Sun Life U.S. Appoints Maya Beri as CIO
Sun Life U.S. Appoints Maya Beri as CIO
WELLESLEY, Mass., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sun Life U.S. has named Maya Beri chief information officer (CIO). Beri brings decades of experience in technology and IT strategy to the Sun Life U.S. business, most recently serving as senior managing director, CIO, for SLC Management, a Sun Life company. In her new role, Beri will oversee the expansion of digital solutions that make health and benefits easier to use and help members access the care and coverage they need.
Sun Life U.S.已任命Maya Beri为首席信息官(CIO)。Beri在技术和IT策略方面拥有数十年的经验,最近担任Sun Life旗下的SLC Management的高级董事长、CIO。在新职务上,Beri将负责扩展数字解决方案,使健康福利更易于使用,帮助会员获取他们需要的护理和保障。
"We're fortunate to have a deep well of talent in the Sun Life enterprise and pleased that Maya is joining our U.S. team," said Dan Fishbein, M.D., president, Sun Life U.S. "Maya brings extensive expertise in end-to-end technology solutions and digital innovation to our U.S. business. We look forward to additional leading-edge developments under her leadership, delivering capabilities that are in high demand by our clients across the U.S."
“我们很幸运在Sun Life企业拥有一支人才济济的团队,很高兴Maya加入我们的美国团队,” Sun Life U.S.总裁Dan Fishbein博士表示。“Maya在端到端技术解决方案和数字创新方面拥有丰富的专业知识。我们期待在她的领导下有更多领先的发展,提供客户在美国各地急需的功能。”
Beri will oversee the continued expansion of digital tools and strategic partnerships that improve Sun Life's technology reach and capabilities, including:
Beri将负责继续扩展数字工具和战略合作伙伴关系,提高Sun Life的技术覆盖范围和能力,包括:
- Sun Life Link, a portfolio of APIs (application programming interfaces) that connect Sun Life's benefits to human resource systems. These APIs simplify administrative tasks by automating the exchange of employee data.
- Sun Life Onboard, which streamlines the onboarding process for new employer clients.
- Targeted use of AI to simplify manual and time-consuming tasks, such as summarizing medical records or call notes, and allow employees to focus on higher value work.
- Sun Life Link,一系列API(应用程序编程接口),将Sun Life的福利与人力资源系统连接起来。这些API通过自动化员工数据的交换简化了行政任务。
- Sun Life Onboard,简化新雇主客户入职流程。
- 有针对性地利用人工智能简化手动且耗时的任务,如总结医疗记录或电话记录,让员工专注于更有价值的工作。
"In the complex U.S. health care ecosystem, benefits offered through employers and government programs are more important than ever in helping people get the right care to live healthier lives," said Beri. "I am eager to work with our talented digital teams to drive innovation and provide connected benefits solutions that our members need."
“在复杂的美国医疗生态系统中,通过雇主和政府计划提供的福利比以往任何时候都更重要,有助于帮助人们获得正确护理以过上更健康的生活,” Beri表示。“我迫不及待地与我们才华横溢的数字团队合作,推动创新,并提供我们会员需要的连接福利解决方案。”
In her previous role with SLC, Beri led a global team enabling technology strategy, advancing digital solutions, client experience, agile delivery and operational strength. Before joining Sun Life, Beri held technology leadership positions at major technology and financial institutions, including Intel Corporation, CIBC and TD Banks.
在她之前在SLC的职位中,Beri领导了一个全球团队,推动科技战略、数字化解决方案、客户体验、敏捷交付和运营实力。在加入Sun Life之前,Beri曾在英特尔-t、加拿大帝国商业银行和加拿大万国银行等主要科技和金融机构担任科技领导职务。
About Sun Life
Sun Life is a leading international financial services organization providing asset management, wealth, insurance and health solutions to individual and institutional Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. As of June 30, 2024, Sun Life had total assets under management of C$1.46 trillion. For more information, please visit .
Sun Life是一家领先的国际金融服务组织,为个人和机构客户提供资产管理、财富、保险和健康解决方案。Sun Life在许多全球市场都有业务,包括加拿大、美国、英国、爱尔兰、香港、菲律宾、日本、印度尼西亚、印度、中国、澳大利亚、新加坡、越南、马来西亚和百慕大。截至2024年3月31日,Sun Life管理的总资产规模为1.47万亿美元。欲了解更多信息,请访问
Sun Life是一家领先的国际金融服务机构,为个人和机构客户提供资产管理、财富管理、保险和健康解决方案。Sun Life在加拿大、美国、英国、爱尔兰、香港、菲律宾、日本、印度尼西亚、印度、中国、澳大利亚、新加坡、越南、马来西亚和百慕大等多个市场开展业务。截至2024年6月30日,Sun Life的总资产管理规模达到1.46万亿加元。欲了解更多信息,请访问 。
Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.
Sun Life U.S.是最大的雇员和政府福利提供商之一,帮助超过5000万美国人获得他们所需的医疗保健和保障。通过雇主、行业合作伙伴和政府计划,Sun Life U.S.提供一系列福利和服务,包括牙科、视力、残障、缺勤管理、人寿保险、补充健康、医疗停赔保险和医疗保健导航等。Sun Life在美国拥有超过8500名员工,包括合作伙伴牙科诊所和资产管理附属公司的职员。除纽约外,团体保险单由Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada(位于Wellesley Hills,麻塞诸塞州)签发,而在纽约则由Sun Life and Health Insurance Company(U.S.)(Lansing,密歇根州)签发。欲了解更多信息请访问我们的
Sun Life U.S. is one of the largest providers of employee and government benefits, helping approximately 50 million Americans access the healthcare and coverage they need. Through employers, industry partners and government programs, Sun Life U.S. offers a portfolio of benefits and services, including dental, vision, disability, absence management, life, supplemental health, medical stop-loss insurance, and healthcare navigation. Sun Life employs more than 8,500 people in the U.S., including associates in our partner dental practices and affiliated companies in asset management. Group insurance policies are issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, Mass.), except in New York, where policies are issued by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, Mich.). For more information visit our website and newsroom.
Sun Life美国是美国最大的员工和政府福利提供商之一,帮助约5000万美国人获得他们需要的医疗保健和保障。通过雇主、行业合作伙伴和政府计划,Sun Life美国提供一系列福利和服务,包括牙科、视力、残疾、缺勤管理、寿险、补充健康、医疗超支保险和医疗导航。Sun Life在美国拥有超过8500名员工,包括合作伙伴牙科实践和资产管理附属公司的关联人员。集团保险单由Sun Life加拿大保险公司(韦尔斯利希尔,马萨诸塞州)发行,纽约州除外,在纽约州,保单由Sun Life及健康保险公司(美国)(密歇根州兰辛)发行。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站和新闻室。
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Devon Fernald
Sun Life U.S.
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