
Surge Boosts Highest-Grade Lithium Clay Resource in USA to 11.24 Mt LCE at 3,010 PPM Li Including 10.08 Mt LCE at 3,334 PPM Li and 7.43Mt LCE at 3,843 PPM

Surge Boosts Highest-Grade Lithium Clay Resource in USA to 11.24 Mt LCE at 3,010 PPM Li Including 10.08 Mt LCE at 3,334 PPM Li and 7.43Mt LCE at 3,843 PPM

newsfile ·  09/24 07:45

West Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 24, 2024) - Surge Battery Metals Inc. (TSXV: NILI) (OTCQX: NILIF) (FSE: DJ5) (the "Company" or "Surge") is pleased to report a substantial increase to the Resource Estimate (the "RE") on the Nevada North Lithium Project (NNLP). The RE, prepared by Dr. Bruce Davis, includes a pit-constrained Inferred Resource of 11.24 Mt of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE) grading 3,010 ppm Li at a 1,250 ppm Li cutoff. Of the 11.24 Mt LCE, 2.59 Mt are located on the private parcel of land where the majority of mineral rights are owned by Evolution Mining (ASX: EVN).

英属哥伦比亚省西温哥华--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年9月24日) - Surge 金刚石电池公司(tsxv: NILI)(OTCQX: NILIF)(FSE: DJ5)(“公司”或“Surge”)高兴地报告内华达北锂项目(NNLP)的资源估计(“RE”)大幅增加。由Bruce Davis博士准备的RE包括一个11.24百万吨锂碳酸盐当量(LCE)的限制于露天矿体的推断资源,品位为3,010 ppm的锂,截断为1,250 ppm的锂。在11.24百万吨LCE中,2.59百万吨位于Evolution Mining(ASX: EVN)拥有大部分矿权的私人土地上。



  • Highest Grade Lithium Clay Resource in the USA with 11.24 Mt LCE grading 3,010 Li PPM.

    • A 113% increase in LCE tonnes and 5% increase in grade vs Feb. 2024

  • RE includes 7.43Mt of LCE at a 3,000 ppm Li cutoff with an average grade of 3,843 PPM Li

    • A 130% increase in LCE tonnes and 5% increase in grade vs Feb. 2024

  • Strong Growth Potential: The updated RE remains open in multiple directions, indicating strong potential for further expansion. Additionally, there is excellent potential for increased lithium grades with future infill drilling.

  • 美国拥有品位最高的锂黏土资源,11.24百万吨LCE,品位为3,010 Li Ppm。

    • 与2024年2月相比,LCE吨数增加113%,品位增加5%

  • RE包括7.43百万吨LCE,截断为3,000 ppm Li,平均品位为3,843 ppm Li

    • 与2024年2月相比,LCE吨数增加130%,品位增加5%

  • 强大的增长潜力:更新后的RE在多个方向保持开放,表明进一步扩张的潜力强劲。此外,未来的填充钻探对于提高锂品位具有极佳潜力。

Mr. Greg Reimer, Chief Executive Officer and Director, commented, "We are very pleased with today's resource update, which further cements the NNLP as a significant lithium deposit and a key source of high-quality domestic lithium. Our 2024 drilling program has delivered the highest average grades within our lithium clay mineralization to date, as clearly demonstrated by today's results. Our team successfully added over 650,000 tonnes of inferred LCE resources per drill hole within the Surge and private land claim block. All of this has been accomplished within the limited 5-acre disturbance of our current permit. Metallurgical testing, technical and economic studies, and permitting efforts are underway, with our Inaugural PEA scheduled for Q1 2025".

首席执行官暨董事Greg Reimer先生评论说:“我们对今天的资源更新非常满意,这进一步巩固了NNLP作为重要的锂矿床和高质量国内锂的关键来源。我们的2024年钻探计划提供了迄今为止我们锂黏土矿化中最高平均品位的结果,正如今天的结果清楚展示的那样。我们的团队成功地为Surge和私人土地权声称区块中的每个钻孔增加了超过65万吨推断LCE资源。所有这些都是在我们当前许可的有限5英亩干扰范围内完成的。冶金测试、技术和经济研究以及许可工作正在进行中,我们的首次PEA计划于2025年第一季度进行。

The lithium mineral resources at the NNLP are hosted by multiple shallowly dipping and laterally extensive clay beds, separated by tuff units. The primary horizon ("Cu3") contains the highest grades and is typically the first horizon intersected in drilling. Clay units primarily consist of massive green and dark brown laminated clay with white carbonate clots and euhedral calcite crystals. Seven lithium-rich horizons have been identified to date that range in thickness from >50m to 2.5m and average around 15m thick.

NNLP的锂矿资源由多个浅倾和延伸岩床承载,岩床间以火山渣岩为隔离层。 主要地层("Cu3")含有最高品位,通常是钻探中首先遇到的地层。黏土单元主要由大块绿色和深棕色层状黏土组成,带有白色碳酸盐夹砾岩和自形方解石晶体。到目前为止已确定了七个富锂地层,厚度从超过5000万到250万不等,平均约1500万厚。

The RE for the NNLP is based on twenty-eight drill holes performed between 2022 and 2024 under a Notice of Intent (NOI) permit for a total of 4,039m and 2,700 composites. Sixteen of the twenty-eight drill holes were reverse circulation (RC), five were sonic, and seven were diamond core. The 3D geological model used to inform the block model was developed in Leapfrog through a collaborative effort with Surge Geologists and SideQuest Geological Modelling.

NNLP的资源评估基于2022年至2024年间进行的28口钻孔,在Notice of Intent(NOI)许可下完成,涉及403900万吨和2700个复合物。其中十六口钻孔为倒扣钻孔(RC),五口为超声波钻孔,七口为金刚石钻孔。用于制定区块模型的3D地质模型是通过与Surge Geologists和SideQuest Geological Modelling的合作努力在Leapfrog中开发的。

As with the NNLP's maiden mineral resource estimate announcement from February 2024 (see news release dated February 22, 2024), Surge used a 1,250ppm Li base cut-off grade. It is expected that items such as recovery, bulk density, and operating costs will change in the future with additional test work and engineering studies. The metrics used to derive a 1,250 ppm Li base case cut-off grade and define the resource pit shell include:

与NNLP于2024年2月的首次锂矿资源评估公告(请参阅2024年2月22日的新闻稿)一样,Surge使用了1250ppm的锂基截止品位。预计随着进一步的试验工作和工程研究,诸如回收率、堆积密度和运营成本等项目将在未来发生变化。用于推导1250 ppm锂基础割离品位和定义资源采矿坑壳的度量包括:

  • Operating cost per resource tonne: US$88.50

  • LCE price: US$20,000/t LCE

  • Recovery: 73.5%

  • Bulk Density: 1.79 t/m3

  • Pit Slope: 27°

  • Li to LCE conversion factor: 5.323

  • 每吨资源的运营成本:88.50美元

  • LCE价格:20000美元/吨LCE

  • 回收率:73.5%

  • 堆积密度:1.79 t/m3

  • 开采坡度:27°

  • Li转换为LCE的系数:5.323

The inferred lithium mineral resource attributable to all subsurface mineral rights holders is shown in bold text in Table 1. The inferred lithium mineral resources attributable to Surge Battery Metals is shown in bold text in Table 2. The sensitivities to different cutoff grades up to a maximum of 4,000 ppm Li are also listed.

在表1中,所有地下矿权持有人可归属的推断锂矿资源以粗体字显示。Surge Battery Metals可归属的推断锂矿资源以粗体字显示在表2中。对不同截止品位的敏感性一直列出,最高可达4,000 ppm Li。

Table 1. 2024 NNLP Updated Inferred Resource attributable to all subsurface mineral rights holders in bold and sensitivity to different cutoff grades.

表1. 2024 NNLP更新后的推断资源,可归属于所有地下矿权持有人以粗体显示,对不同截止品位的敏感性。

Cutoff (Li ppm) Tonnes (Mt) Grade (Li ppm) Lithium (Mt) LCE (Mt)
1,000 707.4 2,995 2.12 11.28
1,250 701.4 3,010 2.07 11.24
1,500 653.7 3,129 2.04 10.89
1,750 611.2 3,231 1.97 10.51
2,000 567.9 3,334 1.89 10.08
3,000 363.3 3,843 1.40 7.43
4,000 119.9 4,532 0.54 2.89
截断(Li ppm) 吨(Mt) 品位(Li ppm) 锂(Mt) 锂碳酸锂当量(Mt)
1,000 707.4 2,995 2.12 11.28
1,250 701.4 3,010 2.07 11.24
1,500 653.7 3,129 2.04 10.89
1,750 611.2 3,231 1.97 10.51
2,000 567.9 3334 1.89 10.08
3,000 363.3 $ 1.40 7.43
4,000 119.9 4,532 0.54 2.89
  1. The Mineral Resource estimate has been prepared by Dr. Bruce Davis, of Bruce Davis Consulting, in conformity with CIM "Estimation of Mineral Resource & Mineral Reserves Best Practices" guidelines & are reported in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators NI 43-101.
  2. Resources are constrained by a pit shell using Hexagon MinePlan 3D software.
  3. The pit shell defined uses a 27° pit slope, assumes a US$88.50/t operating cost, 73.5% recovery & a US$20,000/t LCE price.
  4. A Li to Li2Co3 factor of 5.323 was used.
  5. A fixed density of 1.79 t/m3 was used.
  1. 该涉矿概念估算是由Bruce Davis博士,Bruce Davis咨询公司的Bruce Davis准备的,符合CIm“矿产资源和矿石储量估计最佳实践”准则,并根据加拿大证券管理部门NI 43-101报告。
  2. 资源受到使用Hexagon MinePlan 3D软件的坑壳限制。
  3. 采用27°坑壁倾角的坑壳定义,假定每吨88.50美元的运营成本,73.5%的回收率以及20,000美元/吨的LCE价格。
  4. 采用了5.323的Li至Li2Co3系数。
  5. 采用了固定密度1.79 t/m3。

Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that any mineral resource will be converted into a mineral reserve.


Table 2. 2024 NNLP Updated Inferred Resource attributable to Surge Battery Metals in bold and sensitivity to different cutoff grades.

表2. 2024年NNLP更新的Surge Battery Metals可推导资源,用粗体显示,并对不同截断级别的敏感性。

Cutoff (Li ppm) Tonnes (Mt) Grade (Li ppm) Lithium (Mt) LCE (Mt)
1,000 554.1 2,943 1.63 8.68
1,250 550.2 2,955 1.63 8.65
1,500 510.0 3,079 1.57 8.36
1,750 472.3 3,193 1.51 8.03
2,000 437.1 3,298 1.44 7.67
3,000 263.2 3,880 1.02 5.44
4,000 92.6 4,583 0.42 2.26
截断(Li ppm) 吨(Mt) 品位(Li ppm) 锂(Mt) 锂碳酸锂当量(Mt)
1,000 5.541亿 2,943 1.63 8.68
1,250 550.2 2,955 1.63 8.65
1,500 510.0 3,079 1.57 8.36
1,750 472.3 3,193 1.51 8.03
2,000 437.1 3,298 1.44 7.67
3,000 263.2 3,880 1.02 5.44
4,000 92.6 4,583 0.42 每股可归新投资者的贡献
  1. The Mineral Resource estimate has been prepared by Dr. Bruce Davis, of Bruce Davis Consulting, in conformity with CIM "Estimation of Mineral Resource & Mineral Reserves Best Practices" guidelines & are reported in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators NI 43-101.
  2. Resources are constrained by a pit shell using Hexagon MinePlan 3D software.
  3. The pit shell defined uses a 27° pit slope, assumes a US$88.50/t operating cost, 73.5% recovery & a US$20,000/t LCE price.
  4. A Li to Li2Co3 factor of 5.323 was used.
  5. A fixed density of 1.79 t/m3 was used.
  1. 涉矿概念预估由Bruce Davis博士在Bruce Davis Consulting进行,符合CIm《矿产资源与矿产储量最佳实践估算》准则,并根据加拿大证券管理人员NI 43-101的规定进行报告。
  2. 资源受到使用Hexagon MinePlan 3D软件的坑壳限制。
  3. 采用27°坑壁倾角的坑壳定义,假定每吨88.50美元的运营成本,73.5%的回收率以及20,000美元/吨的LCE价格。
  4. 采用了5.323的Li至Li2Co3系数。
  5. 采用了固定密度1.79 t/m3。

Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that any mineral resource will be converted into a mineral reserve.


Technical Report


Under NI 43-101, Section 5.3(1)(c), Surge must file a technical report regarding the updated RE within forty-five (45) days of the date of this news release.

根据NI 43-101,5.3(1)(c)条款,Surge必须在本新闻发布日期起四十五(45)天内提交有关更新资源评估的技术报告。

Next Steps


The remainder of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 will be busy as the company prepares for a much larger and expanded drill program upon receiving its Exploration Plan of Operations Permit (ePOO). By Q2 2025, Surge will complete the following:


  • Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)

    • Surge is currently undertaking a PEA study based on the updated and upgraded RE, with a targeted completion date in Q1 2025

  • Additional Metallurgical and Flowsheet Test Work

    • Metallurgical test work has been successful to date and is ongoing to optimize commercially ready methods for converting this resource into battery-grade lithium for the U.S. domestic battery market.

  • Surface Exploration Programs

    • Surge is nearing the completion of a detailed surface mapping program across the property, along with targeted soil and outcrop sampling. These efforts have identified additional areas of outcropping clay units, enhanced our geological understanding, and contributed to the geochemical characterization of waste material, which will be crucial for informed mine planning

  • Exploration Plan of Operations

    • Work with the BLM on our permit application is ongoing. Preliminary designs of the expanded drill program under the ePOO are complete. This program aims to convert the majority of inferred resources to indicated and measured resources by the end of 2025.

  • Reclamation of Disturbance under NOI

    • Reclamation was completed immediately following the conclusion of the 2024 Drill Program, with re-seeding being the last remaining step of the process. Optimal conditions for re-seeding occur in the fall, and this will be completed in the fourth quarter.

  • 初步经济评估(PEA)

    • Surge目前正在进行基于更新和升级的RE的PEA研究,预计将于2025年第一季度完成

  • 额外的冶金和流程试验工作

    • 迄今为止,冶金试验工作取得了成功,正在进行优化,以找到商业上可行的方法,将资源转化为适用于美国国内电池市场的电池级锂。

  • 地表勘探计划

    • Surge即将完成该物业的详细地表制图计划,以及针对性的土壤和露头取样。这些努力已经确定了额外的露头粘土层区域,增进了我们的地质理解,并有助于废弃材料的地球化学特征描述,这对于明智的矿山规划至关重要。

  • 运营勘探计划

    • 与BLm合作进行许可申请仍在进行中。扩大钻探计划的初步设计已经完成。该计划旨在在2025年底将大部分推断资源转化为指示和测定资源。

  • 侵扰废料回收计划下的复垦

    • 油气矿后的整治工作在2024年钻探项目结束后立即完成,重新播种是整个过程中最后的步骤。重新播种的最佳条件出现在秋季,这将在第四季度完成。

Qualified Person as Defined Under National Instrument 43-101

Surge Battery Metals是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,是获取内华达北部锂的供应链的先锋。该项目专注于在美国内华达州探索清洁、高品质的锂能源金属。锂是推动未来电动汽车的重要元素。凭借其在加拿大TSX Venture Exchange和美国OTCQX Market的上市,Surge Battery Metals公司在推进锂勘探方面具有重要的战略地位,为电动汽车行业的可持续发展做出重要贡献。

Alan J. Morris, MSc, CPG of Spring Creek, Nevada, a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical aspects of this news release.

Spring Creek内华达州的Alan J. Morris,MSc,CPG是符合第43-101号国家规定的“合格人员”,已经审查并批准了本新闻稿的技术方面。

About Surge Battery Metals Inc.

关于Surge Battery Metals Inc.

Surge Battery Metals, a Canadian-based mineral exploration company, is at the forefront of securing the supply of domestic lithium through its active engagement in the Nevada North Lithium Project. The project focuses on exploring clean, high-grade lithium energy metals in Nevada, USA, a crucial element for powering the electric vehicles of tomorrow. With a primary listing on the TSX Venture Exchange in Canada and the OTCQX Market in the US, Surge Battery Metals Inc. is strategically positioned as a key player in advancing lithium exploration, contributing significantly to the sustainable future of the electric vehicle industry. At Surge Battery Metals, we are not just exploring minerals; we are pioneering the path to a cleaner and more sustainable future, driving innovation in the lithium sector, and contributing to the evolution of the electric vehicle industry.

Surge Battery Metals,一家总部位于加拿大的矿产勘探公司,凭借其在内华达北部锂矿项目中的积极参与,处于确保国内锂矿供应的前沿。该项目专注于在美国内华达州探索清洁、高品位的锂矿能源金属,这是未来新能源车发展的至关重要因素。作为加拿大TSX创业公司和美国OTCQX市场的主要上市公司,Surge Battery Metals公司在锂矿勘探方面占据关键地位,为新能源车行业的可持续未来做出重要贡献。在Surge Battery Metals,我们不仅仅在探索矿石;更在引领往更清洁、更可持续的未来之路,推动锂矿行业创新,促进电池车行业的发展。

About the Nevada North Lithium Project


The Company owns the Nevada North Lithium Project located in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada about 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Elko County, Nevada. The first three rounds of drilling, completed in 2022, 2023, and 2024, identified a strongly mineralized zone of lithium bearing clays occupying a strike length of more than 4,300 meters and a known width of greater than 1500 meters. Highly anomalous soil values and geophysical surveys suggest there is potential for the clay horizons to be much greater in extent, while wide drill spacing allows for significant upside to occur during infill drilling. The Nevada North Lithium Project has a pit-constrained Inferred Resource containing an estimated 8.65 Mt of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE) grading 2,955 ppm Li at a 1,250 ppm cutoff.

该公司拥有位于内华达州Jackpot以南的Granite Range地区的内华达北部锂矿项目,距内华达州Wells市东北约73公里,该地区属于内华达州埃尔科县。2022年、2023年和2024年完成的前三轮钻探确认了一个矿化强度高的锂矿脉区,占据超过4,300米的走向长度和大于1,500米的已知宽度。高度异常的土壤值和地球物理调查显示粘土层的潜力可能更大,而宽广的钻孔间距为填充钻探期间的上涨提供了重大可乐性。内华达北部锂矿项目包含一个受坑限的推断资源,估计含有8.65百万吨锂碳酸盐当量(LCE),品位为2,955 ppm锂,削减基准为1,250 ppm。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Greg Reimer"

"Greg Reimer"

Greg Reimer,
President & CEO

Greg Reimer,

Contact Information


Email :
Phone : 778-945-2656


Keep up-to-date with Surge Battery Metals on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

通过Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn、Instagram和YouTube保持与Surge Battery Metals的最新动态。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定义的那样)对此发布的充分性或准确性不承担任何责任。

This document may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "target, "plan" or "planned", "possible", "potential", "forecast", "intend", "may", "schedule" and similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to future prices of commodities including lithium and nickel, the accuracy of mineral or resource exploration activity, reserves or resources, regulatory or government requirements or approvals including approvals of title and mining rights or licenses and environmental, local community or indigenous community approvals, the reliability of third party information, continued access to mineral properties or infrastructure or water, changes in laws, rules and regulations including in the United States, Nevada or California or any other jurisdiction which may impact upon the Company or its properties or the commercial exploitation of those properties, currency risks including the exchange rate of USD$ for Cdn$ or other currencies, fluctuations in the market for lithium related products, changes in exploration costs and government royalties, export policies or taxes in the United States or any other jurisdiction and other factors or information. The Company's current plans, expectations, and intentions with respect to development of its business and of its Nevada properties may be impacted by economic uncertainties arising out of any pandemic or by the impact of current financial and other market conditions (including US government subsidies or incentives) on its ability to secure further financing or funding of its Nevada properties. Such statements represent the Company's current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon several assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political, environmental (including endangered species, habitat preservation and water related risks) and social risks, contingencies, and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations.


Figure 1: Plan view showing the Updated RE at the NNLP with a 1250ppm Li cutoff. Three section lines indicate the location of the cross sections below.


Figure 2: Section 1 cross section looking NE of the Updated RE block model.


Figure 3: Section 2 cross section looking E of the Updated RE block model.


Figure 4: Section 3 cross section looking NE of the Updated RE block model.


Figure 5: Plan view showing the Updated RE at the NNLP with a 3000ppm Li cutoff.


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