


PR Newswire ·  09/27 08:57

Exclusive Pikmin Bikkura Pon Collectibles, Menu and Décor Transform the Dining Experience at Kura Revolving Sushi Bar Locations Nationwide Starting Oct. 3

独家 Pikmin Bikkura Pon 收藏品、菜单和装饰将从 10 月 3 日起改变全国 Kura 旋转寿司吧的用餐体验

IRVINE, Calif., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kura Sushi USA, Inc., a trailblazing leader in technology-driven dining experiences and authentic Japanese cuisine, today announced a new partnership with Nintendo of America to feature the beloved Pikmin video game franchise. From Oct. 3 through Dec. 2, 2024, this collaboration invites guests to enjoy exclusive Pikmin themed collectibles, décor and menu items at Kura Revolving Sushi Bar locations nationwide.

加利福尼亚州尔湾,2024年9月27日 /PRNewswire/ — 技术驱动的用餐体验和正宗日本料理领域的开拓性领导者库拉寿司美国公司今天宣布与美国任天堂建立新的合作伙伴关系,推出备受喜爱的Pikmin电子游戏系列。从 2024 年 10 月 3 日到 12 月 2 日,此次合作邀请宾客在全国各地的 Kura Revolving Sushi Bar 分店享受独家的 Pikmin 主题收藏品、装饰和菜单。

Pikmin are small, plantlike creatures that video game players of all skill levels can grow, gather and guide on endearing interactive expeditions. These plucky creatures are loyal, clever and ready to follow your lead! Although they are small in size, the Pikmin are BIG on adventure.

Pikmin 是像植物一样的小生物,各种技能水平的电子游戏玩家都可以成长、收集和引导他们进行可爱的互动探险。这些勇敢的生物忠诚、聪明,随时准备跟随你的脚步!尽管它们的体型很小,但 Pikmin 在冒险方面还是大放异彩。

"In our continuous effort to create fun, immersive dining experiences, we have teamed up with Nintendo of America to combine Kura Sushi USA's innovative dining environment with Blue, Yellow, and Red Pikmin from the Pikmin video game series on the Nintendo Switch system," said Sally Kurosaki, Promotions & Licensing Manager of Kura Sushi USA, Inc. "We have designed the collection to enhance the dining experience and transport guests into the whimsical world of Pikmin as they enjoy our authentic Japanese cuisine."

库拉寿司美国公司促销与许可经理Sally Kurosaki表示:“在我们不断努力创造有趣、身临其境的用餐体验的过程中,我们与美国任天堂合作,将Kura Sushi USA的创新用餐环境与Nintendo Switch系统上Pikmin电子游戏系列中的蓝色、黄色和红色Pikmin相结合。” 我们设计该系列的目的是增强用餐体验并引导宾客进入异想天开 Pikmin 的世界,他们喜欢我们正宗的日本料理。”

As part of the collaboration, Kura Revolving Sushi Bar will offer a limited-time menu of specially crafted dishes inspired by the colorful Pikmin, such as the Blue Pikmin Cheesecake, Yellow Pikmin Cheese Tamago and Red Pikmin Crunchy Roll.

作为合作的一部分,Kura Revolving Sushi Bar将提供限时菜单,包括受色彩缤纷的皮克敏启发的特制菜肴,例如蓝皮克明芝士蛋糕、黄色皮克明芝士塔马戈和红皮克敏脆卷。

Guests can also take home an array of exclusive Pikmin collectibles available through the brand's Bikkura Pon Prize System, including acrylic swing keychains, magnetic bookmarks and phone mounts featuring Blue Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin and Red Pikmin. A rare Pikmin Trio acrylic swing keychain will also be available in limited quantities. Additionally, Kura Sushi Rewards Members will be eligible to receive a Pikmin x Kura Sushi T-shirt as part of an exclusive in-store giveaway from Oct. 3-7, 2024*.

宾客还可以通过该品牌的Bikkura Pon奖品系统将一系列独家的Pikmin收藏品带回家,包括亚克力秋千钥匙扣、磁性书签和带有蓝皮克敏、黄色皮克敏和红色皮克敏的手机支架。稀有的 Pikmin Trio 亚克力秋千钥匙扣也将限量发售。此外,作为2024年10月3日至7日店内独家赠品的一部分,库拉寿司奖励会员将有资格获得一件Pikmin x Kura Sushi的T恤*。

The Bikkura Pon Prize System is a cornerstone of Kura Sushi's entertaining dining experience. As guests finish their meals, they insert empty plates into disposal slots at their tables. After 15 plates are deposited, the system automatically dispenses a random capsule, adding an element of anticipation and joy to the meal.

Bikkura Pon 奖励系统是库拉寿司娱乐用餐体验的基石。当客人吃完饭时,他们会将空盘子放入餐桌的处置槽中。存放 15 个盘子后,系统会自动随机分配一个胶囊,为这顿饭增添了期待和欢乐的元素。

Kura Sushi's commitment to sustainability continues with the use of ecopon capsules for all Bikkura Pon collectibles. Ecopon capsules are the world's first plastic-free, biodegradable and recyclable paper capsules made from starch and paper, developed in collaboration with K2 Station Co., Ltd., Rengo Co., Ltd., and Daiho Industrial Co., Ltd.

Kura Sushi继续致力于可持续发展,所有Bikkura Pon收藏品均使用ecopon胶囊。Ecopon 胶囊是世界上第一款由淀粉和纸制成的无塑料、可生物降解和可回收的纸胶囊,由K2 Station有限公司、Rengo有限公司和大丰工业有限公司合作开发。

To round out the collaboration, fans of the Pikmin Bloom mobile app** published by Niantic, Inc., who enjoy venturing outside and exploring with friends and their Pikmin squad will be able to obtain a Gold Seedling that grows into one of seven Sushi Decor Pikmin variations at all Kura Revolving Sushi Bar locations daily until Dec. 2. Restaurant locations that open after Oct. 3 are subject to participation and not guaranteed. For more about Pikmin Bloom, visit .

为了完善合作,Niantic, Inc. 发布的Pikmin Bloom移动应用程序**的粉丝,他们喜欢在户外冒险,与朋友及其Pikmin小队一起探索,将能够在12月2日之前每天在库拉旋转寿司吧的所有地点获得一只金苗,该幼苗成长为七种寿司装饰皮克敏变体之一。10 月 3 日之后营业的餐厅视参与情况而定,不能保证。有关 Pikmin Bloom 的更多信息,请访问。

For further information on the Pikmin Bikkura Pon collaboration and to plan your dining adventure, please visit .

如需了解有关 Pikmin Bikkura Pon 合作的更多信息并计划您的用餐冒险,请访问。

*To qualify, guests must spend $70 or more (before tax, tip and coupon), dine in during the promotion period, and show their Kura Sushi Rewards QR code and receipt to a server to redeem their T-shirt while supplies last. Availability may differ by location, and terms apply. Nintendo is not a sponsor, co-sponsor, or administrator of this giveaway.

*要获得资格,宾客必须消费 70 美元或以上(不含税、小费和优惠券),在促销期间用餐,并向服务器出示他们的 Kura Sushi Rewards 二维码和收据以兑换 T 恤,售完即止。可用性可能因地点而异,且适用条款。任天堂不是本次赠品的赞助商、共同赞助商或管理者。

** Free to start; optional in-app purchase available. Persistent Internet and compatible smartphone required. Data charges may apply. Remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings.

** 免费开始;提供可选的应用内购买。需要持续的互联网和兼容的智能手机。可能会收取数据费用。记得时刻保持警惕。注意周围的环境。

About Kura Sushi USA, Inc.
Kura Sushi USA, Inc. is a leading technology-enabled Japanese restaurant concept with more than 60 locations in 18 states and Washington D.C. that offers guests a distinctive dining experience built on authentic Japanese cuisine and an engaging revolving sushi service model. Kura Sushi USA, Inc. was established in 2008 as a subsidiary of Kura Sushi, Inc., a Japan-based revolving sushi chain with more than 600 restaurants internationally and 45 years of brand history. For more information and to find a nearby location, please visit and follow us on Facebook @kurasushiusa, Instagram @kurasushi_usa, Twitter @kurasushi_usa, and TikTok @kurasushiusa.

关于 Kura Sushi USA, Inc.
Kura Sushi USA, Inc. 是一家领先的科技型日式餐厅概念,在 18 个州和华盛顿特区拥有 60 多家分店,以正宗日本料理和引人入胜的旋转寿司服务模式为客人提供独特的用餐体验。库拉寿司美国公司成立于2008年,是库拉寿司公司的子公司。库拉寿司是一家总部位于日本的循环寿司连锁店,在国际上拥有600多家餐厅,拥有45年的品牌历史。欲了解更多信息并查找附近的地点,请在 Facebook @kurasushiusa、Instagram @kurasushi_usa、Twitter @kurasushi_usa 和 TikTok @kurasushiusa 上访问并关注我们。

More from the world of Pikmin
You can learn more about the Pikmin games available on the Nintendo Switch family of systems, watch charming Short Movies, read delightful manga-style comic strips, and more at the official Pikmin website:

来自 Pikmin 世界的更多内容
你可以在 Pikmin 官方网站上了解有关 Nintendo Switch 系列系统上提供的 Pikmin 游戏的更多信息,观看迷人的短片,阅读令人愉悦的漫画风格漫画等:

If you'd like to find more Pikmin-themed activities, you can visit the Pikmin section of Play Nintendo:

如果你想找到更多以 Pikmin 为主题的活动,可以访问 Play Nintendo 的 Pikmin 专区:

SOURCE Kura Sushi USA, Inc.

来源 Kura Sushi USA, Inc.


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