
Aurania Discovers Nickel-rich Beach Placers in France and Signs Memoranda of Understanding

Aurania Discovers Nickel-rich Beach Placers in France and Signs Memoranda of Understanding

newsfile ·  10/03 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 3, 2024) - Aurania Resources Ltd. (TSXV: ARU) (OTCQB: AUIAF) (FSE: 20Q) ("Aurania" or the "Company"). Aurania has signed non-binding Memoranda of Understanding ("MOUs") with the Communes of Ogliastro and Nonza in Cap Corse, Northern Corsica, France, through Aurania's wholly-owned subsidiary Corsica Ressources S.A. for the exploitation of heavy mineral beach placers that are highly enriched in nickel (Ni) and other metals. Analysis by Activation Laboratories Ltd (Actlabs) of Ancaster, Ontario, of a heavy mineral concentrate produced by simple gold panning the beach sand by hand yielded an assay of 50.4% nickel, 0.701% cobalt (Co), and 0.476% copper (Cu). A Mozley gravity table concentrate of magnetic beach sand performed by SGS Laboratories of Lakefield, Ontario yielded 40.1% nickel. These nickel grades are far in excess of any known hard rock deposits to our knowledge. The Management of Aurania was quick to realize the significance of this "discovery" and has worked over the last year with the Mineral Resources Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Interministral Delegation for the Provision of Critical Minerals and Strategic Metals as well as various levels of Government within Corsica.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年10月3日)——奥拉尼亚资源有限公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:ARU)(OTCQB:AUIAF)(FSE:20Q)(“Aurania” 或 “公司”)。Aurania已通过Aurania的全资子公司科西嘉资源股份公司与法国北科西嘉岛科西嘉角的奥利亚斯特罗和农扎公社签署了不具约束力的谅解备忘录(“谅解备忘录”),以开采富含镍(Ni)和其他金属的重质矿物海滩砂矿。安大略省安卡斯特的活化实验室有限公司(Actlabs)对通过手工对沙滩沙进行简单淘金而产生的重质矿物浓缩物进行了分析,得出50.4%的镍,0.701%的钴(Co)和0.476%的铜(Cu)。安大略省莱克菲尔德的SGS实验室进行的莫兹利重力台磁沙浓缩物的镍含量为40.1%。据我们所知,这些镍等级远远超过任何已知的硬岩矿床。奥拉尼亚管理层很快意识到这一 “发现” 的重要性,并在去年与经济和财政部矿产资源司、供应关键矿产和战略金属部际代表团以及科西嘉岛各级政府进行了合作。

Aurania's Consultant Geologist, Stefan Ansermet, located a Geological Survey of France (BRGM) report from 1968 entitled "Le problème du nickel dans le serpentines de Corse" (The problem of nickel in the serpentinites of Corsica) which contained a one-paragraph reference to an accumulation of natural nickel-iron alloy (awaruite) on the beach of Albo, originating from asbestos mine waste that had been disposed of in the Mediterranean Sea. At the Canari open-pit mine, processed mine waste was dumped in the sea from 1948-1965. This has been broken up by storms and tides and travelled up to six kilometres along the coast and silted up two historic ports: Albo and Nonza. The awaruite mineral resides within the serpentinite host rock which in the surf has been naturally attrition milled. In the historical data a minus 2 millimetre fraction of beach sand from Albo, concentrated by heavy liquids, gave a Ni assay more than double the typical grade of mine waste. Aurania's Chairman and CEO, Dr. Keith Barron examined satellite images on Google Earth and found what appeared to be beach placers of black sand on the nearby Nonza Beach (Figure 1). Within days, Mr. Ansermet travelled to Corsica and confirmed that there were indeed black sand accumulations on the beach (Figure 2). Subsequently, 130 kilos of sand were taken on a N-S traverse of Nonza beach. ALS-Chemex Laboratories determined that 31.7% of this raw material was magnetic through Davis Tube recovery. This magnetic sand is made up of free particles of awaruite (Ni3Fe) and magnetite (Fe3O4). In the areas of black sand placer, the awaruite and magnetite content approaches 100%. Awaruite is a natural Ni-Fe mineral alloy with a composition approximating stainless steel with 77-83% Ni. Though the initial source of the awaruite was asbestos mine waste, there is no present hazard on the beaches according to the French National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risks. Both awaruite and magnetite are heavy minerals and easily recovered from beach sand by gravity techniques that are similar to placer gold recovery. Both minerals are also highly magnetic, and the magnetic susceptibility differences between magnetite and awaruite is such that they can easily be separated. The technology is simple, cheap, and well understood. No chemicals are used in the recovery. The awaruite product can be dried, bagged and shipped to a potential smelter or battery-grade nickel sulphate producer. SGS Labs (Lakefield) is currently working on the 130 kg sample to determine the most efficient means of separating out awaruite.

奥拉尼亚的顾问地质学家斯特凡·安瑟梅特找到了法国地质调查局(BRGM)1968年的一份报告,题为 “科西嘉岛蛇纹岩中的镍问题”(科西嘉岛蛇纹岩中的镍问题),其中有一段提及阿尔博海滩上源自石棉矿的天然镍铁合金(awaruite)的积累在地中海处置的废物。在加那利露天矿,从1948到1965年,经过处理的矿山废物被倾倒在海里。这已被暴风雨和潮汐打破,沿着海岸行驶了长达六公里,并淹没了两个历史悠久的港口:阿尔博和农扎。这种 awaruite 矿物存在于蛇纹岩主岩中,这些岩石在冲浪中经过自然磨损。在历史数据中,来自Albo的沙滩沙的负2毫米比例由重质液体浓缩,测出的镍含量是矿山废物典型等级的两倍多。奥拉尼亚董事长兼首席执行官基思·巴伦博士检查了谷歌地球上的卫星图像,发现附近的农扎海滩上似乎是海滩上的黑沙滩(图1)。几天之内,Ansermet先生前往科西嘉岛,证实海滩上确实有黑沙堆积(图2)。随后,在南北横穿农扎海滩时采集了130公斤的沙子。ALS-Chemex实验室确定,这种原材料中有31.7%通过戴维斯管回收具有磁性。这种磁性沙子由无铅矿(Ni3Fe)和磁铁矿(Fe3O4)的自由颗粒组成。在黑砂砂矿领域,铁矿和磁铁矿含量接近 100%。Awaruite 是一种天然的镍铁矿物合金,其成分约为不锈钢和 77-83% 的镍。尽管石棉矿的最初来源是石棉矿山废物,但根据法国国家工业环境与风险研究所的数据,海滩上目前没有危险。awaruite和磁铁矿都是重质矿物,可通过与砂金回收类似的重力技术轻松地从沙滩沙中回收。两种矿物也具有很强的磁性,磁铁矿和天青石之间的磁化率差异使得它们很容易分离。这项技术简单、便宜且广为人知。回收过程中不使用任何化学物质。awaruite产品可以干燥、装袋并运送到潜在的冶炼厂或电池级硫酸镍生产商。SGS实验室(莱克菲尔德)目前正在研究130千克的样品,以确定分离出精华的最有效方法。

Dr. Barron commented, "A nickel prospect where a potential nickel-matte furnace feedstock requires no need for drilling, blasting, or beneficiation, and can possibly be shipped from Corsica direct to a purchaser sounds like a dream scenario. Encouraging local community support makes this even more attractive. I would like to thank Stefan Ansermet for alerting Aurania to this exceptional opportunity."


Although this does represent a considerable departure from Aurania's on-going copper and gold exploration project in Ecuador, Dr. Barron, who has considerable experience in commercial heavy mineral recovery, immediately recognized the economic significance of this phenomenon and initiated a project of geological investigation. Though artificial, it is believed that these are the sole alluvial concentrations of nickel known on Earth and that they potentially constitute a major resource of the metal heretofore unrecognized. According to the BRGM, more than 11Mt of processed serpentinite grading 0.2% Ni were dumped in the sea. However, the beach pebbles are predominantly larger than the historical 3 cm crushing width, suggesting that large amounts of development rock from stripping was also disposed of in the sea. At this juncture, the Company has not determined a Resource or Reserve.


Figure 1: Much evidence of Beach Placer concentration indicated by arrows (taken August 7, 2020) Google Earth (cf. Hou et al., 2017). Carried by longshore drift southwards 6 kilometres from the abandoned open pit mine to Nonza. This beach is approximately 1350 metres long and 350 metres at its widest. The beach placers are believed to be very high grade.

图 1:用箭头表示的 Beach Placer 浓度的大量证据(摄于 2020 年 8 月 7 日)谷歌地球(参见 Hou 等人,2017 年)。通过长岸漂移从废弃的露天矿山向南行驶 6 千米,到达农扎。这个海滩长约1350米,最宽的长度约为350米。据信海滩放置者的等级非常高。

Figure 2: One of many beach placer accumulations of Black Sand (awaruite and magnetite). Boot imprints in the foreground for scale. Grains of magnetite extracted from Black Sand by attraction to a simple magnet, inset photo.

图 2:众多海滩砂岩堆积物之一(黑沙岩和磁铁矿)。前景中的靴子印记以缩放比例。通过吸引到一张简单的磁铁从黑沙中提取的磁铁矿颗粒,插图。

Figure 3: Fairly pure concentrate of awaruite in a gold pan. This material assayed 50.1% nickel. Awaruite is present as silvery scales which tarnish yellow. Maximum grain size is approximately 2 mm.

图 3:金锅中相当纯净的石榴石浓缩物。这种材料测定了 50.1% 的镍。Awaruite 以银色鳞片的形式存在,会使黄色失去光泽。最大颗粒大小约为 200万。

Figure 4: Historical airphoto on the left and present-day photo on the right, showing the progradation of the beaches over time.

图 4:左边是历史航空照片,右边是现在的照片,显示了海滩随着时间的推移而演变的过程。

Figure 5: Nonza Beach, Corsica

图 5:科西嘉岛农扎海滩

Independently published studies have concluded that heavy metals (Ni, Co, Cu) are leaching from the beach material and contaminating marine life. The beaches themselves appear to be entirely sterile. We consider our Project equally as a critical metals recovery project and a "clean up operation". Both of these are "wins" for the planet.

独立发表的研究得出的结论是,重金属(镍、钴、铜)正在从海滩材料中渗出,污染海洋生物。海滩本身似乎完全是无菌的。我们将我们的项目视为关键金属回收项目和 “清理行动”。这两个都是地球的 “胜利”。

The Company has retained SGS Laboratories/Lakefield to determine the best method for awaruite commercial recovery. SGS has sent a Geologist to Corsica to verify the material above and to take umpire samples. His report is pending receipt of final assays. The Company has also retained IHC Mining B.V. a Netherlands-based company, which specializes in dredging solutions, that is currently preparing a scoping study to best advise on suitable heavy mineral recovery methods and equipment.

该公司聘请了SGS实验室/莱克菲尔德来确定最佳的商业回收方法。SGS 已派出一名地质学家前往科西嘉岛核实上述材料并采集裁员样本。他的报告尚待收到最终化验结果。该公司还聘请了总部位于荷兰的专门从事疏浚解决方案的公司IHC Mining B.V.,该公司目前正在准备一项范围研究,以就合适的重质矿物回收方法和设备提供最佳建议。

Technical Information


All sampling reported in this release was supervised by project geologists, including chain of custody. Hand sediment panning and alluvial grab samples have been prepared at the indicated laboratories, and certified reference standards are inserted into the sample stream to monitor laboratory performance. A portion of the material is stored in a secured storage facility for future assay verification. No capping has been applied to sample composites. The Company utilizes a rigorous, industry-standard QA/QC program. Rock samples are reconnaissance select grab samples that display mineralization and assay results may not be representative of, nor verify economically mineable mineralization.


Qualified Persons:


The geological information contained in this news release has been verified and approved by Aurania's VP Exploration, Mr. Jean-Paul Pallier, MSc. Mr. Pallier is a designated EurGeol by the European Federation of Geologists and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

本新闻稿中包含的地质信息已得到Aurania勘探副总裁、理学硕士Jean-Paul Pallier先生的验证和批准。帕利尔先生是欧洲地质学家联合会指定的EurGeol,也是国家仪器43-101《加拿大证券管理机构矿产项目披露标准》所定义的合格人士。

About Aurania
Aurania is a mineral exploration company engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition, and exploration of mineral property interests, with a focus on precious metals and copper in South America. Its flagship asset, The Lost Cities - Cutucú Project, is located in the Jurassic Metallogenic Belt in the eastern foothills of the Andes mountain range of southeastern Ecuador.

Aurania是一家矿产勘探公司,从事矿产财产权益的识别、评估、收购和勘探,重点是南美的贵金属和铜。其旗舰资产 “失落的城市——库图库项目” 位于厄瓜多尔东南部安第斯山脉东麓的侏罗纪成矿带。

Information on Aurania and technical reports are available at and , as well as on Facebook at , Twitter at , and LinkedIn at .

有关 Aurania 的信息和技术报告可在和、Facebook、Twitter 网址和 LinkedIn 上查阅。

For further information, please contact:


Carolyn Muir
VP Corporate Development & Investor Relations
Aurania Resources Ltd.
(416) 367-3200

(416) 367-3200

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Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking information as such term is defined in applicable securities laws, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. The forward-looking information includes Aurania's objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the tonnage and grade of mineralization which has the potential for economic extraction and processing, the merits and effectiveness of known process and recovery methods, the corporation's portfolio, treasury, management team and enhanced capital markets profile, the estimation of mineral resources, exploration, timing of the commencement of operations, the Company's teams being on track ahead of any drill program, the commencement of any drill program and estimates of market conditions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to Aurania, including the assumption that, there will be no material adverse change in metal prices, all necessary consents, licenses, permits and approvals will be obtained, including various local government licenses and the market. Investors are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected. Risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking information include, among other things: failure to identify mineral resources; failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves; the inability to complete a feasibility study which recommends a production decision; the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results; the inability to recover and process mineralization using known mining methods; the presence of deleterious mineralization or the inability to process mineralization in an environmentally acceptable manner; commodity prices, supply chain disruptions, restrictions on labour and workplace attendance and local and international travel; a failure to obtain or delays in obtaining the required regulatory licenses, permits, approvals and consents; an inability to access financing as needed; a general economic downturn, a volatile stock price, labour strikes, political unrest, changes in the mining regulatory regime governing Aurania; a failure to comply with environmental regulations; a weakening of market and industry reliance on precious metals and base metals; and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR+. Aurania cautions the reader that the above list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law


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