
Iridium's Satellite Service Gains Momentum for 2025 Global 5G NB-IoT Expansion

Iridium's Satellite Service Gains Momentum for 2025 Global 5G NB-IoT Expansion

Benzinga ·  09/25 07:05

Iridium Communications Inc. (NASDAQ:IRDM), a leading provider of global voice and data satellite communications, today announced that the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) accepted Iridium's request to extend the functionality of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) into the Work Plan for 3GPP Release 19 as an official Work Item. This will pave the way for Iridium's satellite service to be accessible via industry standard chipsets, furthering the company's progress in developing and deploying its newest service, Iridium NTN DirectSM, over the Iridium Network. Born from the company's Project Stardust initiative, the Iridium NTN Direct service being announced today is expected to be the world's first truly global 5G NB-IoT service. 3GPP Release 19 is currently scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2025.

全球卫星通信领导提供商铱星通信公司(NASDAQ:IRDM)今天宣布,第3代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)接受了铱星的请求,将窄带物联网(Nb-IoT)用于非地面网络(NTN)的功能延伸至3GPP第19个版本的工作计划中,作为官方工作项目。这将为铱星的卫星服务通过行业标准芯片组变得可访问,进一步推动公司在开发和部署最新服务铱星NTN DirectSm方面的进展。源自公司的Stardust计划,今天宣布的铱星NTN Direct服务预计将成为全球第一个真正的全球5g概念Nb-Iot服务。3GPP第19个版本目前计划于2025年第四季度完成。

In January 2024, Iridium announced Project Stardust to enable NB-IoT NTN standards-based communication through its operational LEO constellation – and has since made considerable progress at a rapid pace. Iridium NTN Direct technical development is well underway, with a successful demonstration having taken place earlier this year in a lab environment. Iridium has also joined GSMA, and is continuing to advance development with additional trials and demonstrations scheduled for early next year.

2024年1月,铱星宣布了Stardust计划,通过其运营的LEO星座开启Nb-Iot NTN标准通信,并且已经以快速的速度取得了相当大的进展。铱星NTN Direct技术开发已经在稳步推进中,本年早些时候在实验室环境中已成功进行了演示。铱星还加入了GSMA,并继续通过额外的试验和演示活动推动开发,计划于明年初进行。

"We're already well into our technology development, and we're excited about our progress and to see so much enthusiasm from the 3GPP community," said Greg Pelton, CTO, Iridium. "As a cloud-based service powered by the flexibility of our software-defined satellites and building upon recognized industry standards, we've been able to jump off to a super-fast start. Our team is really motivated to make this happen."

“我们已经深入进行技术开发,对我们的进展感到兴奋,并看到3GPP社区出现了如此多的热情。”铱星首席技术官Greg Pelton说道,“作为由我们软件定义卫星的灵活性驱动的基于云的服务,并且在已认可的行业标准基础上构建,我们已经迅速起步。我们的团队非常有动力使之成为现实。”

Iridium NTN Direct will offer the opportunity for smartphone companies, OEMs, chipmakers, mobile network operators (MNO) and related IoT developers who utilize 3GPP standards-based technology to leverage Iridium's existing network and globally allocated and coordinated spectrum, providing a global, low-latency LEO user experience.

铱星NTN Direct将为智能手机公司、OEM厂商、芯片制造商、移动网络运营商(MNO)以及利用3GPP标准技术的相关物联网开发者提供机会,利用铱星现有的网络和全球分配的协调频谱,提供全球、低延迟的LEO用户体验。

"When it comes to providing D2D, we don't have to be first, but we have to be the best. Iridium NTN Direct is an important initiative for us, and we've been able to pivot on an unprecedented scale and make significant progress toward providing the best service," said Matt Desch, CEO, Iridium. "We're grateful for the wide industry support of our vision to expand access to Iridium's global lifeline service by enabling it for anyone with a cellular device."

在提供D2D方面,我们不必躲在最前面,但我们必须成为最好的。 Iridium NTN Direct对我们来说是一项重要举措,我们已经能够在前所未有的规模上转变,并取得了显著进展,以提供最优质的服务,"说道Iridium的CEO Matt Desch。" 我们感激行业对我们扩大Iridium全球生命线服务访问的愿景的广泛支持,使任何人都能通过蜂窝设备使用。

The Iridium satellite constellation's crosslinked, LEO architecture and global L-band spectrum provide a service advantage versus other LEO and geostationary satellite networks. Certified to provide safety of life services by international regulatory bodies, the Iridium network is known for its reliability and continues to be the only network that provides connectivity everywhere on Earth. Operating in LEO, the Iridium constellation does not suffer from the same line-of-sight limitations, significant power requirements or outages that can affect entire regions from a single satellite as faced by geostationary systems.


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