
Big "I" Advances Independent Insurance Agents' Member Experience With Momentive Software's Nimble AMS

Big "I" Advances Independent Insurance Agents' Member Experience With Momentive Software's Nimble AMS

大" I"通过Momentive软件的Nimble AMS提升独立保险代理商的会员体验
PR Newswire ·  09/12 13:50

National association partners with Nimble AMS to offer members and state associations seamless access to critical resources.

全国协会与 Nimble AMS 合作,为会员和州协会提供对关键资源的无缝访问。

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Momentive Software, formerly Community Brands, today announced a strategic partnership with the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc. (the Big "I"). The organization will leverage Momentive's Nimble AMS, the company's leading association management software built on Salesforce, to enhance member experience, boost engagement and provide independent agents with streamlined and easier access to resources. Additionally, members will benefit from a community that will help them accelerate their ability to make a positive difference in the markets they serve.

得克萨斯州奥斯汀,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 前身为社区品牌的Momentive Software今天宣布与美国独立保险代理人和经纪人公司(“I”)建立战略合作伙伴关系。该组织将利用Momentive的Nimble AMS(该公司基于Salesforce构建的领先协会管理软件)来增强成员体验,提高参与度,并为独立代理提供简化和更便捷的资源访问权限。此外,会员将受益于一个社区,这将帮助他们提高在所服务的市场中发挥积极作用的能力。

Nimble AMS will help the Big "I" streamline workflows and improve data sharing, ultimately resulting in an enhanced member experience. Participating Big "I" state associations can also benefit from an improved member experience with Nimble AMS by offering cutting-edge tools and efficient processes to boost member satisfaction and engagement.
Nimble AMS 将帮助 Big “I” 简化工作流程并改善数据共享,最终增强会员体验。参与的 “I” 大州协会还可以通过提供尖端工具和高效流程来提高会员满意度和参与度,从而从Nimble AMS改善的会员体验中受益。

The Big "I" is also proud to extend Nimble AMS access to Big "I" state associations with special pricing in an initiative to consolidate technology and leverage economies of scale.

Big “I” 还自豪地将Nimble AMS的准入范围扩大到Big “I” 州协会,这是一项旨在整合技术和利用规模经济的举措,提供特惠价格。

The Big "I" is the leading national trade association for independent insurance agents and brokers across the country. The organization offers essential tools, resources, education and advocacy to support its members and state associations and help them sustain a competitive advantage. By partnering with Nimble AMS, the Big "I" underscores its commitment to providing independent insurance agents and brokers with the best possible resources to succeed.

Big “I” 是全国领先的独立保险代理人和经纪人行业协会。该组织提供必要的工具、资源、教育和宣传,以支持其成员和州协会,帮助他们保持竞争优势。通过与Nimble AMS合作,Big “I” 强调了其为独立保险代理人和经纪人提供尽可能好的成功资源的承诺。

"Our commitment to enhancing the member experience for agents is at the heart of this upgrade, and we believe this will foster deeper relationships and greater value for all our independent insurance agent members and state associations," said Charles Symington, Big "I" president & CEO. "Our transition to Nimble AMS is one of many technology innovations we are embracing to meet the unique needs of independent insurance agents, making it easier than ever for our members to connect, engage and access the resources they need to succeed."

Big “I” 总裁兼首席执行官查尔斯·西明顿表示:“我们承诺改善代理人的会员体验是此次升级的核心,我们相信这将为我们所有的独立保险代理人成员和州协会促进更深层次的关系和更大的价值。”“我们向Nimble AMS的过渡是我们为满足独立保险代理人的独特需求而采取的众多技术创新之一,这使我们的会员比以往任何时候都更容易连接、参与和获取成功所需的资源。”

The Big "I" is transitioning its national organization's association management from disconnected systems to a unified platform approach with Nimble AMS. This will streamline workflows and improve data sharing, ultimately resulting in an enhanced member experience. Additionally, participating Big "I" state associations can also benefit from a superior member experience with Nimble AMS by offering cutting-edge tools and efficient processes to boost member satisfaction and engagement.

Big “I” 正在将其全国性组织的协会管理从互不关联的系统过渡到使用 Nimble AMS 的统一平台方法。这将简化工作流程并改善数据共享,最终增强会员体验。此外,参与的 “I” 大州协会还可以通过提供尖端工具和高效流程来提高会员满意度和参与度,从而受益于Nimble AMS的卓越会员体验。

"Nimble AMS and Big "I" share common values of collaboration and innovation, making us ideal partners to advance solutions and offer continuous improvement for the organization's members," said Philippe Mesritz, general manager of Nimble AMS. "Our goal is for this partnership to set a new standard for the insurance industry by leveraging technology to deliver greater member value in the constant face of change."

Nimble AMS总经理菲利普·梅斯里茨表示:“Nimble AMS和Big “I” 有着共同的协作和创新的价值观,这使我们成为推进解决方案并为组织成员提供持续改进的理想合作伙伴。”“我们的目标是通过利用技术在不断变化的环境中提供更大的会员价值,通过这种伙伴关系为保险行业树立新的标准。”

To explore how Nimble AMS can revolutionize your operations, request a demo at

要探索 Nimble AMS 如何彻底改变您的运营,请在 上申请演示。

Independent agents who want to learn more about Big "I" membership can visit today. The new Big "I" member experience will debut in the first quarter of 2025.

想进一步了解Big “I” 会员资格的独立代理人可以立即访问。新的Big “I” 会员体验将于2025年第一季度首次亮相。

About Nimble AMS

关于 Nimble AMS

Nimble AMS offers innovative association management software designed to empower staff and deliver a superior member experience. Built entirely on the Salesforce platform, Nimble AMS helps streamline every aspect of your enterprise association. Expect continuous upgrades, AI and predictive analytics, robust reporting, and online communities to advance your association. Nimble AMS is part of Momentive Software (formerly Community Brands), which offers connected solutions that help member-based organizations increase revenue, improve efficiency, and digitally engage members. .

Nimble AMS 提供创新的协会管理软件,旨在增强员工能力并提供卓越的会员体验。Nimble AMS 完全建立在 Salesforce 平台上,可帮助简化企业关联的各个方面。期望持续升级、人工智能和预测分析、强大的报告和在线社区,推动您的协会发展。Nimble AMS 是 Momentive Software(前身为社区品牌)的一部分,该公司提供互联解决方案,帮助会员组织增加收入、提高效率并以数字方式吸引会员。

About the Big "I"

关于 Big “I”

Founded in 1896, the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big "I") is the nation's oldest and largest national association of independent insurance agents and brokers, representing more than 25,000 agency locations united under the Trusted Choice brand. Trusted Choice independent agents offer consumers all types of insurance—property, casualty, life, health, employee benefit plans and retirement products—from a variety of insurance companies.

成立于 1896 年, 美国独立保险代理人和经纪人 (Big “I”)是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的全国性独立保险代理人和经纪人协会,代表着以Trusted Choice品牌统一的25,000多个代理机构。Trusted Choice独立代理人为消费者提供来自各种保险公司的各种类型的保险——财产、意外伤险、人寿、健康、员工福利计划和退休产品。

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SOURCE Momentive Software (formerly Community Brands)

来源 Momentive Software(前身为社区品牌)


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