
Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Announces Data From RESOLVE Phase 1b/2a Trial of EP-104GI for Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Announces Data From RESOLVE Phase 1b/2a Trial of EP-104GI for Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals宣布EP-104GI治疗嗜酸性食管炎的RESOLVE Phase 1b/2a试验数据
PR Newswire ·  09/11 07:00
  • Consistent improvement in patient reported outcomes with 10 of 11 evaluable patients in the first four cohorts experiencing a reduction in symptom (SDI1) scores at 12 weeks
  • The fourth cohort showed the greatest percentage change in histology (EoEHSS2) scores of any cohort to date
  • The RESOLVE Phase 1b/2a trial is progressing as anticipated with no serious adverse events reported in all four fully-dosed cohorts
  • 患者报告的预后持续改善,前四个队列的11名可评估患者中有10名在12周时症状(SDI1)分数降低
  • 第四组显示迄今为止所有队列中组织学(EoeHSS2)分数的百分比变化最大
  • RESOLVE 1b/2a期试验正在按预期取得进展,所有四个全剂量队列均未报告严重不良事件

VICTORIA, BC, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Inc. ("Eupraxia" or the "Company") (TSX: EPRX) (NASDAQ: EPRX), a clinical-stage biotechnology company leveraging its proprietary DiffuSphere technology to optimize drug delivery for applications with significant unmet need, today announced additional positive clinical data from its RESOLVE Phase 1b/2a trial, which is evaluating the safety and efficacy of EP-104GI as a treatment for eosinophilic esophagitis ("EoE").

不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/-Eupraxia Pharmicals Inc.(“Eupraxia” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:EPRX)(纳斯达克股票代码:EPRX)是一家临床阶段的生物技术公司,利用其专有的DiffuSphere技术优化有大量未满足需求的应用的药物交付,今天公布了其正在评估安全性的RESOLVE 1b/2a期试验的更多积极临床数据以及 EP-104GI 作为嗜酸性食管炎(“EoE”)治疗的疗效。

New Clinical Data from the Fourth Cohort of the RESOLVE Trial

来自第四组 RESOLVE 试验的新临床数据

The results announced today from the fourth cohort of the RESOLVE trial, using Eupraxia's DiffuSphere technology for EoE, are derived from twelve 2.5 mg injections of EP-104GI (total dose of 30 mg) administered to less than two-thirds of each patient's lower esophagus. The data show:

今天公布的第四组RESOLVE试验的结果使用了Eupraxia针对EoE的Diffusphere技术,该试验的结果来自十二次2.5毫克的 EP-104GI(总剂量为30毫克)注射,注射给每位患者下食道不到三分之二。数据显示:

  • Straumann Dysphagia Index ("SDI")1, a patient-reported outcome measure designed to assess symptom severity, was lower for all three patients post-administration with peak reductions up to four points (67% from baseline). At 12 weeks post-administration, SDI was reduced by a mean of 45% or 3.3 points – a level comparable with currently approved therapies.
  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis Histology Scoring System ("EoEHSS")2 scores, which evaluate the severity and extent of EoE, showed the largest percent reduction of any cohort to date, with a mean 39% reduction in Composite Stage and a mean 37% reduction in Composite Grade at 12 weeks – a level comparable with currently approved therapies.
  • Using data from four biopsy sites, which is consistent with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") Guidance for Developing Drugs for the Treatment of EoE, the mean reduction in Peak Eosinophil Counts ("PEC")3 was 67% at 12 weeks.
  • Straumann 吞咽困难指数(“SDI”)1是患者报告的旨在评估症状严重程度的预后指标,所有三名患者的给药后均较低,峰值下降幅度高达四个百分点(比基线为67%)。在给药后12周,SDI平均下降了45%或3.3个百分点,与目前批准的疗法相当。
  • 评估EoEHSS 严重程度和程度的嗜酸性食管炎组织学评分系统(“EoEHSS”)2分数显示出迄今为止所有队列中下降的百分比最大,12周时复合期平均下降39%,复合等级平均下降37%,与目前批准的疗法相当。
  • 根据来自四个活检部位的数据,这与美国食品药品监督管理局(“FDA”)的《开发用于治疗EoE的药物的指导方针》一致,在12周时,嗜酸性粒细胞数量(“PEC”)3的平均下降幅度为67%。




Straumann Dysphagia Index, or SDI, is a patient-reported outcome score that uses a seven-day recall measuring dysphagia (trouble swallowing) severity and frequency. A reduction in SDI is a positive outcome for the RESOLVE trial.


In the Eosinophilic Esophagitis Histology Scoring System, or EoEHSS, grade indicates the severity of each of the eight histologic features assessed by the EoEHSS while stage indicates their extent. For the RESOLVE trial, these features include inflammation, increased cell production in a normal tissue or organ, and fibrosis, also known as fibrotic scarring, and five other features. A reduction in EoEHSS is a positive outcome for the RESOLVE trial.


Peak Eosinophil Counts, or PEC, means the peak number of eosinophils found in esophageal biopsies. Eosinophils are one of several white blood cells that support a person's immune system. A reduction in PEC is a positive outcome for the RESOLVE trial.







"The RESOLVE trial is progressing rapidly and we continue to observe positive data on efficacy and safety outcomes with EP-104GI, with the fifth cohort expected to read out in November 2024," said Dr. James Helliwell, Chief Executive Officer of Eupraxia. "Overall, we are encouraged by the data that we have seen across a number of key metrics and remain optimistic that we'll see further improvements in patient response as the trial progresses towards an optimal dosing level."

Eupraxia首席执行官詹姆斯·海利威尔博士表示:“RESOLVE试验进展迅速,我们继续观察到 EP-104GI 疗效和安全性结果的积极数据,第五组研究预计将于2024年11月公布。”“总体而言,我们在许多关键指标上看到的数据令我们感到鼓舞,并乐观地认为,随着试验向最佳剂量水平迈进,我们将看到患者的反应进一步改善。”

The RESOLVE trial is a Phase 1b/2a, multicentre, open-label, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of EP-104GI in adults with histologically confirmed, active EoE. EP-104GI is administered as a single dose via 4 to 20 injections into the esophageal wall. Dose escalations increase the dose per site and/or number of sites. Participants in the first through the fourth cohorts will be assessed for up to 24 weeks. Patients in cohorts five and above will be assessed for 52 weeks.

RESOLVE 试验是一项 1b/2a 期、多中心、开放标签、剂量递增的研究,旨在评估 EP-104GI 对组织学证实具有活性 EoE 的成年人的安全性、耐受性、药代动力学和疗效。EP-104GI 通过向食道壁注射 4 到 20 次,以单剂量给药。剂量递增会增加每个部位的剂量和/或地点的数量。第一至第四组的参与者将接受长达24周的评估。五岁及以上群组的患者将接受为期 52 周的评估。

Dr. Helliwell added, "In each of the trial's successive cohorts, patients are injected with EP-104GI at either higher doses or across a greater number of injection sites. We anticipate that the dose-escalating cohorts will allow us to evaluate the trial's emerging dose-response relationship. In addition, biopsies measuring tissue health have demonstrated a correlation between the dose of drug and the response on histology. This is exactly the outcome we hope to see in a dose-escalation trial such as this."

Helliwell博士补充说:“在试验的每个连续组中,患者要么以更高的剂量注射 EP-104GI,要么在更多的注射部位注射。我们预计,剂量递增的队列将使我们能够评估该试验新出现的剂量反应关系。此外,测量组织健康状况的活检表明,药物剂量与组织学反应之间存在相关性。这正是我们希望在这样的剂量递增试验中看到的结果。”

Dr. Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH (University of North Carolina School of Medicine) and Chairman of the Company's Gastrointestinal Clinical Advisory Board, commented, "I'm encouraged to see the positive trends in the SDI1, EoEHSS2 and PEC3 scores as the trial continues. These metrics have emerged as key data points to help clinicians better understand a patient's esophageal health and will be important in informing the design of the Company's late-stage clinical trials. We believe that EP-104GI has the potential to contribute to improved overall esophageal health in patients, in part, because it is being injected into the deeper areas of the esophagus versus coating the surface of the tissues, which may help to improve esophageal remodeling."

医学博士、MPH(北卡罗来纳大学医学院)兼公司胃肠道临床顾问委员会主席埃文·戴隆博士评论说:“随着试验的继续,看到SDI1、EoehSS2和PEC3分数呈积极趋势,我感到鼓舞。这些指标已成为关键数据点,可帮助临床医生更好地了解患者的食道健康状况,对于为公司后期临床试验的设计提供信息,这些指标将起到重要作用。我们认为,EP-104GI 有可能为改善患者的整体食道健康做出贡献,部分原因是它被注射到食道的更深区域,而不是涂覆组织表面,这可能有助于改善食道重塑。”

The Company intends to continue to periodically disclose additional data from the trial.


New Clinical Data from the Third Cohort in the RESOLVE Trial


The results announced today from the third cohort of the RESOLVE trial, using Eupraxia's DiffuSphere technology for EoE, are derived from eight 2.5mg injections of EP-104GI (total dose of 20 mg) administered to a portion of each patient's lower esophagus. The data show:

今天公布的第三组RESOLVE试验的结果使用了Eupraxia针对EoE的Diffusphere技术,其结果来自于向每位患者下食道的一部分注射八次2.5mg EP-104GI(总剂量为20 mg)的2.5mg(总剂量为20 mg)。数据显示:

  • SDI1 was 50% lower in one of two evaluable patients at 24 weeks. A third patient in this cohort discontinued evaluation for reasons unrelated to the study.
  • EoEHSS2 Composite Stage and Composite Grade scores were both lower than baseline at 12 weeks post-administration, showing an average reduction of 7% and 15%, respectively.
  • Using data from four biopsy sites, which is consistent with the FDA Guidance for Developing Drugs for the Treatment of EoE, the mean reduction in PEC3 was 55% at 12 weeks.
  • 在两名可评估的患者中,有一名患者在24周时SDI1降低了50%。该队列中的第三名患者因与研究无关的原因停止了评估。
  • 在给药后12周,EoeHSS2综合阶段和综合成绩分数均低于基线,平均分别下降了7%和15%。
  • 根据来自四个活检部位的数据,这与美国食品药品管理局的《开发用于治疗EoE的药物的指导方针》一致,在12周时,PEC3的平均下降幅度为55%。

About EoE

关于 EoE

EoE is an inflammatory-mediated disease in which white blood cells migrate into and become trapped in the esophagus, creating pain and difficulty with swallowing food. According to market research from Clearview, EoE affects more than 450,000 people in the United States and has been identified by the American Gastroenterological Association as rapidly increasing in both incidence and prevalence. Impacts from both symptoms and interventions frequently lead to mental health issues, compounding the disease burden of EoE for both the healthcare system and the individual.

EoE 是一种炎症介导的疾病,在这种疾病中,白细胞迁移到食道并被困在食道中,从而造成疼痛和吞咽食物困难。根据Clearview的市场研究,EoE影响了美国超过45万人,并已被美国胃肠病学协会确定为发病率和患病率都在迅速上升。症状和干预措施的影响往往会导致心理健康问题,从而加剧医疗系统和个人的EoE的疾病负担。

About Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Inc.

关于 Eupraxia 制药公司

Eupraxia is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of locally delivered, extended-release products that have the potential to address therapeutic areas with high unmet medical need. DiffuSphere, a proprietary, polymer-based micro-sphere technology, is designed to facilitate targeted drug delivery of both existing and novel drugs. The technology is designed to support extended duration of effect and delivery of drugs in a hyper-localized fashion, targeting only the tissues that physicians are wanting to treat. We believe the potential for fewer adverse events may be achieved through the precision targeting and the stable and flat delivery of the active ingredient when using the DiffuSphere technology, versus the peaks and troughs seen with more traditional drug delivery methods. The precision of Eupraxia's DiffuSphere technology platform has the potential to augment and transform existing FDA-approved drugs to improve their safety, tolerability, efficacy and duration of effect. The potential uses in therapeutic areas may go beyond pain and inflammatory gastrointestinal disease, where Eupraxia currently is developing advanced treatments, to also be applicable in oncology, infectious disease and other critical disease areas.


Eupraxia's EP-104GI is currently in a Phase 1b/2a trial, the RESOLVE trial, for the treatment of EoE. EP-104GI is administered as an injection into the esophageal wall, providing local delivery of drug. This is a unique treatment approach for EoE. Eupraxia also recently completed a Phase 2b clinical trial (SPRINGBOARD) of EP-104IAR for the treatment of pain due to knee osteoarthritis. The trial met its primary endpoint and three of the four secondary endpoints. In addition, Eupraxia is developing a pipeline of later and earlier-stage long-acting formulations. Potential pipeline indications include candidates for other inflammatory joint indications and oncology, each designed to improve on the activity and tolerability of currently approved drugs. For further details about Eupraxia, please visit the Company's website at: .

Eupraxia 的 EP-104GI 目前正处于 1b/2a 期试验,即 RESOLVE 试验,用于治疗 EoE。EP-104GI 以注射剂的形式注射到食管壁中,提供药物的局部输送。这是一种独特的EoE治疗方法。Eupraxia最近还完成了一项用于治疗膝盖骨关节炎引起的疼痛的 EP-104IAR 20期临床试验(SPRINGBOARD)。该试验达到了其主要终点和四个次要终点中的三个。此外,Eupraxia正在开发后期和早期阶段的长效配方产品线。潜在的临床适应症包括其他炎症性关节适应症和肿瘤学的候选药物,每种适应症都旨在改善当前批准药物的活性和耐受性。有关Eupraxia的更多详细信息,请访问该公司的网站:。

Notice Regarding Forward-looking Statements and Information


This news release includes forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "is expected", "expects", "suggests", "scheduled", "intends", "contemplates", "anticipates", "believes", "proposes", "potential" or variations (including negative and grammatical variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements regarding the Company's product candidates, including expected benefits to patients with respect to safety, efficacy, duration and tolerability; additional clinical data from the RESOLVE trial of EP-104GI in EoE, including the Company's intention to periodically disclose such data and timing thereof; the Company's expectations regarding dose-escalating cohorts; the Company's product candidates, including expected benefits to patients; the results gathered from studies and trials of Eupraxia's product candidates; the potential for the Company's technology to impact the drug delivery process; potential market opportunity for the Company's products, and potential pipeline indications. Such statements and information are based on the current expectations of Eupraxia's management, and are based on assumptions, including but not limited to: future research and development plans for the Company proceeding substantially as currently envisioned; industry growth trends, including with respect to projected and actual industry sales; the Company's ability to obtain positive results from the Company's research and development activities, including clinical trials; and the Company's ability to protect patents and proprietary rights. Although Eupraxia's management believes that the assumptions underlying these statements and information are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this news release may not occur by certain dates or at all and could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Eupraxia, including, but not limited to: risks and uncertainties related to the Company's limited operating history; the Company's novel technology with uncertain market acceptance; if the Company breaches any of the agreements under which it licenses rights to its product candidates or technology from third parties, the Company could lose license rights that are important to its business; the Company's current license agreement may not provide an adequate remedy for its breach by the licensor; the Company's technology may not be successful for its intended use; the Company's future technology will require regulatory approval, which is costly and the Company may not be able to obtain it; the Company may fail to obtain regulatory approvals or only obtain approvals for limited uses or indications; the Company's clinical trials may fail to demonstrate adequately the safety and efficacy of our product candidates at any stage of clinical development; the Company may be required to suspend or discontinue clinical trials due to side effects or other safety risks; the Company completely relies on third parties to provide supplies and inputs required for its products and services; the Company relies on external contract research organizations to provide clinical and non-clinical research services; the Company may not be able to successfully execute its business strategy; the Company will require additional financing, which may not be available; any therapeutics the Company develops will be subject to extensive, lengthy and uncertain regulatory requirements, which could adversely affect the Company's ability to obtain regulatory approval in a timely manner, or at all; the impact of health pandemics or epidemics on the Company's operations; the Company's restatement of its consolidated financial statements, which may lead to additional risks and uncertainties, including loss of investor confidence and negative impacts on the Company's common share price; and other risks and uncertainties described in more detail in Eupraxia's public filings on SEDAR+ ( and EDGAR ( Although Eupraxia has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements and information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. No forward-looking statement or information can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements and information speak only as of the date on which they are made and Eupraxia undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新闻稿包括适用证券法所指的前瞻性陈述和前瞻性信息。通常,但并非总是如此,前瞻性信息可以通过使用诸如 “计划”、“预期”、“期望”、“建议”、“计划”、“打算”、“考虑”、“预期”、“相信”、“提议”、“潜在” 或变体(包括负面和语法变体)等词语来识别,或声明某些行动、事件或结果 “可能”,“可以”、“将”、“可能” 或 “将” 被采取、发生或实现。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述包括有关公司候选产品的陈述,包括在安全性、有效性、持续时间和耐受性方面对患者的预期益处;来自EoE EP-104GI RESOLVE试验的其他临床数据,包括公司定期披露此类数据的意向和发布时间;公司对剂量递增队列的预期;公司的候选产品,包括对患者的预期益处;从Euprax的研究和试验中收集的结果 Ia的候选产品;公司技术影响药物递送过程的可能性;公司产品的潜在市场机会以及潜在的上市适应症。此类陈述和信息基于Eupraxia管理层当前的预期,并基于假设,包括但不限于:公司未来的研发计划基本按目前的设想进行;行业增长趋势,包括预计和实际的行业销售;公司从包括临床试验在内的公司研发活动中获得积极成果的能力;以及公司保护专利和专有权利的能力。尽管Eupraxia的管理层认为这些陈述和信息所依据的假设是合理的,但它们可能被证明是不正确的。本新闻稿中讨论的前瞻性事件和情况可能不会在特定日期之前发生,也可能根本不会发生,并且由于影响Eupraxia的已知和未知风险因素和不确定性,可能存在重大差异,包括但不限于:与公司有限运营历史相关的风险和不确定性;市场接受度不确定的公司新技术;如果公司违反了向第三方许可其候选产品或技术权利的任何协议,则公司可能会丢失许可证对其业务至关重要的权利;公司目前的许可协议可能无法为许可方的违约行为提供充分的补救措施;公司的技术可能无法成功实现其预期用途;公司的未来技术将需要监管部门的批准,这很昂贵,公司可能无法获得批准;公司可能无法获得监管部门的批准或仅获得有限用途或适应症的批准;公司的临床试验可能无法证明充分保证我们产品的安全性和有效性处于临床开发任何阶段的候选人;由于副作用或其他安全风险,公司可能被要求暂停或终止临床试验;公司完全依赖第三方提供其产品和服务所需的供应和投入;公司依赖外部合同研究机构提供临床和非临床研究服务;公司可能无法成功执行其业务战略;公司将需要额外的融资,但可能无法获得;任何疗法公司发展将受到广泛、漫长和不确定的监管要求的约束,这可能会对公司及时或根本获得监管部门批准的能力产生不利影响;健康流行病或流行病对公司运营的影响;公司重报合并财务报表,这可能会导致额外的风险和不确定性,包括投资者信心丧失和对公司普通股价格的负面影响;以及更多内容中描述的其他风险和不确定性 Eupraxia 的详细信息关于SEDAR+(和EDGAR(的公开文件。尽管Eupraxia试图确定可能导致实际行动、事件或结果与前瞻性陈述和信息中描述的行动、事件或结果存在重大差异的重要因素,但可能还有其他因素导致行动、事件或结果与预期、估计或预期的不同。无法保证任何前瞻性陈述或信息。除非适用的证券法要求,否则前瞻性陈述和信息仅代表其发布之日,Eupraxia没有义务公开更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述或信息,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

SOURCE Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals Inc.

来源 Eupraxia Pharmicals Inc.


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