
EYLEA HD (Aflibercept) Injection 8 Mg Data at EURETINA Reinforce Long-term Durability, Sustained Fluid Control and Safety Profile

EYLEA HD (Aflibercept) Injection 8 Mg Data at EURETINA Reinforce Long-term Durability, Sustained Fluid Control and Safety Profile

EYLEA HD (阿麦非班) 注射剂 8 毫克在 EURETINA 中的数据证实其长期耐用性、持续液体控制和安全性。
再生元制药公司 ·  09/11 00:00

Three new post-hoc analyses highlight EYLEA HD rapid and sustained fluid control and consistent safety profile over two years in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD)

三项新的事后分析突显了EYLEA HD在湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(wAMD)患者两年内快速持续的液体控制和稳定的安全性

New indirect comparison evaluates disease control of EYLEA HD and faricimab across different pivotal Phase 3 trials in wAMD

新的间接比较评估了WamD的不同关键性3期试验中EYLEA HD和法西单抗的疾病控制情况

TARRYTOWN, N.Y., Sept.  11, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) today announced new analyses of EYLEA HD (aflibercept) Injection 8 mg and EYLEA (aflibercept) Injection 2 mg will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) in Barcelona from September 19 to 22, 2024.

纽约州塔里敦,2024年9月11日(环球新闻专线)——Regeneron Pharmicals, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:REGN)今天宣布,对8毫克EYLEA HD(aflibercept)注射液和2毫克EYLEA(aflibercept)注射液的新分析将在2024年9月19日至22日在巴塞罗那举行的欧洲视网膜专家学会(EURETINA)年会上公布。

"The presentations at EURETINA reinforce the efficacy and safety profile of EYLEA HD and the ability to extend dosing intervals leading to significant and positive impacts on patients with wet age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema," said Boaz Hirshberg, MD, Senior Vice President, Clinical Development, Internal Medicine at Regeneron. "EYLEA HD continues on its way to becoming the new standard of care for these retinal diseases based on its differentiated clinical profile, and its strong familiarity and satisfaction among retinal specialists."

Regeneron内科临床开发高级副总裁博阿兹·赫什伯格医学博士说:“EURETINA的演讲强化了EYLEA HD的疗效和安全性,以及延长给药间隔的能力,从而对湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性和糖尿病性黄斑水肿的患者产生了重大而积极的影响。”“基于其差异化的临床特征以及视网膜专家的高度熟悉度和满意度,EYLEA HD 继续成为这些视网膜疾病的新护理标准。”

Among the presentation highlights are several new post-hoc analyses of the pivotal PULSAR trial for EYLEA HD in wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD). These include first-time oral presentations of:

演讲亮点包括对EYLEA HD在湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(wAMD)中的关键PULSAR试验的几项新的事后分析。其中包括以下内容的首次口头陈述:

  • An analysis applying disease activity criteria from the faricimab Phase 3 wAMD trials to EYLEA HD to evaluate the impact on the decision for extended dosing intervals.

  • An analysis evaluating the impact of EYLEA HD on sustained fluid control throughout two years of treatment as measured by central retinal thickness and best-corrected visual acuity.

  • The safety of EYLEA HD from an analysis evaluating intraocular pressure outcomes through week 96.

  • 该分析将法瑞西单抗3期WAMD试验的疾病活性标准应用于EYLEA HD,以评估延长给药间隔对决策的影响。

  • 该分析评估了EYLEA HD在两年治疗期间对持续液体控制的影响,该分析以视网膜中央厚度和最佳矫正视力来衡量。

  • EYLEA HD 的安全性来自对第 96 周眼压预后进行评估的分析。

Additional data to be shared at the meeting include analyses of the PHOTON trial in diabetic macular edema and a pooled safety analysis across the CANDELA, PHOTON and PULSAR trials.


EYLEA HD (known as Eylea 8 mg in the European Union and Japan) is being jointly developed by Regeneron and Bayer AG. In the U.S., Regeneron maintains exclusive rights to EYLEA and EYLEA HD. Bayer has licensed the exclusive marketing rights outside of the U.S., where the companies share equally the profits from sales of EYLEA and EYLEA HD following any regulatory approvals.

EYLEA HD(在欧盟和日本被称为 Eylea 8 mg)由 Regeneron 和 Bayer AG 联合开发。在美国,Regeneron 拥有 EYLEA 和 EYLEA HD 的专有权。拜耳已获得美国境外的独家营销许可,在获得监管部门批准后,两家公司平均分享EYLEA和EYLEA HD的销售利润。

The following abstracts for EYLEA HD and EYLEA will be presented at EURETINA:


Abstract title

Lead author

Presentation date, time (CEST), location


A 96-week PULSAR subgroup analysis: similar visual and anatomic improvements with aflibercept 8 mg every 12 weeks or longer and 2 mg every 8 weeks, as defined by baseline BCVA, CRT, CNV type, and race

Jean-Francois Korobelnik, MD

Oral Presentation in Free Paper Session
Date: September 19
Time: 12:06–12:12 CEST
Session 3: AMD

Intraocular pressure outcomes with intravitreal aflibercept 8 mg and 2 mg in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration through Week 96 of the PULSAR trial

Paolo Lanzetta, MD

Oral Presentation at Speakers' Corner
Date: September 19
Time: 13:50–13:55 CEST
Session 2: AMD

A PULSAR phase 3 trial post-hoc analysis: Evaluating the timing and magnitude of control of disease activity with aflibercept 8 mg and faricimab, applying similar disease activity criteria across different pivotal Phase 3 trials for nAMD

Michael Stewart, MD

Oral Presentation in Free Paper Session
Date: September 19
Time: 16:48–16:54 CEST
Session 5: AMD

A 96-week PULSAR Phase 3 trial post-hoc analysis: Rapid and sustained fluid control with aflibercept 8mg every 12 weeks or longer, as defined by fluid-free status at Weeks 16, 48, and 96 stratified by baseline CRT and BCVA

Praveen J Patel, MD

Oral Presentation in Free Paper Session
Date: September 19
Time: 15:24–15:30 CEST
Session 4: AMD

Impact of baseline central retinal thickness on vision among patients with diabetic macular edema: post hoc analysis of the Phase 2/3 PHOTON trial

David Lally, MD

Oral Presentation in Free Paper Session
Date: September 20
Time: 9:06–9:12 CEST
Session 6: Diabetes & Vascular Diseases

Pooled safety analysis of the CANDELA, PHOTON, and PULSAR trials up to 96 weeks demonstrates comparable safety profiles with aflibercept 8 mg and 2 mg

Andreas Stahl, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Week 48 outcomes in aflibercept 8 mg and 2 mg treated patients by prior DME treatment status: a subgroup analysis of the Phase 2/3 PHOTON trial

Marion Munk, MD, PhD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Intravitreal aflibercept 8 mg for diabetic macular edema: week 96 efficacy outcomes by baseline characteristics in the Phase 2/3 PHOTON trial

Deepali Varma, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Outcomes of patients with DME and baseline BCVA of 20/50 or worse, and 20/40 or better who were treated with aflibercept 8 mg and 2 mg: a post-hoc analysis of the Phase 2/3 PHOTON trial

Justus G. Garweg, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Intraocular pressure outcomes with aflibercept 8 mg and 2 mg in patients with diabetic macular edema through week 48 of the Phase 2/3 PHOTON trial

Dilraj S. Grewal, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout the congress

Key baseline disease characteristics in nAMD are not linked to treatment interval extension of aflibercept 8 mg: a post-hoc 96-week PULSAR analysis

Javier Zarranz-Ventura, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Comparable efficacy and safety with aflibercept 8 mg at extended dosing intervals beyond q16 versus 2 mg q8 in Asian patients with nAMD in PULSAR through Week 96

Timothy Lai, MD

Free Paper Session
Date: September 20
Time: 11:48–11:54 CEST
Session 2: AMD

Aflibercept 8 mg monotherapy results in regression of polypoidal lesions that is maintained over 96 weeks in patients with PCV in the PULSAR Phase 3 trial

Rufino Silva, MD

Free Paper Session
Date: September 20
Time: 8:30–8:36 CEST
Session 1: AMD





为期 96 周的 PULSAR 亚组分析:根据基线 BCVA、cRT、CNV 类型和种族的定义,aflibercept 每 12 周或更长时间 8 mg,每 8 周进行 2 mg 的视觉和解剖学改善


时间:12:06 — 12:12 CEST
第 3 节:AMD

截至PULSAR试验第96周,使用玻璃体注射aflibercept 8 mg和2 mg对新生血管年龄相关性黄斑变性患者的眼压预后


时间:13:50 — 13:55 CEST
第 2 节:AMD

PULSAR 3 期试验事后分析:评估使用阿立西普 8 mg 和法利西单抗控制疾病活性的时间和幅度,将相似的疾病活性标准应用于不同的 namD 关键性三期试验


时间:欧洲中部标准时间 16:48 — 16:54
第 5 节:AMD

一项为期 96 周的 PULSAR 3 期试验事后分析:每隔 12 周或更长时间使用 aflibercept 8mg 进行快速持续的液体控制,定义为第 16、48 和 96 周的无液状态,按基线 cRT 和 BCVA 分层

医学博士 Praveen J Patel

时间:欧洲中部标准时间 15:24 — 15:30
第 4 节:AMD

基线视网膜中央厚度对糖尿病黄斑水肿患者视力的影响:2/3 期 PHOTON 试验的事后分析


日期:9 月 20 日
时间:欧洲中部标准时间 9:06 — 9:12
第 6 节:糖尿病和血管疾病

对长达96周的CANDELA、PHOTON和PULSAR试验的合并安全性分析表明,使用aflibercept 8 mg和2 mg的安全性相似



按先前DME治疗状态分列的阿立西普8 mg和2 mg接受治疗的患者的第48周结果:2/3期PHOTON试验的亚组分析

Marion Munk,医学博士,博士


玻璃体注射阿佛西普 8 mg 治疗糖尿病黄斑水肿:第 2/3 期 PHOTON 试验按基线特征划分的第 96 周疗效结果



DME和基线BCVA为20/50或更差的患者,以及接受阿菲贝西普8 mg和2 mg治疗的20/40或更高的患者的预后:对2/3期光子试验的事后分析

Justus G. Garweg,医学博士


在 2/3 期 PHOTON 试验的第 48 周期间,使用 aflibercept 8 mg 和 2 mg 对糖尿病黄斑水肿患者的眼压预后

医学博士 Dilraj W. Grewal


namD 的关键基线疾病特征与延长 aflibercept 8 mg 的治疗间隔无关:事后 96 周的 PULSAR 分析




Timothy Lai,MD

日期:9 月 20 日
时间:欧洲中部标准时间 11:48 — 11:54
第 2 节:AMD

在PULSAR 3期试验中,Aflibercept 8 mg单一疗法可使PCV患者的息肉病变消退,这种消退持续了96周以上


日期:9 月 20 日
时间:欧洲中部标准时间 8:30 — 8:36
第 1 节:AMD


Efficacy and safety outcomes from the FIREFLEYE next study of children 3 years of age with retinopathy of prematurity treated with intravitreal aflibercept versus laser in the randomized FIREFLEYE study

Andreas Stahl, MD

Oral Presentation
Date: September 20
Time: 12:15-12:20 CEST
Session: Results of Clinical Trials and Late Breaking Session

The XTEND study: 3-year results from a global observational study investigating proactive dosing regimens with intravitreal aflibercept 2 mg in neovascular age-related macular degeneration in routine clinical practice

Clare Bailey, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress

Final, 3-year results from the 8 highest recruiting countries included in the global, observational XTEND study of real-world proactive regimens with intravitreal aflibercept 2 mg in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

Jean-Francois Korobelnik, MD

Audio-Narrated Free Paper Abstract
Available on terminals throughout congress




日期:9 月 20 日
时间:CEST 12:15-12:20

XTEND 研究:一项全球观察性研究的3年结果,该研究调查了常规临床实践中使用玻璃体注射aflibercept 2 mg的主动给药方案,用于治疗新生血管年龄相关性黄斑变性



XTEND 全球观察性研究中包含的 8 个招募人数最多的国家 3 年的最终结果,该研究针对的是对新生血管年龄相关性黄斑变性患者使用玻璃体注射阿弗西普 2 mg 的实际主动治疗方案



About the EYLEA HD Clinical Trial Program
PULSAR in wAMD and PHOTON in DME/diabetic retinopathy (DR) are double-masked, active-controlled pivotal trials that are being conducted in multiple centers globally. In both trials, patients were randomized into 3 treatment groups to receive either: EYLEA HD every 12 weeks, EYLEA HD every 16 weeks, or EYLEA every 8 weeks. The lead sponsors of the trials were Bayer for PULSAR and Regeneron for PHOTON.

关于 EYLEA HD 临床试验计划
WAMD 中的 PULSAR 和 DME/糖尿病视网膜病变 (DR) 中的 PHOTON 是双面掩膜、主动对照的关键试验,正在全球多个中心进行。在这两项试验中,患者被随机分为三组治疗:每12周接受一次EYLEA HD,每16周接受一次EYLEA HD,或每8周接受一次EYLEA HD。试验的主要赞助商是PULSAR的拜耳和PHOTON的Regeneron。

Patients treated with EYLEA HD in both trials had 3 initial monthly doses, and patients treated with EYLEA received 3 initial doses in PULSAR and 5 in PHOTON. In the first year, patients in the EYLEA HD groups could have their dosing intervals shortened down to an every 8-week interval if protocol-defined criteria for disease progression were observed. Intervals could not be extended until the second year of the study. Patients in all EYLEA groups maintained a fixed 8-week dosing regimen throughout their participation in the trials.

在这两项试验中,接受EYLEA HD治疗的患者最初的每月剂量为3次,接受EYLEA治疗的患者在PULSAR中接受了3次初始剂量,在PHOTON中接受了5次初始剂量。如果观察到协议规定的疾病进展标准,则在第一年,EYLEA HD 组患者的给药间隔可以缩短至每8周一次。间隔期只能延长到研究的第二年。所有EYLEA组的患者在参与试验的整个过程中都保持了固定的8周给药方案。

CANDELA was a Regeneron-sponsored Phase 2 trial investigating the safety and efficacy of EYLEA HD extended dosing regimens compared to EYLEA in wAMD patients.

CANDELA是Regeneron赞助的一项2期试验,旨在研究EYLEA HD延长给药方案与EYLEA相比对WAMD患者的安全性和有效性。

About Ophthalmology at Regeneron
At Regeneron, we relentlessly pursue groundbreaking innovations in eye care science to help maintain the eye health of the millions of Americans impacted by vision-threatening conditions. Over a decade ago, our breakthrough scientific research resulted in the development of EYLEA, a vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor designed to block the growth of new blood vessels and decrease the ability of fluid to pass through blood vessels in the eye. EYLEA has since brought fundamental change to the retinal disease treatment landscape and is supported by a robust body of research that includes eight pivotal Phase 3 trials, 12 years of real-world experience, and more than 70 million EYLEA injections globally.

关于 Regeneron 的眼科

Regeneron continues to advance our anti-angiogenesis expertise with new solutions with the aim of offering optimal flexibility for a broad group of patients and eye care professionals. This includes EYLEA HD, which has been developed with the aim of extending the time between injections, while maintaining the vision gains, anatomic benefits and safety previously observed with EYLEA.

Regeneron 继续通过新的解决方案提升我们的抗血管生成专业知识,旨在为广泛的患者和眼科护理专业人员提供最佳的灵活性。这包括EYLEA HD,其开发目的是延长注射间隔时间,同时保持先前使用EYLEA观察到的视力、解剖学优势和安全性。



EYLEA HD (aflibercept) Injection 8 mg is a prescription medicine approved for the treatment of patients with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR).

EYLEA HD(aflibercept)注射液8 mg是一种经批准用于治疗湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)、糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)和糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者的处方药。

EYLEA (aflibercept) Injection 2 mg is a prescription medicine approved for the treatment of patients with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Macular Edema following Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), and Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) (0.4 mg).

EYLEA(aflibercept)注射液2 mg是经批准用于治疗湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)、视网膜静脉闭塞(RVO)后的黄斑水肿(RVO)、糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)、糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)和早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)(0.4 mg)患者的处方药。



  • EYLEA HD and EYLEA are administered by injection into the eye. You should not use EYLEA HD or EYLEA if you have an infection in or around the eye, eye pain or redness, or known allergies to any of the ingredients in EYLEA HD or EYLEA, including aflibercept.

  • Injections into the eye with EYLEA HD or EYLEA can result in an infection in the eye, retinal detachment (separation of retina from back of the eye) and, more rarely, serious inflammation of blood vessels in the retina that may include blockage. Call your doctor right away if you or your baby (if being treated with EYLEA for Retinopathy of Prematurity) experience eye pain or redness, light sensitivity, or a change in vision after an injection.

  • In some patients, injections with EYLEA HD or EYLEA may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure within 1 hour of the injection. Sustained increases in eye pressure have been reported with repeated injections, and your doctor may monitor this after each injection.

  • In infants with Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), treatment with EYLEA will need extended periods of ROP monitoring.

  • There is a potential but rare risk of serious and sometimes fatal side effects, related to blood clots, leading to heart attack or stroke in patients receiving EYLEA HD or EYLEA.

  • The most common side effects reported in patients receiving EYLEA HD were cataract, increased redness in the eye, increased pressure in the eye, eye discomfort, pain, or irritation, blurred vision, vitreous (gel-like substance) floaters, vitreous detachment, injury to the outer layer of the eye, and bleeding in the back of the eye.

  • The most common side effects reported in patients receiving EYLEA were increased redness in the eye, eye pain, cataract, vitreous detachment, vitreous floaters, moving spots in the field of vision, and increased pressure in the eye.

  • The most common side effects reported in pre-term infants with ROP receiving EYLEA were separation of the retina from the back of the eye, increased redness in the eye, and increased pressure in the eye. Side effects that occurred in adults are considered applicable to pre-term infants with ROP, though not all were seen in clinical studies.

  • You may experience temporary visual changes after an EYLEA HD or EYLEA injection and associated eye exams; do not drive or use machinery until your vision recovers sufficiently.

  • For additional safety information, please talk to your doctor and see the full Prescribing Information for EYLEA HD and EYLEA.

  • EYLEA HD 和 EYLEA 是通过眼部注射给药的。如果您眼内或周围有感染、眼痛或发红,或者已知对EYLEA HD或EYLEA中的任何成分(包括aflibercept)过敏,则不应使用EYLEA HD或EYLEA。

  • 向眼睛注射 EYLEA HD 或 EYLEA 会导致眼部感染、视网膜脱离(视网膜与眼后分离),更罕见的是会导致视网膜血管严重发炎,包括阻塞。如果您或您的宝宝(如果因早产儿视网膜病变正在接受EYLEA治疗)在注射后出现眼痛或发红、光敏或视力变化,请立即致电医生。

  • 在某些患者中,注射EYLEA HD或EYLEA可能会在注射后1小时内导致眼压暂时升高。据报道,反复注射会导致眼压持续升高,您的医生可能会在每次注射后对此进行监测。

  • 对于患有早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)的婴儿,使用EYLEA治疗需要延长ROP监测时间。

  • 在接受EYLEA HD或EYLEA治疗的患者中,存在与血栓相关的严重副作用的潜在但罕见的风险,导致心脏病发作或中风。

  • 在接受EYLEA HD治疗的患者中,最常见的副作用是白内障、眼睛发红增多、眼压增高、眼睛不适、疼痛或刺激、视力模糊、玻璃体(凝胶状物质)漂浮物、玻璃体脱落、眼外层损伤以及眼后出血。

  • 在接受EYLEA治疗的患者中,最常见的副作用是眼睛发红加剧、眼痛、白内障、玻璃体脱离、玻璃体漂浮物、视野中的活动斑点和眼压增大。

  • 接受EYLEA治疗的早产儿报告的最常见副作用是视网膜与眼后分离、眼睛发红增多以及眼压增大。在成人身上出现的副作用被认为适用于患有ROP的早产儿,尽管并非所有副作用都出现在临床研究中。

  • 在注射EYLEA HD或EYLEA以及相关的眼科检查后,您可能会出现暂时的视觉变化;在视力完全恢复之前,请勿开车或使用机械。

  • 欲了解更多安全信息,请咨询您的医生并查看 EYLEA HD 和 EYLEA 的完整处方信息。

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit  or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

我们鼓励您向 FDA 报告处方药的负面副作用。访问或致电 1-800-FDA-1088。

Please click here for full Prescribing Information for EYLEA HD and EYLEA.

请点击此处获取 EYLEA HD 和 EYLEA 的完整处方信息。

About Regeneron
Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN) is a leading biotechnology company that invents, develops and commercializes life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases. Founded and led by physician-scientists, our unique ability to repeatedly and consistently translate science into medicine has led to numerous approved treatments and product candidates in development, most of which were homegrown in our laboratories. Our medicines and pipeline are designed to help patients with eye diseases, allergic and inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, hematologic conditions, infectious diseases, and rare diseases.

关于 Regeneron

Regeneron pushes the boundaries of scientific discovery and accelerates drug development using our proprietary technologies, such as VelociSuite, which produces optimized fully human antibodies and new classes of bispecific antibodies. We are shaping the next frontier of medicine with data-powered insights from the Regeneron Genetics Center and pioneering genetic medicine platforms, enabling us to identify innovative targets and complementary approaches to potentially treat or cure diseases.

Regeneron 利用我们的专有技术(例如 VelociSuite)突破科学发现的界限并加速药物开发,该技术可产生经过优化的全人体抗体和新的双特异性抗体。我们正在利用Regeneron Genetics Center和开创性基因医学平台的数据驱动见解塑造下一个医学前沿,使我们能够确定可能治疗或治愈疾病的创新靶标和补充方法。

For more information, please visit  or follow Regeneron on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or X.

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Forward-Looking Statements and Use of Digital Media
This press release includes forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties relating to future events and the future performance of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Regeneron" or the "Company"), and actual events or results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. Words such as "anticipate," "expect," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "estimate," variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. These statements concern, and these risks and uncertainties include, among others, the nature, timing, and possible success and therapeutic applications of products marketed or otherwise commercialized by Regeneron and/or its collaborators or licensees (collectively, "Regeneron's Products") and product candidates being developed by Regeneron and/or its collaborators or licensees (collectively, "Regeneron's Product Candidates") and research and clinical programs now underway or planned, including without limitation EYLEA HD (aflibercept) Injection 8 mg and EYLEA (aflibercept) Injection 2 mg; uncertainty of the utilization, market acceptance, and commercial success of Regeneron's Products (such as EYLEA HD and EYLEA) and Regeneron's Product Candidates and the impact of studies (whether conducted by Regeneron or others and whether mandated or voluntary), including the studies (as well as additional analyses of such studies) discussed or referenced in this press release, on any of the foregoing; the likelihood, timing, and scope of possible regulatory approval and commercial launch of Regeneron's Product Candidates and new indications for Regeneron's Products; the ability of Regeneron's collaborators, licensees, suppliers, or other third parties (as applicable) to perform manufacturing, filling, finishing, packaging, labeling, distribution, and other steps related to Regeneron's Products and Regeneron's Product Candidates; the ability of Regeneron to manage supply chains for multiple products and product candidates; safety issues resulting from the administration of Regeneron's Products and Regeneron's Product Candidates in patients, including serious complications or side effects in connection with the use of Regeneron's Products and Regeneron's Product Candidates in clinical trials; determinations by regulatory and administrative governmental authorities which may delay or restrict Regeneron's ability to continue to develop or commercialize Regeneron's Products and Regeneron's Product Candidates; ongoing regulatory obligations and oversight impacting Regeneron's Products, research and clinical programs, and business, including those relating to patient privacy; the availability and extent of reimbursement of Regeneron's Products (such as EYLEA HD and EYLEA) from third-party payers, including private payer healthcare and insurance programs, health maintenance organizations, pharmacy benefit management companies, and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid; coverage and reimbursement determinations by such payers and new policies and procedures adopted by such payers; competing drugs and product candidates that may be superior to, or more cost effective than, Regeneron's Products and Regeneron's Product Candidates; the extent to which the results from the research and development programs conducted by Regeneron and/or its collaborators or licensees may be replicated in other studies and/or lead to advancement of product candidates to clinical trials, therapeutic applications, or regulatory approval; unanticipated expenses; the costs of developing, producing, and selling products; the ability of Regeneron to meet any of its financial projections or guidance and changes to the assumptions underlying those projections or guidance; the potential for any license, collaboration, or supply agreement, including Regeneron's agreements with Sanofi and Bayer (or their respective affiliated companies, as applicable) to be cancelled or terminated; the impact of public health outbreaks, epidemics, or pandemics (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) on Regeneron's business; and risks associated with intellectual property of other parties and pending or future litigation relating thereto (including without limitation the patent litigation and other related proceedings relating to EYLEA), other litigation and other proceedings and government investigations relating to the Company and/or its operations (including the pending civil proceedings initiated or joined by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts), the ultimate outcome of any such proceedings and investigations, and the impact any of the foregoing may have on Regeneron's business, prospects, operating results, and financial condition. A more complete description of these and other material risks can be found in Regeneron's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and its Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2024. Any forward-looking statements are made based on management's current beliefs and judgment, and the reader is cautioned not to rely on any forward-looking statements made by Regeneron. Regeneron does not undertake any obligation to update (publicly or otherwise) any forward-looking statement, including without limitation any financial projection or guidance, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

本新闻稿包括前瞻性陈述,涉及与Regeneron Pharmicals, Inc.(“Regeneron” 或 “公司”)的未来事件和未来业绩相关的风险和不确定性,实际事件或结果可能与这些前瞻性陈述存在重大差异。诸如 “预期”、“期望”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“寻求”、“估计” 之类的词语以及此类词语的变体以及类似的表述旨在识别此类前瞻性陈述,尽管并非所有前瞻性陈述都包含这些识别词。这些声明涉及到,这些风险和不确定性包括由Regeneron和/或其合作者或被许可人销售或以其他方式商业化的产品(统称为 “Regeneron的产品”)、Regeneron和/或其合作者或被许可人正在开发的候选产品(统称为 “Regeneron的候选产品”)以及正在进行或计划中的研究和临床项目,包括没有的研究和临床项目的性质、时机、可能的成功和治疗应用限制 EYLEA HD (afibercept) 注射 8 mg 和 EYLEA (aflibercept)注射剂2 mg;Regeneron产品(例如EYLEA HD和EYLEA)和Regeneron候选产品的利用率、市场接受度和商业成功程度的不确定性,以及研究(无论是由Regeneron还是其他公司进行的,无论是强制性的还是自愿的),包括本新闻稿中讨论或提及的研究(以及对此类研究的其他分析)对上述任何内容的影响;可能性,Regeneron 候选产品和新产品可能获得监管部门批准和商业发布的时间和范围Regeneron产品的适应症;Regeneron的合作者、被许可人、供应商或其他第三方(如适用)执行与Regeneron产品和Regeneron候选产品相关的制造、灌装、精加工、包装、标签、分销和其他步骤的能力;Regeneron管理多种产品和候选产品的供应链的能力;管理Regeneron产品和Regeneron产品所产生的安全问题 On 的患者候选产品,包括严重的并发症或副作用与在临床试验中使用Regeneron的产品和Regeneron的候选产品有关;政府监管和行政机构做出的可能延迟或限制Regeneron继续开发或商业化Regeneron产品和Regeneron候选产品的能力的决定;影响Regeneron产品、研究和临床项目以及业务(包括与患者隐私有关的义务和业务)的持续监管义务和监督;报销的可用性和范围 Regeneron 的产品(例如来自第三方付款人的EYLEA HD和EYLEA),包括私人付款人的医疗保健和保险计划、健康维护组织、药房福利管理公司以及医疗保险和医疗补助等政府计划;此类付款人的承保范围和报销决定以及此类付款人采用的新政策和程序;可能优于或更具成本效益的竞争药物和候选产品;在多大程度上比Regeneron的产品和Regeneron的候选产品研究和开发计划的成果由Regeneron和/或其合作者或被许可人进行的研究可能会被复制到其他研究中和/或导致候选产品进入临床试验、治疗应用或监管部门批准;意外开支;开发、生产和销售产品的成本;Regeneron实现其任何财务预测或指导的能力以及这些预测或指导所依据假设的变化;任何许可、合作或供应协议的可能性,包括Regeneron的协议与赛诺菲和拜耳合作(或其各自的关联公司,视情况而定)将被取消或终止;公共卫生疫情、流行病或流行病(例如 COVID-19 疫情)对Regeneron业务的影响;以及与其他方知识产权相关的风险以及与之相关的未决或未来诉讼(包括但不限于与EYLEA相关的专利诉讼和其他相关诉讼)、其他诉讼和其他诉讼以及与公司和/或其运营相关的政府调查(包括民事待决由美国司法部和美国马萨诸塞特区检察官办公室)发起或加入的诉讼、任何此类诉讼和调查的最终结果,以及上述任何内容可能对Regeneron的业务、前景、经营业绩和财务状况产生的影响。对这些风险和其他重大风险的更完整描述可以在Regeneron向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中找到,包括截至2023年12月31日的年度的10-k表和截至2024年6月30日的季度期的10-Q表格。任何前瞻性陈述都是根据管理层当前的信念和判断做出的,提醒读者不要依赖Regeneron的任何前瞻性陈述。Regeneron不承担任何义务更新(公开或以其他方式)任何前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于任何财务预测或指导,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

Regeneron uses its media and investor relations website and social media outlets to publish important information about the Company, including information that may be deemed material to investors. Financial and other information about Regeneron is routinely posted and is accessible on Regeneron's media and investor relations website () and its LinkedIn page ().



Media Relations
Mary Heather
Tel: +1 914-847-8650

Investor Relations
Mark Hudson
Tel: +1 914-847-3482


电话:+1 914-847-8650

电话:+1 914-847-3482

Source: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

来源:Regeneron Pharmicals, Inc.

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