
Imposter Syndrome Or Just Plain Old Incompetence? Microsoft HR VP Has Tips On How To Overcome These Conflicting Emotions

Imposter Syndrome Or Just Plain Old Incompetence? Microsoft HR VP Has Tips On How To Overcome These Conflicting Emotions

Benzinga ·  02:50

Former vice president of the human resource department at Microsft Corporation, Chris Williams, has shared some valuable insights on differentiating between imposter syndrome and actual job incompetence.


What Happened: Williams suggests employees focus on three key areas to gauge their job competence: feedback from their boss, the type of meetings they're invited to, and the results of their work.


The former VP, who boasts over four decades of experience in the corporate world, advises employees to meticulously read their performance reviews, looking for objective statements about their work quality and their interaction with others.


He also recommends paying heed to unsolicited comments about their work from trusted colleagues.


"Most allies would stay silent rather than speak untruths. If you're hearing good words spoken to your face, you're probably good at what you do," he stated in a blog written for Business Insider which was published on Monday.

他在为《商业内幕》撰写的博客中表示:“大多数盟友宁愿保持沉默,也不愿说假话。如果你听到别人当面称赞你,那你可能非常擅长自己的工作。” 这篇博客于周一发布。

Another area to consider is one's role in meetings. Williams proposes a ranking system, where employees assess their necessity in the meeting on a scale of one to five.


If an employee frequently finds themselves ranking as a four or five, they are likely competent at their job. This assessment of scale one to five ranges from simple observers as the lowest rank and people who call the meetings as the highest.


Lastly, Williams advises employees to objectively evaluate their work results, comparing them to peers, especially those outside their company. This can provide a more accurate assessment of their performance.


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Williams concludes by reminding employees that they are often their own harshest critics, and that self-doubt is a common occurrence, even among top executives.


"When that voice in your head screams, 'They're just being nice to me,' think that through. Do you often see the company or your manager being charitable," he said, adding, "So wallow in your thoughts for a moment. Allow yourself time to ponder: am I really good at what I do? Then move on promptly."


Why It Matters: Imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a "fraud," is common, even among successful leaders and entrepreneurs.


Popular names like English singer-songwriter David Bowie, Tennis star Serena Williams, comedian, actress, and author Tina Fey, Nobel Laureate Maya Angelou, singer-songwriter and actress Lady Gaga, and many others have also previously shared their struggles with imposter syndrome.

英国歌手兼词曲创作者大卫·鲍伊、网球明星小威廉姆斯、喜剧演员、演员和作家蒂娜·费、诺贝尔文学奖得主玛雅·安杰洛、歌手兼演员Lady Gaga,以及许多其他名人都曾公开谈论过他们与冒名顶替综合征的斗争。

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