
Lifeist Sells CannMart To Simply Solventless To Focus On Its 'Core Mission Of Transforming Human Wellness'

Lifeist Sells CannMart To Simply Solventless To Focus On Its 'Core Mission Of Transforming Human Wellness'

Lifeist出售CannMart给Simply Solventless,以便专注于其“改善人类健康的核心使命”
Benzinga ·  09/13 08:19

Lifeist Wellness Inc. (OTC:LFSWF) announced Thursday it completed the previously announced sale of CannMart's shares to Simply Solventless Concentrates Ltd.

Lifeist Wellness Inc.(场外交易代码:LFSWF)周四宣布,它完成了先前宣布的向无溶剂浓缩液有限公司出售CannMart股票的交易。

CannMart is a business-to-business wholesale distribution business facilitating recreational cannabis sales to Canadian provincial government control boards.


"We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the sale of CannMart to Simply Solventless Concentrates, a company whose track record of profitability and operational excellence has continually impressed us," stated Meni Morim, CEO of Lifeist.

Lifeist首席执行官梅尼·莫里姆表示:“我们很高兴地宣布,成功完成了对Simply Solventless Concenters的出售,该公司的盈利和卓越运营记录一直给我们留下深刻的印象。”

"This transaction not only ensures that CannMart is in capable hands but also allows Lifeist to sharpen its focus on our core mission of transforming human wellness," Morim added. "We believe that this sale represents a strategic win for our shareholders, as it positions Lifeist to allocate more resources towards growing Mikra while still benefiting from Simply Solventless' continued success in the cannabis market."

莫里姆补充说:“这笔交易不仅确保了CannMart掌握在有能力的人手中,而且使Lifeist能够更加专注于我们改变人类健康的核心使命。”“我们认为,此次出售对我们的股东来说是一次战略胜利,因为它使Lifeist能够分配更多资源用于发展Mikra,同时仍然受益于Simply Solventless在大麻市场的持续成功。”

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Lifeist obtained shareholder approval to complete the sale of CannMart during a meeting held on Sep. 5, 2024. It also received approval of the TSX Venture Exchange to close the said transaction.


Read Also: Lifeist's U-Turn On Plan To Move Away From Cannabis Industry As It Buys Vaporizer Technology

另请阅读:Lifeist的U-Turn On计划在购买蒸发器技术时退出大麻产业

As part of the deal, Lifeist received the following at closing:


  • $500,000 cash payment and 2 million units of Simply Solventless worth also $500,000. Each unit includes one common share in SSC and half of a warrant. The full warrant grants Lifeist the option to purchase one Simply Solventless share at $0.40 for up to 24 months from the issuance date.
  • 50万美元的现金支付和200万套同样价值50万美元的Simply Solventless。每个单位包括SSC的一股普通股和一半的认股权证。完整的认股权证使Lifeist可以选择以0.40美元的价格购买一股Simply Solventless股票,期限为自发行之日起长达24个月。
  • A promissory note (the VTB loan), secured by CannMart's assets, for $1.7 million. The loan carries a 3% annual interest rate and will be repaid in monthly installments starting on Oct. 1, 2024. These payments vary in amount. They begin with $100,000 in October and increase to $400,000 in November. They reduce to $150,000 and $100,000 in subsequent months, until the loan is fully repaid.
  • 一份由CannMart资产担保的期票(VtB贷款),价值170万美元。这笔贷款的年利率为3%,将从2024年10月1日起按月分期偿还。这些付款的金额各不相同。它们在10月份开始时为10万美元,到11月增加到40万美元。在随后的几个月中,它们将减少到15万美元和10万美元,直到贷款全部偿还为止。

The VTB loan is also subject to a 20% upward adjustment if CannMart's quarterly gross revenue exceeds $3 million for its existing brands in the four fiscal quarters immediately following June 25, 2024.


Price Action: Lifeist shares closed Thursday's market session 0.76% higher at $0.06 per share.


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Photo: Courtesy of Esteban López on Unsplash

照片:由 Unsplash 上的 Esteban Lo'pez 提供

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