
Bucher + Suter Introduces B+s Elevate: The Comprehensive Customer Communication Suite Built for Salesforce With Webex Contact Center

Bucher + Suter Introduces B+s Elevate: The Comprehensive Customer Communication Suite Built for Salesforce With Webex Contact Center

Bucher + Suter推出B+s Elevate:为赛富时打造的全面客户沟通套件,配备Webex Contact Center
PR Newswire ·  09/12 09:00

Delivering a seamless contact center experience within Salesforce by combining the power of Service Cloud Voice and Cisco Webex with Bucher + Suter's industry-leading integration expertise.

通过将Service Cloud Voice和Cisco Webex的强大功能与Bucher + Suter行业领先的集成专业知识相结合,在Salesforce内提供无缝的联系中心体验。

BERN, Switzerland, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bucher + Suter today announced the launch of b+s Elevate, a complete cloud contact center solution built for Salesforce, powered by Webex Contact Center, and seamlessly integrated with Salesforce Service Cloud Voice.

2024年9月12日,瑞士伯尔尼/PRNewswire/——Bucher + Suter今天宣布推出b+s Elevate,这是一款专为Salesforce打造的完整的云联系中心解决方案,由Webex Contact Center提供动力,并与Salesforce Service Cloud Voice实现无缝集成。

Building on the success of b+s Connects for Service Cloud Voice, b+s Elevate—now available on the Salesforce AppExchange—offers a comprehensive customer communication solution, combining Webex Contact Center's secure, flexible, cloud-based capabilities with Bucher + Suter's Salesforce integration and customer experience expertise.

在b+s Connects for Service Cloud Voice取得成功的基础上,b+s Elevate—现在可在Salesforce AppExchange上使用—提供了一个综合的客户通讯解决方案,将Webex Contact Center的安全、灵活、基于云的功能与Bucher + Suter的Salesforce集成和客户体验专业知识相结合。

b+s Elevate: An intelligent agent desktop for Salesforce users, built with Webex Contact Center
b+s Elevate: 面向Salesforce用户打造的智能代理桌面,配备Webex Contact Center。

b+s Elevate streamlines customer service by providing agents with a unified Salesforce-based interface. Cisco's industry-leading intelligent routing technology ensures customers always securely connect with the agent most suited to their inquiry. AI-driven insights powered by transcription services enhance Salesforce Einstein features like Generative Summarization and Recommendations. By storing all interaction data natively within Salesforce, the solution provides a holistic and actionable view of the entire customer journey. This wealth of data, combined with Bucher + Suter's contact center management tools, enables more efficient workflows and highly personalized customer interactions. Additionally, b+s Elevate leverages Salesforce Bring Your Own Channel (BYOC) to enable the integration of a variety of messaging services, facilitating flexible, always-available communication across multiple channels.

b+s Elevate通过为代理人提供统一的基于Salesforce的界面,来简化客户服务。Cisco的行业领先智能路由技术确保客户始终安全连接到最适合其查询的代理人。由转录服务提供动力的基于AI的见解增强了Salesforce Einstein功能,如生成式摘要和推荐。通过将所有互动数据在Salesforce内本地存储,该解决方案提供了客户旅程的全面且可操作的视图。这些丰富的数据,结合Bucher + Suter的联系中心管理工具,实现了更高效的工作流程和高度个性化的客户互动。此外,b+s Elevate利用Salesforce Bring Your Own Channel (BYOC)实现了各种消息服务的集成,促进了跨多个渠道的灵活、始终可用的通信。

Trent Cook, VP of Product Strategy at Bucher + Suter, stated: "With b+s Elevate, we're focusing on simplifying and enhancing the contact center experience. By bundling the strengths of Webex Contact Center with Salesforce's capabilities and Bucher + Suter's deep contact center operational experience, we're offering a powerful yet straightforward solution that empowers agents and supports their endeavors to deliver superior customer service."

Bucher + Suter产品战略副总裁特伦特·库克(Trent Cook)表示:“通过b+s Elevate,我们专注于简化和增强联系中心体验。通过将Webex Contact Center的优势与Salesforce的能力以及Bucher + Suter的深厚联系中心运营经验打包在一起,我们提供了一种功能强大但简单明了的解决方案,赋能代理人并支持他们努力提供卓越的客户服务。”

Todd Gimbel, Global Director, Solutions Engineering at Cisco, added: "Bucher + Suter has been an excellent partner in helping drive innovation within the customer experience space. b+s Elevate is a testament to our shared commitment to deliver cutting-edge solutions that are both powerful and user-friendly. By seamlessly integrating Webex Contact Center into the Salesforce ecosystem, Bucher + Suter offers businesses a streamlined, efficient way to harness the full potential of both technologies, ultimately transforming the agent and customer experience."

思科全球解决方案工程师董事Todd Gimbel说:“Bucher + Suter一直是我们的优秀合作伙伴,在客户体验领域推动创新。b+s Elevate是我们共同致力于提供强大且用户友好的尖端解决方案的证明。通过将Webex联系中心无缝集成到赛富时生态系统中,Bucher + Suter为企业提供了一种简化高效的方法,充分发挥两种技术的潜力,最终转变代理商和客户的体验。”

About Bucher + Suter

关于Bucher + Suter

Bucher + Suter is a global provider of contact center solutions with corporate offices in Switzerland, Germany, and the USA. As a Cisco Premier Integrator, Gold Provider, and Advanced Technology Partner, Bucher + Suter specializes in developing tailored solutions for Webex Contact Center. The company has been supporting some of the world's largest Cisco Contact Center environments for decades.

Bucher + Suter是一家全球联系中心解决方案提供商,总部位于瑞士、德国和美国。作为思科Premier Integrator、Gold Provider和Advanced Technology Partner,Bucher + Suter专注于为Webex Contact Center开发定制解决方案。几十年来,该公司一直在支持世界上最大的思科联系中心环境。

Additional Resources


  • Visit the AppExchange listing:
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  • 了解更多关于b+s Elevate的信息:
  • 在LinkedIn上关注Bucher + Suter:

Cisco, Webex, and Webex Contact Center are trademarks of Cisco, Inc. Salesforce, AppExchange, Einstein, and Service Cloud Voice are trademarks of Salesforce, Inc.

思科、Webex和Webex Contact Center是思科公司的商标。Salesforce、AppExchange、Einstein和Service Cloud Voice是Salesforce公司的商标。

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