Resintech Forms JV With Sarawak SEDC On Industrial Plastic Products
Resintech Forms JV With Sarawak SEDC On Industrial Plastic Products
Resintech Berhad announced that it has entered into a shareholders agreement with SEDC Energy Sdn. Bhd. and Johan Intan Sdn. expanding the company's footprint in Sarawak's industrial plastics sector.
Resintech Berhad宣布已与SEDC能源有限公司和Johan Intan有限公司签署股东协议,以扩大该公司在砂拉越工业塑料行业的影响力。
The parties will establish a joint venture unit aimed at enhancing the trading of industrial plastic products in the region. Resintech said the collaboration with SEDC Energy also aligns with Sarawak's ambitious goals in green energy and sustainability. This partnership complements SEDC Energy's efforts in building a sustainable ecosystem, which includes groundbreaking projects such as the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from algae cultivation in Sarawak, positioning the state at the forefront of renewable energy development in Southeast Asia.
The Proposed Joint Venture follows a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on 15th June 2023 between Resintech Plastics (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. and SEDC Energy. This partnership leverages the combined expertise of both entities, positioning the new joint venture company, Johan Intan, to capitalise on emerging opportunities in the industrial plastics market.
As part of the agreement, SEDC Energy will subscribe to 40,000 new ordinary shares in Johan Intan, amounting to a 40% equity stake, with Resintech holding the remaining 60%.
拟议的创业公司是在2023年6月15日Resintech Plastics(砂拉越)有限公司和SEDC能源之间签署的谅解备忘录(MoU)的基础上成立的。这种合作伙伴关系充分利用了两个实体的结合专业知识,将新的创业公司Johan Intan定位为抓住工业塑料市场新兴机遇的机会。
根据协议,SEDC能源将认购Johan Intan 40,000股新普通股,占持股比例的40%,Resintech持有剩余的60%。
Commenting on the joint venture, Dato' Dr. Teh Kim Poo, Managing Director of Resintech said he believes that the joint venture with SEDC Energy will significantly strengthen the company's financial performance by expanding market opportunities and securing a steady revenue stream from the Sarawak market. The joint venture will initially focus on trading industrial plastics products, with the possibility of expanding into manufacturing based on future market demands.
在谈到这次创业公司时,Resintech的董事总经理Dato' Dr. Teh Kim Poo表示,他相信与SEDC能源的创业公司合作将通过扩大市场机会和确保稳定的营业收入流,显著增强公司的财务业绩。该创业公司最初将专注于工业塑料产品贸易,有可能根据未来市场需求扩展到制造业。