
Ford CEO Jim Farley's EU Roadtrip Sparks Call For Better EV Charging Infrastructure In US, Says He Was 'Excited' By Charging Options Available

Ford CEO Jim Farley's EU Roadtrip Sparks Call For Better EV Charging Infrastructure In US, Says He Was 'Excited' By Charging Options Available

Benzinga ·  04:58

Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F) CEO Jim Farley drove through Europe in an electric vehicle in August and came back with several realizations including the need for a better charging infrastructure if EV adoption is to pick up pace in the U.S.


What Happened: Farley drove from Germany to Italy to meet with Ford Pro employees, dealers, customers, and upfitters in a new electric Ford E-Transit Custom and its plug-in hybrid variant in August, the CEO said in a note on Linkedin.

发生了什么:首席执行官在Linkedin上的一份报告中表示,法利于8月份从德国开车前往意大利,与福特Pro的员工、经销商、客户和装修商会面,他们乘坐一辆新的电动福特E-Transit Custom及其插电式混合动力车型。

During the journey, the CEO experienced little issues with charging unlike during his journey on an EV across California last year, he said.


"One of the key reasons electric vehicle adoption has stalled in the U.S. is a lack of charging, especially for long distance drives. There's still more work to be done in Europe and bolder investment needed by policymakers to get to mass coverage, but I was excited by the existing charging options I saw and how reliable access lowers range anxiety," the CEO said.

“美国电动汽车采用停滞不前的关键原因之一是充电不足,尤其是长途驾驶。欧洲还有更多工作要做,决策者需要更大胆的投资才能实现大规模覆盖,但我对看到的现有充电选项以及可靠的接入可以降低续航里程焦虑感到兴奋,” 首席执行官说。

Farley also said that he realized customers want a range of powertrain solutions depending on their use of the vehicle. While some will stick to diesel and hybrids for the foreseeable future, some businesses are going electric to lower costs, he said.


The Ford CEO reiterated the company's commitment to decarbonization in his note but added that hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and partially electric vehicles will "coexist with electric vehicles longer than anyone previously thought."

福特首席执行官在报告中重申了该公司对脱碳的承诺,但补充说,混合动力车、插电式混合动力车和部分电动汽车 “与电动汽车共存的时间将比以前任何人想象的要长”。

Ford Pulls Back On EVs: Ford is now postponing previously stated EV timelines and has even dropped new products. Last month, Ford said that it is killing its plans to build a three-row electric SUV, initially slated for production in 2025. The company also postponed its plans for a new electric version of its F-150 pickup to 2027 and said it will start making a new electric commercial van in 2026.

福特重启电动汽车:福特现在推迟了先前公布的电动汽车时间表,甚至放弃了新产品。上个月,福特表示,它将取消其制造三排电动SUV的计划,该计划最初定于2025年生产。该公司还将其 F-150 皮卡的新电动版本的计划推迟到2027年,并表示将在2026年开始生产新的电动商用货车。

More details on the company's EV strategy are now expected in the first half of 2025.


EV Financials: Ford's EV segment recorded an earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) loss of $1.14 billion in the second quarter owing to industry-wide pricing pressure and lower wholesales despite significant cost reductions in the segment.


For the whole year, Ford expects to incur a loss of $5 billion to $5.5 billion within the EV segment, called Model E.

福特预计,在名为Model E的电动汽车领域,全年将蒙受50亿至55亿美元的亏损。

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