
Petco Love and BOBS From Skechers Announce 2024 Petco Love Stories Campaign

Petco Love and BOBS From Skechers Announce 2024 Petco Love Stories Campaign

Petco Love和Skechers BOBS宣布2024年Petco Love Stories活动。
PR Newswire ·  09/12 06:03

Submit Your Heartwarming Pet Adoption Stories through September 30th

在 9 月 30 日之前提交你心动的宠物收养故事

SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- National nonprofit Petco Love, in partnership with BOBS from Skechers, is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Petco Love Stories campaign. Pet adopters across the nation are invited to share their inspiring stories of how their adopted pets have transformed their lives for the better.

圣安东尼奥,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 全国性非营利组织Petco Love与斯凯奇的BOBS合作,很高兴地宣布启动2024年Petco爱情故事活动。邀请全国各地的宠物收养者分享他们的鼓舞人心的故事,讲述他们收养的宠物如何使他们的生活变得更好。

Some Petco Love Stories entries this year show the impact pets have on students who leave home for the first time for college, and their families coping with their absence.
今年Petco Love Stories的一些参赛作品展示了宠物对首次离家上大学的学生以及应对缺课的家庭的影响。
Some Petco Love Stories entries this year show the impact pets have on students who leave home for the first time for college, and their families coping with their absence.
今年Petco Love Stories的一些参赛作品展示了宠物对首次离家上大学的学生以及应对缺课的家庭的影响。

The Petco Love Stories campaign is a celebration of the unique love adopted pets share with us and the meaningful ways their love changes our lives. By sharing these heartfelt stories, pet parents can not only highlight the joy and companionship their adopted pets bring but also support their local animal welfare organizations. Winning Love Stories will earn significant grants for the shelters and rescues where the pets were adopted, thanks to Petco Love and BOBS from Skechers. Earlier this year, Petco Love and BOBS from Skechers awarded over $500,000 to animal welfare partners across the country in celebration of the 2023 Petco Love Stories winners.

Petco Love Stories活动旨在庆祝收养的宠物与我们分享的独特爱意,以及它们的爱情改变了我们的生活的有意义的方式。通过分享这些由衷的故事,宠物父母不仅可以突出他们收养的宠物带来的快乐和陪伴,还可以支持当地的动物福利组织。得益于Petco Love和斯凯奇的BOBS,获胜的爱情故事将为收养宠物的避难所和救援机构获得大量补助金。今年早些时候,斯凯奇的Petco Love和BOBS向全国各地的动物福利合作伙伴发放了超过50万美元的奖金,以庆祝2023年Petco爱情故事的获奖者。

Through this campaign, Petco Love and BOBS from Skechers are celebrating the unique ways adopted pets change our lives for the better, inspiring more pet adoptions and empowering animal welfare organizations to save more pet lives. This year's campaign introduces new submission formats to engage even more pet lovers. Participants can submit their Love Story in written form and/or share a link to a public-facing social media video. This new format allows adopters to creatively express the unique ways their pets have impacted their lives.

通过这项活动,Petco Love和来自Skechers的BOBS正在庆祝收养的宠物以独特的方式改善我们的生活,激励更多的宠物收养,并使动物福利组织能够拯救更多宠物的生命。今年的活动引入了新的提交格式,以吸引更多的宠物爱好者。参与者可以以书面形式提交他们的爱情故事和/或分享面向公众的社交媒体视频的链接。这种新格式使收养者能够创造性地表达他们的宠物影响他们生活的独特方式。

Some Love Stories entries this year show the impact pets have on students who leave home for the first time for college, and their families coping with their absence. When Ali went to school, she left behind her home full of loved ones and beloved dogs. Wanting a companion, she visited adoptable cats at Petco Love partner, BARCS, in Baltimore. There she met her new best friend, Maia. "We really grew up together. This cat saw me through college by loving homework time, no paper left un-sat on and no pen left un-chewed. She was the one consistent force that slept on my head and reassured me of her love every single day. Her presence always brought me back home."

今年的一些爱情故事参赛作品展示了宠物对首次离开家上大学的学生及其家庭的影响。当阿里上学时,她留下了满是亲人和心爱的狗的家。为了找个同伴,她在巴尔的摩的Petco Love合作伙伴BARCS拜访了可领养的猫。在那里,她遇到了她的新好朋友,玛雅。“我们真的在一起长大。这只猫看着我度过大学时光,坐着不放纸张,也没有一支笔没嚼过。她是唯一一支稳定的力量,它每天都沉浸在我的头上,并向我保证了她的爱。她的存在总是把我带回家。”

Students aren't the only ones that get the back-to-school blues. As a mother of an only child, Monica had a difficult time when her daughter left for college. She decided to foster a dog, Bo, from Petco Love partner, Paws to Care in Tennessee, and soon realized he was part of her family. "As a mom, our life often revolves around our children and when they leave, we often lose our sense of purpose. Bo gave me that purpose and so much more. True genuine happiness came from my four-legged friend. I can't imagine my life without him."

学生并不是唯一的返校忧郁症患者。作为独生子女的母亲,莫妮卡在女儿上大学时遇到了困难。她决定从田纳西州的Petco Love搭档Paws to Care那里寄养一只名叫Bo的狗,并很快意识到他是她家庭的一员。“作为妈妈,我们的生活常常围绕着我们的孩子,当他们离开时,我们常常会失去目标感。Bo 给了我这个目的,还有更多。真正的幸福来自我的四条腿的朋友。我无法想象没有他的生活。”

"Every pet adoption story highlights the incredible impact of love and companionship," said Susanne Kogut, President of Petco Love. "Through Petco Love Stories, we aim to honor these exceptional bonds and inspire more individuals to welcome shelter pets into their lives."

Petco Love总裁苏珊娜·科古特说:“每个收养宠物的故事都凸显了爱情和陪伴的不可思议的影响。”“通过Petco Love Stories,我们的目标是纪念这些特殊的纽带,并激励更多的人欢迎庇护所宠物进入他们的生活。”

"BOBS from Skechers is about looking good, feeling good and doing good—and through donations from sales of BOBS, more than two million dogs and cats have found homes and received care," said Michael Greenberg, president of Skechers. "Petco Love Stories is just another example of how people across the United States can make a difference and help thousands of animals."

斯凯奇总裁迈克尔·格林伯格说:“斯凯奇的BOBS旨在让自己看起来漂亮、感觉良好、表现良好,通过BOBS销售的捐款,超过200万只狗和猫找到了家并接受了护理。”“Petco Love Stories只是美国各地的人们如何有所作为并帮助成千上万只动物的又一个例子。”

Among last year's winners were 10-year-old Brynn and her dog Biggie, whose story touched hearts nationwide. Brynn adopted Biggie from a local shelter, and their bond has grown immeasurably since. Biggie, once a shy and anxious dog, has become Brynn's constant companion, providing unwavering support and joy. Their story earned a $100,000 grant for Three Little Pitties Rescue, highlighting the profound impact of pet adoption and the incredible transformation that love can bring.

去年的获奖者中有10岁的Brynn和她的狗Biggie,他们的故事感动了全国的心。Brynn从当地一家收容所收养了Biggie,从那以后,他们的关系发展了无法估量。Biggie 曾经是一只害羞而焦虑的狗,现已成为 Brynn 不变的伙伴,为他们提供坚定不移的支持和快乐。他们的故事为Three Little Pitties Rescue赢得了10万美元的补助金,突显了收养宠物的深远影响以及爱情可能带来的不可思议的转变。

Petco Love invites you to share how your adopted pet's unique love has changed your life for the better for a chance to earn up to $100,000 in life-saving investments for your animal welfare organization, which gives more adopted pets a chance to share their love. Submissions for Petco Love Stories are open to individuals ages 18 and older, or those with parental consent. In 500 words or less, participants can share their Love Story along with photos or videos of their adopted pet. Submissions close at 11:59 p.m. (CT) on September 30, 2024. Your Love Story can be submitted as a written story or a public-facing social media video, or by using both formats. Every adopter is asked to submit their Love Story via the submission form you can find here, whether it's written or a social media video.

Petco Love邀请您分享收养宠物的独特爱如何使您的生活变得更好,从而有机会为您的动物福利组织赚取高达100,000美元的救生投资,这使更多被收养的宠物有机会分享他们的爱。Petco Love Stories的参赛作品向年满18岁或获得父母同意的个人开放。参与者可以用500字或更少的字分享他们的爱情故事以及他们收养的宠物的照片或视频。参赛作品将于2024年9月30日晚上 11:59(美国东部时间)截止。您的爱情故事可以以书面故事或面向公众的社交媒体视频的形式提交,也可以同时使用两种格式。要求每位收养者通过提交表格提交他们的爱情故事,无论是书面视频还是社交媒体视频,都可以在这里找到。

Since 2013, more than 25,000 adopters have shared their stories through the Petco Love Stories campaign, with $8 million in grants awarded to animal welfare organizations across the country. These stories highlight the many ways pets adopted from shelters enrich our lives and underscore the importance of pet adoption.


Media Contacts:
Crystal Bugary, Petco Love, [email protected]
Alison Brod Marketing + Communications, [email protected]
About Petco Love
Petco Love is a life-changing nonprofit organization that makes communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier. Since our founding in 1999 as the Petco Foundation, we've empowered animal welfare organizations by investing nearly $400 million in adoption and other lifesaving efforts. We've helped find loving homes for more than 6.9 million pets in partnership with Petco and organizations nationwide. Our love for pets drives us to lead with innovation, creating tools animal lovers need to reunite lost pets, and lead with passion, inspiring and mobilizing communities and our more than 4,000 animal welfare partners to drive lifesaving change alongside us. Join us. Visit or follow on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn to be part of the lifesaving work we lead every day.

Crystal Bugary,Petco Love,[电子邮件保护]
艾莉森·布罗德营销 + 传播,[email protected]
关于 Petco Love
Petco Love是一家改变生活的非营利组织,它使社区和宠物家庭更加亲密、更强大、更健康。自1999年作为Petco基金会成立以来,我们通过投资近4亿美元用于收养和其他救生工作,为动物福利组织赋予了权力。我们与Petco和全国各地的组织合作,帮助超过690万只宠物找到了充满爱心的家园。我们对宠物的热爱促使我们以创新引领潮流,创造动物爱好者重聚丢失的宠物所需的工具,激励和动员社区和4,000多家动物福利合作伙伴与我们一起推动拯救生命的变革。加入我们。访问 或在脸书、Instagram、X 和 LinkedIn 上关注,参与我们每天领导的救生工作。

About SKECHERS U.S.A., Inc.
Skechers, The Comfort Technology Company based in Southern California, designs, develops and markets a diverse range of lifestyle and performance footwear, apparel and accessories for men, women and children. The Company's collections are available in 180 countries and territories through department and specialty stores, and direct to consumers through and approximately 5,200 Skechers retail stores. A Fortune 500 company, Skechers manages its international business through a network of wholly-owned subsidiaries, joint venture partners, and distributors. For more information, please visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

总部位于南加州的舒适科技公司 Skechers 为男士、女士和儿童设计、开发和销售各种生活方式和高性能鞋类、服装和配饰。该公司的藏品通过百货商店和专卖店在180个国家和地区销售,并通过skechers.com和大约5,200家斯凯奇零售商店直接向消费者销售。作为财富500强公司,斯凯奇通过全资子公司、合资伙伴和分销商网络管理其国际业务。欲了解更多信息,请访问about.skechers.com并在脸书、Instagram和抖音上关注我们。

About BOBS from Skechers
BOBS from Skechers' charitable collection of shoes, apparel and accessories have improved animals' lives: over the past eight years, Skechers has contributed more than $11 million to help over 2 million shelter pets, including saving more than 1.6 million rescued animals in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan. It all started in 2011, when Skechers launched a movement to support children impacted by natural disasters and poverty—a cause that has helped the Company donate more than 16 million new pairs of shoes to kids in more than 60 countries worldwide. To learn more about BOBS from Skechers' commitment to making a difference, visit and follow the brand on Facebook and Instagram.

关于 Skechers 的 BOBS

SOURCE Petco Love

来源 Petco Love


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