
Cascade Private Capital Fund Announces Completion of $250 Million Revolving Credit Facility

Cascade Private Capital Fund Announces Completion of $250 Million Revolving Credit Facility

PR Newswire ·  12:00

MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cascade Private Capital Fund ("CPEFX" or "the Fund"), an interval fund providing access to private capital, has announced the closing of a senior secured revolving credit facility with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. ("JPMorgan").

加利福尼亚州马里纳德尔雷,2024年9月30日 /美通社/ - Cascade私募基金("CPEFX"或"基金"),一只提供私募资本访问的间隔基金,宣布与摩根大通银行股权投资顾问股权投资信贷基金,已经市场闭市。

Under the Facility, which closed on September 26, 2024, JPMorgan has agreed to extend credit to the Fund in an aggregate amount of $250 million.


The Fund intends to utilize the Facility to support continued balance sheet growth and liquidity. As of August 31, 2024, CPEFX has approximately $1.2 billion in net assets, up from approximately $125 million as of February 27, 2024, when Cliffwater became the investment adviser of the Fund.


"We are thrilled not only to provide enhanced liquidity to Cascade Private Capital Fund, but also to do so with a partner like JPMorgan. This Facility provides long-term, flexible debt financing from a partner that can best facilitate future growth of the Fund's balance sheet," added Daniel Lepore, Managing Director and Head of Liability Management at Cliffwater.

"我们非常高兴不仅为Cascade私募资本基金提供增强的流动性,而且还与摩根这样的合作伙伴一同做到这一点。这项措施为基金提供了长期灵活的债务融资,来自一个最能促进基金资产负债表未来增长的合作伙伴," 摩根大通集团的首席董事Daniel Lepore补充道。

This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase the notes or any other securities and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.




Cascade Private Capital Fund is a Delaware statutory trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and operates as an interval fund. On February 27, 2024, the Fund became known as Cascade Private Capital Fund ("CPEFX") and Cliffwater became the investment adviser. Prior to the date, the Fund was known as the Barings Private Equity Opportunities & Commitments Fund ("BPEOC") and Barings was the investment adviser. The inception date of BPEOC was January 7, 2022.

Cascade 私募基金是根据1940年投资公司法案注册的特拉华法定信托,并作为一个间隔基金运营。在2024年2月27日,该基金被称为Cascade私募基金("CPEFX"),Cliffwater成为了投资顾问。在之前的日期之前,该基金被称为Barings私募资本机会和承诺基金("BPEOC"),Barings是投资顾问。BPEOC的成立日期是2022年1月7日。

CPEFX invests across private markets with a focus on under-allocated strategies to take advantage of opportunities arising from market inefficiencies and evolving business cycles. The Fund also has the ability to invest across other segments of private markets.


Since inception, CPEFX has delivered a net annualized total return of 19.66%. As of August 31, 2024, CPEFX had $1.2 billion in net assets. The portfolio was comprised of 56 investments with 43 investment partners across secondaries, co-investments, and primary funds.


Cliffwater serves as the investment adviser of the Fund.




Cliffwater LLC ("Cliffwater", or "the Firm") is an independent alternative investment adviser and fund manager that provides proactive research, advisory, and investment services. Cliffwater was founded in 2004; has offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Newport Beach; and currently has approximately $30 billion in assets under management (AUM) and $84 billion in assets under advisement (AUA).

Cliffwater LLC("Cliffwater"或"该公司")是一家独立的另类投资顾问和基金管理公司,提供积极的研究、咨询和投资服务。Cliffwater成立于2004年;在洛杉矶、芝加哥、纽约和纽波特海滩设有办公室;目前托管资产约为$300亿,顾问资产为$840亿。

Cliffwater's platform of 68 investment and research professionals span across private markets. The Firm currently oversees $38 billion in private equity assets for its clients.


Cliffwater's research has been published in "The Journal of Alternative Investments," and in 2018, its founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stephen Nesbitt, was named one of the "30 Most Influential People in Private Debt" by Private Debt Investor. Cliffwater continues to author research that evolves how alternatives are understood.

Cliffwater的研究成果发表在"另类投资期刊"上,2018年,其创始人兼首席执行官Stephen Nesbitt被《私人债务投资者》评为"私人债务领域30位最具影响力的人之一"。Cliffwater继续撰写研究成果,改变人们对另类投资的理解。

Cliffwater LLC is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

Cliffwater LLC是根据证券交易委员会(“SEC”)注册的投资顾问。

Performance data represents past performance, which does not guarantee future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost; and the current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Fund performance is net of fees.


Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. Before investing, carefully read the prospectus, which can be found on the above website or by calling (888) 442-4420.


The Fund has limited operating history, limited liquidity, illiquid investments, and the shares have no history of public trading. The Fund's investment program is speculative and entails substantial risks. There can be no assurance that the Fund's investment objectives will be achieved or that its investment program will be successful Investors should consider the Fund as a supplement to an overall investment program and should invest only if they are willing to undertake the risks involved Investors could lose some or all of their investment.


Shares are an illiquid investment.


Summary of Risk Factors: • Shares are not listed on any securities exchange and it is not anticipated that a secondary market for Shares will develop. Thus, an investment in the Fund may not be suitable for you if you may need the money you invest in a specified timeframe. • You should generally not expect to be able to sell your Shares (other than through the repurchase process), regardless of how the Fund performs. • Although the Fund is required to implement a Share repurchase program, only a limited number of Shares will be eligible for repurchase by the Fund. Shares are not redeemable at a Shareholder's sole option nor are they exchangeable for shares of any other fund. As a result, you may not be able to sell or otherwise liquidate your Shares. • Shares are appropriate only for those investors who can tolerate a high degree of risk and do not require a liquid investment and for whom an investment in the Fund does not constitute a complete investment program. • Because you will be unable to sell your Shares or have them repurchased immediately, you will find it difficult to reduce your exposure on a timely basis during a market downturn. • All or a portion of an annual distribution may consist solely of a return of capital (i.e., from your original investment) and not a return of net investment income. • Shares are speculative and involve a high degree of risk and leverage. See "General Risks" in CPEFX's prospectus. • The amount of distributions the Fund may pay, if any, is uncertain. • The Fund may pay distributions in significant part from sources that may not be available in the future and that are unrelated to the Fund's performance, such as from offering proceeds, borrowings, and amounts from the Fund's affiliates that are subject to repayment by investors.

风险因素摘要: • 股份未在任何证券交易所上市,预计也不会出现股份的二级市场。因此,如果您可能需要在特定时间内提取投资的资金,则投资本基金可能不适合您。 • 您通常不应指望能够出售您的股份(除了通过回购程序),无论基金的表现如何。 • 尽管基金被要求实施股份回购计划,但只有有限数量的股份可以被基金回购。股份不可由股东单方面选择赎回,也不可交换成任何其他基金的股份。因此,您可能无法出售或清算您的股份。 • 股份仅适合那些能够容忍高度风险且不需要流动性投资的投资者,对他们而言,对基金的投资不构成完整的投资计划。 • 由于您无法立即出售股份或要求回购,因此,在市场低迷时您将发现很难及时减少风险敞口。 • 每年的分配可能全部或部分仅由资本返还组成(即从您的原始投资中),而非净投资收益的返还。 • 股份具有投机性,涉及高度风险和杠杆。请参阅CPEFX的招股说明书中的“一般风险”。 • 基金可能支付的分配金额(如果有的话)是不确定的。 • 基金可能在很大程度上从未来可能无法获得的来源支付分配,并且这些来源与基金的表现无关,如来自发行收入、借款以及在未来需由投资者偿还的基金联营公司款项。

The Fund is a non-diversified management investment company and may be more susceptible to any single economic or regulatory occurrence than a diversified investment company. Cybersecurity risks have significantly increased in recent years and the Fund could suffer such losses in the future. Some of the principal risks of the Fund include limited operating history, limited liquidity, restricted and illiquid investments, non-diversification, and valuations subject to adjustments. The Fund may engage in the use of leverage, hedging, and other speculative investment practices that may accelerate losses.


Distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.




This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Any such statements other than statements of historical fact are likely to be affected by other unknowable future events and conditions, including elements of the future that are or are not under Cliffwater LLC's control, and that Cliffwater LLC may or may not have considered; accordingly, such statements cannot be guarantees or assurances of any aspect of future performance. Actual performance and results could vary materially from these estimates and projections of the future as a result of a number of factors, including those described from time to time in Cliffwater LLC's filings with the SEC. Such statements speak only as of the time when made and are based on information available to Cliffwater LLC as of the date hereof and are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Cliffwater LLC assumes no obligation to revise or update any such statement now or in the future.

本新闻稿可能包含某些前瞻性声明。任何此类声明,除非是历史事实的声明,否则可能会受到Cliffwater LLC无法预料的未来事件和条件的影响,包括Cliffwater LLC能否控制或未能控制的未来的因素,以及Cliffwater LLC可能或可能未考虑这些因素;因此,这些声明无法保证或保证任何未来绩效的方面。实际绩效和结果可能由于多种因素而与未来的估计和预测有实质性差异,包括Cliffwater LLC不时在美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中描述的那些因素。这些声明仅在其发布时有效,并以Cliffwater LLC今日的信息为基础,并且在其整体上受到本警示声明的限制。Cliffwater LLC不承担修订或更新此类声明的任何义务,无论是现在还是将来。

SOURCE Cliffwater





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