
Biohaven Announces 3-Year Results for Troriluzole in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Treatment

Biohaven Announces 3-Year Results for Troriluzole in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Treatment

Benzinga ·  09/23 07:32

Biohaven Ltd. (NYSE:BHVN) (Biohaven or the Company), today announced positive topline results from pivotal Study BHV4157-206-RWE (NCT06529146) demonstrating the efficacy of troriluzole on the mean change from baseline in the f-SARA after 3 years of treatment. The study achieved the primary endpoint and showed statistically significant improvements on the f-SARA at years 1 and 2 (Figure 1). SCA is a rare, progressively debilitating neurodegenerative disease that affects approximately 15,000 people in the United States and 24,000 in Europe and the United Kingdom. There are no FDA approved treatments for SCA.



Collectively, data across multiple analyses demonstrate a robust and clinically meaningful slowing of disease progression in SCA patients. These treatment benefits translate into a 50-70% slower rate of decline compared to untreated patients, representing 1.5-2.2 years delay in disease progression over the 3-year study period. Additionally, in a responder sensitivity analysis, disease progression when defined by a 2 point or greater worsening on the f-SARA at 3 years showed an odds ratio (OR) of 4.1 (95% CI: 2.1, 8.1) for the untreated external control arm versus troriluzole treated subjects (p < 0.0001; pooled analysis).


Dr. Susan Perlman, Director of Ataxia Clinic and Neurogenetics Clinical Trials at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA stated, "SCA is a debilitating, relentlessly progressive disease that destroys quality of life, leaving patients unable to care for themselves, walk, or speak. Troriluzole is the very first treatment to show a delay in disease progression that can give patients additional years of independence, where they can walk without assistance, continue to work, play with their children, and participate in daily activities. This is an exciting and hopeful moment for the SCA community."


Study BHV4157-206-RWE was designed, in discussion with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to assess the effectiveness of troriluzole in SCA after 3 years of treatment as measured by the change from baseline in the f-SARA. The study utilized Phase 3 data and an external control of matched, untreated SCA subjects from the US Clinical Research Consortium for the Study of Cerebellar Ataxia (CRC-SCA) in accordance with FDA's Guidance on Real-World Evidence (RWE) of effectiveness. All endpoints were prespecified, and both the study protocol and statistical analysis plan were submitted to, and reviewed by, FDA prior to topline data analysis. The new analysis doubled the previously available 3 year data with 63 subjects now completing 3 years of treatment with troriluzole and matched to the external control arm. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was used to ensure that untreated patients from the CRC-SCA study were rigorously matched to treated patients from Study BHV4157-206 on baseline characteristics. The primary objective was to examine the treatment effects of troriluzole for up to 3 years, by comparing data on the f-SARA from patients treated with troriluzole in Study BHV4157-206 to untreated patients from the natural history study. Troriluzole-treated patients demonstrated statistically significant and sustained benefits at years 1, 2 and 3 on the f-SARA compared to a rigorously matched natural history control.


Additionally, prespecified analyses in the protocol employed a separate, independent natural history control from the European SCA natural history study (EUROSCA) for global regulatory purposes. Results using the EUROSCA patients, in addition to a pooled analysis using both CRC-SCA and EUROSCA patients, as the external controls were also statistically significant and consistent with the primary efficacy analysis at all timepoints (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). The addition of EUROSCA data increased the external control sample size and added to the robustness of the statistically significant treatment differences at years 1, 2, and 3, favoring troriluzole.


Jeremy Schmahmann, M.D., Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Founding Director of the Ataxia Center at Massachusetts General Hospital commented, "The stabilization of SCA symptoms as reflected by the topline data at 3 years along with the previously reported reductions in falls show the therapeutic potential of troriluzole. I cannot underscore enough the impact of a potential treatment that can slow SCA disease progression and the effect on patients and caregivers who have helplessly watched generations of family members deteriorate and die from SCA. These new data provide support for troriluzole as a safe and effective once daily treatment for patients with SCA."

哈佛医学院神经病学教授、马萨诸塞州总医院共济中心创始董事Jeremy Schmahmann万.D.评论道:“三年内一线数据反映出的SCA症状稳定,以及先前报道的摔倒减少显示了troriluzole的治疗潜力。我无法强调潜在能够减缓SCA疾病进展并影响曾经无助地看着家族成员一代代从SCA恶化并死去的患者和护理人员的治疗的影响。这些新数据支持troriluzole作为SCA患者安全有效的一日一次治疗。”

Spinocerebellar ataxia is a group of dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive loss of voluntary motor control and atrophy of the cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord. Patients experience significant morbidity, including progression to a wheelchair, impaired gait leading to falls, inability to communicate due to speech impairment, difficulty swallowing, and premature death. While signs and symptoms can appear anytime from childhood to late adulthood, SCA typically presents in early adulthood and progresses over a number of years. Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments and no cure for SCA.


Vlad Coric, M.D., Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Biohaven stated, "Advancing new therapies for patients with rare diseases is often a multiyear process of collaboration across academic, patient advocacy, regulatory and industry partners. The Biohaven team has always been committed to rigorously following the science in this area, and through our partnership with the National Ataxia Foundation and collaboration with leading SCA experts across the globe, our SCA development program has provided the first evidence of a clinically meaningful treatment benefit as well as slowing disease progression in SCA patients. We were excited to receive the positive topline results from Study BHV4157-206-RWE, which was designed with FDA input and pursuant to the principles outlined in the FDA's guidance for the use of real-world evidence. The need for treatments for this deadly neurodegenerative disease is urgent. As a company, we remain committed to developing novel therapies for patients living with rare disorders with no approved therapies, like SCA. We look forward to interacting with regulatory agencies to bring troriluzole to patients with SCA."

biohaven的首席执行官兼主席Vlad Coric万.D.表示:“为罕见病患者推进新疗法往往是一个跨学术、患者倡导、监管和行业合作的多年过程。Biohaven团队始终致力于严格遵循这一领域的科学,通过与全球领先的SCA专家合作,我们的SCA开发计划首次提供了临床上有意义的治疗益处的证据,并减缓了SCA患者的疾病进展。我们对收到的研究BHV4157-206-RWE的积极一线结果感到激动,该研究是在FDA的指导以及遵照FDA关于使用真实世界证据的准则进行,并获得了FDA的支持。治疗这种致命神经退行性疾病的需求紧迫。作为一家公司,我们致力于为患有没有批准疗法的罕见疾病的患者开发新疗法,如SCA。我们期待与监管机构互动,将troriluzole带给SCA患者。”

Andrew Rosen, Chief Executive Officer of the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF), shared, "Biohaven was the first company to join NAF's Drug Development Collaborative (DDC), a group of pharmaceutical companies dedicated to bringing together advocates, clinicians, regulatory agencies, and the patient community to advance research and facilitate the development of therapies for ataxia. Today's topline results are the culmination of years dedicated to studying troriluzole as a treatment for SCA. Patients and families have been waiting for decades for a treatment that could slow disease progression in this devastating and relentlessly progressive disorder".

Andrew Rosen,国家共济会(NAF)首席执行官分享道:"biohaven是第一家加入NAF药物开发合作伙伴关系(DDC)的公司,这是一群致力于汇集倡导者、临床医生、监管机构和患者社区的制药公司,旨在推动研究并促进共济会治疗疗法的发展。今天的最新结果是多年研究troriluzole作为SCA治疗手段的最终成果。患者和家庭已经等待数十年,期待一种可以减缓这种毁灭性和不可抗拒的进行性疾病病情恶化的治疗"。

Based upon the topline data from Study BHV4157-206-RWE, and previous safety and efficacy data from the troriluzole development program in SCA, Biohaven plans to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA in Q4 2024. The troriluzole development program has generated the largest clinical trial dataset in SCA and now has follow-up in some patients treated with troriluzole for over 5 years. Biohaven has previously received both Fast-Track and Orphan drug designation (ODD) from the FDA, and ODD from the European Medicines Agency, for troriluzole in SCA. An NDA with ODD is eligible for priority FDA review. Biohaven will be prepared to commercialize SCA in the US in 2025, if ultimately approved, based on potential priority review timelines.

根据研究BHV4157-206-RWE的最新数据,以及SCA中troriluzole开发项目中之前的安全性和有效性数据,biohaven计划在2024年第四季度向美国食品药品监督管理局提交新药申请(NDA)。 troriluzole开发项目已经产生了SCA中最大规模的临床试验数据,并且现在在一些接受troriluzole治疗超过5年的患者中进行了后续随访。Biohaven此前已从FDA获得了快速通道和孤儿药品认定(ODD),并从欧洲药品管理局获得了ODD,用于SCA中的troriluzole。获得ODD的NDA有资格优先获得FDA审查。如果最终获得批准,biohaven将准备在2025年在美国商业化SCA,根据可能的优先审查时间表。

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