你的关注清单上占有一席之地吗?

For growth investors, Cardinal Health's raw rate of earnings growth is a beacon in the night. This EPS growth rate is something the company should be proud of, and so it's no surprise that insiders are holding on to a considerable chunk of shares. Fast growth and confident insiders should be enough to warrant further research, so it would seem that it's a good stock to follow. We should say that we've discovered 4 warning signs for Cardinal Health that you should be aware of before investing here.

对于成长型投资者来说,Cardinal Health的原始收益增长率是夜间的灯塔。这种每股收益增长率是该公司应该引以为豪的,因此,内部人士持有相当一部分股票也就不足为奇了。快速增长和自信的内部人士应该足以值得进一步研究,因此看来这是一只值得关注的好股票。我们应该说,我们已经发现了Cardinal Health的4个警告信号,在投资这里之前,你应该注意这些信号。

Although Cardinal Health certainly looks good, it may appeal to more investors if insiders were buying up shares. If you like to see companies with more skin in the game, then check out this handpicked selection of companies that not only boast of strong growth but have strong insider backing.

尽管Cardinal Health看起来确实不错,但如果内部人士买入股票,它可能会吸引更多的投资者。如果你想看到拥有更多风险的公司,那么看看这些精心挑选的公司,这些公司不仅拥有强劲的增长,而且有强大的内部支持。

Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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