
ID MyStyle 3 and ID WorkStyle 3 to Share HOYA's Best Technology Platform Lead by AdaptEase Technology

ID MyStyle 3 and ID WorkStyle 3 to Share HOYA's Best Technology Platform Lead by AdaptEase Technology

将ID MyStyle 3和ID WorkStyle 3分享至由AdaptEase Technology领导的HOYA最佳科技平台
PR Newswire ·  09/11 07:30

Design and innovation come together to create two powerful new progressive lens options for eye care professionals to prescribe


LEWISVILLE, Texas, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ophthalmic lens technology leader HOYA Vision Care announced the launch of iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 with AdaptEase Technology as the newest progressive lenses available to order on September 11th in the U.S. with plans to launch in Canada later this month.

得克萨斯州刘易斯维尔,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 眼科镜片技术领导者HOYA Vision Care宣布推出采用AdapTease科技的iD MyStyle 3和iD WorkStyle 3,这是最新的渐进镜片将于9月11日在美国上市,并计划于本月晚些时候在加拿大上市。

Internal research conducted by HOYA shows higher wearer satisfaction, with patients reporting:


The key feature of the iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 lens is AdaptEase Technology, which leads to faster adaption and clearer vision by reducing peripheral astigmatic distortion. Also new is 3D Binocular Vision technology. It significantly reduces peripheral distortion, creating a more comfortable and stable visual experience. Combining AdaptEase Technology with 3D Binocular Vision and HOYA's other leading binocular technologies uniquely benefits those with prescriptions in each eye.
iD MyStyle 3和iD WorkStyle 3镜头的主要特点是AdapTease技术,它通过减少外围散光失真来实现更快的适应和更清晰的视觉。三维双目视觉技术也是新技术。它显著减少了外围失真,创造了更舒适、更稳定的视觉体验。将AdapTease技术与三维双目视觉以及HOYA的其他领先双目技术相结合,使每只眼都有处方的人受益匪浅。
  • 56% faster adaption1
  • 57% less fatigue1
  • 61% less swaying1
  • Three times less peripheral deformation2
  • 适应速度加快 56% 1
  • 减轻 57% 的疲劳1
  • 摇摆次数减少 61% 1
  • 外周变形减少三倍2

Eduardo Martins, President of HOYA Vision Care, North America, expressed enthusiasm. "We have an impressive technology platform that supports two of our newest progressive lens designs that will differentiate our customers with highly discerning patients. The way we use our vision has changed, and we need the best technology in every situation. iD MyStyle 3 is the most personalized pair of lenses for all-purpose comfort and wear. iD WorkStyle 3 gives people the options they need to be productive and comfortable in an office setting. With both lenses, patients will get the best HOYA offers."

北美豪雅视力保健总裁爱德华多·马丁斯表达了热情。“我们拥有令人印象深刻的技术平台,支持我们最新的两种渐进镜片设计,这将使我们的客户与挑剔的患者脱颖而出。我们运用愿景的方式已经改变,在任何情况下我们都需要最好的技术。iD MyStyle 3 是一副最具个性化的镜片,可提供多用途的舒适度和佩戴性。iD WorkStyle 3 为人们提供了在办公环境中提高工作效率和舒适度所需的选项。有了这两个镜头,患者将获得最好的HOYA服务。”

The key feature of the iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 lens is the addition of AdaptEase Technology, which leads to faster adaption and clearer vision by reducing peripheral astigmatic distortion. Also new to the designs is 3D Binocular Vision technology. It significantly reduces peripheral distortion, creating a more comfortable and stable visual experience. Combining AdaptEase Technology with 3D Binocular Vision and HOYA's other leading binocular technologies uniquely benefits those with different prescriptions in each eye.

iD MyStyle 3和iD WorkStyle 3镜头的主要特点是增加了AdapTease技术,该技术通过减少外围散光失真来实现更快的适应和更清晰的视觉。这些设计的新技术还包括三维双目视觉技术。它显著减少了外围失真,创造了更舒适、更稳定的视觉体验。将AdapTease技术与三维双目视觉以及HOYA其他领先的双目技术相结合,使每只眼睛处方不同的人受益匪浅。

Historically, iD MyStyle has been the most personalized progressive lens, with nearly 400 design variations available when ECPs use the MyStyle iDentifier questionnaire with their patients. One of many unique aspects of the MyStyle iDentifier is it considers the satisfaction of the previous lens design worn.

历史上,iD MyStyle一直是最具个性化的渐进镜片,当ECP对患者使用MyStyle识别问卷时,有近400种设计变体可供选择。MyStyle Identifier 的众多独特之处之一是,它考虑了先前佩戴的镜头设计的满意度。

For patients with managed vision care plans, iD MyStyle 3 has five convenience options: Tyro, Expert, Detail, Modern, and Adventure. The newest option is Tyro, which means "novice" or "beginner." Tyro is specially designed to help new progressive lens wearers adapt quickly.

对于拥有管理式视力保健计划的患者,iD MyStyle 3有五种便利选项:Tyro、Expert、Detail、Modern和Adventure。最新的选择是泰罗,意思是 “新手” 或 “初学者”。Tyro 专为帮助新的渐进镜片佩戴者快速适应而设计。

iD WorkStyle 3 is an occupational lens designed to maximize comfort in the intermediate zone where typical workday functions are performed. It is a better primary pair of glasses for patients who spend most of their day, whether at work or play, in an office or up-close environment. iD WorkStyle 3 includes three existing design variations—Space, Screen, and Zoom. Each design can be customized to the primary type of near-work a patient experiences.

iD WorkStyle 3 是一款职业镜头,旨在最大限度地提高执行典型工作日功能的中间区域的舒适度。对于一天中大部分时间都在工作或娱乐、办公室或近距离环境中度过的患者来说,这是一副更好的主眼镜。iD WorkStyle 3 包括三种现有的设计变体——空间、屏幕和缩放。每种设计都可以根据患者所经历的主要近距离工作类型进行定制。

Eye care providers will receive HOYA's signature comprehensive support and training, ensuring seamless integration into their practice. The iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 designs will be compatible with HOYA's leading AR portfolio, including Super HiVision Meiryo EX4 and available in all materials, including Sensity photochromics. It will be accessible through VSP on September 11th, with availability through other key managed vision care plans to follow shortly.

眼科护理提供者将获得HOYA标志性的全面支持和培训,确保无缝融入他们的实践。iD MyStyle 3和iD WorkStyle 3的设计将与HOYA领先的增强现实产品组合兼容,包括Super HiVision Meiryo EX4,并有包括Sensity光致变色在内的所有材料可供选择。它将于9月11日通过VSP提供,不久将通过其他主要的管理式视力保健计划提供。

Visionary Alliance and Visionary Insiders loyalty program members can earn rewards on iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 orders.

Visionary Alliance 和 Visionary Insiders 忠诚度计划成员可通过 iD MyStyle 3 和 iD WorkStyle 3 的订单获得奖励。

1 According to an internal HOYA study involving 1,694 PAL wearers across the globe in lenses with and without 3D Binocular Vision Technology and AdaptEase Technology.
2 Based on models of peripheral progressive deformation in progressive lenses with and without 3D Binocular Vision technology.

1 根据HOYA的一项内部研究,该研究涉及全球1,694名佩戴镜头的PAL佩戴者,佩戴或不使用三维双目视觉技术和AdapTease技术的镜头。
2 基于使用和不带三维双目视觉技术的渐进镜片的周边渐进变形模型。

About HOYA Vision Care
For over 60 years, HOYA Vision Care has been a passionate and global leader in optical technology innovation. As a manufacturer of high-quality, high-performing eyeglass lenses, HOYA continuously aims to bring the best possible vision care solutions to Eye Care Professionals and their patients around the world. The company supplies lenses in 110 countries with a network of over 17,000 employees and 43 laboratories around the globe.

关于 HOYA 视力保健
60 多年来,HOYA Vision Care 一直是光学技术创新领域充满激情的全球领导者。作为高品质、高性能眼镜镜片的制造商,HOYA一直致力于为世界各地的眼科护理专业人员及其患者提供最佳的视力护理解决方案。该公司在 110 个国家供应镜头,在全球拥有 17,000 多名员工和 43 个实验室。

About HOYA
Founded in 1941 in Tokyo, Japan, HOYA Corporation is a global technology and med-tech company and a leading supplier of innovative high-tech and medical products. HOYA's divisions and business units research and develop products utilized in the healthcare and information technology fields. In the healthcare field, we provide medical device products such as eyeglasses, medical endoscopes, contact and intraocular lenses, orthopaedic implants, surgical/therapeutic devices and medical device reprocessing and disinfection solutions. In the information technology field, we provide products such as optical lenses, photomasks and blanks used in the manufacturing process for semiconductor and LCD/OLED devices, text-to-speech, human resources and other software solutions and critical components for the mass memory and cloud storage industries. With over 150 offices and subsidiaries worldwide, HOYA currently employs a multinational workforce of 37,000 people.

HOYA Corporation 于 1941 年在日本东京成立,是一家全球技术和医疗技术公司,也是创新高科技和医疗产品的领先供应商。HOYA的部门和业务部门研究和开发用于医疗保健和信息技术领域的产品。在医疗保健领域,我们提供医疗器械产品,例如眼镜、医用内窥镜、隐形眼镜和人工晶体、骨科植入物、手术/治疗设备以及医疗器械再处理和消毒解决方案。在信息技术领域,我们提供半导体和LCD/OLED设备制造过程中使用的光学镜头、光掩模和毛坯等产品,为大容量存储和云存储行业提供文本转语音、人力资源和其他软件解决方案以及关键组件。HOYA 在全球拥有 150 多个办事处和子公司,目前拥有一支由 37,000 名员工组成的跨国员工。

SOURCE HOYA Vision Care, North America

来源 HOYA Vision Care,北美


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